republicans seem to forget they invented Isis. Isis didn't exist until bush took Saddam out. Huge mistake. Good dictators are hard to come by.

You have to have a replacement government before you take a regime out
History is interesting, but not as relevant as 2016 national security.
a vote for Hillary is a vote for the first nuclear attack....its the only way to beat her,,,she doesnt care that N Korea/Iran are making bombs,,,,what difference does it make?
a vote for Hillary is a vote for the first nuclear attack....its the only way to beat her,,,she doesnt care that N Korea/Iran are making bombs,,,,what difference does it make?
Or that ISIS is aquiring them too. She's OK with Obama's lunatic idea to let in 185,000 Syrian regugees (ISIS neatly tucked in among them)

Election 2016: In Dallas Hillary Clinton weighs in on Syrian refugee crisis, after Paris attacks

Instead if these, why don't you talk about his hawkish positions on ISIS
How many of your family members have died at ISIS' hands? When do you expect that to happen?
It's not a matter of "expect". No one knows when. But when it could happen is today, tomorrow, the next day, and anytime at all. This is a NUCLEAR age. "Our" ports aren't even ours - they're foreign owned, and shipping containers arriving, are 95% not inspected.

Combine all that with immensely wealthy ISIS moving in with Syrian refugees, who "our" screwball president is allowing to immigrate in.
Couldn't be a better recipe for the annihilation of the country, if a fiction writer was writing this.
I'm sorry you're so timid. Become a Democrat - it'll give you a spine!
  • Supports Planned Parenthood
FALSE! Trump does NOT support Planned Parenthood, and has openly proposed to DEFUND it. Get your facts straight, before you post.
You are wrong. He said so the other day. He supports PP but does not want them to do abortions.
But that means that he is in agreement with the right's position on PP. the existence of PP has never been an issue with the right - the fact that it does abortions is and the fact that it receives government funding.

Trump supporting PP is irrelevant in the face of him not supporting funding them or their abortion services. There is a debate in weather or not hes 'positions' are nothing more than political posturing but his statements certainly are not in disagreement with the right in general.
the existence of PP has never been an issue with the right - the fact that it does abortions is and the fact that it receives government funding.
Then why won't any of them state that they have no issues with PP?

Please show me where any except Donald have done so.
Because they do have issues with PP - specifically that they perform abortions.

You are being purposefully obtuse here and I am not going to play that game.
You are wrong. He said so the other day. He supports PP but does not want them to do abortions.
NO, YOU are wrong. "The other day" (DURING THE GOP DEBATE) he said he would DEFUND Planned Parenthood. That is not supporting it. For the second time, I'm telling you > Get your facts straight, before you post. (the PROOF is in Post # 1185)
Then why won't any of them state that they have no issues with PP?

Please show me where any except Donald have done so.
They have ALL stated that they HAVE issues with PP, and they have ALL (including Trump) stated that they would DEFUND it , and you ALREADY have been shown (try reading this thread).
You are wrong. He said so the other day. He supports PP but does not want them to do abortions.
NO, YOU are wrong. "The other day" (DURING THE GOP DEBATE) he said he would DEFUND Planned Parenthood. That is not supporting it. For the second time, I'm telling you > Get your facts straight, before you post. (the PROOF is in Post # 1185)
GOP debate: Donald Trump defends Planned Parenthood a second time

Trump: I Support Planned Parenthood But Would Defund It

I'm not the one who needs to get my facts straight.
Yes you are, and so are the idiots who wrote that dumbass article you linked. When you propose to DEFUND an organization, you are NOT SUPPORTING it. Get it ? As for supporting the part of PP that keeps woman from getting breast cancer, are you opposed to preventing women from getting breast cancer ? What's your position on THAT ? And you don't need to be giving me links, when I already gave you links (post # 1185)
Yes you are, and so are the idiots who wrote that dumbass article you linked. When you propose to DEFUND an organization, you are NOT SUPPORTING it. Get it ? As for supporting the part of PP that keeps woman from getting breast cancer, are you opposed to preventing women from getting breast cancer ? What's your position on THAT ? And you don't need to be giving me links, when I already gave you links (post # 1185)
I can lead an idiot to the facts but I can't make him think.

Oh, well.
Yet another reason most women will vote against Trump.
No, because he has said he supports the healthy things PP does. Just not reckless abortion and fetal sales. Most women are intelligent enough to agree with that.
No, he doesn't support the other medical treatments for women at Planned Parenthood. He says he does, but he doesn't. If he actually did, he wouldn't be saying he wants to defund Planned Parenthood. You can't support something you want to stop paying for. That would be like a dead-beat dad saying he supports his kids - but then stops making child support payments.
The Speaker just had a news conference to disassociate himself and the Republican party from white supremacists.
Yes you are, and so are the idiots who wrote that dumbass article you linked. When you propose to DEFUND an organization, you are NOT SUPPORTING it. Get it ? As for supporting the part of PP that keeps woman from getting breast cancer, are you opposed to preventing women from getting breast cancer ? What's your position on THAT ? And you don't need to be giving me links, when I already gave you links (post # 1185)
I can lead an idiot to the facts but I can't make him think.

Oh, well.
Considering that you are the one making the vapid assertion that conservatives are against PP and not against the fact they perform abortion I would not be calling people idiots.

Your entire argument is based on a bald faced lie that you are desperately trying to ignore.

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