Yes you are, and so are the idiots who wrote that dumbass article you linked. When you propose to DEFUND an organization, you are NOT SUPPORTING it. Get it ? As for supporting the part of PP that keeps woman from getting breast cancer, are you opposed to preventing women from getting breast cancer ? What's your position on THAT ? And you don't need to be giving me links, when I already gave you links (post # 1185)
I can lead an idiot to the facts but I can't make him think.

Oh, well.
Considering that you are the one making the vapid assertion that conservatives are against PP and not against the fact they perform abortion I would not be calling people idiots.

Your entire argument is based on a bald faced lie that you are desperately trying to ignore.
No Federal funding goes to abortions, yet conservatives still want to defund PP.

So much for your argument.
Yes you are, and so are the idiots who wrote that dumbass article you linked. When you propose to DEFUND an organization, you are NOT SUPPORTING it. Get it ? As for supporting the part of PP that keeps woman from getting breast cancer, are you opposed to preventing women from getting breast cancer ? What's your position on THAT ? And you don't need to be giving me links, when I already gave you links (post # 1185)
I can lead an idiot to the facts but I can't make him think.

Oh, well.
Considering that you are the one making the vapid assertion that conservatives are against PP and not against the fact they perform abortion I would not be calling people idiots.

Your entire argument is based on a bald faced lie that you are desperately trying to ignore.
No Federal funding goes to abortions, yet conservatives still want to defund PP.

So much for your argument.
Yes, because they do abortions - period. I cant help that you remain willfully ignorant.
No, he doesn't support the other medical treatments for women at Planned Parenthood. He says he does, but he doesn't. If he actually did, he wouldn't be saying he wants to defund Planned Parenthood. You can't support something you want to stop paying for. That would be like a dead-beat dad saying he supports his kids - but then stops making child support payments.
He said he would defund it because of abortion and selling fetal parts. If Trump becomes president, we might see a shakeup in PP where they drop the bad and keep the good. :biggrin:
No, he doesn't support the other medical treatments for women at Planned Parenthood. He says he does, but he doesn't. If he actually did, he wouldn't be saying he wants to defund Planned Parenthood. You can't support something you want to stop paying for. That would be like a dead-beat dad saying he supports his kids - but then stops making child support payments.
He said he would defund it because of abortion and selling fetal parts. If Trump becomes president, we might see a shakeup in PP where they drop the bad and keep the good. :biggrin:
You can't support something you want to defund. Period.
No, he doesn't support the other medical treatments for women at Planned Parenthood. He says he does, but he doesn't. If he actually did, he wouldn't be saying he wants to defund Planned Parenthood. You can't support something you want to stop paying for. That would be like a dead-beat dad saying he supports his kids - but then stops making child support payments.
He said he would defund it because of abortion and selling fetal parts. If Trump becomes president, we might see a shakeup in PP where they drop the bad and keep the good. :biggrin:
You can't support something you want to defund. Period.
Trump is like a used car salesman. He says a lot of things but can't explain how he'll accomplish it. He's going to get beat up regarding his bad business dealings once the Democrats get hold of him. They actually know what they're talking about, it won't be insults about his hair and spray tan anymore. He will be held accountable.
No, he doesn't support the other medical treatments for women at Planned Parenthood. He says he does, but he doesn't. If he actually did, he wouldn't be saying he wants to defund Planned Parenthood. You can't support something you want to stop paying for. That would be like a dead-beat dad saying he supports his kids - but then stops making child support payments.
He said he would defund it because of abortion and selling fetal parts. If Trump becomes president, we might see a shakeup in PP where they drop the bad and keep the good. :biggrin:
You can't support something you want to defund. Period.
Trump is like a used car salesman. He says a lot of things but can't explain how he'll accomplish it. He's going to get beat up regarding his bad business dealings once the Democrats get hold of him. They actually know what they're talking about, it won't be insults about his hair and spray tan anymore. He will be held accountable.
He says a lot of shit and the right believes him hook, line & sinker. Like this nonsense about building a wall along 700 miles of the border with Mexico... how's he gonna build it when Congress refuses to budget for it? Rightards don't get it. They never will.
You people are self destructive. He's one of the best you've got, you should be thanking your lucky stars Boehner resigned.
NONSENSE! Ryan is a pure RINO. Wouldn't be much different if he was a Democrat. Putting him in place is just another awful act done by the RINOs, that has brought about the rise of Donald Trump, and other outsiders criticial of their Democrat ass-kissing terrible tactics.
He says a lot of shit and the right believes him hook, line & sinker. Like this nonsense about building a wall along 700 miles of the border with Mexico... how's he gonna build it when Congress refuses to budget for it? Rightards don't get it. They never will.

This question shows extreme ignorance of the wall issue. Trump has said MANY TIMES that Mexico will pay for the wall. And you know what ? They will not only pay for the wall, they will also pay for the mass deportation of their people, who they sent here, to rip off our economy with remittances ($23 Billion/year). And that's not all, They will also reimburse us for all the remittances$$ we've lost to them + all the welfare $$$ we've spent paying their poverty bill for them.

And if you don't know why all this is a slam dunk, you're not prepared for this discussion. In short, the whole wall is only $12-14 Billion, but the remittances Mexico has been getting + the foreign aid $$ + welfare $$ is FAR more than that. America has more leverage over Mexico than any country in the world. They are in the palm of Trump's hand.

And there's also one other element of leverage (which won't be needed) - that would be another 1848 style military ass-kicking.
Trump is like a used car salesman. He says a lot of things but can't explain how he'll accomplish it. He's going to get beat up regarding his bad business dealings once the Democrats get hold of him. They actually know what they're talking about, it won't be insults about his hair and spray tan anymore. He will be held accountable.
HA HA HA. Here's a guy with mind-boggling real estate holdings all over the world and a net worth of $10 Billion, and the dopey Democrats choose "business dealings" as a weapon to attack him with. No end to the inane things Democrats will say. For them the sky is down, water is dry, cats can't run fast, and fish can't swim, and we've all been taught wrong. Dopey Democrats.



You people are self destructive. He's one of the best you've got, you should be thanking your lucky stars Boehner resigned.
NONSENSE! Ryan is a pure RINO. Wouldn't be much different if he was a Democrat. Putting him in place is just another awful act done by the RINOs, that has brought about the rise of Donald Trump, and other outsiders criticial of their Democrat ass-kissing terrible tactics.
No, what brought about Trump is your hatred of a great president just because he happens to be Black and a Democrat. Your jealousy and uninformed blindly following of White trash, gun nutty, racist and greedy low lifes, brought about Trump.
His net worth keeps going up the nuttier the person speculating. HaHa

Let him release his tax reports and we'll see how good these estimates are.
No, what brought about Trump is your hatred of a great president just because he happens to be Black and a Democrat. Your jealousy and uninformed blindly following of White trash, gun nutty, racist and greedy low lifes, brought about Trump.
Sounds like you are racist against whites. I suppose you support racist affirmative action discrimination too, and racist organizations like the NAACP, New Black Panthers, Black Lives Matter, La Raza ("the race"), LULAC, MALDEF, MECHA, and Muslim Brotherhood orgs like CAIR, ISNA, MSA, etc.

These racist organizations are all bad, but the worst racism in America since the Jim Crow days, has been the Obama/Sharpton/Jackson/Crump/Holder race hustlers campaign going around threatening mayors of US Justice Dept lawsuits (which the cities can't afford to defend against), and forcing them to have their police stand down against rock-throwing rioters, while the young wild dogs burn and loot the city.

Obama is also a jihadist who refuses to do what is necessary to stop ISIS, and has allowed his White House to be filled with seditionist Muslim Brotherhood activists (x. Huma Abedin, Rashad Hussain, Dalia Mogahead, Mohammed Magid, etc. Here's even more of the creeps >>



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Yes you are, and so are the idiots who wrote that dumbass article you linked. When you propose to DEFUND an organization, you are NOT SUPPORTING it. Get it ? As for supporting the part of PP that keeps woman from getting breast cancer, are you opposed to preventing women from getting breast cancer ? What's your position on THAT ? And you don't need to be giving me links, when I already gave you links (post # 1185)
I can lead an idiot to the facts but I can't make him think.

Oh, well.
Considering that you are the one making the vapid assertion that conservatives are against PP and not against the fact they perform abortion I would not be calling people idiots.

Your entire argument is based on a bald faced lie that you are desperately trying to ignore.
No Federal funding goes to abortions, yet conservatives still want to defund PP.

So much for your argument.
Yes, because they do abortions - period. I cant help that you remain willfully ignorant.
Abortions are legal. Please put some medication on your butthurt.
Trump is like a used car salesman. He says a lot of things but can't explain how he'll accomplish it. He's going to get beat up regarding his bad business dealings once the Democrats get hold of him. They actually know what they're talking about, it won't be insults about his hair and spray tan anymore. He will be held accountable.
HA HA HA. Here's a guy with mind-boggling real estate holdings all over the world and a net worth of $10 Billion, and the dopey Democrats choose "business dealings" as a weapon to attack him with. No end to the inane things Democrats will say. For them the sky is down, water is dry, cats can't run fast, and fish can't swim, and we've all been taught wrong. Dopey Democrats.


View attachment 65752

He doesn't own those buildings. He just licenses his name.

The fact that you don't know this, despite it being all over the news, tells me you are firmly in the bubble.
He says a lot of shit and the right believes him hook, line & sinker. Like this nonsense about building a wall along 700 miles of the border with Mexico... how's he gonna build it when Congress refuses to budget for it? Rightards don't get it. They never will.

This question shows extreme ignorance of the wall issue. Trump has said MANY TIMES that Mexico will pay for the wall. And you know what ? They will not only pay for the wall, they will also pay for the mass deportation of their people, who they sent here, to rip off our economy with remittances ($23 Billion/year). And that's not all, They will also reimburse us for all the remittances$$ we've lost to them + all the welfare $$$ we've spent paying their poverty bill for them.

And if you don't know why all this is a slam dunk, you're not prepared for this discussion. In short, the whole wall is only $12-14 Billion, but the remittances Mexico has been getting + the foreign aid $$ + welfare $$ is FAR more than that. America has more leverage over Mexico than any country in the world. They are in the palm of Trump's hand.

And there's also one other element of leverage (which won't be needed) - that would be another 1848 style military ass-kicking.
Do you not know how our government works? Any fucking clue at all??

The ONLY way a federal structure can be funded is with U.S. tax dollars, budgeted by Congress. While Trump is making ludicrous claims how such funding may be recuperated from Mexico -- that wall cannot be built unless Congress includes the costs for building it in a budget.

Something they have adamantly opposed for 10 years now.

Now go take a refresher course in civics 101.
You can't support something you want to defund. Period.
Sure you can. You're just going by the old rules, that all. Trump has new rules to replace the old. :biggrin:
Trump doesn't make any rules. He's nothing but a candidate for president of the U.S.

And while you might be too deranged to comprehend, you don't support something you want to defund, no matter how much you belch otherwise. Actions speak louder than words.

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