2016: The Year Americans Found Out Their Elections Are Rigged

I agree to a degree....

First let me say, ''the establishment'' is just a softer synonym for ''the PARTY''...... it's 'THE PARTY, the Republican Party, that is doing this to Trump....and as long as you all hang on to this regurgitation of calling it 'the establishment' you are HIDING who is truly doing this....it is the Republican Party, the RNC/the GOP that is doing this to Mr. Trump....

It is NOT THE SAME with the DNC and Bernie....

no one in the Democratic party is trying to STOP sanders, there is no #NeverSanders movement as there is a #NeverTrump....

NO ONE in the Democratic Party is out there trying to belittle Bernie, as the Republican Party has put out there to belittle Trump....

Trump is winning in the votes of the people AHEAD of all other Republican candidates

Sanders is losing by 2MILLION votes of the people, against Hillary....

Trying to bring the Democratic Party in to this by the author, is just diminishing what the Republican Party HAS CHOSEN TO DO against Mr. Trump.

You have GOT to be kidding. Hillary started off with hundreds of delegates in the form of SuperDelegates. If it were and honest and fair election on the Democratic side, Hillary would be about 200 delegates ahead with Bernie closing. As for them not calling Bernie names, Hillary and her minions spend a lot of times calling Bernie "unelectable" and a "big talker" who isn't leveling with the American people.

Keep your lies to yourself.
Somebody named Nick Bernabe claims the elections are rigged. It's a slick effort to undermine faith in the rule of law by comparing party primaries which are not government sanctioned with presidential elections which are operated based on the rule of law and strict guidelines and then claiming that presidential elections are rigged. Only the low information left buys the argument.
I agree to a degree....

First let me say, ''the establishment'' is just a softer synonym for ''the PARTY''...... it's 'THE PARTY, the Republican Party, that is doing this to Trump....and as long as you all hang on to this regurgitation of calling it 'the establishment' you are HIDING who is truly doing this....it is the Republican Party, the RNC/the GOP that is doing this to Mr. Trump....

It is NOT THE SAME with the DNC and Bernie....

no one in the Democratic party is trying to STOP sanders, there is no #NeverSanders movement as there is a #NeverTrump....

NO ONE in the Democratic Party is out there trying to belittle Bernie, as the Republican Party has put out there to belittle Trump....

Trump is winning in the votes of the people AHEAD of all other Republican candidates

Sanders is losing by 2MILLION votes of the people, against Hillary....

Trying to bring the Democratic Party in to this by the author, is just diminishing what the Republican Party HAS CHOSEN TO DO against Mr. Trump.

You have GOT to be kidding. Hillary started off with hundreds of delegates in the form of SuperDelegates. If it were and honest and fair election on the Democratic side, Hillary would be about 200 delegates ahead with Bernie closing. As for them not calling Bernie names, Hillary and her minions spend a lot of times calling Bernie "unelectable" and a "big talker" who isn't leveling with the American people.

Keep your lies to yourself.

If it were and honest and fair election on the Democratic side, Hillary would be about 200 delegates ahead with Bernie closing.

That's pretty much where we're at there sport.
Delegate results
2,383 needed for nomination · 1,938 still available

Pledged delegates 1,289 1,038
Superdelegates 469 31
I agree to a degree....

First let me say, ''the establishment'' is just a softer synonym for ''the PARTY''...... it's 'THE PARTY, the Republican Party, that is doing this to Trump....and as long as you all hang on to this regurgitation of calling it 'the establishment' you are HIDING who is truly doing this....it is the Republican Party, the RNC/the GOP that is doing this to Mr. Trump....

It is NOT THE SAME with the DNC and Bernie....

no one in the Democratic party is trying to STOP sanders, there is no #NeverSanders movement as there is a #NeverTrump....

NO ONE in the Democratic Party is out there trying to belittle Bernie, as the Republican Party has put out there to belittle Trump....

Trump is winning in the votes of the people AHEAD of all other Republican candidates

Sanders is losing by 2MILLION votes of the people, against Hillary....

Trying to bring the Democratic Party in to this by the author, is just diminishing what the Republican Party HAS CHOSEN TO DO against Mr. Trump.

You have GOT to be kidding. Hillary started off with hundreds of delegates in the form of SuperDelegates. If it were and honest and fair election on the Democratic side, Hillary would be about 200 delegates ahead with Bernie closing. As for them not calling Bernie names, Hillary and her minions spend a lot of times calling Bernie "unelectable" and a "big talker" who isn't leveling with the American people.

I agree to a degree....

First let me say, ''the establishment'' is just a softer synonym for ''the PARTY''...... it's 'THE PARTY, the Republican Party, that is doing this to Trump....and as long as you all hang on to this regurgitation of calling it 'the establishment' you are HIDING who is truly doing this....it is the Republican Party, the RNC/the GOP that is doing this to Mr. Trump....

It is NOT THE SAME with the DNC and Bernie....

no one in the Democratic party is trying to STOP sanders, there is no #NeverSanders movement as there is a #NeverTrump....

NO ONE in the Democratic Party is out there trying to belittle Bernie, as the Republican Party has put out there to belittle Trump....

Trump is winning in the votes of the people AHEAD of all other Republican candidates

Sanders is losing by 2MILLION votes of the people, against Hillary....

Trying to bring the Democratic Party in to this by the author, is just diminishing what the Republican Party HAS CHOSEN TO DO against Mr. Trump.

You have GOT to be kidding. Hillary started off with hundreds of delegates in the form of SuperDelegates. If it were and honest and fair election on the Democratic side, Hillary would be about 200 delegates ahead with Bernie closing. As for them not calling Bernie names, Hillary and her minions spend a lot of times calling Bernie "unelectable" and a "big talker" who isn't leveling with the American people.

Keep your lies to yourself.

If it were and honest and fair election on the Democratic side, Hillary would be about 200 delegates ahead with Bernie closing.

That's pretty much where we're at there sport.
Delegate results
2,383 needed for nomination · 1,938 still available

Pledged delegates 1,289 1,038
Superdelegates 469 31

If you're trying to belittle me by calling me "sport", then you've failed because when your facts are wrong, your insults are meaningless.

Who's Winning the Presidential Delegate Count?
were you upset that Al Gore won the popular vote but the electors and supreme court chose Bush?

Presidents have never been picked by the popular vote, our constitution specifies that we the people's vote, does not pick our President, electors do....

Primaries are no different with delegates.....

So it would be no big deal to you if the general election were canceled and the next President chosen by unbound delegates to the Electoral College?
who picks the electors?

The states select their delegates in varying ways, similar to how convention delegates are chosen.

Electoral College (United States) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
WOW! That is really complicated! I need to read it a few more times before I understand it! :eek:
It is intended to be complicated and discourage engagement in it in discussions if 80% of the population is not knowledgeable of it.
I agree to a degree....

First let me say, ''the establishment'' is just a softer synonym for ''the PARTY''...... it's 'THE PARTY, the Republican Party, that is doing this to Trump....and as long as you all hang on to this regurgitation of calling it 'the establishment' you are HIDING who is truly doing this....it is the Republican Party, the RNC/the GOP that is doing this to Mr. Trump....

It is NOT THE SAME with the DNC and Bernie....

no one in the Democratic party is trying to STOP sanders, there is no #NeverSanders movement as there is a #NeverTrump....

NO ONE in the Democratic Party is out there trying to belittle Bernie, as the Republican Party has put out there to belittle Trump....

Trump is winning in the votes of the people AHEAD of all other Republican candidates

Sanders is losing by 2MILLION votes of the people, against Hillary....

Trying to bring the Democratic Party in to this by the author, is just diminishing what the Republican Party HAS CHOSEN TO DO against Mr. Trump.

You have GOT to be kidding. Hillary started off with hundreds of delegates in the form of SuperDelegates. If it were and honest and fair election on the Democratic side, Hillary would be about 200 delegates ahead with Bernie closing. As for them not calling Bernie names, Hillary and her minions spend a lot of times calling Bernie "unelectable" and a "big talker" who isn't leveling with the American people.

I agree to a degree....

First let me say, ''the establishment'' is just a softer synonym for ''the PARTY''...... it's 'THE PARTY, the Republican Party, that is doing this to Trump....and as long as you all hang on to this regurgitation of calling it 'the establishment' you are HIDING who is truly doing this....it is the Republican Party, the RNC/the GOP that is doing this to Mr. Trump....

It is NOT THE SAME with the DNC and Bernie....

no one in the Democratic party is trying to STOP sanders, there is no #NeverSanders movement as there is a #NeverTrump....

NO ONE in the Democratic Party is out there trying to belittle Bernie, as the Republican Party has put out there to belittle Trump....

Trump is winning in the votes of the people AHEAD of all other Republican candidates

Sanders is losing by 2MILLION votes of the people, against Hillary....

Trying to bring the Democratic Party in to this by the author, is just diminishing what the Republican Party HAS CHOSEN TO DO against Mr. Trump.

You have GOT to be kidding. Hillary started off with hundreds of delegates in the form of SuperDelegates. If it were and honest and fair election on the Democratic side, Hillary would be about 200 delegates ahead with Bernie closing. As for them not calling Bernie names, Hillary and her minions spend a lot of times calling Bernie "unelectable" and a "big talker" who isn't leveling with the American people.

Keep your lies to yourself.

If it were and honest and fair election on the Democratic side, Hillary would be about 200 delegates ahead with Bernie closing.

That's pretty much where we're at there sport.
Delegate results
2,383 needed for nomination · 1,938 still available

Pledged delegates 1,289 1,038
Superdelegates 469 31

If you're trying to belittle me by calling me "sport", then you've failed because when your facts are wrong, your insults are meaningless.

Who's Winning the Presidential Delegate Count?
Hey, she can call me sport all she wants to.

IT is an improvement on what most people call me, lol.
Of course they are rigged, they are private institutions. They don't have to accept anyones' votes..

Then we need to change that.

The two major parties are performing a necessary function that needs to be democratic and objectively run. To let them play Kingmakers is a danger to our Republic.

Danger to our Republic? You act as though this is something new.
I agree to a degree....

First let me say, ''the establishment'' is just a softer synonym for ''the PARTY''...... it's 'THE PARTY, the Republican Party, that is doing this to Trump....and as long as you all hang on to this regurgitation of calling it 'the establishment' you are HIDING who is truly doing this....it is the Republican Party, the RNC/the GOP that is doing this to Mr. Trump....

It is NOT THE SAME with the DNC and Bernie....

no one in the Democratic party is trying to STOP sanders, there is no #NeverSanders movement as there is a #NeverTrump....

NO ONE in the Democratic Party is out there trying to belittle Bernie, as the Republican Party has put out there to belittle Trump....

Trump is winning in the votes of the people AHEAD of all other Republican candidates

Sanders is losing by 2MILLION votes of the people, against Hillary....

Trying to bring the Democratic Party in to this by the author, is just diminishing what the Republican Party HAS CHOSEN TO DO against Mr. Trump.

You have GOT to be kidding. Hillary started off with hundreds of delegates in the form of SuperDelegates. If it were and honest and fair election on the Democratic side, Hillary would be about 200 delegates ahead with Bernie closing. As for them not calling Bernie names, Hillary and her minions spend a lot of times calling Bernie "unelectable" and a "big talker" who isn't leveling with the American people.

Keep your lies to yourself.
IT's NOT an election, it's a primary contest...

And no, I've learned from my mistakes, the same one you are making....Hillary had enough Super delegates all through the 2008 process who then chose to vote Obama at the convention.... it ain't over till the fat lady sings and for super delegates, that's at the convention.

Those super delegates have not voted, you can pretend they have all you want but the truth is, they do not vote until the convention, they are unpledged delegates, unlike the pledged delegates that come from our votes.....and news casters can tout them as being Hillary's delegates and Hillary can tout they are her delegates as well, but I ain't makin' that mistake, second time around....
It's not so much that the elections are rigged as it is the fact that Americans finally read 'the small print' on their party membership card.

Americans have been living under the false assumption that THEY have an equal partnership in owning and running their respective parties, as if they equal 'shareholders' in the 'company', thus they have an equal say in the decision-making and running of the party / 'company'.

WRONG! The bubble has burst, the illusion has been shattered.

Democrats have learned this year that their party's primary system has a 'safeguard' to prevent the people from rising up, rejecting their preferred candidate, and selecting someone THEY want. It's called the 'Super Delegate'. Every vote counts, nut every vote is NOT at all equal. Super delegates are hand-picked Washington Establishment / DNC Establishment Loyalists whose votes count many more times that of the Average American citizen party voter.

The positions are like USSC Justice positions - they literally can NOT be taken away. There is one DNC Super Delegate who has already be arrested, convicted, and who is waiting for his jail sentence which could be up to 130 years in jail. This guy can NOT lose his Super delegate vote, as reported by the news, and he will get to cast that vote even if he is in jail when it is time to do so. Hell, in US elections Felons are NOT legally allowed to vote...but THIS GUY is going to be casting a vote for Hillary that basically negates an ass-load of votes cast by DNC party members.

They constructed this fail-safe process quietly and have run it extremely quietly, without drawing attention to it.

Republicans, on the other hand, have caused a royal, bloody stink this year. In the past the GOP Rulers have herded the sheep through the gates, leading them to the point where they are told who their nominee is then told to hold their nose and vote for that candidate. THIS year, however, due to no one's fault but their own, the 'sheep' have rebelled, and herding them has been more like trying to herd cats, not sheep. The sheep have rebelled, forcing the GOP to finally publicly expose the fact that their party is a privately run 'boys' club - they are only along for the ride, they have no say in the decision-making or nominee appointing. It's all a shill, an illusion, one that finally has been exposed.

The 2-party system is a carefully crafted, carefully controlled combination of monopoly and fraud/scam designed to control people.

Reince Priebus, the GOP Chairman flat out told GOP members several weeks ago that if they did not like how the GOP was being run they could 'sit down and shut up'. You're along for the ride...nothing more. When we need you to vote we will tell you to show up, hold your nose, cast your vote, then go back to the corner, sit down, shut up, and let THEM get back to doing whatever they want.

The elections aren't rigged. The process created by the 2 parties have been carefully crafted to keep Americans stupid to the truth. Now they face the choice Neo faced - which pill to take. One leads back to the illusion where you have some measure of control and life is still nice and rosy or the one that exposes you're being controlled and you have been kept in a pod, 'fat', dumb, and happy.
The elections are not rigged in 2016 any more than they were rigged in previous years where the States abdocated (sp?) their responsibility to hold the elections to the various parties.

It's a very hard concept to wrap your head around but the framers never invisioned political parties managing elections, nominating conventions, majority/minority leaders, etc... It's hard because for our lifetimes (and likely those of your father) they have always been this way.

What should be happening is that there should be one ballot and you have everyone's name on it. Whomever gets a plurality would win. Now to ensure that the winner gets a majority (not a plurality), a runoff could be implemented but HRC and Donald Trump and Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders should all be on one ballot. The polling place should be staffed by trained state election officials (not party trained officials) who secure each ballot into a locked case. Then that ballot should be sent to the State Capitol to where the Secretary of State's office counts the ballots (we do this electronically now but you get the picture). There shouldn't be one case for Repubicans and one case for Democrats and the only people who should ever touch the ballots or the containers should be the voter and the certified state election official at the polling place.

What Trump is bitching about is easily fixed; get rid of the party nominating conventions and let the best candidate win a wide-open contest.

But the system is what the system has always been for my voting life. You have parties, the parties make their rules to benefit themselves; all participants know the rules (or should) going in. If they don't, shame on them. HRC's manager in 2008 didn't understand the landscape anymore than Trump's people seem to and they ended up losing to Obama who had unbelieveable wonks working for him.

The complaints are childish.

If it were me running the way primaries operate, I'd also make primaries regional. Break the country into three regions that vote on different days. Each region, every four years, gets the opportunity to be "first in the nation" and get all the candidates attention and dollars.

The parties could still get to decide who participates in their primary (open or closed) but the bullshit caucuses and delegates go away. Popular vote in a regular, go to the polls and cast your secret ballot election.

It makes more sense to do it the way you're describing; no doubt.
It's not so much that the elections are rigged as it is the fact that Americans finally read 'the small print' on their party membership card.

Americans have been living under the false assumption that THEY have an equal partnership in owning and running their respective parties, as if they equal 'shareholders' in the 'company', thus they have an equal say in the decision-making and running of the party / 'company'.

WRONG! The bubble has burst, the illusion has been shattered.

Democrats have learned this year that their party's primary system has a 'safeguard' to prevent the people from rising up, rejecting their preferred candidate, and selecting someone THEY want. It's called the 'Super Delegate'. Every vote counts, nut every vote is NOT at all equal. Super delegates are hand-picked Washington Establishment / DNC Establishment Loyalists whose votes count many more times that of the Average American citizen party voter.

The positions are like USSC Justice positions - they literally can NOT be taken away. There is one DNC Super Delegate who has already be arrested, convicted, and who is waiting for his jail sentence which could be up to 130 years in jail. This guy can NOT lose his Super delegate vote, as reported by the news, and he will get to cast that vote even if he is in jail when it is time to do so. Hell, in US elections Felons are NOT legally allowed to vote...but THIS GUY is going to be casting a vote for Hillary that basically negates an ass-load of votes cast by DNC party members.

They constructed this fail-safe process quietly and have run it extremely quietly, without drawing attention to it.

Republicans, on the other hand, have caused a royal, bloody stink this year. In the past the GOP Rulers have herded the sheep through the gates, leading them to the point where they are told who their nominee is then told to hold their nose and vote for that candidate. THIS year, however, due to no one's fault but their own, the 'sheep' have rebelled, and herding them has been more like trying to herd cats, not sheep. The sheep have rebelled, forcing the GOP to finally publicly expose the fact that their party is a privately run 'boys' club - they are only along for the ride, they have no say in the decision-making or nominee appointing. It's all a shill, an illusion, one that finally has been exposed.

The 2-party system is a carefully crafted, carefully controlled combination of monopoly and fraud/scam designed to control people.

Reince Priebus, the GOP Chairman flat out told GOP members several weeks ago that if they did not like how the GOP was being run they could 'sit down and shut up'. You're along for the ride...nothing more. When we need you to vote we will tell you to show up, hold your nose, cast your vote, then go back to the corner, sit down, shut up, and let THEM get back to doing whatever they want.

The elections aren't rigged. The process created by the 2 parties have been carefully crafted to keep Americans stupid to the truth. Now they face the choice Neo faced - which pill to take. One leads back to the illusion where you have some measure of control and life is still nice and rosy or the one that exposes you're being controlled and you have been kept in a pod, 'fat', dumb, and happy.
I agree with much of what you have said except the part about felons voting in federal elections....in my state and Vermont I believe, still allow felons to vote...
Some history on it;
ALL states allowed felons to vote, until after the civil war and black men were given the right to vote, then southern states immediately rewrote their laws to disenfranchise felons and over the next 25 years all states but 2, wrote new laws to prevent felons, who were primarily black, from voting...Maine and Vermont are the only 2 states who did not change their voting laws to disenfranchise felons....

BTW, who is the super delegate that is the felon you are talking about?
No matter what people say about him, The Donald is shaking up the political world in lots of ways.
Well, all I've got to say about it is, if the people are stupid enough to make Trump and Clinton the front runners, the country needs the RNC and DNC to rig the elections. It is obvious the electorate is too stupid to have this responsibility.
I agree to a degree....

First let me say, ''the establishment'' is just a softer synonym for ''the PARTY''...... it's 'THE PARTY, the Republican Party, that is doing this to Trump....and as long as you all hang on to this regurgitation of calling it 'the establishment' you are HIDING who is truly doing this....it is the Republican Party, the RNC/the GOP that is doing this to Mr. Trump....

It is NOT THE SAME with the DNC and Bernie....

no one in the Democratic party is trying to STOP sanders, there is no #NeverSanders movement as there is a #NeverTrump....

NO ONE in the Democratic Party is out there trying to belittle Bernie, as the Republican Party has put out there to belittle Trump....

Trump is winning in the votes of the people AHEAD of all other Republican candidates

Sanders is losing by 2MILLION votes of the people, against Hillary....

Trying to bring the Democratic Party in to this by the author, is just diminishing what the Republican Party HAS CHOSEN TO DO against Mr. Trump.

You have GOT to be kidding. Hillary started off with hundreds of delegates in the form of SuperDelegates. If it were and honest and fair election on the Democratic side, Hillary would be about 200 delegates ahead with Bernie closing. As for them not calling Bernie names, Hillary and her minions spend a lot of times calling Bernie "unelectable" and a "big talker" who isn't leveling with the American people.

I agree to a degree....

First let me say, ''the establishment'' is just a softer synonym for ''the PARTY''...... it's 'THE PARTY, the Republican Party, that is doing this to Trump....and as long as you all hang on to this regurgitation of calling it 'the establishment' you are HIDING who is truly doing this....it is the Republican Party, the RNC/the GOP that is doing this to Mr. Trump....

It is NOT THE SAME with the DNC and Bernie....

no one in the Democratic party is trying to STOP sanders, there is no #NeverSanders movement as there is a #NeverTrump....

NO ONE in the Democratic Party is out there trying to belittle Bernie, as the Republican Party has put out there to belittle Trump....

Trump is winning in the votes of the people AHEAD of all other Republican candidates

Sanders is losing by 2MILLION votes of the people, against Hillary....

Trying to bring the Democratic Party in to this by the author, is just diminishing what the Republican Party HAS CHOSEN TO DO against Mr. Trump.

You have GOT to be kidding. Hillary started off with hundreds of delegates in the form of SuperDelegates. If it were and honest and fair election on the Democratic side, Hillary would be about 200 delegates ahead with Bernie closing. As for them not calling Bernie names, Hillary and her minions spend a lot of times calling Bernie "unelectable" and a "big talker" who isn't leveling with the American people.

Keep your lies to yourself.

If it were and honest and fair election on the Democratic side, Hillary would be about 200 delegates ahead with Bernie closing.

That's pretty much where we're at there sport.
Delegate results
2,383 needed for nomination · 1,938 still available

Pledged delegates 1,289 1,038
Superdelegates 469 31

If you're trying to belittle me by calling me "sport", then you've failed because when your facts are wrong, your insults are meaningless.

Who's Winning the Presidential Delegate Count?

The supers don't count for anything until the convention there sport. Bernie is only down by 200 pledged delegates. If he pulls ahead you will see supers defecting to him. Clinton is the establishment candidate, is it surprising that the establishment supports her? To say that the supers in any way hinder Sanders with the amount of support and delegates he has won is ridiculous.
Well, all I've got to say about it is, if the people are stupid enough to make Trump and Clinton the front runners, the country needs the RNC and DNC to rig the elections. It is obvious the electorate is too stupid to have this responsibility.

^^^^that is a very scary opinion, you are willing to turn your voting rights over to a small group of super elites who know more than you do (or think they do)
I agree to a degree....

First let me say, ''the establishment'' is just a softer synonym for ''the PARTY''...... it's 'THE PARTY, the Republican Party, that is doing this to Trump....and as long as you all hang on to this regurgitation of calling it 'the establishment' you are HIDING who is truly doing this....it is the Republican Party, the RNC/the GOP that is doing this to Mr. Trump....

It is NOT THE SAME with the DNC and Bernie....

no one in the Democratic party is trying to STOP sanders, there is no #NeverSanders movement as there is a #NeverTrump....

NO ONE in the Democratic Party is out there trying to belittle Bernie, as the Republican Party has put out there to belittle Trump....

Trump is winning in the votes of the people AHEAD of all other Republican candidates

Sanders is losing by 2MILLION votes of the people, against Hillary....

Trying to bring the Democratic Party in to this by the author, is just diminishing what the Republican Party HAS CHOSEN TO DO against Mr. Trump.

You have GOT to be kidding. Hillary started off with hundreds of delegates in the form of SuperDelegates. If it were and honest and fair election on the Democratic side, Hillary would be about 200 delegates ahead with Bernie closing. As for them not calling Bernie names, Hillary and her minions spend a lot of times calling Bernie "unelectable" and a "big talker" who isn't leveling with the American people.

I agree to a degree....

First let me say, ''the establishment'' is just a softer synonym for ''the PARTY''...... it's 'THE PARTY, the Republican Party, that is doing this to Trump....and as long as you all hang on to this regurgitation of calling it 'the establishment' you are HIDING who is truly doing this....it is the Republican Party, the RNC/the GOP that is doing this to Mr. Trump....

It is NOT THE SAME with the DNC and Bernie....

no one in the Democratic party is trying to STOP sanders, there is no #NeverSanders movement as there is a #NeverTrump....

NO ONE in the Democratic Party is out there trying to belittle Bernie, as the Republican Party has put out there to belittle Trump....

Trump is winning in the votes of the people AHEAD of all other Republican candidates

Sanders is losing by 2MILLION votes of the people, against Hillary....

Trying to bring the Democratic Party in to this by the author, is just diminishing what the Republican Party HAS CHOSEN TO DO against Mr. Trump.

You have GOT to be kidding. Hillary started off with hundreds of delegates in the form of SuperDelegates. If it were and honest and fair election on the Democratic side, Hillary would be about 200 delegates ahead with Bernie closing. As for them not calling Bernie names, Hillary and her minions spend a lot of times calling Bernie "unelectable" and a "big talker" who isn't leveling with the American people.

Keep your lies to yourself.

If it were and honest and fair election on the Democratic side, Hillary would be about 200 delegates ahead with Bernie closing.

That's pretty much where we're at there sport.
Delegate results
2,383 needed for nomination · 1,938 still available

Pledged delegates 1,289 1,038
Superdelegates 469 31

If you're trying to belittle me by calling me "sport", then you've failed because when your facts are wrong, your insults are meaningless.

Who's Winning the Presidential Delegate Count?

The supers don't count for anything until the convention there sport. Bernie is only down by 200 pledged delegates. If he pulls ahead you will see supers defecting to him. Clinton is the establishment candidate, is it surprising that the establishment supports her? To say that the supers in any way hinder Sanders with the amount of support and delegates he has won is ridiculous.

what planet are you posting from? many of the supers have already committed to clinton
the OP is correct. This is the year that the general population learned that our elections, especially the primaries, are fixed.

yes, its always been that way, but most people were not aware of it, that's the point of the thread.

and that is a good thing for the country.
I agree to a degree....

First let me say, ''the establishment'' is just a softer synonym for ''the PARTY''...... it's 'THE PARTY, the Republican Party, that is doing this to Trump....and as long as you all hang on to this regurgitation of calling it 'the establishment' you are HIDING who is truly doing this....it is the Republican Party, the RNC/the GOP that is doing this to Mr. Trump....

It is NOT THE SAME with the DNC and Bernie....

no one in the Democratic party is trying to STOP sanders, there is no #NeverSanders movement as there is a #NeverTrump....

NO ONE in the Democratic Party is out there trying to belittle Bernie, as the Republican Party has put out there to belittle Trump....

Trump is winning in the votes of the people AHEAD of all other Republican candidates

Sanders is losing by 2MILLION votes of the people, against Hillary....

Trying to bring the Democratic Party in to this by the author, is just diminishing what the Republican Party HAS CHOSEN TO DO against Mr. Trump.

You have GOT to be kidding. Hillary started off with hundreds of delegates in the form of SuperDelegates. If it were and honest and fair election on the Democratic side, Hillary would be about 200 delegates ahead with Bernie closing. As for them not calling Bernie names, Hillary and her minions spend a lot of times calling Bernie "unelectable" and a "big talker" who isn't leveling with the American people.

I agree to a degree....

First let me say, ''the establishment'' is just a softer synonym for ''the PARTY''...... it's 'THE PARTY, the Republican Party, that is doing this to Trump....and as long as you all hang on to this regurgitation of calling it 'the establishment' you are HIDING who is truly doing this....it is the Republican Party, the RNC/the GOP that is doing this to Mr. Trump....

It is NOT THE SAME with the DNC and Bernie....

no one in the Democratic party is trying to STOP sanders, there is no #NeverSanders movement as there is a #NeverTrump....

NO ONE in the Democratic Party is out there trying to belittle Bernie, as the Republican Party has put out there to belittle Trump....

Trump is winning in the votes of the people AHEAD of all other Republican candidates

Sanders is losing by 2MILLION votes of the people, against Hillary....

Trying to bring the Democratic Party in to this by the author, is just diminishing what the Republican Party HAS CHOSEN TO DO against Mr. Trump.

You have GOT to be kidding. Hillary started off with hundreds of delegates in the form of SuperDelegates. If it were and honest and fair election on the Democratic side, Hillary would be about 200 delegates ahead with Bernie closing. As for them not calling Bernie names, Hillary and her minions spend a lot of times calling Bernie "unelectable" and a "big talker" who isn't leveling with the American people.

Keep your lies to yourself.

If it were and honest and fair election on the Democratic side, Hillary would be about 200 delegates ahead with Bernie closing.

That's pretty much where we're at there sport.
Delegate results
2,383 needed for nomination · 1,938 still available

Pledged delegates 1,289 1,038
Superdelegates 469 31

If you're trying to belittle me by calling me "sport", then you've failed because when your facts are wrong, your insults are meaningless.

Who's Winning the Presidential Delegate Count?

The supers don't count for anything until the convention there sport. Bernie is only down by 200 pledged delegates. If he pulls ahead you will see supers defecting to him. Clinton is the establishment candidate, is it surprising that the establishment supports her? To say that the supers in any way hinder Sanders with the amount of support and delegates he has won is ridiculous.

what planet are you posting from? many of the supers have already committed to clinton

Verbally committed. Is that really surprising though? Clinton is the establishment candidate. Sanders isn't even a Democrat running an anti- establishment campaign. Supers don't cast a vote until the convention. Sanders may lobby their support through the convention. If those supers were bound to Clinton you would have a point but they are not. Every one of them is up for grabs.
I agree to a degree....

First let me say, ''the establishment'' is just a softer synonym for ''the PARTY''...... it's 'THE PARTY, the Republican Party, that is doing this to Trump....and as long as you all hang on to this regurgitation of calling it 'the establishment' you are HIDING who is truly doing this....it is the Republican Party, the RNC/the GOP that is doing this to Mr. Trump....

It is NOT THE SAME with the DNC and Bernie....

no one in the Democratic party is trying to STOP sanders, there is no #NeverSanders movement as there is a #NeverTrump....

NO ONE in the Democratic Party is out there trying to belittle Bernie, as the Republican Party has put out there to belittle Trump....

Trump is winning in the votes of the people AHEAD of all other Republican candidates

Sanders is losing by 2MILLION votes of the people, against Hillary....

Trying to bring the Democratic Party in to this by the author, is just diminishing what the Republican Party HAS CHOSEN TO DO against Mr. Trump.

You have GOT to be kidding. Hillary started off with hundreds of delegates in the form of SuperDelegates. If it were and honest and fair election on the Democratic side, Hillary would be about 200 delegates ahead with Bernie closing. As for them not calling Bernie names, Hillary and her minions spend a lot of times calling Bernie "unelectable" and a "big talker" who isn't leveling with the American people.

You have GOT to be kidding. Hillary started off with hundreds of delegates in the form of SuperDelegates. If it were and honest and fair election on the Democratic side, Hillary would be about 200 delegates ahead with Bernie closing. As for them not calling Bernie names, Hillary and her minions spend a lot of times calling Bernie "unelectable" and a "big talker" who isn't leveling with the American people.

Keep your lies to yourself.

If it were and honest and fair election on the Democratic side, Hillary would be about 200 delegates ahead with Bernie closing.

That's pretty much where we're at there sport.
Delegate results
2,383 needed for nomination · 1,938 still available

Pledged delegates 1,289 1,038
Superdelegates 469 31

If you're trying to belittle me by calling me "sport", then you've failed because when your facts are wrong, your insults are meaningless.

Who's Winning the Presidential Delegate Count?

The supers don't count for anything until the convention there sport. Bernie is only down by 200 pledged delegates. If he pulls ahead you will see supers defecting to him. Clinton is the establishment candidate, is it surprising that the establishment supports her? To say that the supers in any way hinder Sanders with the amount of support and delegates he has won is ridiculous.

what planet are you posting from? many of the supers have already committed to clinton

Verbally committed. Is that really surprising though? Clinton is the establishment candidate. Sanders isn't even a Democrat running an anti- establishment campaign. Supers don't cast a vote until the convention. Sanders may lobby their support through the convention. If those supers were bound to Clinton you would have a point but they are not. Every one of them is up for grabs.

technically correct, but the delegate counts being bantered about by the media include the supers in the Clinton totals.

Unless the bitch is indicted, they will stay with her.
the OP is correct. This is the year that the general population learned that our elections, especially the primaries, are fixed.

yes, its always been that way, but most people were not aware of it, that's the point of the thread.

and that is a good thing for the country.

That says more about "most people" than it does about parties " fixing elections". Primaries aren't even elections.

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