You're in denial, aren't you?
  • Increasing tariffs and increasing protectionism, something unions totally agree with
  • Sounding like Bernie Sanders on Iraq
  • Increasing taxes on hedge fund managers
  • Saying we aren't going to "let people die in the streets" on healthcare
  • Saying that Bush was responsible for 9/11
  • Not going to cut SS and Medicare, even though they will eventually lead us to a fiscal crisis
  • Calling Paul Ryan's budget "stupid"
  • Eminent domain
And so on.

Sealy is a leftist.

He just called you a "teabagger." He thanked my post saying Trump was a leftist.

Think about it.
Instead if these, why don't you talk about his hawkish positions on ISIS, keeping Muslims out of America, documenting American Muslims, making Mexico pay for a wall, mass deportation, lowest tax plan in 100 years, and abolishing gun-free zones, and making CCW the law nationwide ?

And protectionism is not a liberal issue. CONSERVATIVES protect US jobs against illegal aliens, as well as foreign workers outside the US.
Republicans haven't protected jobs since Reagan and don't forget they wrote NAFTA. Bush would have signed it into law but he lost to clinton
Republican nominee: Donald Trump Democrat nominee: Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton defeats Donald Trump is a landslide election win.

Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS


Republican nominee: Donald Trump Democrat nominee: Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton defeats Donald Trump is a landslide election win.

Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS


I'm not so sure anymore.

We need the white house. We need to appoint that supreme and we need to take back the Senate.
Wrong. He loves planned parenthood and all it does. You guys just don't like abortions but trump isn't a nutter.
YOU are in the wrong. Here is Trump's position on PP >> IN HIS OWN WORDS >>

from the GOP DEBATE Feb 25, 2016 (Washington Post transcript)

"As far as Planned Parenthood is concerned, I'm pro-life. I'm totally against abortion, having to do with Planned Parenthood. But millions and millions of women -- cervical cancer, breast cancer -- are helped by Planned Parenthood.So you can say whatever you want, but they have millions of women going through Planned Parenthood that are helped greatly. And I wouldn't fund it.
I would defund it because of the abortion factor, which they say is 3 percent. I don't know what percentage it is. They say it's 3 percent. But I would defund it, because I'm pro-life. But millions of women are helped by Planned Parenthood."

The CNN-Telemundo Republican debate transcript, annotated
Wrong. He loves planned parenthood and all it does. You guys just don't like abortions but trump isn't a nutter.
YOU are in the wrong. Here is Trump's position on PP >> IN HIS OWN WORDS >>

from the GOP DEBATE Feb 25, 2016 (Washington Post transcript)

"As far as Planned Parenthood is concerned, I'm pro-life. I'm totally against abortion, having to do with Planned Parenthood. But millions and millions of women -- cervical cancer, breast cancer -- are helped by Planned Parenthood.So you can say whatever you want, but they have millions of women going through Planned Parenthood that are helped greatly. And I wouldn't fund it.
I would defund it because of the abortion factor, which they say is 3 percent. I don't know what percentage it is. They say it's 3 percent. But I would defund it, because I'm pro-life. But millions of women are helped by Planned Parenthood."

The CNN-Telemundo Republican debate transcript, annotated
You dont think FACTS will get in the way of election year partisan hack lies, do you?
Wrong. He loves planned parenthood and all it does. You guys just don't like abortions but trump isn't a nutter.
YOU are in the wrong. Here is Trump's position on PP >> IN HIS OWN WORDS >>

from the GOP DEBATE Feb 25, 2016 (Washington Post transcript)

"As far as Planned Parenthood is concerned, I'm pro-life. I'm totally against abortion, having to do with Planned Parenthood. But millions and millions of women -- cervical cancer, breast cancer -- are helped by Planned Parenthood.So you can say whatever you want, but they have millions of women going through Planned Parenthood that are helped greatly. And I wouldn't fund it.
I would defund it because of the abortion factor, which they say is 3 percent. I don't know what percentage it is. They say it's 3 percent. But I would defund it, because I'm pro-life. But millions of women are helped by Planned Parenthood."

The CNN-Telemundo Republican debate transcript, annotated
Yet another reason most women will vote against Trump.
And Sealy just thanked you for that post. Sealy has been a consistent leftist in all the time I've known him.

Arguing for SS, Medicare, higher taxes and against Paul Ryans' budget is right out of the Democrat playbook.

Are Democrats now conservatives?

Next you'll tell me that single-payer is also conservative.

Ask Sealy if he thinks right-wing healthcare causes people to die in the streets.

And using 19th century arguments regarding tariffs is pretty silly. Yes, in today's context - you know, in this century - higher taxes, restrictions of commerce and individual liberty, and economic inefficiency, i.e. tariffs, are left-wing, even if they weren't 150 years ago.

Congratulations, you're a leftist!

Hey, if you want to support Trump, feel free. But it's amusing to watch conservatives and libertarians twist themselves into intellectual knots to rationalize their support Trump, at least on ideological grounds.

More false shit that is easily disproved. Trump does not want to raise taxes, he wants to lower them. He is not in favor of "single payer" he wants to use health savings accounts and increase competition by removing interstate barriers. . . Regarding Ryan's budget - if you are talking about the POS that was just passed Congress- yeah it's garbage.

If you want a "check off the boxes" doctrinaire conservative that "says" all the right things vote for La Raza Rubio in the primary. He has a talking point for every problem!! Of course he's very open to compromise and he may not show up for work....

Time to face reality Toro, you've been wrong on Trump since day 1. Barring some sort of tragedy, Trump is going to be the GOP nominee. He is not a professional politician, he's a citizen politician, just like the founders envisioned He is conservative on the things that matter: He wants to lower Taxes, enforce our immigration laws, protect the 2nd amendment, repeal Obamacare, make better trade deals, he'll defund Planned Parenthood. That is not conservative enough? Then vote for hiLIARy.

PS- Apparently You're a leftist that "wants to raise taxes". You've advocated closing the hedge fund loophole for as long as I've been here...:rofl: .

I'm leftist on some things.

I don't try to fool myself otherwise.

Aren't most people? If I could travel back in time and undo the New Deal, I would. But that is not realistic. We have Social Security and Medicare and people have been paying into the program for decades. The people who paid into those programs should get the benefits they were promised- it is THEIR money, not the governments. We can make a few tweaks to make the program sustainable (remove or raise the income cap slowly increase the retirement age, etc..) . Maybe even offer younger folks a way to opt out, but the government can't abandon the promises they've made. That is completely unacceptable.

I don't expect any nominee to be EXACTLY like me on every position, otherwise I'd never vote. You and I both supported Romney. He started the Massachusetts healthcare system. That was extremely leftist. But compared to Obama he was a far better choice. Within the field of available GOP candidates I believe Trump is the best candidate, by a YUUGE margin. He's conservative enough for me.

You don't worry about putting a man in office who has gone 60 years never being told 'no'? He's very immature.

I don't see it that way. He's a man who knows how to get things done. His campaign proves it. He's got the best results with the least amount of money spent.

He will continue to be underestimated right up until he leaves office in 2025.
But what are the instruments he has always used to get things done in the private sector? I know that he is still embroiled in that Irish Golf Club: Trump: I'll continue wind farm war after legal setback...and I've bought Irish golf course

He's not going to be able to just threaten to sue Congress when they don't do what he wants. We've seen how he reacts when anyone challenges him.

He'd be a disaster with an unknown reaction to being told no, since no one has ever told him that before..
I think we'll
I would never vote for Trump - not because of his political stances, those aren't that conservative - but because he is not presidential material.

I don't like Trump's personality. He's a silver spoon fed rich kid, blowhard, reality show star, asshole.

But I absolutely love what Trump is doing to this election.
I think if we survived 8 years of bush delay and hastert we can give trump Mitch and Ryan 4 years. I don't think it's a good idea but I don't hate it as much as Cruz rubio or kasich.
Irrelevant, since it's going to be Hillary Clinton with a Democratic Senate and a Republican House, but much narrower.
I think we'll
I would never vote for Trump - not because of his political stances, those aren't that conservative - but because he is not presidential material.

I don't like Trump's personality. He's a silver spoon fed rich kid, blowhard, reality show star, asshole.

But I absolutely love what Trump is doing to this election.
I think if we survived 8 years of bush delay and hastert we can give trump Mitch and Ryan 4 years. I don't think it's a good idea but I don't hate it as much as Cruz rubio or kasich.
Irrelevant, since it's going to be Hillary Clinton with a Democratic Senate and a Republican House, but much narrower.
Hopefully the Paul Ryan house will be reasonable but I predict the first meeting they'll hold November 7th is how their number one mission will be to make hillary a one term president.

And break the filabuster record mcconnell will still be in the Senate because people in Kentucky are stupid
Instead if these, why don't you talk about his hawkish positions on ISIS
How many of your family members have died at ISIS' hands? When do you expect that to happen?
republicans seem to forget they invented Isis. Isis didn't exist until bush took Saddam out. Huge mistake. Good dictators are hard to come by.

You have to have a replacement government before you take a regime out
Yet another reason most women will vote against Trump.
No, because he has said he supports the healthy things PP does. Just not reckless abortion and fetal sales. Most women are intelligent enough to agree with that.
They're calling it an overwhelming win. Going into super Tuesday, this is a good omen.
What's good about somebody running for president who just damaged US national security beyond repair ? And who would be in prison if she wasn't running for president of the US. That's OK. She'll get what''s coming to her, after Trump becomes president.
Instead if these, why don't you talk about his hawkish positions on ISIS
How many of your family members have died at ISIS' hands? When do you expect that to happen?
It's not a matter of "expect". No one knows when. But when it could happen is today, tomorrow, the next day, and anytime at all. This is a NUCLEAR age. "Our" ports aren't even ours - they're foreign owned, and shipping containers arriving, are 95% not inspected.

Combine all that with immensely wealthy ISIS moving in with Syrian refugees, who "our" screwball president is allowing to immigrate in.
Couldn't be a better recipe for the annihilation of the country, if a fiction writer was writing this.

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