2017 Was the Worst Year for Job Creation in 6 Years.

Leftard leech throws a tantrum over being denied food stamps.....admits that others should pay her way........

So far I’ve used Fox News twice and the BUREAU of Labor Statistics a number of times to prove 2017 was the worst year for jobs in the past 6 years. Who was president in 2017 again?
I know... but not for long. The 25th amendment harkens.
The great Barack Obama.


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So far I’ve used Fox News twice and the BUREAU of Labor Statistics a number of times to prove 2017 was the worst year for jobs in the past 6 years. Who was president in 2017 again?
I know... but not for long. The 25th amendment harkens.

So? Do we have a wager??????????? I know your nads have yet to drop (being the leftard that you are) but I am declaring that Trump not only finishes out his term but if his health permits will serve a second term........so bring some game, leftard.........bet me????
So far I’ve used Fox News twice and the BUREAU of Labor Statistics a number of times to prove 2017 was the worst year for jobs in the past 6 years. Who was president in 2017 again?
I know... but not for long. The 25th amendment harkens.

How can you get welfare whores to work numb nuts when welfare pays them more then minimum wage?
Only a bizzaro libtard like reasonable would think an anti business president like Obama would be a better presidents on jobs then a pro business president


Once a a presidents job when it comes to creatinv jobs is provide a pro business friendly atmosphere which Trump did (low taxes, less regulations) and Obama did not (Obama care, more regulation)

It's up to the governors and state legislature to get the jobs

A president doesn't get the jobs he can only hinder job creation in the private sector or create government jobs like Obama did .
DEPLORABLES are fit to be tied.
They can’t handle Obama beating Trump yet again.
Obama was a better president in every way.
He didn’t have to tell everyone he was stable and smart.
Everyone could see it with their own eyes.

Meanwhile we saw tonight Trump didn’t even know the words to the Star Spangled Banner
at the National Championship game.
Mr. Patriotism!
How funny is that.

“ I’m like a very smart person.”

Only a legend in his own mind reasonable, would think spending almost 2 trillion dollars to get 2 million jobs , go from 7.8% unemployment to 9.8% unemployment in one year is an a accomplishment

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it will dip lower as more jobs are created (good jobs)

not fast food part time jobs like the leftist is bragging about


Under the Barrypuppet's regime? If you worked an hour a month, you were "employed"......
The best way to shut you up.

Yea We know you hate facts

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Se
2007 4.6
4.5 4.4 4.5 4.4 4.6 4.7 4.6 4.7
2008 5.0 4.9 5.1 5.0 5.4 5.6 5.8 6.1 6.1
2009 7.8 8.3 8.7 9.0 9.4 9.5 9.5 9.6 9.8
2010 9.8
Was my Op about those years?
Oops you did it again. Faceplant 2.
Go ahead Bear claw and explain to everyone how the UE is the same as total jobs.
I love that fairy tale you tell.

Go ahead Bear claw and explain to everyone how the UE is the same as total jobs.
I love that fairy tale you tell.
Go ahead Bear claw and explain to everyone how the UE is the same as total jobs.
I love that fairy tale you tell.

Go ahead troll boy tell us how could Trump got more jobs with out slashing welfare benefits?

Tell us troll boy since when is going from 7.8% to 9.8.% a positive sign troll boy?

Tell us troll boy since when is going from 7.8% to 9.8.% a positive sign troll boy?

well in the world of leftards it is called the "winning by losing" method

Tell me again what a great job creator Trump is.
President Obama kicked his ass again.
But don't tell him, he's rather fragile these days.

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One thing is for sure....Hussein Obeaner put more illegal wetbacks to work in our country than any other US President.....EVER!
He was by far, the best US President FOR Mexico....EVER!
Obama created part time ni**er jobs like fast food and retail.....Trump is creating good paying full time jobs and its only going to get better!
Proof? Evidence? Links?.....I thought not.
It's common knowledge that most of the jobs created under Obama were gubmint and service jobs. Anyone who paid attention during his presidency doesn't need links, they actually stayed informed during his presidency.

It's common knowledge that most of the jobs created under Obama were gubmint and service jobs. Anyone who paid attention during his presidency doesn't need links, they actually stayed informed during his presidency.

So you're saying that Trump eliminated the crappy " gubmint and service jobs " and replaced them with better, private sector jobs?


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