2016 Presidential Debate --- ROUND TWO.

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Hillary Clinton won the debate against Donald Trump by 47% to 42%. Clinton narrowly won undecideds 44% to 41%. She was also considered “more Presidential” by a 57% to 31% margin.
YouGov? No bias there, of course.

Hillary lost, big time.

We know what flies are attracted to.

I thought Hillary looked like a penguin. She needs to hire a new fashion consultant.


^This my friends is the degeneracy of the far right. Deciding what is right or wrong based on flies. No wonder they were the last to come around on the world not being flat.

You got it all wrong. That's actually degeneracy of the flies. Flies are deplorable and clearly on the Trump's side.

Trump claims Hillary has "tremendous hate in her heart" and claims he will lock her up if elected

Low point in presidential debate history
She does and he should.

It just shows how low the Republican Party has sunk. It is no longer disagreement on political views but a battle to what they think is good vs evil.....it is why they can no longer negotiate with Dems

Tremendous hate in her heart?

Yeah wth!? Hate? He is so bizarre, he actually thinks "if I say it it is true".

There was a time when both parties were just Americans that sat across the aisle from each other in Congress and then after work they went together to have a drink. Faux News and conservative talk radio has turned conservatives into 'if you believe anything other than what I believe you are Satan and evil'.

They f#$ked up a perfectly good political party. A divide in the country? Yes that was the intention by conservative media, to couch everything as life or death us vs them. When you have people terrified of their own shadow they are far more easy to manipulate.
Was that the time that one Senator beat another Senator almost to death with his cane?

You search the Earth for misery every day and you find what you want to find.

Good for you Quasimodo.
so the real polling after the debate of debate watchers, has Clinton winning....in 2 separate polls... plus in the poll group at the debate, Clinton won, the rest were undecided or felt they tied....only 1 in the group said Trump won.

in the cnn thingy, about 65% of those debate watchers polled felt Trump exceeded expectations...
Trump won the Pre-Debate, punking the All-In Media and making them come face-to-face with the women Bill RAPED and Hillary demonized and threatened.

Who won the debate was a toss up between Trump, who got applause from the crowd when he vowed to PROPERLY have Hillary investigated by a Special Prosecutor, and the FLY that landed square in the middle of Hillary's face!
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