What has Hillary accomplished of importance that is positive? Nothing!

Of course Barry got elected the same way, but he was a better liar and speaker!

I doubt if she wins the nomination even.
Here is yet another goof ball prediction that came out completely wrong. Funny.
Hillary Clinton wins Oval in 2016. Coalition of women, minorities, college educated men and women, and independents too strong. GOP "ace in the hole" of security voters becoming marginalized by fewer deaths overseas of our servicemen and women, no terrorist attacks on homefront, and the benefits of not fighting becoming pocketbook issues such as the price of gasoline, National Guardsmen/women being able to stay in the workforce, etc... GOP secret weapon of Obama fatigue still in play however.

Democrats take back the Senate. Too many GOP seats up for grabs with some key retirements likely to happen. I predict Arizona will be blue in 2016.

House remains in GOP hands. As will be the case for the next 2-5 cycles.
Damn you are a smart one candycorn !!!

Amazing. And right on.
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I made a thread here with my prediction for 2016 a year ago or so; it's going to be Romney vs. Gore

Hillary will decide not to run or we will progressives/far-lefts get Warren or someone else to kill each other during the primary and Gore will step in and save the day. Something similar will happen in the GOP primary and Romney will step in by being asked by enough of the right people to run
Some of these are pretty funny now.

Are you getting a sense that some of these people should never play the lottery or ever go into a casino ?!

Clinton vs. Whoever survives the GOP nomination process which will ensure an inevitable GOP defeat despite Hillary's weaknesses.
Here is another one that is like Candy's and practically right on !!!

Such smart people here ... among some really dumb ones too.
I predict it's too far away from election day that it's next to impossible to guess correctly who the main stream party nominees will be.
Dante several people have been right on with their predictions so far -- two years out.

So your theory/hypothesis does NOT hold up.
I still think Mike Pence will explore the opportunity. Huckabee may make some noises. And you know that Santorum will run again, if he hasn't already started.
Here is the first mention of the GOP VP nominee. Very good for you Synthaholic !!!

B+ and a case of beers for that one.
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The GOP will glom onto to Jeb as a winning ticket sure-thing.
The Dems will throw Hillary aside as lacking "that new car smell" and pick Liz Warren. Most people will stay home.
Wow!!! Rabbi's predictions really sucked big time.
It won't be Clinton vs Bush----------------------I don't know who, but it won't be those two losers.
Jeb is no more a loser by association with his brother any more than Hillary's a winner be association with her husband.
Wow !!!

Meathead was completely off by 180 degrees.

Does this complete dumsh!t still show his face around here anymore ??
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I predict that Clinton will win by 6 points in the popular vote and probably win about as many electorals as Obama in 2008.

I think she will pick up all the states Obama did in 2012, plus Arizona, North Carolina and Missouri.

Unless the DNC Big City Vote Manufacturing Facilities get hacked and now we'll have 59 Philly precincts that register zero Hillary votes
I don't suck at it, I love political analysis and I'm good at it. Have you seen the exploratory polling? Nobody can touch Hillary except maybe, Chris Christie. Republicans have nobody. Your candidates are all idiots or they bore everyone to tears.

You'll see Big Bill in the White House again, mark my words...
Sarah G turns out to be right again ... a living oracle that girl is.
She [read: Hillary] is not even getting the nomination

This is the worst prediction in the history of the world.

Does this bozo still post here on USMB ??

It's obvious from the leaked emails that Hillary and the DNC cheated their asses off to get her the nomination

Also, you're amazingly good when wearing the 20/20 hindsight glasses
Ahh ... so YOU ARE are the INFAMOUS FRANK !!!

Hahaha !!!

Ok I will tell you MY predictions on another board (Trinnity's board) to be fair.

For the DEM's it was Hillary -- that was easy. The DEM Party owes her big time and BHO was grooming her to be the next POTUS from day #1 as his SecState.

For the GOP I was no better than anybody else. However I did predict that Cruz and Rand Paul were both worthless as the day is long. Does not account for Cruzzer cruising into 2nd after The Donald though.

None of my own favorites ended up with standing a chance: Jeb, Kasich, and Christie.

It's just REALLY FUNNY reading these "predictions" two years later.

This whole thing reminds me of a secretary at a job I once had who kept getting the best results for the football game predictions all year and won the whole shebang after the SuperBowl. I went and asked her how she made her predictions and she said she picked the winner based on whether she liked the teams mascots. :eusa_eh:

Anyone can pull a plum out of their butts and get a lucky call, but providing good solid reasons for what you are saying will likely happen is much tougher. The reasoning and factoids are actually more important for later use than the predicted results themselves.

I called it for Trump back in March, as the coming schedule of primaries seemed to forecast a Trump nomination.
Trump is about to have a String of Wins

Observed that Trump continued to defied the odds which suggests that his critics do not understand the man or his campaign
2016 Election Prediction Thread

I supported Cruz but liked Trump as well
2016 Election Prediction Thread

Bosquebromance calls Trump the winner
2016 Election Prediction Thread

Zander nails it right
Woman calls for assassination of Trump...

Sarah G predicts a Rand Paul nomination
2016 Election Prediction Thread

Toro totally blows it
2016 Election Prediction Thread
I don't suck at it, I love political analysis and I'm good at it. Have you seen the exploratory polling? Nobody can touch Hillary except maybe, Chris Christie. Republicans have nobody. Your candidates are all idiots or they bore everyone to tears.

You'll see Big Bill in the White House again, mark my words...
Sarah G turns out to be right again ... a living oracle that girl is.
Sarah G predicts a Rand Paul nomination
2016 Election Prediction Thread

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