Trump doesn't make any rules. He's nothing but a candidate for president of the U.S.

And while you might be too deranged to comprehend, you don't support something you want to defund, no matter how much you belch otherwise. Actions speak louder than words.
You can support what you want to support, and you can defund what you want to defund. After January 2017, things will do done a lot differently than they were before. The old rules are going down the tubes, along with the lobbyists who wrote them.
There are no new rules. Just how fucking brain damaged are you? Congress will still be comprised of establishment politicians even if Trump becomes president. Washington is not suddenly going to change the way they do business just because we get a spray tan president.
México says they "will not build that fucking wall."

Don't you know anything??
HA HA HA HA!! Listen to this! Oh "Mexico says", do they ? LOL. For your edification, Mexico has NO CHOICE in the matter. They will be FORCED to build the wall. Try reading Post # 1230, so you can have some idea of what you're talking about. This was already explained to you. Good grief!

And did you hear the tongue lashing that Trump gave to the moron ex-president of Mexico, Vicente Fox, during the last debate. It was priceless. :laugh:
You're completely demented. Tongue lashings are all Trump is capable of. He could no more get Mexico to build that wall than you can.
México says they "will not build that fucking wall."

Don't you know anything??
HA HA HA HA!! Listen to this! Oh "Mexico says", do they ? LOL. For your edification, Mexico has NO CHOICE in the matter. They will be FORCED to build the wall. Try reading Post # 1230, so you can have some idea of what you're talking about. This was already explained to you. Good grief!

And did you hear the tongue lashing that Trump gave to the moron ex-president of Mexico, Vicente Fox, during the last debate. It was priceless. :laugh:
You're completely demented. Tongue lashings are all Trump is capable of. He could no more get Mexico to build that wall than you can.
You're completely demented. Tongue lashings are all Trump is capable of. He could no more get Mexico to build that wall than you can.

Boy, are you ever brainwashed. That liberal media really does get a hold of you, doesn't it. I couldn't think of anything easier than forcing Mexico to build the wall. As long as Trump becomes president, it's in the bag. There's no way Mexico can avoid it. I spelled it out in post # 1230. You can play denial if you wish.
There are no new rules. Just how fucking brain damaged are you? Congress will still be comprised of establishment politicians even if Trump becomes president. Washington is not suddenly going to change the way they do business just because we get a spray tan president.
Of course they will have to change. Don't you know the power that a president has over his congress ?
Yes you are, and so are the idiots who wrote that dumbass article you linked. When you propose to DEFUND an organization, you are NOT SUPPORTING it. Get it ? As for supporting the part of PP that keeps woman from getting breast cancer, are you opposed to preventing women from getting breast cancer ? What's your position on THAT ? And you don't need to be giving me links, when I already gave you links (post # 1185)
I can lead an idiot to the facts but I can't make him think.

Oh, well.
Considering that you are the one making the vapid assertion that conservatives are against PP and not against the fact they perform abortion I would not be calling people idiots.

Your entire argument is based on a bald faced lie that you are desperately trying to ignore.
No Federal funding goes to abortions, yet conservatives still want to defund PP.

So much for your argument.
Yes, because they do abortions - period. I cant help that you remain willfully ignorant.
Abortions are legal. Please put some medication on your butthurt.
That has nothing to do with your willful ignorance.

You do realize that I support the right to chose and have said so many times on this site. If the best you have is to think I am 'but hurt' by reality then you really do not have an actual point.
You're completely demented. Tongue lashings are all Trump is capable of. He could no more get Mexico to build that wall than you can.

Boy, are you ever brainwashed. That liberal media really does get a hold of you, doesn't it. I couldn't think of anything easier than forcing Mexico to build the wall. As long as Trump becomes president, it's in the bag. There's no way Mexico can avoid it. I spelled it out in post # 1230. You can play denial if you wish.
There is no question about the wall. Mexico has no way to avoid having to build it. That's understood.

What IS IN QUESTION is the H1B visa question. Trump just said he has changed on that, and now will support H1B visas. That is a huge change, which removes his whole protectionist foundation of his candidacy.

I am having to reconsider my support for Trump, and at this point I would have to say that I'm now supporting Cruz (unless Trump retracts what he said about supporting H1B visas). No way should qualified Americans (many who have BEEN on the job for years) be fired in deference to low wage foreigners.
There is no question about the wall. Mexico has no way to avoid having to build it. That's understood.

What IS IN QUESTION is the H1B visa question. Trump just said he has changed on that, and now will support H1B visas. That is a huge change, which removes his whole protectionist foundation of his candidacy.

I am having to reconsider my support for Trump, and at this point I would have to say that I'm now supporting Cruz (unless Trump retracts what he said about supporting H1B visas). No way should qualified Americans (many who have BEEN on the job for years) be fired in deference to low wage foreigners.
You still haven't figured out yet that Trump doesn't even want to be president yet you remain in delusion about the wall. How about quoting Trump saying Mexico will not only pay for the wall, they will build it too...?
Consider the possibility that a RINO or Democrat wins the (former) White House but House and Senate see all those with expiring terms (or nearly all, OK) are removed and replaced by actual conservatives.

Can you spell gridlock?

Remember, it's hard for a paralyzed government ot hurt you............
  • Polls show Donald Trump leading everywhere during a critical 2-week stretch
    Business Insider ^ | 3/3/2016 | Allan Smith
    Thirteen states hold primaries or caucuses over the next two weeks. Of them, Trump is leading polls in nine, according to the RealClearPolitics average, including some of the most important, winner-take-all states. The other states — Hawaii, Maine, Idaho, and Missouri — don't have any recent polls listed on the site. They're also the three states with the fewest delegates to award. And in Maine, Trump has the endorsement of Gov. Paul LePage.
There is no question about the wall. Mexico has no way to avoid having to build it. That's understood.

What IS IN QUESTION is the H1B visa question. Trump just said he has changed on that, and now will support H1B visas. That is a huge change, which removes his whole protectionist foundation of his candidacy.

I am having to reconsider my support for Trump, and at this point I would have to say that I'm now supporting Cruz (unless Trump retracts what he said about supporting H1B visas). No way should qualified Americans (many who have BEEN on the job for years) be fired in deference to low wage foreigners.
Aren't H1B visas mostly going to seasonal workers in low-paying jobs?
You still haven't figured out yet that Trump doesn't even want to be president yet you remain in delusion about the wall. How about quoting Trump saying Mexico will not only pay for the wall, they will build it too...?
Are you feeling OK ? Trump doesn't want to be president, you say ? Here's what I say. Is there a doctor in the house ? Have you been out in the sun too long ? :rolleyes-41:

As for Mexico they will pay for the wall , build it, pay for the mass deportation, pay back America for their remittances and anchor baby theft, and be announced.
Aren't H1B visas mostly going to seasonal workers in low-paying jobs?
The post you quoted was revised when I found out about Trump's RECANT of his debate statement on H1B visas. The media was very slow to report on the recant.

I don't know whether "most" H1B visas go to seasonal workers, but I know that many are going to permanent workers, replacing American workers already in the jobs, and who have BEEN in them for years. Nothing seasonal about those H1B visas.
More false shit that is easily disproved. Trump does not want to raise taxes, he wants to lower them. He is not in favor of "single payer" he wants to use health savings accounts and increase competition by removing interstate barriers. . . Regarding Ryan's budget - if you are talking about the POS that was just passed Congress- yeah it's garbage.

If you want a "check off the boxes" doctrinaire conservative that "says" all the right things vote for La Raza Rubio in the primary. He has a talking point for every problem!! Of course he's very open to compromise and he may not show up for work....

Time to face reality Toro, you've been wrong on Trump since day 1. Barring some sort of tragedy, Trump is going to be the GOP nominee. He is not a professional politician, he's a citizen politician, just like the founders envisioned He is conservative on the things that matter: He wants to lower Taxes, enforce our immigration laws, protect the 2nd amendment, repeal Obamacare, make better trade deals, he'll defund Planned Parenthood. That is not conservative enough? Then vote for hiLIARy.

PS- Apparently You're a leftist that "wants to raise taxes". You've advocated closing the hedge fund loophole for as long as I've been here...:rofl: .

I'm leftist on some things.

I don't try to fool myself otherwise.

Aren't most people? If I could travel back in time and undo the New Deal, I would. But that is not realistic. We have Social Security and Medicare and people have been paying into the program for decades. The people who paid into those programs should get the benefits they were promised- it is THEIR money, not the governments. We can make a few tweaks to make the program sustainable (remove or raise the income cap slowly increase the retirement age, etc..) . Maybe even offer younger folks a way to opt out, but the government can't abandon the promises they've made. That is completely unacceptable.

I don't expect any nominee to be EXACTLY like me on every position, otherwise I'd never vote. You and I both supported Romney. He started the Massachusetts healthcare system. That was extremely leftist. But compared to Obama he was a far better choice. Within the field of available GOP candidates I believe Trump is the best candidate, by a YUUGE margin. He's conservative enough for me.

You don't worry about putting a man in office who has gone 60 years never being told 'no'? He's very immature.

I don't see it that way. He's a man who knows how to get things done. His campaign proves it. He's got the best results with the least amount of money spent.

He will continue to be underestimated right up until he leaves office in 2025.
But what are the instruments he has always used to get things done in the private sector? I know that he is still embroiled in that Irish Golf Club: Trump: I'll continue wind farm war after legal setback...and I've bought Irish golf course

He's not going to be able to just threaten to sue Congress when they don't do what he wants. We've seen how he reacts when anyone challenges him.

He'd be a disaster with an unknown reaction to being told no, since no one has ever told him that before..

Can you imagine anyone in his inner circle telling their Messiah "no"?
You still haven't figured out yet that Trump doesn't even want to be president yet you remain in delusion about the wall. How about quoting Trump saying Mexico will not only pay for the wall, they will build it too...?
Are you feeling OK ? Trump doesn't want to be president, you say ? Here's what I say. Is there a doctor in the house ? Have you been out in the sun too long ? :rolleyes-41:

As for Mexico they will pay for the wall , build it, pay for the mass deportation, pay back America for their remittances and anchor baby theft, and be announced.
That's correct, Donald Trump does not want to be president. He demonstrates that repeatedly by shooting himself in the foot with his mouth trying to sway public opinion against him; only it draws acolytes like you even more to him like a flame draws a moth.

And your delirium about the wall is well noted. You will see... there will be no wall. Congress is not going to build it and Mexico is certainly not going to build it. You're completely fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

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