Cruz is far more polished than Trump.
You can't polish a turd.
There is a mythbusters episode on that. You are wrong, you can polish a turt to a high gloss shine
The Zulus and many different tribes in Africa used to make and in some places, still make floors in their huts out of a cow manure and ant hill mud mixture. When the mixture got hard they would use smooth stones to polish the floor and would get the floor shiny like it was waxed. Cow manure floors are even manufactured in some flooring factories. The Zulu process is detailed in James Michener's historical novel, "The Covenant."
ohhhh. ok. i was wondering.

sorry. :thup:

I appreciate the props. Synth is cool. I knew what he was getting at.

In my business, I like to say that I like guys (and gals) with gray hair. They've seen everything.

I'd prefer someone a little too old than a little young, all else being equal.

i tend to agree with you. fwiw, i always thought hillary should have won 7 years ago and that obama should have been her VP, gotten seasoned in the ways of D.C. and then been president.


thanks for the waste of bandwidth.
I'm rich. I'm very, very rich. Just like the Donald.
Everybody on the internet is. :)
My predictions-

Hillary is the Dem Nominee, Bush is the GOP Nominee. Bush, however, will be pulled very far to the right by the GOP Clown Car.

Hillary easily beats Jeb by not only taking all the states Obama took in 2012, but MO, AR, LA, NC and AZ as well. Jeb even loses Florida.

Great job there, Nostradamus.
My predictions-

Hillary is the Dem Nominee, Bush is the GOP Nominee. Bush, however, will be pulled very far to the right by the GOP Clown Car.

Hillary easily beats Jeb by not only taking all the states Obama took in 2012, but MO, AR, LA, NC and AZ as well. Jeb even loses Florida.

Great job there, Nostradamus.

dimocraps continuously and predictably confuse what they want with their perception of reality.

They're seriously stupid human beings. Bottom of the food chain
My predictions-

Hillary is the Dem Nominee, Bush is the GOP Nominee. Bush, however, will be pulled very far to the right by the GOP Clown Car.

Hillary easily beats Jeb by not only taking all the states Obama took in 2012, but MO, AR, LA, NC and AZ as well. Jeb even loses Florida.

Great job there, Nostradamus.
Same result if you insert trump or Rubio or Cruz or Carson LOL.
My predictions-

Hillary is the Dem Nominee, Bush is the GOP Nominee. Bush, however, will be pulled very far to the right by the GOP Clown Car.

Hillary easily beats Jeb by not only taking all the states Obama took in 2012, but MO, AR, LA, NC and AZ as well. Jeb even loses Florida.

Great job there, Nostradamus.

dimocraps continuously and predictably confuse what they want with their perception of reality.

They're seriously stupid human beings. Bottom of the food chain
Like when Rove and Romney looked stunned because they and you think you all know what you are talking about?
Bush had to steal 2000 and 2004. Last time the GOP was competitive it all came down to 1 state each time. Obama creamed the last two guys. What makes us think 2016 will be different? This isn't a midterm where dumb liberals and independents don't show up to vote. Scalia assured very high voter turnout.
My predictions-

Hillary is the Dem Nominee, Bush is the GOP Nominee. Bush, however, will be pulled very far to the right by the GOP Clown Car.

Hillary easily beats Jeb by not only taking all the states Obama took in 2012, but MO, AR, LA, NC and AZ as well. Jeb even loses Florida.

Great job there, Nostradamus.
Joe is amazing! Did you know George Zimmerman was in prison doing life without until he was gang raped and killed by blacklivesmatter types? I know this cause Joey told me.
My predictions-

Hillary is the Dem Nominee, Bush is the GOP Nominee. Bush, however, will be pulled very far to the right by the GOP Clown Car.

Hillary easily beats Jeb by not only taking all the states Obama took in 2012, but MO, AR, LA, NC and AZ as well. Jeb even loses Florida.

Great job there, Nostradamus.
Joe is amazing! Did you know George Zimmerman was in prison doing life without until he was gang raped and killed by blacklivesmatter types? I know this cause Joey told me.

Not true. It's not rape if he is a willing participant.
My predictions-

Hillary is the Dem Nominee, Bush is the GOP Nominee. Bush, however, will be pulled very far to the right by the GOP Clown Car.

Hillary easily beats Jeb by not only taking all the states Obama took in 2012, but MO, AR, LA, NC and AZ as well. Jeb even loses Florida.

Great job there, Nostradamus.
Joe is amazing! Did you know George Zimmerman was in prison doing life without until he was gang raped and killed by blacklivesmatter types? I know this cause Joey told me.

Not true. It's not rape if he is a willing participant.
I'm sure Joey always willing, but we're talking about Zimmerman.
My predictions-

Hillary is the Dem Nominee, Bush is the GOP Nominee. Bush, however, will be pulled very far to the right by the GOP Clown Car.

Hillary easily beats Jeb by not only taking all the states Obama took in 2012, but MO, AR, LA, NC and AZ as well. Jeb even loses Florida.

Great job there, Nostradamus.
Joe is amazing! Did you know George Zimmerman was in prison doing life without until he was gang raped and killed by blacklivesmatter types? I know this cause Joey told me.

Not true. It's not rape if he is a willing participant.
I'm sure Joey always willing, but we're talking about Zimmerman.

Poor guy. I hear his neck is always sore form constantly looking over his shoulder. I hope that's true.
Frankly, those last two guys creamed themselves.

Amazing how bed wetters can live so long in a fantasy world, no matter how much factual evidence they're exposed too.

Bush won the elections, legit. Unlike democrook elections where dead people can vote, and people even brag about voting for the moonbat messiah 6 times. You bed wetters are a parody of yourselves.


Secondly, the GOP allowed the media to ignore or destroy every candidate except for their chosen ones in both 2008 and 2012. Though I am not a Trump supporter, I won't really mind if he wins because the last establishment hopeful is Rubio, and I doubt he will pull it off. This year has been a wakeup call to the republicrat elites that people are sick of political whores who lack any real principles.

Great job there, Nostradamus.
Joe is amazing! Did you know George Zimmerman was in prison doing life without until he was gang raped and killed by blacklivesmatter types? I know this cause Joey told me.

Not true. It's not rape if he is a willing participant.
I'm sure Joey always willing, but we're talking about Zimmerman.

Poor guy. I hear his neck is always sore form constantly looking over his shoulder. I hope that's true.
Joey looks over his shoulder flushed with expectation.
My predictions-

Hillary is the Dem Nominee, Bush is the GOP Nominee. Bush, however, will be pulled very far to the right by the GOP Clown Car.

Hillary easily beats Jeb by not only taking all the states Obama took in 2012, but MO, AR, LA, NC and AZ as well. Jeb even loses Florida.

Great job there, Nostradamus.
Same result if you insert trump or Rubio or Cruz or Carson LOL.

Based on what? Rubio consistently defeats Clinton in every poll and even Cruz has become surprisingly competitive. Carson is no longer a factor in the race.
My predictions-

Hillary is the Dem Nominee, Bush is the GOP Nominee. Bush, however, will be pulled very far to the right by the GOP Clown Car.

Hillary easily beats Jeb by not only taking all the states Obama took in 2012, but MO, AR, LA, NC and AZ as well. Jeb even loses Florida.

Great job there, Nostradamus.
Same result if you insert trump or Rubio or Cruz or Carson LOL.

Based on what? Rubio consistently defeats Clinton in every poll and even Cruz has become surprisingly competitive. Carson is no longer a factor in the race.
Bring it! I am no longer scared or concerned about any of your weak candidates.
My predictions-

Hillary is the Dem Nominee, Bush is the GOP Nominee. Bush, however, will be pulled very far to the right by the GOP Clown Car.

Hillary easily beats Jeb by not only taking all the states Obama took in 2012, but MO, AR, LA, NC and AZ as well. Jeb even loses Florida.

Great job there, Nostradamus.
Same result if you insert trump or Rubio or Cruz or Carson LOL.

Based on what? Rubio consistently defeats Clinton in every poll and even Cruz has become surprisingly competitive. Carson is no longer a factor in the race.
Bring it! I am no longer scared or concerned about any of your weak candidates.

My weak candidates? I'm not voting for any of them.

I do find it amusing that you think everyone other than Clinton is the weak candidate. LOL
My predictions-

Hillary is the Dem Nominee, Bush is the GOP Nominee. Bush, however, will be pulled very far to the right by the GOP Clown Car.

Hillary easily beats Jeb by not only taking all the states Obama took in 2012, but MO, AR, LA, NC and AZ as well. Jeb even loses Florida.

Great job there, Nostradamus.

dimocraps continuously and predictably confuse what they want with their perception of reality.

They're seriously stupid human beings. Bottom of the food chain

While the GOP has a Carnival Barker as their nominee....HILARIOUS!
My predictions-

Hillary is the Dem Nominee, Bush is the GOP Nominee. Bush, however, will be pulled very far to the right by the GOP Clown Car.

Hillary easily beats Jeb by not only taking all the states Obama took in 2012, but MO, AR, LA, NC and AZ as well. Jeb even loses Florida.

Great job there, Nostradamus.
Same result if you insert trump or Rubio or Cruz or Carson LOL.

Based on what? Rubio consistently defeats Clinton in every poll and even Cruz has become surprisingly competitive. Carson is no longer a factor in the race.
Bring it! I am no longer scared or concerned about any of your weak candidates.

My weak candidates? I'm not voting for any of them.

I do find it amusing that you think everyone other than Clinton is the weak candidate. LOL
I like Clinton or Bernie. The only GOP candidate that I won't be PISSED about is Trump. In other words I am curious to see how a Trump presidency would go. I don't think he will or should win, but if he does I won't think it's the end of the world. I will if it is another Rubio or Kasich, because then I'll know we are set to have another very bad 10 years. Hell, it took us more than 10 years to recover from Bush. In some ways we still haven't recovered. No, in A LOT of ways.

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