Yet you wingnuts idolize this old biddy:


I idolized that old biddy!
And it never made a bit of difference to you what she looked like, or if she had wrinkles, or not a great body.


Not one bit.
Yet it REALLY seems to matter to the wingnuts what Hillary looks like.

Can you explain that? Prolly not, you not being a wingnut.

toro? a wing nut? nah... there are a lot of wingers on the board. he's not one of them.
Trump sees the writing on the wall, the GOP is scurrying to find someone they can live with at the helm. That foreign wife of his is one big liability. He, himself is another liability. So much shit is going to come out about that guy, it will make their heads spin. Trump is easy pickens.

The coming months will be quite a shock to Trump supporters.

i don't see trump "seeing the writing on the wall". i'm not quite sure why you think that sarah. but i'll give it thought. i think if they try to oust trump he's going to blow up the GOP and go third party. he has too much ego to do anything else unless they back down.... in which case they get their butts kicked in the general election.
You give him more credit than I do. I think going independent could be expensive and I still don't see him willing to dump any substantial amounts of his own money to this whole endeavor. I could see him just going Full Sore Loser before I see him dishing out the cash. I think he's obsessed about his wealth and doesn't like spending any of it unless it's a sure bet.

i don't think it would cost him much more than this race is. but i guess it all depends on what his end game is.
Don't you have to go out and collect x-amount of signatures in each state in order to get on the ballot as an Independent?

Its incredibly difficult and unfair.
I hear Martin O'Malley didn't get his signatures in on time nor did he have enough to get on the ballot in Ohio.
What would garner the most outrage? Trump winning and driving libs crazy or Clinton winning and driving grumpy old conservatives crazy?
Trump won't win. You have to actually win primaries to get the nomination.

Cruz will win Iowa, for all the good that ever does anyone. Huckaminijad won Iowa in 2008 and Santorum (Google it!) won in 2012. Both were LOSERS.

Trump may squeak out a win in New Hampshire.

South Carolina is next, and Jeb! may make a strong showing there, just because the Bushes have always done very well in SC. Plus, Miss Prissy Lindsey will stump for Bush. Maybe Nikki "Boom Boom" Haley, also.

Then it's Nevada. If Trump doesn't take that convincingly he will have lost 3 of the first 4 states. AND each time he loses he will no doubt be more petulant, as he's a natural born sore loser. He could start to appear very ugly to the masses once he's lost a few.
I'm looking for entertainment value and this election has it. If you take it serious you are a dupe and too dumb to realize it.
Yet you wingnuts idolize this old biddy:


I idolized that old biddy!
And it never made a bit of difference to you what she looked like, or if she had wrinkles, or not a great body.


Not one bit.
Yet it REALLY seems to matter to the wingnuts what Hillary looks like.

Can you explain that? Prolly not, you not being a wingnut.

toro? a wing nut? nah... there are a lot of wingers on the board. he's not one of them.
That's what I said! Re-read.
I idolized that old biddy!
And it never made a bit of difference to you what she looked like, or if she had wrinkles, or not a great body.


Not one bit.
Yet it REALLY seems to matter to the wingnuts what Hillary looks like.

Can you explain that? Prolly not, you not being a wingnut.

toro? a wing nut? nah... there are a lot of wingers on the board. he's not one of them.
That's what I said! Re-read.

ohhhh. ok. i was wondering.

sorry. :thup:
And it never made a bit of difference to you what she looked like, or if she had wrinkles, or not a great body.


Not one bit.
Yet it REALLY seems to matter to the wingnuts what Hillary looks like.

Can you explain that? Prolly not, you not being a wingnut.

toro? a wing nut? nah... there are a lot of wingers on the board. he's not one of them.
That's what I said! Re-read.

ohhhh. ok. i was wondering.

sorry. :thup:

I appreciate the props. Synth is cool. I knew what he was getting at.

In my business, I like to say that I like guys (and gals) with gray hair. They've seen everything.

I'd prefer someone a little too old than a little young, all else being equal.
Not one bit.
Yet it REALLY seems to matter to the wingnuts what Hillary looks like.

Can you explain that? Prolly not, you not being a wingnut.

toro? a wing nut? nah... there are a lot of wingers on the board. he's not one of them.
That's what I said! Re-read.

ohhhh. ok. i was wondering.

sorry. :thup:

I appreciate the props. Synth is cool. I knew what he was getting at.

In my business, I like to say that I like guys (and gals) with gray hair. They've seen everything.

I'd prefer someone a little too old than a little young, all else being equal.

i tend to agree with you. fwiw, i always thought hillary should have won 7 years ago and that obama should have been her VP, gotten seasoned in the ways of D.C. and then been president.
Yet it REALLY seems to matter to the wingnuts what Hillary looks like.

Can you explain that? Prolly not, you not being a wingnut.

toro? a wing nut? nah... there are a lot of wingers on the board. he's not one of them.
That's what I said! Re-read.

ohhhh. ok. i was wondering.

sorry. :thup:

I appreciate the props. Synth is cool. I knew what he was getting at.

In my business, I like to say that I like guys (and gals) with gray hair. They've seen everything.

I'd prefer someone a little too old than a little young, all else being equal.

i tend to agree with you. fwiw, i always thought hillary should have won 7 years ago and that obama should have been her VP, gotten seasoned in the ways of D.C. and then been president.

toro? a wing nut? nah... there are a lot of wingers on the board. he's not one of them.
That's what I said! Re-read.

ohhhh. ok. i was wondering.

sorry. :thup:

I appreciate the props. Synth is cool. I knew what he was getting at.

In my business, I like to say that I like guys (and gals) with gray hair. They've seen everything.

I'd prefer someone a little too old than a little young, all else being equal.

i tend to agree with you. fwiw, i always thought hillary should have won 7 years ago and that obama should have been her VP, gotten seasoned in the ways of D.C. and then been president.


thanks for the waste of bandwidth.
What if under some strange circumstances, Joe Biden was sworn in as POTUS before the end of 2016? What then?
That's what I said! Re-read.

ohhhh. ok. i was wondering.

sorry. :thup:

I appreciate the props. Synth is cool. I knew what he was getting at.

In my business, I like to say that I like guys (and gals) with gray hair. They've seen everything.

I'd prefer someone a little too old than a little young, all else being equal.

i tend to agree with you. fwiw, i always thought hillary should have won 7 years ago and that obama should have been her VP, gotten seasoned in the ways of D.C. and then been president.


thanks for the waste of bandwidth.
I'm rich. I'm very, very rich. Just like the Donald.
That's what I said! Re-read.

ohhhh. ok. i was wondering.

sorry. :thup:

I appreciate the props. Synth is cool. I knew what he was getting at.

In my business, I like to say that I like guys (and gals) with gray hair. They've seen everything.

I'd prefer someone a little too old than a little young, all else being equal.

i tend to agree with you. fwiw, i always thought hillary should have won 7 years ago and that obama should have been her VP, gotten seasoned in the ways of D.C. and then been president.


thanks for the waste of bandwidth.

That is all you far left drone do each and very time you post!
Yet it REALLY seems to matter to the wingnuts what Hillary looks like.

Can you explain that? Prolly not, you not being a wingnut.

toro? a wing nut? nah... there are a lot of wingers on the board. he's not one of them.
That's what I said! Re-read.

ohhhh. ok. i was wondering.

sorry. :thup:

I appreciate the props. Synth is cool. I knew what he was getting at.

In my business, I like to say that I like guys (and gals) with gray hair. They've seen everything.

I'd prefer someone a little too old than a little young, all else being equal.

i tend to agree with you. fwiw, i always thought hillary should have won 7 years ago and that obama should have been her VP, gotten seasoned in the ways of D.C. and then been president.
Theirs was the best race ever. I didn't care who won, I was voting for either of them in the General. She unfortunately ran out of money and was badly managed. She lost out with the delegates and he moved on to win. I've been happy with his performance and will be still when she takes over.

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