I swear to god (who I don't believe in actually but still mean it just as sincerely) that about a month ago I heard Jeb speak and it scared the hell out of me. Actually out of all the nuts including his brother, he seems like the least crazy.

I would prefer Jeb to any of the other candidates but that doesn't mean I want him. I think any Republican or Libertarian or Tea Bagger means the end of the middle class in America. If its not gone already. Not talking about you or me. I'm talking about the masses. And this is the rich's wet dream. They are richer than ever. Don't know why you middle class conservatives are so worried about them. They can afford to pay American wages.

Libertarians are worse. Anarchy.

The middle class declined more under Obama than any other time in history.

That is no accident. You leftists are openly at war to end the middle class, and return us to a ruling elite which lords over an impoverished working class; the "proles" as Orwell termed them. Marx's beloved "proletarians."

1. The ultimate Democrat nominee will either be Joe Biden as a sock puppet for Moochelle O'Blunder OR a person not yet in the public eye. One who is articulate, cleans up nice, and is of minority descent.

2. One of the current crop of Republican contenders will get the nomination but it will be a RINO and, with or without a third party candidate, we're in for four more years or tough sledding. Regardless who wins.

1. The ultimate Democrat nominee will either be Joe Biden as a sock puppet for Moochelle O'Blunder OR a person not yet in the public eye. One who is articulate, cleans up nice, and is of minority descent.

2. One of the current crop of Republican contenders will get the nomination but it will be a RINO and, with or without a third party candidate, we're in for four more years or tough sledding. Regardless who wins.

You think they'll dump Hillary, huh? It would be the smart move, but I sure hope they don't.
You think they'll dump Hillary, huh? It would be the smart move, but I sure hope they don't.

Given the Obama clan hatred of the Clinton clan I would NOT be amazed to see the puppet Attorney General have Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky under indictment days, maybe just hours, before the Democrat Party convention gavels in.

Unless, of course, George Soros orders Him to hold off......
I swear to god (who I don't believe in actually but still mean it just as sincerely) that about a month ago I heard Jeb speak and it scared the hell out of me. Actually out of all the nuts including his brother, he seems like the least crazy.

I would prefer Jeb to any of the other candidates but that doesn't mean I want him. I think any Republican or Libertarian or Tea Bagger means the end of the middle class in America. If its not gone already. Not talking about you or me. I'm talking about the masses. And this is the rich's wet dream. They are richer than ever. Don't know why you middle class conservatives are so worried about them. They can afford to pay American wages.

Libertarians are worse. Anarchy.

The middle class declined more under Obama than any other time in history.

That is no accident. You leftists are openly at war to end the middle class, and return us to a ruling elite which lords over an impoverished working class; the "proles" as Orwell termed them. Marx's beloved "proletarians."
Thanks to the Great Recession, not Obama.
Then nominate him and lets get it on! Mark my words. All this negative chatter about Hillary is just GOP blow hards. See, the media isn't liberal if they are even entertaining the idea of classified documents. Such hypocrates.

Bush White House email controversy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Of course it is Silly Bonobo; Hillary is deeply loved by everyone.

At ThinkProgress...

Everyone else, not so much.
Just as much as you hate her, we hate Jeb or Walker. And I know independents are not going to like what they hear about Walker, Jeb, Christy. Rubio maybe. I said I fear a Jeb Rubio ticket.
Can't have a President/Vice-President from the same state.
Since Trump is getting mega-coverage from every Mainstream Media, that MUST mean that the media is in the bag for Trump, right conservatives?

The media views Trump as the means of salvaging Hillary's failed candidacy.

Trump as a third party can split off enough votes to give the reviled crook Hillary a chance.

If he doesn't run 3rd party will you blow your stupid brains out?
The best candidate the dems have is Jim Webb. But they won't run him because he isn't looney enough.

On the GOP side its up for grabs. If Trump takes it he will destroy HRC or whoever the dems run. If its a bush/clinton race, 75% of americans will stay home.
If he doesn't run 3rd party will you blow your stupid brains out?

Since I would never want the criminal Hillary to be president, your question is stupid - as your posts tend to be..

If he doesn't run 3rd party will you blow your stupid brains out?

Since I would never want the criminal Hillary to be president, your question is stupid - as your posts tend to be..

Well I work with some know it all right wingers and they are SURE Trump is in it to help Hillary.

First of all, that's crazy. Second of all, if that is true and he's winning the GOP polls, how freakin hilarious is that and how stupid are you Republicans?

And I'm sorry but he's winning in the poles and you guys are already talking like there is no way he can win. Why? Doesn't your vote matter? I thought you liked him?

So anyways, if you are so sure this is one big conspiracy, then put your gun hole where your pie hole is and if you are wrong, no more voting for you. LOL. JK. Don't kill yourself. Just stop voting GOP.

Bush deleted emails and all of you right wing fools defended him. Remember Alberto Gonzales? I don't recall??? Fucking idiots.
The best candidate the dems have is Jim Webb. But they won't run him because he isn't looney enough.

On the GOP side its up for grabs. If Trump takes it he will destroy HRC or whoever the dems run. If its a bush/clinton race, 75% of americans will stay home.
If the twilight zone takes over and Trump really does win the nomination you had better get used to the idea of Hillary winning the white house. The only way trump takes the main is if the democrat croaks first.
Who it is going to be I have no idea. My favorites are way down in the lists. I am sure it is not gouing to be trump or Bush. And that is all I care about.

Trumps history will bite him in the ass hard. And bush just will tail of, and his positions on common core and immigration are deadly
Who it is going to be I have no idea. My favorites are way down in the lists. I am sure it is not gouing to be trump or Bush. And that is all I care about.

Trumps history will bite him in the ass hard. And bush just will tail of, and his positions on common core and immigration are deadly
I am not so sure that Bush will not take the nomination though. It will be the death of the 2016 republican chances but he still may take it nonetheless.
Thanks to the Great Recession, not Obama.

Yes, Obama is responsible for none of his decisions....
Imbecile.... Obama is not responsible for the Great Recession -- and the Great Recession is responsible for the decline of the middle class.
The middle class has been declining far longer than the last rescission no matter how much you want to brand it as 'the grate rescission.'

Perhaps you should have withheld that 'imbecile' comment.
Imbecile.... Obama is not responsible for the Great Recession

Obama isn't responsible for anything.

Year 7 of his term, and the only thing you commies can come up with is BOOOOOOOOOSSHSSHHHHSHH

-- and the Great Recession is responsible for the decline of the middle class.

We have had many recessions, many worse than 2008 - but the decline of the middle class under Obama exceeds them all.

Maybe it has something to do with naming a "jobs czar" who turns around and ships thousands of jobs to China?

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