A brokered convention for the gop will nominate bush/kasich.
Looks like Hillary for the dems, though biden/Warren would be a stronger ticket.
Bush/Kasich? Are you out of your mind? Kaisch is under water. Bush gets lower every week, despite his cash. The powers the be may hate Trump, but they wont replace him with a total kooser like Bush
Trump is going to be nearly impossible to beat. The GOP, in an effort to avoid internecine fighting within the party, set up nearly every state primary as "winner take all". There are no "proportional" delegates - it's essentially all or nothing in nearly every state.

Polling shows that as of today- Trump will win all of the early primaries (Iowa, NH, SC) - garnering ALL of those states delegates. Then he moves to Super Tuesday with massive momentum...with 30% of the vote -He could have this sewn up by the end of March.

Good times!

Trump is going to be nearly impossible to beat. The GOP, in an effort to avoid internecine fighting within the party, set up nearly every state primary as "winner take all". There are no "proportional" delegates - it's essentially all or nothing in nearly every state.

Polling shows that as of today- Trump will win all of the early primaries (Iowa, NH, SC) - garnering ALL of those states delegates. Then he moves to Super Tuesday with massive momentum...with 30% of the vote -He could have this sewn up by the end of March.

Trump is going to drop out long before Iowa, and man, aren't you going to look silly.

Even sillier than you did when you were supporting Magic Underpants four years ago.
I think Rubio/Kasich will defeat Hillary.
#1 - Kasich is the only Republican who would worry me.

#2 - Kasich is a bit of a dick, with a huge ego.

#3 - No fucking way Kasich would play second fiddle to a guy with no track record, no experience, no accomplishments.


#4 - See #2
All politicians have bloated egos and quite a few tickets include a neophyte President with an older, more experienced VP. Obama/Biden and Kennedy/Johnson are examples.

And Kasich will help win Ohio.
Chances are a professional politician will win... Too bad for us. Either side same diff.
Just like last presidential election... Hope and change turned into a big pile of steaming crap...
Embrace the suck
OK, here is my prediction, which I'm sure I'll regret later.

Rubio will be the Republican nominee. He will edge out Cruz. Bush will drop out after Super Tuesday. Trump will drop out, but I'm not sure when, probably before Bush. It will become a slugfest between Rubio and Cruz, with Rubio eventually prevailing.

Clinton will be the Democrat nominee. That will be sorted early in the nomination process.

Clinton will beat Rubio, but it will be close.
My prediction. Around December- the amatuers - Trump, Fiorina and Carson- will start to fade as the Republicans have to get serious.

Rubio will be too brown for most GOP voters to really support.

Bush will prevail because he had the organziation, establishment support and money to go the long haul.

However, when he goes up against Hillary, people will remember Bill was a pretty good President while Poppy and Dubya were just awful.
Bush has everything but the votes. He will fail spectacularly, generally finishing fourth or fifth on Super Tuesday. Seeing that he has no chance, he'll drop out.

In focus groups, Bush polls extremely negatively amongst Republicans, particularly over Common Core. It doesn't matter how much money he has. Republicans won't vote for him.
Bush has everything but the votes. He will fail spectacularly, generally finishing fourth or fifth on Super Tuesday. Seeing that he has no chance, he'll drop out.

In focus groups, Bush polls extremely negatively amongst Republicans, particularly over Common Core. It doesn't matter how much money he has. Republicans won't vote for him.

People said the same shit about McCain.
They said the same shit about Romney.

If you really think that common core is that big of an issue, you are deluded.
OK, here is my prediction, which I'm sure I'll regret later.

Rubio will be the Republican nominee. He will edge out Cruz. Bush will drop out after Super Tuesday. Trump will drop out, but I'm not sure when, probably before Bush. It will become a slugfest between Rubio and Cruz, with Rubio eventually prevailing.

Clinton will be the Democrat nominee. That will be sorted early in the nomination process.

Clinton will beat Rubio, but it will be close.
Yeah yeah. Rubio is completely unexciting and has immigration issues of his own.
Cruz is the only one I've seen establishing grass roots networks. Cruz is also out-raising Rubio.
Trump will fade as media over-exposure does him in and people are tired of his shit.
On the Dem side Sanders will get the nomination as Democrats arent stupid enough to pick Hillary. So we have an old socialist wanting to continue the same failed policies of Obama and double down on stupid vs a young exciting senator with fresh ideas that have been proven to work.
The young up and comer beats the old warhorse every time.
Bush has everything but the votes. He will fail spectacularly, generally finishing fourth or fifth on Super Tuesday. Seeing that he has no chance, he'll drop out.

In focus groups, Bush polls extremely negatively amongst Republicans, particularly over Common Core. It doesn't matter how much money he has. Republicans won't vote for him.

People said the same shit about McCain.
They said the same shit about Romney.

If you really think that common core is that big of an issue, you are deluded.

They said it about McCain. They didn't say it about Romney.

Whomever "they" is.

Romney was always near the top of the polls.

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