Carly could be an interesting candidate.

She wasn't a very good CEO, but she's turning out to be a pretty good politician. She is a saleswoman by trade, and did an excellent job running sales at Lucent.

I think the three to watch are her, Kasich and Cruz.
Do you actually believe that she has a chance at gaining the nomination or are you just referring to it being interesting?

I think she has a chance albeit a small one.

The ones I would watch are her, Kasich and Ted Cruz.
Cruz doesn't have a prayer. He's a transparent weasel.
Not going to happen. Trump's support is pretty much locked in.
Weren't you the one who was promising us President Palin in 2012?

Yes. You were.
Lay off the ACID, bubble head. I never once predicted McLame and Palin would win.

McCain was not running in 2012.

Your prediction for 2012 in June 2011:
The republican nomination will come down to two people... Palin and Bachmann... and I'd vote for either.

Just two months later you were calling Palin a "ditsy broad" and predicting Perry as Pres in 2012:

Perry hasn't even shifted into second gear yet. Palin has been at it for years. In time, people will completely forget about Palin. Perry will eclipse the ditsy broad.

Mark my words... Perry is the next President, period, end of story.

"Mark my words..."

Thank you! I was going to do a search, but figured 007 ran from this thread like he always does, like the little bitch that he is.
Not going to happen. Trump's support is pretty much locked in.
Weren't you the one who was promising us President Palin in 2012?

Yes. You were.
Lay off the ACID, bubble head. I never once predicted McLame and Palin would win.

McCain was not running in 2012.

Your prediction for 2012 in June 2011:
The republican nomination will come down to two people... Palin and Bachmann... and I'd vote for either.

Just two months later you were calling Palin a "ditsy broad" and predicting Perry as Pres in 2012:

Perry hasn't even shifted into second gear yet. Palin has been at it for years. In time, people will completely forget about Palin. Perry will eclipse the ditsy broad.

Mark my words... Perry is the next President, period, end of story.

"Mark my words..."





You must have an interesting, full life
Sez the guy with 68,000 posts.
I know who I like, and who I hate on the Republican side. It is still 5 months till the first primary.

I am going to predict that Warren will replace Hillary. I am sure Fiorina will get it for the Repubs. Trump will open his mouth once too often and flame out.
Obama has badly damaged the chances of any other closeted homosexual from ever winning the Presidency

What's funny is loserterianism is probably about as poisonous to win a presidential election as a candidate from blacklivesmattering attempting it. It hurts you very badly.


The closes thing you ever had is Perot and Goldwater since the 1920's. Both didn't come close! Reagan spent money on infrastructure, science, r&d and education...So I wouldn't call him what you want....More so because of Amnesty and the 300 dead marines..

More like William McKinley and Harden, Calvin Coolidge! What's funny about these three is they were all dick suckers for the super rich. McKindley was elected because all the robber Barons got together to buy a president! Calvin Coolidge deregulations caused the great depression. So yes, your ideas suck!

Matty, you're wrong about Coolidge and the FDR depression. That's not surprising because you just run with whatever you've been programmed to respond.
Sure, Roosevelt caused the great depression ,which is why the people kept voting for him. Four times in all, then twice for Truman. You lying republicans try the same routine in saying that dems have created poverty for Blacks. That lie hasn't worked out to well either, has it? Blacks still vote overwhelmingly democrat. They know what skunks the republicans are.
Outside of (maybe) Trump, I don't see any of the current 2016 GOP candidates getting the nomination. I could see Rubio getting the nomination in a future election, but not this time around. Walker, Rand, and the others are going nowhere fast. Jeb won't be able to gain any momentum caught between Trump's dominance, and the pockets of support the other 20 candidates pull in. For the GOP 2016 nomination, if it's not Trump, it's a dark horse candidate
Christie will be the guy the democrats vote for in the republican nomination. Trump... he'll fall by the wayside before this is over.
Outside of (maybe) Trump, I don't see any of the current 2016 GOP candidates getting the nomination. I could see Rubio getting the nomination in a future election, but not this time around. Walker, Rand, and the others are going nowhere fast. Jeb won't be able to gain any momentum caught between Trump's dominance, and the pockets of support the other 20 candidates pull in. For the GOP 2016 nomination, if it's not Trump, it's a dark horse candidate
Christie will be the guy the democrats vote for in the republican nomination. Trump... he'll fall by the wayside before this is over.

new news on the Christie scandals................actually gets an airline CEO fired.............a port authority leader had a special air route created for him just so he could get to his vacation house faster. apparently when this was going to get exposed the airline fired their CEO.
Outside of (maybe) Trump, I don't see any of the current 2016 GOP candidates getting the nomination. I could see Rubio getting the nomination in a future election, but not this time around. Walker, Rand, and the others are going nowhere fast. Jeb won't be able to gain any momentum caught between Trump's dominance, and the pockets of support the other 20 candidates pull in. For the GOP 2016 nomination, if it's not Trump, it's a dark horse candidate
Christie will be the guy the democrats vote for in the republican nomination. Trump... he'll fall by the wayside before this is over.

new news on the Christie scandals................actually gets an airline CEO fired.............a port authority leader had a special air route created for him just so he could get to his vacation house faster. apparently when this was going to get exposed the airline fired their CEO.
Obama has badly damaged the chances of any other closeted homosexual from ever winning the Presidency

What's funny is loserterianism is probably about as poisonous to win a presidential election as a candidate from blacklivesmattering attempting it. It hurts you very badly.
What is funny is that you don't even have a clue what you are talking about.

That 'loserterian' bogyman that you use to keep yourself in constant fear is really sad.
I am leaning back to the idea that Trump is a shill for the Clintons. This whole Trump Fiorina dust-up seems to be a test run for some republican vs Hillary, as if they are trying to inoculate themselves from "too old" charges. Same thing perhaps with all the "low energy" jabs....I mean where the hell did that come from?

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