Here's a prediction; if Trump is President, this will never happen.

"What's happened to you people is disgraceful," Trump said of the auto industry's decline. "Mexico is becoming the car capital of the world, whether you like it or not, and we're going to turn that around … In a couple of years, you'll go home to your wife and home to your husband and say, 'Darling, I have so many job opportunities, I'm going absolutely crazy.' As opposed to now …"

Byron York: Showing strength in Michigan, Trump feeds on hostility to GOP, Romney

This is what he promised to people in Michigan at a speech a few days ago.

There is 0% chance of this happening.

And then, people will realize what a blowhard he is, making promises he can't keep.

It's what populist demagogues do. We've seen this happen around the world over and over and over again. It's a recipe for disaster.
Here's a prediction; if Trump is President, this will never happen.

"What's happened to you people is disgraceful," Trump said of the auto industry's decline. "Mexico is becoming the car capital of the world, whether you like it or not, and we're going to turn that around … In a couple of years, you'll go home to your wife and home to your husband and say, 'Darling, I have so many job opportunities, I'm going absolutely crazy.' As opposed to now …"

Byron York: Showing strength in Michigan, Trump feeds on hostility to GOP, Romney

This is what he promised to people in Michigan at a speech a few days ago.

There is 0% chance of this happening.

And then, people will realize what a blowhard he is, making promises he can't keep..

Yep, which is why Trump isnt running for President as the experts said he would not because he is a blowhard....wait, HE *IS* running for President!

Damn, and he did NOT drop out by now either!

That is sorely vexing, dont you think? How can you experts be so consistently wrong about everything that Trump has done so far?

Could it be that you dont know what the fuck you are talking about?

MMM, yes, I think that just might be the case.
Here's a prediction; if Trump is President, this will never happen.

"What's happened to you people is disgraceful," Trump said of the auto industry's decline. "Mexico is becoming the car capital of the world, whether you like it or not, and we're going to turn that around … In a couple of years, you'll go home to your wife and home to your husband and say, 'Darling, I have so many job opportunities, I'm going absolutely crazy.' As opposed to now …"

Byron York: Showing strength in Michigan, Trump feeds on hostility to GOP, Romney

This is what he promised to people in Michigan at a speech a few days ago.

There is 0% chance of this happening.

And then, people will realize what a blowhard he is, making promises he can't keep..

Yep, which is why Trump isnt running for President as the experts said he would not because he is a blowhard....wait, HE *IS* running for President!

Damn, and he did NOT drop out by now either!

That is sorely vexing, dont you think? How can you experts be so consistently wrong about everything that Trump has done so far?

Could it be that you dont know what the fuck you are talking about?

MMM, yes, I think that just might be the case.

I know you really, really, really want to believe.

He's lying to you.

He's making promises he can't keep and aren't going to happen.

Just like any other politician, only more extreme.

It's what populist demagogues do.
Today.... I hope that Kaish and Rubio both wind up with 13% in Michigan and the other two states doing proportional delagates, Cruz gets 35, trump gets 40... I hopes in one of them, michigan? 40 Cruz vs 35 trump. I hope Cruz gets at lest 51 % in Idaho and scoops the pool..

I hope, I hope, I hope...

this will give Rubio and Kaish get 0. And decide to quit. And this will result in Cruz getting more delegates for the day.
Here's a prediction; if Trump is President, this will never happen.

"What's happened to you people is disgraceful," Trump said of the auto industry's decline. "Mexico is becoming the car capital of the world, whether you like it or not, and we're going to turn that around … In a couple of years, you'll go home to your wife and home to your husband and say, 'Darling, I have so many job opportunities, I'm going absolutely crazy.' As opposed to now …"

Byron York: Showing strength in Michigan, Trump feeds on hostility to GOP, Romney

This is what he promised to people in Michigan at a speech a few days ago.

There is 0% chance of this happening.

And then, people will realize what a blowhard he is, making promises he can't keep..

Yep, which is why Trump isnt running for President as the experts said he would not because he is a blowhard....wait, HE *IS* running for President!

Damn, and he did NOT drop out by now either!

That is sorely vexing, dont you think? How can you experts be so consistently wrong about everything that Trump has done so far?

Could it be that you dont know what the fuck you are talking about?

MMM, yes, I think that just might be the case.

I know you really, really, really want to believe.

He's lying to you.

He's making promises he can't keep and aren't going to happen.

Just like any other politician, only more extreme.

It's what populist demagogues do.

I am a Cruz supporter, but I would gladly settle for Trump, which makes me pretty darned happy with this election thus far.
Kasich is sneaking up on Cruz, he'd better watch it.

Hillary projected to win Mississippi. Republican side, too early to call.
This a thread about POLITICS. If you are not going to address the OP go somewhere else.
Right this minute, Trump is kicking ass in the primaries. Just won Mississippi and Michigan - both by wide margins.
Congratulations President Trump. :biggrin:
Trump will not be the nominee.

I have no idea who the Republican nominee will be since it is going to the convention.

But it won't be Trump.
It's already Trump. Has been since the day he declared back in July. The GOP can't nominate anyone else. If they do, Trump runs independently, and then they'll have to withdraw their RINO, or give the White House to the Democrat.
I predict it will probably be hillary
Hillary wins by 8 points if it is trump
Hillary wins by 5 points if it is Cruz
Wanna buy a bridge in Brooklyn ?
Its Drumpf, Cruz or no more GOP.
Not necessarily. It will be a GOP that is abandoned by the crazies. Not such a bad thing.

They can come out with a new platform that goes back to their roots: Chamber of Commerce. They can jettison the Rapture Right, the Alex Jones nuts, and the teabaggers who whine about the Constitution but don't have a clue what's in it.
Trump will not be the nominee.

I have no idea who the Republican nominee will be since it is going to the convention.

But it won't be Trump.
The Koch/Walker/Rubio bloc will do everything they can. But if Drumpf hits the 1237 I don't see how they can deny him.

I don't think he's going to get 1237.

If he gets it, he should be the nominee. But it looks less likely by the day.

And if he doesn't have the votes going into the convention, he's not going to get them at the convention. Cruz has been in the trenches, winning delegates at the state conventions loyal to him who will vote for him when they become unbound. Trump didn't even know how the process works. Whatever number of votes Trump has on the first ballot will likely be his highest.
Its Drumpf, Cruz or no more GOP.
Not necessarily. It will be a GOP that is abandoned by the crazies. Not such a bad thing.

They can come out with a new platform that goes back to their roots: Chamber of Commerce. They can jettison the Rapture Right, the Alex Jones nuts, and the teabaggers who whine about the Constitution but don't have a clue what's in it.
It will be a GOP that abandons those that you, as a democrat, want them to abandon. The fact that you cannot avoid being insulting when referring to those groups really does show that you are being partisan about it anyway. Not really very helpful for a party you would not vote for under any circumstances.

The simple reality is that a party with less than 25 percent of the people identifying as a member cannot survive almost half walking away from it. They would lose any semblance of relevancy.
Ted Cruz, born of a tiny turnout, sees new scrutiny after wins

Rachel Maddow tells the story of how good timing allowed Ted Cruz to defeat a better-known candidate in a Senate race with an abnormally small turnout, the only election in which Cruz has ever run, and notes that Cruz is likely to be subjected to greater scrutiny.

Ted Cruz, born of a tiny turnout, sees new scrutiny after wins

Link to video.

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