Zander predicts Trump will "destroy" Hillary.

It would never happen.

Donald would just bat those bullets away with his fists!

Stop fighting it Toro. He's going to be the nominee. Do you see that now? Or still holding out for Rubio the man-child?


Then I guess I'd have to eat crow and admit that Statistikhengst 's prediction of Hillary winning 400 EVs would come true!

It would be like that 49ers v. Chargers Super Bowl.



He will DESTROY that C*nt!!
How the election turns out will depend on a lot of factors.

HIllary has the edge, in that the Democrats have an edge in both the popular vote and the electoral college.

But a charismatic individual could potentially defeat her.

The biggest threat to Mrs. Clinton becoming the 45th President is Marco Rubio, in my opinion. He's young, dynamic, Hispanic and doesn't say the crazy things he really believes that loudly.
He's pretty scripted in debates so she will likely bat him around pretty good. The water thing is old news but it does show how nervous he can get when the rubber meets the road. When he's actually in something.
How the election turns out will depend on a lot of factors.

HIllary has the edge, in that the Democrats have an edge in both the popular vote and the electoral college.

But a charismatic individual could potentially defeat her.

The biggest threat to Mrs. Clinton becoming the 45th President is Marco Rubio, in my opinion. He's young, dynamic, Hispanic and doesn't say the crazy things he really believes that loudly.
He's pretty scripted in debates so she will likely bat him around pretty good. The water thing is old news but it does show how nervous he can get when the rubber meets the road. When he's actually in something.

Karl Rove once observed the guy who wins is the guy you'd rather have a beer with.

Most people would rather have a beer with Rubio than Hillary.

Me, I hope this isn't the case, I don't want any Republican making SCOTUS appointments at this point.

But Rubio scares me a lot less than most of the rest of them.
How the election turns out will depend on a lot of factors.

HIllary has the edge, in that the Democrats have an edge in both the popular vote and the electoral college.

But a charismatic individual could potentially defeat her.

The biggest threat to Mrs. Clinton becoming the 45th President is Marco Rubio, in my opinion. He's young, dynamic, Hispanic and doesn't say the crazy things he really believes that loudly.
He's pretty scripted in debates so she will likely bat him around pretty good. The water thing is old news but it does show how nervous he can get when the rubber meets the road. When he's actually in something.

Karl Rove once observed the guy who wins is the guy you'd rather have a beer with.

Most people would rather have a beer with Rubio than Hillary.

Me, I hope this isn't the case, I don't want any Republican making SCOTUS appointments at this point.

But Rubio scares me a lot less than most of the rest of them.

Rubio is a light-weight corporate suck-up, probably with a gambling problem, Hillary would mop the floor with him.
guessing about "viability" is a fools game as far as I'm concerned. Being "presidential" is also, its superficial.

It's not a guess at all.

The ONLY way the GOP wins is to get everyone who voted for Romney to show up and get at least 3 million people who voted for Obama in 2012 to vote for their guy in 2016.

Carson can't do that.
Trump can't do that. He'd probably lose people.
Cruz can't do that.
Bush can't do that.

Rubio could attract Hispanics, maybe young people.
guessing about "viability" is a fools game as far as I'm concerned. Being "presidential" is also, its superficial.

It's not a guess at all.

The ONLY way the GOP wins is to get everyone who voted for Romney to show up and get at least 3 million people who voted for Obama in 2012 to vote for their guy in 2016.

Carson can't do that.
Trump can't do that. He'd probably lose people.
Cruz can't do that.
Bush can't do that.

Rubio could attract Hispanics, maybe young people.
whos to say the above cant do that?.....Cruz probably has just as much of a hispanic pull as Rubio. Trump certainly attracts young people and probably a large part of the independents an so-called Reagan democrats. Trump has actually talked well of single-payer systems and taxing the wealthy more....maybe appeal to the democratic base.
whos to say the above cant do that?.....Cruz probably has just as much of a hispanic pull as Rubio. Trump certainly attracts young people and probably a large part of the independents an so-called Reagan democrats. Trump has actually talked well of single-payer systems and taxing the wealthy more....maybe appeal to the democratic base.

I think cruz has less pull than Rubio because he has embraced the nastiest anti-immingrant rhetoric.

Trump won't be the nominee, so you need to stop smoking the crack on that one.
guessing about "viability" is a fools game as far as I'm concerned. Being "presidential" is also, its superficial.

It's not a guess at all.

The ONLY way the GOP wins is to get everyone who voted for Romney to show up and get at least 3 million people who voted for Obama in 2012 to vote for their guy in 2016.

Carson can't do that.
Trump can't do that. He'd probably lose people.
Cruz can't do that.
Bush can't do that.

Rubio could attract Hispanics, maybe young people.
I usually understand your pov but not on this Rubio take of yours. Look at how he's polling and he's a Teaparty candidate to boot. I just don't see how he can even come close to Hillary or Bernie. His polling against Carson and Trump says he can't hang.

He's made some strides lately but I don't see him even getting the nomination. I think Trump is getting the nomination, really.

Hillary gets a big grin on her face whenever that speculation comes up. :)
I usually understand your pov but not on this Rubio take of yours. Look at how he's polling and he's a Teaparty candidate to boot. I just don't see how he can even come close to Hillary or Bernie. His polling against Carson and Trump says he can't hang.

He's made some strides lately but I don't see him even getting the nomination. I think Trump is getting the nomination, really.

Hillary gets a big grin on her face whenever that speculation comes up.

As dysfunctional as I think the GOP is right now, I really don't think that it's dysfunctional enough to nominate a reality TV star because he's a celebrity. Trump's support is that section of the GOP Base throwing a temper tantrum. I still really think it's going to evaporate before Super Tuesday.

I do think the only viable candidates are Cruz and Rubio. If the GOP was smart, they'd support Rubio, and it looks like this is where the rich people who run the GOP are starting to go.

If I were Hillary, I wouldn't get a big grin on my face. Regardless of who gets the GOP nomination, that person will still get about 49% of the vote. All it takes is one small recession or one successful terrorist attack to push him over 50%.

Historically, the Presidency changes hands every 8 years. With the exception of Bush 41, it is rare for the same party to get a third term.

And how many of those things will probably happen if Hillary is President?

Guy, i'm going to tell you the same thing I tell the Republicans. Don't tell me why I should vote against the other guy. Tell me why I should vote for YOUR guy. (Or Gal, in this case.)

The GOP puts up a guy like Rubio who comes off as reasonable, (Yes, I know he believes some pretty nutty things, but he's not frothing at the mouth about him) he's young, dynamic and people don't think the country is going in the right direction.

Really, a Rubio/Hillary contest has the potential to be Obama/McCain contest in reverse. A younger dynamic guy beating a better resume because people are NOT happy with the way things are.
guessing about "viability" is a fools game as far as I'm concerned. Being "presidential" is also, its superficial.

It's not a guess at all.

The ONLY way the GOP wins is to get everyone who voted for Romney to show up and get at least 3 million people who voted for Obama in 2012 to vote for their guy in 2016.

Carson can't do that.
Trump can't do that. He'd probably lose people.
Cruz can't do that.
Bush can't do that.

Rubio could attract Hispanics, maybe young people.
whos to say the above cant do that?.....Cruz probably has just as much of a hispanic pull as Rubio. Trump certainly attracts young people and probably a large part of the independents an so-called Reagan democrats. Trump has actually talked well of single-payer systems and taxing the wealthy more....maybe appeal to the democratic base.

Trump appeals to three demos

- Blue collar Reagan Democrats who haven't participated in the economic growth of the last 20-30 years
- People who vote less and don't like politics
- Tea Party types who hate, hate, hate Washington and the GOP establishment

He can't win with just those people. He will have to expand his base if he is the nominee. Otherwise, he'll get crushed by Clinton.

Clinton is a weak candidate, but the Republican base is having a temper tantrum, and they are on the verge of handing a very winnable election to the Democrats on a silver platter.
guessing about "viability" is a fools game as far as I'm concerned. Being "presidential" is also, its superficial.

It's not a guess at all.

The ONLY way the GOP wins is to get everyone who voted for Romney to show up and get at least 3 million people who voted for Obama in 2012 to vote for their guy in 2016.

Carson can't do that.
Trump can't do that. He'd probably lose people.
Cruz can't do that.
Bush can't do that.

Rubio could attract Hispanics, maybe young people.
whos to say the above cant do that?.....Cruz probably has just as much of a hispanic pull as Rubio. Trump certainly attracts young people and probably a large part of the independents an so-called Reagan democrats. Trump has actually talked well of single-payer systems and taxing the wealthy more....maybe appeal to the democratic base.

Trump appeals to three demos

- Blue collar Reagan Democrats who haven't participated in the economic growth of the last 20-30 years
- People who vote less and don't like politics
- Tea Party types who hate, hate, hate Washington and the GOP establishment

He can't win with just those people. He will have to expand his base if he is the nominee. Otherwise, he'll get crushed by Clinton.

Clinton is a weak candidate, but the Republican base is having a temper tantrum, and they are on the verge of handing a very winnable election to the Democrats on a silver platter.

oh I think those three groups are enough with a Republican base in general election to gain the presidency. Hillary has lost before and will do it again. Trump Sanders however would be a different story...I think Sanders may just win that.

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