My predictions-

Hillary is the Dem Nominee, Bush is the GOP Nominee. Bush, however, will be pulled very far to the right by the GOP Clown Car.

Hillary easily beats Jeb by not only taking all the states Obama took in 2012, but MO, AR, LA, NC and AZ as well. Jeb even loses Florida.

Great job there, Nostradamus.
Same result if you insert trump or Rubio or Cruz or Carson LOL.

Based on what? Rubio consistently defeats Clinton in every poll and even Cruz has become surprisingly competitive. Carson is no longer a factor in the race.
Bring it! I am no longer scared or concerned about any of your weak candidates.

My weak candidates? I'm not voting for any of them.

I do find it amusing that you think everyone other than Clinton is the weak candidate. LOL
Fuck you liar! All I had to do was a quick search to find you made this comment:

I could maybe vote for Kasich. He has a strong fiscal record and has handled things in Ohio pretty well.

So stop being a fucking intellectually dishonest LIAR! If you want to have a good conversation here you can't be constantly lying you fucking liar. BUSTED! LOL.
Great job there, Nostradamus.
Same result if you insert trump or Rubio or Cruz or Carson LOL.

Based on what? Rubio consistently defeats Clinton in every poll and even Cruz has become surprisingly competitive. Carson is no longer a factor in the race.
Bring it! I am no longer scared or concerned about any of your weak candidates.

My weak candidates? I'm not voting for any of them.

I do find it amusing that you think everyone other than Clinton is the weak candidate. LOL
Fuck you liar! All I had to do was a quick search to find you made this comment:

I could maybe vote for Kasich. He has a strong fiscal record and has handled things in Ohio pretty well.

So stop being a fucking intellectually dishonest LIAR! If you want to have a good conversation here you can't be constantly lying you fucking liar. BUSTED! LOL.

First of all, I said maybe, not would.

Second, we were discussing Rubio, Cruz, and Carson, not Kasich.

Third, Kasich is not going to be the nominee. That's fairly clear.

But hey, if you think somehow you just won something, don't let me get in the way of you mental masturbation.

I like Clinton or Bernie. The only GOP candidate that I won't be PISSED about is Trump.

That's because Clinton, Sanders, and Trump all came from the same warehouse.

Trump is very leftist about a lot of things.

That's why a leftist like sealy doesn't mind him.

Trump is very leftist about a lot of things? Name a few things he is "leftist" about so we can discuss.

Trump is very leftist about a lot of things? Name a few things he is "leftist" about so we can discuss.

About Nancy Pelosi:

"I think she's a very impressive person, I like her a lot. But I was surprised that she didn't do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush . It just seemed like she was really going to look to impeach Bush and get him out of office. Which personally I think would have been a wonderful thing."

On Hillary Clinton:

"I know Hillary, and I think she’d make a great president or vice-president."

On both Clintons:

"Hillary is smart, tough and a very nice person, so is her husband. Bill Clinton was a great president. They are fine people."

On abortion:

On socialized medicine:

"I’m a conservative on most issues but a liberal on health. It is an unacceptable but accurate fact that the number of uninsured Americans has risen to 42 million. Working out detailed plans will take time. But the goal should be clear: Our people are our greatest asset. We must take care of our own. We must have universal healthcare."
In 2008, Donald Trump said George W. Bush should’ve been impeached

TRUMP: When [Pelosi] first got in and was named speaker, I met her. And I'm very impressed by her. I think she's a very impressive person, I like her a lot. But I was surprised that she didn't do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush . It just seemed like she was really going to look to impeach Bush and get him out of office. Which personally I think would have been a wonderful thing.

BLITZER: To impeach him?

TRUMP: For the war. For the war! Well, he lied! He got us into the war with lies!
"Bush lied, people died".

Trump is selling that left wing talking point.

And don't tell me you don't remember all those liberals calling for Bush to be impeached. And where do we find Trump? Right there in their ranks.

How is this the GOP front runner!?! You couldn't make this shit up in a novel. No one would buy it.

Wake up, rubes!
"Bush lied, people died".

Trump is selling that left wing talking point.

And don't tell me you don't remember all those liberals calling for Bush to be impeached. And where do we find Trump? Right there in their ranks.

How is this the GOP front runner!?! You couldn't make this shit up in a novel. No one would buy it.

Wake up, rubes!
That's what libertarians and teabaggers are, just a slightly different spin on the same old bullshit.

Trumps what everyone wants. A social liberal and fiscal conservative.

A far righty will never win. Ever. Stop trying
I like Clinton or Bernie. The only GOP candidate that I won't be PISSED about is Trump.

That's because Clinton, Sanders, and Trump all came from the same warehouse.

Trump is very leftist about a lot of things.

That's why a leftist like sealy doesn't mind him.

Trump is very leftist about a lot of things? Name a few things he is "leftist" about so we can discuss.


You're in denial, aren't you?

  • Increasing tariffs and increasing protectionism, something unions totally agree with
  • Sounding like Bernie Sanders on Iraq
  • Increasing taxes on hedge fund managers
  • Saying we aren't going to "let people die in the streets" on healthcare
  • Saying that Bush was responsible for 9/11
  • Not going to cut SS and Medicare, even though they will eventually lead us to a fiscal crisis
  • Calling Paul Ryan's budget "stupid"
  • Eminent domain
And so on.

Sealy is a leftist.

He just called you a "teabagger." He thanked my post saying Trump was a leftist.

Think about it.
Last edited:
I like Clinton or Bernie. The only GOP candidate that I won't be PISSED about is Trump.

That's because Clinton, Sanders, and Trump all came from the same warehouse.

Trump is very leftist about a lot of things.

That's why a leftist like sealy doesn't mind him.

Trump is very leftist about a lot of things? Name a few things he is "leftist" about so we can discuss.


You're in denial, aren't you?

  • Increasing tariffs and increasing protectionism, something unions totally agree with
  • Sounding like Bernie Sanders on Iraq
  • Increasing taxes on hedge fund managers
  • Saying we aren't going to "let people die in the streets" on healthcare
  • Saying that Bush was responsible for 9/11
  • Not going to cut SS and Medicare, even though they will eventually lead us to a fiscal crisis
  • Calling Paul Ryan's budget "stupid"
  • Eminent domain
And so on.

Sealy is a leftist.

He just called you a "teabagger." He thanked my post saying Trump was a leftist.

Think about it.
And he just said audit the federal reserve. That's libertarian but it's one of the things us liberals like about libertarians
I like Clinton or Bernie. The only GOP candidate that I won't be PISSED about is Trump.

That's because Clinton, Sanders, and Trump all came from the same warehouse.

Trump is very leftist about a lot of things.

That's why a leftist like sealy doesn't mind him.

Trump is very leftist about a lot of things? Name a few things he is "leftist" about so we can discuss.


You're in denial, aren't you?

  • Increasing tariffs and increasing protectionism, something unions totally agree with
  • Sounding like Bernie Sanders on Iraq
  • Increasing taxes on hedge fund managers
  • Saying we aren't going to "let people die in the streets" on healthcare
  • Saying that Bush was responsible for 9/11
  • Not going to cut SS and Medicare, even though they will eventually lead us to a fiscal crisis
  • Calling Paul Ryan's budget "stupid"
  • Eminent domain
And so on.

Sealy is a leftist.

He just called you a "teabagger." He thanked my post saying Trump was a leftist.

Think about it.

I think you're in fantasyland or do not know what "leftist" means.

Increasing tariffs is not leftist. From 1865 to 1914, America had 10 Republican presidents. All believed in financing government by taxing imports, not the incomes of U.S. citizens or the U.S. companies that employed them. The US economy boomed during that time - real GDP and employment doubled, earnings rose by over 60% and wholesale prices fell by 75%.

Opposing war is not leftist, it's the ultimate in conservatism- stay out of foreign entanglements. Trump advocates peace through strength. That is conservative.

It is not Increasing taxes on hedge funds, it is closing a ridiculous loophole. This is something you have openly called for- are you a leftist?

We've never let "people die on the streets" in this country.

He never said Bush was responsible for 9/11, he said it happened on his watch. Bush was a lousy POTUS, how long should Republicans tap dance around that?

SS and Medicare are not welfare. Preserving them is very conservative. Increasing the economic base will preserve them. He'll probably raise or remove the cap on earning as well. Neither are "leftist". They are common sense. people have paid into these schemes, it is their money.

Ryan's budget was retarded,Trump was being charitable

Eminent domain is enshrined in our Constitution. I guess the founders were leftists, who knew? ...:cuckoo:

As for Sealy, who cares? I've been called far worse than a teabagger.

Last edited:
I like Clinton or Bernie. The only GOP candidate that I won't be PISSED about is Trump.

That's because Clinton, Sanders, and Trump all came from the same warehouse.

Trump is very leftist about a lot of things.

That's why a leftist like sealy doesn't mind him.

Trump is very leftist about a lot of things? Name a few things he is "leftist" about so we can discuss.


You're in denial, aren't you?

  • Increasing tariffs and increasing protectionism, something unions totally agree with
  • Sounding like Bernie Sanders on Iraq
  • Increasing taxes on hedge fund managers
  • Saying we aren't going to "let people die in the streets" on healthcare
  • Saying that Bush was responsible for 9/11
  • Not going to cut SS and Medicare, even though they will eventually lead us to a fiscal crisis
  • Calling Paul Ryan's budget "stupid"
  • Eminent domain
And so on.

Sealy is a leftist.

He just called you a "teabagger." He thanked my post saying Trump was a leftist.

Think about it.

I think you're in fantasyland or do not know what "leftist" means.

Increasing tariffs is not leftist. From 1865 to 1914, America had 10 Republican presidents. All believed in financing government by taxing imports, not the incomes of U.S. citizens or the U.S. companies that employed them.
Opposing war is not leftist, it's the ultimate in conservatism- stay out of foreign entanglements. Trump advocates peace through strength. That is conservative.
It is not Increasing taxes on hedge funds,, it is closing a ridiculous loophole. This is something you have openly called for- are you a leftist?
We've never let "people die on the streets" in this country.
He never said Bush was responsible for 9/11, he said it happened on his watch. Bush was a lousy POTUS, how long should Republicans tap dance around that?
SS and Medicare are not welfare. Preserving them is very conservative. Increasing the economic base will preserve them. He'll probably raise or remove the cap on earning as well. Neither are "leftist". They are common sense. people have paid into these schemes, it is their money.
Ryan's budget was retarded,Trump was being charitable
Eminent domain is enshrined in our Constitution. I guess the founders were leftists., who knew? ...:cuckoo:

As for Sealy, who cares? I've been called far worse than a teabagger.

If it has to be a Republican let it be trump.

Would these " real" Republicans rather have hillary? Well I'd rather trump than rubio or kasich.

The other two are just laughable.
That's because Clinton, Sanders, and Trump all came from the same warehouse.

Trump is very leftist about a lot of things.

That's why a leftist like sealy doesn't mind him.

Trump is very leftist about a lot of things? Name a few things he is "leftist" about so we can discuss.


You're in denial, aren't you?

  • Increasing tariffs and increasing protectionism, something unions totally agree with
  • Sounding like Bernie Sanders on Iraq
  • Increasing taxes on hedge fund managers
  • Saying we aren't going to "let people die in the streets" on healthcare
  • Saying that Bush was responsible for 9/11
  • Not going to cut SS and Medicare, even though they will eventually lead us to a fiscal crisis
  • Calling Paul Ryan's budget "stupid"
  • Eminent domain
And so on.

Sealy is a leftist.

He just called you a "teabagger." He thanked my post saying Trump was a leftist.

Think about it.

I think you're in fantasyland or do not know what "leftist" means.

Increasing tariffs is not leftist. From 1865 to 1914, America had 10 Republican presidents. All believed in financing government by taxing imports, not the incomes of U.S. citizens or the U.S. companies that employed them.
Opposing war is not leftist, it's the ultimate in conservatism- stay out of foreign entanglements. Trump advocates peace through strength. That is conservative.
It is not Increasing taxes on hedge funds,, it is closing a ridiculous loophole. This is something you have openly called for- are you a leftist?
We've never let "people die on the streets" in this country.
He never said Bush was responsible for 9/11, he said it happened on his watch. Bush was a lousy POTUS, how long should Republicans tap dance around that?
SS and Medicare are not welfare. Preserving them is very conservative. Increasing the economic base will preserve them. He'll probably raise or remove the cap on earning as well. Neither are "leftist". They are common sense. people have paid into these schemes, it is their money.
Ryan's budget was retarded,Trump was being charitable
Eminent domain is enshrined in our Constitution. I guess the founders were leftists., who knew? ...:cuckoo:

As for Sealy, who cares? I've been called far worse than a teabagger.

If it has to be a Republican let it be trump.

Would these " real" Republicans rather have hillary? Well I'd rather trump than rubio or kasich.

The other two are just laughable.

La Raza Rubio is a neocon puppet. He'll remain beholden to his corporate sponsors and GOPe handlers. He'd be a disaster.

Kasich is a milquetoast moderate that believes leadership is "being nice".

That being said, I'd take either of them over the lying c*nt hiLIARy or the crackpot Sanders.
Trump is very leftist about a lot of things.

That's why a leftist like sealy doesn't mind him.

Trump is very leftist about a lot of things? Name a few things he is "leftist" about so we can discuss.


You're in denial, aren't you?

  • Increasing tariffs and increasing protectionism, something unions totally agree with
  • Sounding like Bernie Sanders on Iraq
  • Increasing taxes on hedge fund managers
  • Saying we aren't going to "let people die in the streets" on healthcare
  • Saying that Bush was responsible for 9/11
  • Not going to cut SS and Medicare, even though they will eventually lead us to a fiscal crisis
  • Calling Paul Ryan's budget "stupid"
  • Eminent domain
And so on.

Sealy is a leftist.

He just called you a "teabagger." He thanked my post saying Trump was a leftist.

Think about it.

I think you're in fantasyland or do not know what "leftist" means.

Increasing tariffs is not leftist. From 1865 to 1914, America had 10 Republican presidents. All believed in financing government by taxing imports, not the incomes of U.S. citizens or the U.S. companies that employed them.
Opposing war is not leftist, it's the ultimate in conservatism- stay out of foreign entanglements. Trump advocates peace through strength. That is conservative.
It is not Increasing taxes on hedge funds,, it is closing a ridiculous loophole. This is something you have openly called for- are you a leftist?
We've never let "people die on the streets" in this country.
He never said Bush was responsible for 9/11, he said it happened on his watch. Bush was a lousy POTUS, how long should Republicans tap dance around that?
SS and Medicare are not welfare. Preserving them is very conservative. Increasing the economic base will preserve them. He'll probably raise or remove the cap on earning as well. Neither are "leftist". They are common sense. people have paid into these schemes, it is their money.
Ryan's budget was retarded,Trump was being charitable
Eminent domain is enshrined in our Constitution. I guess the founders were leftists., who knew? ...:cuckoo:

As for Sealy, who cares? I've been called far worse than a teabagger.

If it has to be a Republican let it be trump.

Would these " real" Republicans rather have hillary? Well I'd rather trump than rubio or kasich.

The other two are just laughable.

La Raza Rubio is a neocon puppet. He'll remain beholden to his corporate sponsors and GOPe handlers. He'd be a disaster.

Kasich is a milquetoast moderate that believes leadership is "being nice".

That being said, I'd take either of them over the lying c*nt hiLIARy or the crackpot Sanders.
And that's why neither of them will be president. The American people, women, gays, young, moderates, poor & middle class people who believe in global warming and healthcare for all, Muslims and Latinos and blacks all disagree with you.

Now if they would just show up to midterms.
I like Clinton or Bernie. The only GOP candidate that I won't be PISSED about is Trump.

That's because Clinton, Sanders, and Trump all came from the same warehouse.

Trump is very leftist about a lot of things.

That's why a leftist like sealy doesn't mind him.

Trump is very leftist about a lot of things? Name a few things he is "leftist" about so we can discuss.


You're in denial, aren't you?

  • Increasing tariffs and increasing protectionism, something unions totally agree with
  • Sounding like Bernie Sanders on Iraq
  • Increasing taxes on hedge fund managers
  • Saying we aren't going to "let people die in the streets" on healthcare
  • Saying that Bush was responsible for 9/11
  • Not going to cut SS and Medicare, even though they will eventually lead us to a fiscal crisis
  • Calling Paul Ryan's budget "stupid"
  • Eminent domain
And so on.

Sealy is a leftist.

He just called you a "teabagger." He thanked my post saying Trump was a leftist.

Think about it.

I think you're in fantasyland or do not know what "leftist" means.

Increasing tariffs is not leftist. From 1865 to 1914, America had 10 Republican presidents. All believed in financing government by taxing imports, not the incomes of U.S. citizens or the U.S. companies that employed them. The US economy boomed during that time - real GDP and employment doubled, earnings rose by over 60% and wholesale prices fell by 75%.

Opposing war is not leftist, it's the ultimate in conservatism- stay out of foreign entanglements. Trump advocates peace through strength. That is conservative.

It is not Increasing taxes on hedge funds, it is closing a ridiculous loophole. This is something you have openly called for- are you a leftist?

We've never let "people die on the streets" in this country.

He never said Bush was responsible for 9/11, he said it happened on his watch. Bush was a lousy POTUS, how long should Republicans tap dance around that?

SS and Medicare are not welfare. Preserving them is very conservative. Increasing the economic base will preserve them. He'll probably raise or remove the cap on earning as well. Neither are "leftist". They are common sense. people have paid into these schemes, it is their money.

Ryan's budget was retarded,Trump was being charitable

Eminent domain is enshrined in our Constitution. I guess the founders were leftists, who knew? ...:cuckoo:

As for Sealy, who cares? I've been called far worse than a teabagger.


WTF?! Dude, you have become a leftist without even realizing it.

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