I think a lot of conservatives would end up being disappointed in a President Trump. He's going to end up being as much of a Republican as Arnold Schwarzenegger was in California. He'll just run his own circus and basically be his own party.
Carly could be an interesting candidate.

She wasn't a very good CEO, but she's turning out to be a pretty good politician. She is a saleswoman by trade, and did an excellent job running sales at Lucent.

I think the three to watch are her, Kasich and Cruz.
I think she is going to humiliate trump. I am looking forward to it. She will step no trump and give Carson a run for his money.
Not going to happen. Trump's support is pretty much locked in. At best she can only work for what's left over to split with Carson and Cruz.
It is early days yet. People are going to hate him later. People like her.
If Republicans run anyone but Bush......Hillary takes 400
This is like the third post I've seen you post with a quote and no comment, and then it shows you offline... you butt posting from your phone or has your account been hacked?

I post people's predictions here. Sometimes I comment, sometimes I don't.

It will be interesting to see who will be right at the end of next year.
Carly could be an interesting candidate.

She wasn't a very good CEO, but she's turning out to be a pretty good politician. She is a saleswoman by trade, and did an excellent job running sales at Lucent.

I think the three to watch are her, Kasich and Cruz.
I think she is going to humiliate trump. I am looking forward to it. She will step no trump and give Carson a run for his money.

I'm looking forward to the next debate with her onstage.

Trump said of Carly - "Every time I hear her speak, I get a massive headache."

Carly could be an interesting candidate.

She wasn't a very good CEO, but she's turning out to be a pretty good politician. She is a saleswoman by trade, and did an excellent job running sales at Lucent.

I think the three to watch are her, Kasich and Cruz.
I think she is going to humiliate trump. I am looking forward to it. She will step no trump and give Carson a run for his money.

I'm looking forward to the next debate with her onstage.

Trump said of Carly - "Every time I hear her speak, I get a massive headache."

She speaks at more than a two year old level. of course she gives him headaches. She uses words of more than one syllable,
Carly could be an interesting candidate.

She wasn't a very good CEO, but she's turning out to be a pretty good politician. She is a saleswoman by trade, and did an excellent job running sales at Lucent.

I think the three to watch are her, Kasich and Cruz.
I think she is going to humiliate trump. I am looking forward to it. She will step no trump and give Carson a run for his money.

I'm looking forward to the next debate with her onstage.

Trump said of Carly - "Every time I hear her speak, I get a massive headache."

She speaks at more than a two year old level. of course she gives him headaches. She uses words of more than one syllable,
Carl Fiorina was a disaster as CEO of HP.

That's a fact.
Not going to happen. Trump's support is pretty much locked in.
Weren't you the one who was promising us President Palin in 2012?

Yes. You were.
Lay off the ACID, bubble head. I never once predicted McLame and Palin would win.

But laugh all you want. America is pissed, and that's not going away in the next six months or year, so Trump WILL stay on top, because he's the only candidate that doesn't take any SHIT. He spits it right back, and people love it.

I just hope you and Rosey O'fatass can find somewhere new to live once we have President Trump.

You can basically blame it all on your little kenyan muslim in the black house for pissing people off so bad they're turning to Trump.
Carly could be an interesting candidate.

She wasn't a very good CEO, but she's turning out to be a pretty good politician. She is a saleswoman by trade, and did an excellent job running sales at Lucent.

I think the three to watch are her, Kasich and Cruz.
I think she is going to humiliate trump. I am looking forward to it. She will step no trump and give Carson a run for his money.

I'm looking forward to the next debate with her onstage.

Trump said of Carly - "Every time I hear her speak, I get a massive headache."

She speaks at more than a two year old level. of course she gives him headaches. She uses words of more than one syllable,
Carl Fiorina was a disaster as CEO of HP.

That's a fact.
At least she had a job. What did the kenyan ever do besides community agitator?

The hypocrisy is almost too much to endure from you progtards.
I'm calling it. 332-206, Hillary.

It's about 500 days (give or take) to the 2016 Presidential Election. I'm calling 332-206 for Hillary and the Democrats.

The GOP isn't giving anyone a reason to consider them and the Democrats have piled up victory after victory since their lackluster showing in 2014.

The only caveat is that it may well be more than 332 electoral votes for Hillary. If the current trends continue, the rapidly growing Hispanic demographic in Arizona may lead to it's 10 votes going to the Democrats but 2016 may be too early for the state to switch. Definitely by 2020.

Also, if Kasich is the nominee for the GOP, you may see Ohio switch. That would move 18 from D to R resulting in 314-224.

Anyway, you heard it here first.
Carly could be an interesting candidate.

She wasn't a very good CEO, but she's turning out to be a pretty good politician. She is a saleswoman by trade, and did an excellent job running sales at Lucent.

I think the three to watch are her, Kasich and Cruz.
Do you actually believe that she has a chance at gaining the nomination or are you just referring to it being interesting?
I think a lot of conservatives would end up being disappointed in a President Trump. He's going to end up being as much of a Republican as Arnold Schwarzenegger was in California. He'll just run his own circus and basically be his own party.
And that is going to be disappointing because?

The republican party does not legislate anything even remotely close to what the party is supposed to represent.
Carly could be an interesting candidate.

She wasn't a very good CEO, but she's turning out to be a pretty good politician. She is a saleswoman by trade, and did an excellent job running sales at Lucent.

I think the three to watch are her, Kasich and Cruz.
Do you actually believe that she has a chance at gaining the nomination or are you just referring to it being interesting?

I think she has a chance albeit a small one.

The ones I would watch are her, Kasich and Ted Cruz.
Carly could be an interesting candidate.

She wasn't a very good CEO, but she's turning out to be a pretty good politician. She is a saleswoman by trade, and did an excellent job running sales at Lucent.

I think the three to watch are her, Kasich and Cruz.
Do you actually believe that she has a chance at gaining the nomination or are you just referring to it being interesting?

I think she has a chance albeit a small one.

The ones I would watch are her, Kasich and Ted Cruz.
She has a habit of surprising people.
Carly could be an interesting candidate.

She wasn't a very good CEO, but she's turning out to be a pretty good politician. She is a saleswoman by trade, and did an excellent job running sales at Lucent.

I think the three to watch are her, Kasich and Cruz.
Do you actually believe that she has a chance at gaining the nomination or are you just referring to it being interesting?

I think she has a chance albeit a small one.

The ones I would watch are her, Kasich and Ted Cruz.

Cruz is a shill to tamp down the appeal of Paul............. Kasich is just another warmed over establishment hack...the 3rd one in line as I see it, after Bush and Christy.

Kasich is trying the old Bush "compassionate conservative" snow job...and it does seem to be working for him.
Outside of (maybe) Trump, I don't see any of the current 2016 GOP candidates getting the nomination. I could see Rubio getting the nomination in a future election, but not this time around. Walker, Rand, and the others are going nowhere fast. Jeb won't be able to gain any momentum caught between Trump's dominance, and the pockets of support the other 20 candidates pull in. For the GOP 2016 nomination, if it's not Trump, it's a dark horse candidate

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