People are getting very hot under the collar because of Trump. He doesn't have to win the nomination. He just has to make everyone royally pissed. That is his goal.

Getting Kaish the nomination or better yet, from his perspective Ryan, and his job is complete. Hillary Wins.

Cruz is becoming his goal achiever as well, as much as Cruz tries to calm every one down.

I like Cruz, but I have seen on this board just how much Trump has stirred up animosity. July is going to be UGLY
Cruz won't win a contested convention cuz their won't be one. Trump will reach the required delegates (1237) and then some in June. You can take that to the bank unless he fucks everything up and self destructs. Otherwise count on Trump reaching the magic number in June 2016.

Screen shot it and post in on your wall :lol:
Screen shot it and save it for a new thread for when Cruz takes the nomination.
One thing is certain Cruz will never take or be the nominee. That will never happen. If it went to a contested convention, which it won't, Trump or Kasich would come out the nominee before Cruz ever would.

1. Doesn’t have enough support from party bigwigs aka establishment. Senate Republican's can't stand him.
2. Far too extreme ideologically
3. He stands ZERO chance against Hillary (see #2)

He's being used solely to stop Trump (which is failing) and that says everything it needs to.
Cruz won't win a contested convention cuz their won't be one. Trump will reach the required delegates (1237) and then some in June. You can take that to the bank unless he fucks everything up and self destructs. Otherwise count on Trump reaching the magic number in June 2016.

Screen shot it and post in on your wall :lol:
Screen shot it and save it for a new thread for when Cruz takes the nomination.
One thing is certain Cruz will never take or be the nominee. That will never happen. If it went to a contested convention, which it won't, Trump or Kasich would come out the nominee before Cruz ever would.

1. Doesn’t have enough support from party bigwigs aka establishment. Senate Republican's can't stand him.
2. Far too extreme ideologically
3. He stands ZERO chance against Hillary (see #2)

He's being used solely to stop Trump (which is failing) and that says everything it needs to.
They also won't want to have to deal with the whole natural born citizen thing, which will certainly become an issue if he wins his party's nomination.
Cruz won't win a contested convention cuz their won't be one. Trump will reach the required delegates (1237) and then some in June. You can take that to the bank unless he fucks everything up and self destructs. Otherwise count on Trump reaching the magic number in June 2016.

Screen shot it and post in on your wall :lol:
Screen shot it and save it for a new thread for when Cruz takes the nomination.
One thing is certain Cruz will never take or be the nominee. That will never happen. If it went to a contested convention, which it won't, Trump or Kasich would come out the nominee before Cruz ever would.

Because Rafael Cruz is despised by almost all who interact with him.
Cruz won't win a contested convention cuz their won't be one. Trump will reach the required delegates (1237) and then some in June. You can take that to the bank unless he fucks everything up and self destructs. Otherwise count on Trump reaching the magic number in June 2016.

Screen shot it and post in on your wall :lol:
Screen shot it and save it for a new thread for when Cruz takes the nomination.
One thing is certain Cruz will never take or be the nominee. That will never happen. If it went to a contested convention, which it won't, Trump or Kasich would come out the nominee before Cruz ever would.
And I already have a bet with you :(

The nominee is either going to be Trump or Cruz - there is no one else they can go for without disenfranchising a major portion of their base.

The sad truth for the right is that they really do not have anyone that stands a chance against Hillary. Cruz is better than anyone else at this point. And don't go into poling data about head to head right now - that polling data is virtually worthless at this stage. Once Hillary gets into attack mode, she is going to tear into whoever the nominee is. Trump is likely the only one that it will not effect all that much. Unfortunately for him though, he does not really have enough support anyway.
Cruz won't win a contested convention cuz their won't be one. Trump will reach the required delegates (1237) and then some in June. You can take that to the bank unless he fucks everything up and self destructs. Otherwise count on Trump reaching the magic number in June 2016.

Screen shot it and post in on your wall :lol:
Screen shot it and save it for a new thread for when Cruz takes the nomination.
One thing is certain Cruz will never take or be the nominee. That will never happen. If it went to a contested convention, which it won't, Trump or Kasich would come out the nominee before Cruz ever would.
They don't want Trump. How will they give it to Kasich when he's only won one state? They're gonna have to get away from these three. Romney?
Cruz won't win a contested convention cuz their won't be one. Trump will reach the required delegates (1237) and then some in June. You can take that to the bank unless he fucks everything up and self destructs. Otherwise count on Trump reaching the magic number in June 2016.

Screen shot it and post in on your wall :lol:
Screen shot it and save it for a new thread for when Cruz takes the nomination.
One thing is certain Cruz will never take or be the nominee. That will never happen. If it went to a contested convention, which it won't, Trump or Kasich would come out the nominee before Cruz ever would.
They don't want Trump. How will they give it to Kasich when he's only won one state? They're gonna have to get away from these three. Romney?
Any Kasich supporters out there care to explain why he feels he can beat Hillary with only one state under his belt? I can't believe Ohio even picked him. Nice man but boring and vanilla.
Cruz won't win a contested convention cuz their won't be one. Trump will reach the required delegates (1237) and then some in June. You can take that to the bank unless he fucks everything up and self destructs. Otherwise count on Trump reaching the magic number in June 2016.

Screen shot it and post in on your wall :lol:
Screen shot it and save it for a new thread for when Cruz takes the nomination.
One thing is certain Cruz will never take or be the nominee. That will never happen. If it went to a contested convention, which it won't, Trump or Kasich would come out the nominee before Cruz ever would.
And I already have a bet with you :(

The nominee is either going to be Trump or Cruz - there is no one else they can go for without disenfranchising a major portion of their base.

The sad truth for the right is that they really do not have anyone that stands a chance against Hillary. Cruz is better than anyone else at this point. And don't go into poling data about head to head right now - that polling data is virtually worthless at this stage. Once Hillary gets into attack mode, she is going to tear into whoever the nominee is. Trump is likely the only one that it will not effect all that much. Unfortunately for him though, he does not really have enough support anyway.
You're an honorable man for remembering our 'little bet' ;) Says a lot about your character my friend.

I agree about the head to head polling being premature, but I disagree about Cruz being better than anyone else. I think that Trump is the GOP's ONLY hope of beating Clinton in the general and I don't say that because I'm a Trump supporter. Cruz is too far right and Kasich is well........Kasich. Trump will bring in hundreds of thousands of new voters into the proverbial tent and expand the party (more than any other candidate in the history of politics)

I'm so glad you didn't take my bet!

I did. And I am on record predicting Clinton at 57% in the NPV when all the votes are counted in November, and she will easily sail over 400 EV.

This scenario is running EXACTLY as I predicted. It's fun to watch the Republican Party literally destroy itself.


Nice to hear from you.


I recall you dodging. But if you can link it, I'll abide by it.

I'm so glad you didn't take my bet!

I did. And I am on record predicting Clinton at 57% in the NPV when all the votes are counted in November, and she will easily sail over 400 EV.

This scenario is running EXACTLY as I predicted. It's fun to watch the Republican Party literally destroy itself.


Nice to hear from you.


I recall you dodging. But if you can link it, I'll abide by it.

It's there, but no worry, I am barely here. More important things in life.

Best to you,

Within two weeks Trump will be leading in the trustworthy national polls, Sanders will be destroying the Democratic Socialist Party for their obvious elitist coronation of Hillary vs voters and liberal voters will remain hate filled morons lacking in common sense and patriotism.

13 more days to go!

What do I win?
Hillary will run, if her health holds.

Whether she can beat Jeb or Chris or Rand will be the problem. Anyone else she and she will take 55% of the vote.
Funny to read this now, seeing how Trump destroyed Jeb, Chris, and Rand for Hillary, and now Hillary is destroying Trump in return.

No good dead goes unpunished ever.


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