guessing about "viability" is a fools game as far as I'm concerned. Being "presidential" is also, its superficial.

It's not a guess at all.

The ONLY way the GOP wins is to get everyone who voted for Romney to show up and get at least 3 million people who voted for Obama in 2012 to vote for their guy in 2016.

Carson can't do that.
Trump can't do that. He'd probably lose people.
Cruz can't do that.
Bush can't do that.

Rubio could attract Hispanics, maybe young people.
I usually understand your pov but not on this Rubio take of yours. Look at how he's polling and he's a Teaparty candidate to boot. I just don't see how he can even come close to Hillary or Bernie. His polling against Carson and Trump says he can't hang.

He's made some strides lately but I don't see him even getting the nomination. I think Trump is getting the nomination, really.

Hillary gets a big grin on her face whenever that speculation comes up. :)

Hillary's candidacy is designed to lose.. Shes done it before she can do it again.
guessing about "viability" is a fools game as far as I'm concerned. Being "presidential" is also, its superficial.

It's not a guess at all.

The ONLY way the GOP wins is to get everyone who voted for Romney to show up and get at least 3 million people who voted for Obama in 2012 to vote for their guy in 2016.
No. There's another way.

Almost half of all eligible voters stayed home in 2012.

The GOP could win simply by getting more of the Republicans who stayed home to come out and vote in 2016.

So that's a second way they could win.

I don't really see that happening, though. They are behaving in just as disgusting a manner as they did in 2012 which caused all those voters to stay home.

But there's a third way they can win, and that is by less Democrats coming out to vote in 2016 than voted in 2012, which is a very real possibility, what with Clinton being the likely nominee.
guessing about "viability" is a fools game as far as I'm concerned. Being "presidential" is also, its superficial.

It's not a guess at all.

The ONLY way the GOP wins is to get everyone who voted for Romney to show up and get at least 3 million people who voted for Obama in 2012 to vote for their guy in 2016.

Carson can't do that.
Trump can't do that. He'd probably lose people.
Cruz can't do that.
Bush can't do that.

Rubio could attract Hispanics, maybe young people.
I usually understand your pov but not on this Rubio take of yours. Look at how he's polling and he's a Teaparty candidate to boot. I just don't see how he can even come close to Hillary or Bernie. His polling against Carson and Trump says he can't hang.

He's made some strides lately but I don't see him even getting the nomination. I think Trump is getting the nomination, really.

Hillary gets a big grin on her face whenever that speculation comes up. :)

Hillary's candidacy is designed to lose.. Shes done it before she can do it again.
She really didn't lose last time, I wanted her to get the nomination but I intended to vote for either her or Obama, whoever got it. As it turned out, they both took 18,000,000 votes in the primaries. Obama took the super delegates. He turned out to be my guy.

Democratic Party presidential primaries, 2008 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

She ran a stellar campaign last time and is doing so again. She's very smart and knows what she's doing unlike any GOP candidate. She's leading Bernie and also Martin O'Malley. With Trump's non answers in debate, she will annihilate him, Rubio or any other Con.
guessing about "viability" is a fools game as far as I'm concerned. Being "presidential" is also, its superficial.

It's not a guess at all.

The ONLY way the GOP wins is to get everyone who voted for Romney to show up and get at least 3 million people who voted for Obama in 2012 to vote for their guy in 2016.

Carson can't do that.
Trump can't do that. He'd probably lose people.
Cruz can't do that.
Bush can't do that.

Rubio could attract Hispanics, maybe young people.
I usually understand your pov but not on this Rubio take of yours. Look at how he's polling and he's a Teaparty candidate to boot. I just don't see how he can even come close to Hillary or Bernie. His polling against Carson and Trump says he can't hang.

He's made some strides lately but I don't see him even getting the nomination. I think Trump is getting the nomination, really.

Hillary gets a big grin on her face whenever that speculation comes up. :)

Hillary's candidacy is designed to lose.. Shes done it before she can do it again.
She really didn't lose last time, I wanted her to get the nomination but I intended to vote for either her or Obama, whoever got it. As it turned out, they both took 18,000,000 votes in the primaries. Obama took the super delegates. He turned out to be my guy.

Democratic Party presidential primaries, 2008 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

She ran a stellar campaign last time and is doing so again. She's very smart and knows what she's doing unlike any GOP candidate. She's leading Bernie and also Martin O'Malley. With Trump's non answers in debate, she will annihilate him, Rubio or any other Con.

no way...Trump knows the info people want....and even seems more genuine......I can almost GUARANTEE that if it is Trump v Hillary, Trump will be our next president.
Trump appeals to three demos

- Blue collar Reagan Democrats who haven't participated in the economic growth of the last 20-30 years
- People who vote less and don't like politics
- Tea Party types who hate, hate, hate Washington and the GOP establishment

He can't win with just those people. He will have to expand his base if he is the nominee. Otherwise, he'll get crushed by Clinton.

Clinton is a weak candidate, but the Republican base is having a temper tantrum, and they are on the verge of handing a very winnable election to the Democrats on a silver platter.

I'm not a Trump fan, but I'm going to play Devil's Advocate here.

I don't think anyone else is going to do much better against, Hillary, really.

The thing that really scares you is Trump will snatch the nomination away from the Establishment, that failed with Romney and McCain.

I honestly can't see anyone who voted for your Weird Mormon Robot in 2012 voting for Hillary next time.

ON the other hand, I can see a lot of people who LIKE the fact that Trump is the guy saying "Free Trade has been a Shit Sandwich for the Working Class". I'm glad someone has finally said it, when you have both parties who can't wait to sign another shitty trade deal that's going to give away millions of jobs.
Rubio could attract Hispanics, maybe young people.
You have issues yourself shit for brains ...Rubio charged $.73 to his GOP issued credit card...

By the way Dog fk how is Scotty Walker doing...

Oh, noes- not .73!!!!

Seriously, is that the best you've got.

here's the thing. The reality is NEITHER party really speaks for people like me. People who go to largely thankless jobs every day and then have to work a second job to make ends meet because 40% of what we make goes to taxes.

The Democrats are the party of the leech who wants to sit on her ass all day and collect a welfare check and food stamps.

The Republicans are the party of the One Percenter who basically thinks he doesn't have enough Dressage Horses.

The party who figures out how to tap into that demographic, which really, really is the majority of working class Americans, will be the guy who wins.

Walker could have been that guy, but he had shitty advisors.

Rubio might be that guy.

Trump has definitely struck a nerve. While his racism is truly repulsive, I think he gets that the stuff Washington cares about isn't what most of the rest of us care about.

Hillary hasn't touched the Demographic yet. She simply lacks Bill's ability to connect.
No. There's another way.

Almost half of all eligible voters stayed home in 2012.

The GOP could win simply by getting more of the Republicans who stayed home to come out and vote in 2016.

So that's a second way they could win.

I don't really see that happening, though. They are behaving in just as disgusting a manner as they did in 2012 which caused all those voters to stay home.

But there's a third way they can win, and that is by less Democrats coming out to vote in 2016 than voted in 2012, which is a very real possibility, what with Clinton being the likely nominee.

I don't buy that. Voter Participation in the last three presidential elections actually HAS been pretty high.

I also don't think there is this untapped pool of Republican voters out there. Romney, McCain and Bush-43 all ranged between 59 and 62 million votes. I think there is an upper limit to the Republican base.

That said, I do think Rubio CAN win in 2016 IF he

1) Connects effectively with Hispanics, who are socially conservative.


2) Connects with working class voters who don't feel represented by either party right now.
guessing about "viability" is a fools game as far as I'm concerned. Being "presidential" is also, its superficial.

It's not a guess at all.

The ONLY way the GOP wins is to get everyone who voted for Romney to show up and get at least 3 million people who voted for Obama in 2012 to vote for their guy in 2016.

Carson can't do that.
Trump can't do that. He'd probably lose people.
Cruz can't do that.
Bush can't do that.

Rubio could attract Hispanics, maybe young people.
I usually understand your pov but not on this Rubio take of yours. Look at how he's polling and he's a Teaparty candidate to boot. I just don't see how he can even come close to Hillary or Bernie. His polling against Carson and Trump says he can't hang.

He's made some strides lately but I don't see him even getting the nomination. I think Trump is getting the nomination, really.

Hillary gets a big grin on her face whenever that speculation comes up. :)

Hillary's candidacy is designed to lose.. Shes done it before she can do it again.
She really didn't lose last time, I wanted her to get the nomination but I intended to vote for either her or Obama, whoever got it. As it turned out, they both took 18,000,000 votes in the primaries. Obama took the super delegates. He turned out to be my guy.

Democratic Party presidential primaries, 2008 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

She ran a stellar campaign last time and is doing so again. She's very smart and knows what she's doing unlike any GOP candidate. She's leading Bernie and also Martin O'Malley. With Trump's non answers in debate, she will annihilate him, Rubio or any other Con.

no way...Trump knows the info people want....and even seems more genuine......I can almost GUARANTEE that if it is Trump v Hillary, Trump will be our next president.
Trump sees the writing on the wall, the GOP is scurrying to find someone they can live with at the helm. That foreign wife of his is one big liability. He, himself is another liability. So much shit is going to come out about that guy, it will make their heads spin. Trump is easy pickens.

The coming months will be quite a shock to Trump supporters.
guessing about "viability" is a fools game as far as I'm concerned. Being "presidential" is also, its superficial.

It's not a guess at all.

The ONLY way the GOP wins is to get everyone who voted for Romney to show up and get at least 3 million people who voted for Obama in 2012 to vote for their guy in 2016.

Carson can't do that.
Trump can't do that. He'd probably lose people.
Cruz can't do that.
Bush can't do that.

Rubio could attract Hispanics, maybe young people.
I usually understand your pov but not on this Rubio take of yours. Look at how he's polling and he's a Teaparty candidate to boot. I just don't see how he can even come close to Hillary or Bernie. His polling against Carson and Trump says he can't hang.

He's made some strides lately but I don't see him even getting the nomination. I think Trump is getting the nomination, really.

Hillary gets a big grin on her face whenever that speculation comes up. :)

Hillary's candidacy is designed to lose.. Shes done it before she can do it again.

It's not a guess at all.

The ONLY way the GOP wins is to get everyone who voted for Romney to show up and get at least 3 million people who voted for Obama in 2012 to vote for their guy in 2016.

Carson can't do that.
Trump can't do that. He'd probably lose people.
Cruz can't do that.
Bush can't do that.

Rubio could attract Hispanics, maybe young people.
I usually understand your pov but not on this Rubio take of yours. Look at how he's polling and he's a Teaparty candidate to boot. I just don't see how he can even come close to Hillary or Bernie. His polling against Carson and Trump says he can't hang.

He's made some strides lately but I don't see him even getting the nomination. I think Trump is getting the nomination, really.

Hillary gets a big grin on her face whenever that speculation comes up. :)

Hillary's candidacy is designed to lose.. Shes done it before she can do it again.
She really didn't lose last time, I wanted her to get the nomination but I intended to vote for either her or Obama, whoever got it. As it turned out, they both took 18,000,000 votes in the primaries. Obama took the super delegates. He turned out to be my guy.

Democratic Party presidential primaries, 2008 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

She ran a stellar campaign last time and is doing so again. She's very smart and knows what she's doing unlike any GOP candidate. She's leading Bernie and also Martin O'Malley. With Trump's non answers in debate, she will annihilate him, Rubio or any other Con.

no way...Trump knows the info people want....and even seems more genuine......I can almost GUARANTEE that if it is Trump v Hillary, Trump will be our next president.
Trump sees the writing on the wall, the GOP is scurrying to find someone they can live with at the helm. That foreign wife of his is one big liability. He, himself is another liability. So much shit is going to come out about that guy, it will make their heads spin. Trump is easy pickens.

The coming months will be quite a shock to Trump supporters.

i don't see trump "seeing the writing on the wall". i'm not quite sure why you think that sarah. but i'll give it thought. i think if they try to oust trump he's going to blow up the GOP and go third party. he has too much ego to do anything else unless they back down.... in which case they get their butts kicked in the general election.
Zander predicts Trump will "destroy" Hillary.

It would never happen.

Donald would just bat those bullets away with his fists!

Stop fighting it Toro. He's going to be the nominee. Do you see that now? Or still holding out for Rubio the man-child?


Then I guess I'd have to eat crow and admit that Statistikhengst 's prediction of Hillary winning 400 EVs would come true!

It would be like that 49ers v. Chargers Super Bowl.



He will DESTROY that C*nt!!
I know, that's a good one.
All predictions for the 2016 election go here.

I'll start.

John kasich WI'll be the next president in 2016.

Hillary defeats rubio.
#NoShowRubio has a cultural problem, also. He's Cuban, and Cubans aren't the most popular among Hispanics. Especially the Puerto Ricans, who resent the Cuban land grab when Castro rose.

And Ted's a Canuck, and can't even tell Mark Fucking Halperin what his favorite Hispanic food is.

Jeb! is the best option for getting any of their votes.
Rubio is a light-weight corporate suck-up, probably with a gambling problem, Hillary would mop the floor with him.

Yes, he is. He's probably also the only viable candidate the GOP has right now.
Viable is whomever the people say is viable. Right now that's Trump, and will stay that way until some of the others start dropping out, consolidating voting camps.
Rubio is a light-weight corporate suck-up, probably with a gambling problem, Hillary would mop the floor with him.

Yes, he is. He's probably also the only viable candidate the GOP has right now.
Viable is whomever the people say is viable. Right now that's Trump, and will stay that way until some of the others start dropping out, consolidating voting camps.
I didn't consider that. Christie huckabee kasich Ryan jeb rubio carson fiorino and cruz' supporters are all going to back whoever goes against trump. I think it's going to be rubio but they are all fatally flawed IMO.
I predict that Trump will win the GOP nomination, then go on to win the Presidency.

hiLIARy will lose all 57 states and shit her pantsuit on live television.


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