Not necessarily. It will be a GOP that is abandoned by the crazies. Not such a bad thing.

They can come out with a new platform that goes back to their roots: Chamber of Commerce. They can jettison the Rapture Right, the Alex Jones nuts, and the teabaggers who whine about the Constitution but don't have a clue what's in it.
Speaking of not having a clue, the C of C is in the pockets of the Mexican govt. Has been for years.
Cruz won't win a contested convention cuz their won't be one. Trump will reach the required delegates (1237) and then some in June. You can take that to the bank unless he fucks everything up and self destructs. Otherwise count on Trump reaching the magic number in June 2016.

Screen shot it and post in on your wall :lol:
I think trump is feeling very nervous about the panama papers, so he is going to hunker down with his lawyers for a while, so he will be quiet.

Further I predict Trump will sink like a rock in NY over the next week to about 35, Cruz will get 36%. Trump will get over 50% in none of the districts, but Cruz and Kasich will get over 50 % in several districts each, Cruz getting a bunch up state, Kasich a few in the Metro area.
Bernie won Wyoming caucuses today. They're still close wins that won't help him but he keeps on working hard.
Further I predict Drumpf will sink like a rock in NY over the next week to about 35, Cruz will get 36%. Drumpf will get over 50% in none of the districts, but Cruz and Kasich will get over 50 % in several districts each, Cruz getting a bunch up state, Kasich a few in the Metro area.
You're delusional.
Take away all his Democratic supporters, he will crater. A very large chunk of his 'support' has been democrats gaming the election. In NY changing parties has been impossible since october. He will have a miserable result in NY.

People in NY know him better than folks in the rest of the country. To know Trump is to dislike him. People in NY will be holding their noses when faced with the choice of Cruz, or Trump. Kaisch will do very well in NY
Cruz won't win a contested convention cuz their won't be one. Trump will reach the required delegates (1237) and then some in June. You can take that to the bank unless he fucks everything up and self destructs. Otherwise count on Trump reaching the magic number in June 2016.

Screen shot it and post in on your wall :lol:
Screen shot it and save it for a new thread for when Cruz takes the nomination.
All predictions for the 2016 election go here.

I'll start.

John kasich WI'll be the next president in 2016.


A lot will happen in the next 2 years so it's what happens between now and 2016 that most interests me. Starting January 20th many Dems who must stand for reelection in 2016 will have to distance themselves from our lame-duck prez. The Dem minority whip will have a rough time keeping his troops in line. It will be a fun and interesting time for long time observers.
The Dems will fall in line more so than the GOP. It's there nature to sacrifice for the cause.
Sanders won Nevada after all!
What a circus!
It'll be interesting to see how that changes the delegate count.
The Democratic establishment really want Hillary.

"After the Clark County Democratic Convention, Bernie Sanders has flipped his close Nevada caucus loss to a win at the convention stage. The Sanders campaign pulled out a victory in Nevada’s most populous county at this weekend’s convention at the Cashman Center in Las Vegas.

Las Vegas Sun reporter Megan Messerly confirmed the final delegate count, showing Sanders had flipped Clark County in his favor.

The other most populous county, Washoe County, ended with 1050 delegates for Sanders and 833 for Clinton. It is unclear at this time exactly how many more delegates Bernie Sanders has picked up, as the final results will not be decided until the state convention in May."
Bernie Sanders Wins the Nevada Caucus After All
Sanders won Nevada after all!
What a circus!
It'll be interesting to see how that changes the delegate count.
The Democratic establishment really want Hillary.

"After the Clark County Democratic Convention, Bernie Sanders has flipped his close Nevada caucus loss to a win at the convention stage. The Sanders campaign pulled out a victory in Nevada’s most populous county at this weekend’s convention at the Cashman Center in Las Vegas.

Las Vegas Sun reporter Megan Messerly confirmed the final delegate count, showing Sanders had flipped Clark County in his favor.

The other most populous county, Washoe County, ended with 1050 delegates for Sanders and 833 for Clinton. It is unclear at this time exactly how many more delegates Bernie Sanders has picked up, as the final results will not be decided until the state convention in May."
Bernie Sanders Wins the Nevada Caucus After All
It all seems like noise to me. Short of an indictment the nomination is Hillary's.
People in NY know him better than folks in the rest of the country. To know Drumpf is to dislike him. People in NY will be holding their noses when faced with the choice of Cruz, or Drumpf. Kaisch will do very well in NY
I think you overestimate the people of New York. Drumpf will get a lot of votes. Kasich will do well, but Rafael Cruz will bomb. New Yorkers will tolerate a homegrown dope more than they will a Texas weasel insulting their New York Values.
Sanders won Nevada after all!
What a circus!
It'll be interesting to see how that changes the delegate count.
The Democratic establishment really want Hillary.

"After the Clark County Democratic Convention, Bernie Sanders has flipped his close Nevada caucus loss to a win at the convention stage. The Sanders campaign pulled out a victory in Nevada’s most populous county at this weekend’s convention at the Cashman Center in Las Vegas.

Las Vegas Sun reporter Megan Messerly confirmed the final delegate count, showing Sanders had flipped Clark County in his favor.

The other most populous county, Washoe County, ended with 1050 delegates for Sanders and 833 for Clinton. It is unclear at this time exactly how many more delegates Bernie Sanders has picked up, as the final results will not be decided until the state convention in May."
Bernie Sanders Wins the Nevada Caucus After All
It all seems like noise to me. Short of an indictment the nomination is Hillary's.
Hillary's crowd were pretty unhappy about it.
If Drumpf is such a dealmaker, and deal closer, and art of the deal, and super-bidniz man, and all that, why is Rafael Cruz nabbing all the free range delegates?
If he is the deal maker he claims, he will have to prove it by coming out of a brokered convention as the RNC nominee.
Cruz won't win a contested convention cuz their won't be one. Trump will reach the required delegates (1237) and then some in June. You can take that to the bank unless he fucks everything up and self destructs. Otherwise count on Trump reaching the magic number in June 2016.

Screen shot it and post in on your wall :lol:
Screen shot it and save it for a new thread for when Cruz takes the nomination.
One thing is certain Cruz will never take or be the nominee. That will never happen. If it went to a contested convention, which it won't, Trump or Kasich would come out the nominee before Cruz ever would.
Cruz won't win a contested convention cuz their won't be one. Trump will reach the required delegates (1237) and then some in June. You can take that to the bank unless he fucks everything up and self destructs. Otherwise count on Trump reaching the magic number in June 2016.

Screen shot it and post in on your wall :lol:
Screen shot it and save it for a new thread for when Cruz takes the nomination.
One thing is certain Cruz will never take or be the nominee. That will never happen. If it went to a contested convention, which it won't, Trump or Kasich would come out the nominee before Cruz ever would.


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