2018 will be R.I.P. GOP

If the GOP changes ACA then they are doomed in 2018 correct.
It's elected leaders are more likely doomed if they don't.

Nobody thinks the ACA is perfect. It serves, with regard to healthcare/health insurance policy, as the best "point of departure" that could at the time be achieved. Were the GOP to treat it that way and modify it rather than try to trash it, they'd buy themselves a decade's worth of political capital. Doing that requires, however, that modification rather than elimination be one's aim, and that is not the GOP's aim as goes the ACA.

Looking back to Bush II's healthcare policies, one observes, as the Heritage Foundation noted in 2004, that "W" sought to "[make] coverage more affordable [via] a limited expansion of government health programs.
Bush's "health care policy proposals are designed to reinforce the private sector's capacity to expand health coverage and improve the delivery of medical services to Americans. If they take root, these proposals could very well be transformative, improving the financing and delivery of medical services as well as the quality of health care available to the American people. A key achievement of the Bush proposals, if properly implemented, would be to increase personal control and private ownership of health insurance policies."​
Well, 2009 arrived and what was hoped for had not come to fruition. Quite simply, more people were not health insured than were prior to his policy implementations. The same cannot be said of the ACA's outcomes.

At the end of the day, "jerking around" with health care and health insurance policy comes down to one's answer to one question. Is one's aim to maximize the quantity of Americans who obtain health care when they need it, or is one's aim to maximize something other than that? If one's answer is "the former," one must then accept the reality that any change is going to produce winners and losers, as it were. Recognizing that and maintaining one's focus on health care and people actually obtaining it as they need it, the legislative/policymaking task is that of designing and enacting the solution option that results in the greatest number of people obtaining it when they need it.

Once that's done, the next step is to figure out how to pay for that outcome. Might it be that other purchases might make our money have to be reduced or, in some instances, eliminated? Yes, it almost certainly will require exactly that unless and until are implemented measures that lower the cost of care itself, and that is not at likely to be something the government can assuredly achieve as it does not, for most part, produce medical equipment, sell health insurance, or provide treatment. Cutting back "here" to spend more "there" shouldn't be a difficult concept to "sell" to the American people, not only because there is popular interest in seeing deficits/national debt reduced (or at least slowing the growth of them, even if not outright reversing them) damn near everyone of whom does exactly that on a regular basis.

Simple as that sounds, it's not easy to design the policy to meet the noted goal, and it appears all but impossible for elected leaders to simply tell constituents what they should already know must be so. Because cannot/won't do either of those things, and because they've inaptly defined their goal, the GOP will continue to "fail," even if they manage to pass some sort of ACA replacement.

And let me be clear, the same dubious outcome would beset any party that makes seminal mistakes of the sort I've noted. So, in that regard, it's not just GOP thing.
It's always the same old shit from the GOP. When they're in the minority, they go around screaming for smaller government, spending cuts and fiscal responsibility. Why the GOP tries to pull off the act of being to the right of the John Birch Society...all while knowing they can put these great lies in hopes of fooling their base; for the GOP knows none of it'll happen because they can count on the Democrats to reject their....ahem...uhh...fight for their these causes.

Then when the GOP charge of the house, the senate and presidency try fooling their base with bullshit Obamacare replacements, now this budget bill which not even Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer could've written better for the Democratic side. Nothing in this bill represents what Trump voters wanted. Oh, and then the excuses by the GOP gives as to why hey can't do this or that. Hey, the Democrats have no problems getting things done when they have complete control.

Oh, so the GOP says we'll address this next budget. Hey assholes, we don't believe you, we've seen your smoke and mirrors too many times to fall for this tired old line of horseshit again.

When the GOP is in complete control, their true blue Democratic colors shine a bright neon blue, and they sharpen their knives for the backs of their voting base. The GOP is a lying sack of backstabbing shit.

As a Libertarian, I usually vote Libertarian or other third party, I will never vote or a Democrat, and sometimes vote GOP. Unless a Ron or Rand Paul, or a Dave Brat runs as a Republican, I'm done with sometimes voting Republican. I'm not alone. When visiting the message boards of Breitbart, InfoWars, Daily Caller etc., there's many a post with similar sentiment that I have, which is - fuck the GOP, you aren't fooling us. Which is why 2018 will be R.I.P. GOP

Elephants and asses are screwing the masses, both Democrat and Republican alike are beholden to the rich elite globalists and special interests. Hopefully this will be the beginning third parties winning elections. I'm all for seeing the Libertarian Party, Constitutional Party and Green Party remove the traitors we have now from power.

Fuck the GOP, fuck the DNC
With the Democrats having to defend 23 seats in the Senate and the Republicans only having to defend 10 seats, it should be a good year for Republicans.

Don't be too confident in that belief. When Rush Limbaugh states: "If you're asking yourself, why do I even bother voting for Republicans, it's a real good question"

Statements like that, and Rush completely trashing the GOP today and yesterday, that's not good for the GOP. Rush and most of conservative radio are trashing the GOP worse than the Democrats and the Democrat whores in the media.
Most Republican voters are noot ideologues, so Rush and the other right wing ideologues will not have much influence on how they vote. In recent years I tend to vote Republican but I have rarely listened to Rush's show. The question is not why voters should vote Republican but why they would turn to Rush for advice on how to vote?

Really, who listens to that fat pillhead anyway?
It's always the same old shit from the GOP. When they're in the minority, they go around screaming for smaller government, spending cuts and fiscal responsibility. Why the GOP tries to pull off the act of being to the right of the John Birch Society...all while knowing they can put these great lies in hopes of fooling their base; for the GOP knows none of it'll happen because they can count on the Democrats to reject their....ahem...uhh...fight for their these causes.

Then when the GOP charge of the house, the senate and presidency try fooling their base with bullshit Obamacare replacements, now this budget bill which not even Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer could've written better for the Democratic side. Nothing in this bill represents what Trump voters wanted. Oh, and then the excuses by the GOP gives as to why hey can't do this or that. Hey, the Democrats have no problems getting things done when they have complete control.

Oh, so the GOP says we'll address this next budget. Hey assholes, we don't believe you, we've seen your smoke and mirrors too many times to fall for this tired old line of horseshit again.

When the GOP is in complete control, their true blue Democratic colors shine a bright neon blue, and they sharpen their knives for the backs of their voting base. The GOP is a lying sack of backstabbing shit.

As a Libertarian, I usually vote Libertarian or other third party, I will never vote or a Democrat, and sometimes vote GOP. Unless a Ron or Rand Paul, or a Dave Brat runs as a Republican, I'm done with sometimes voting Republican. I'm not alone. When visiting the message boards of Breitbart, InfoWars, Daily Caller etc., there's many a post with similar sentiment that I have, which is - fuck the GOP, you aren't fooling us. Which is why 2018 will be R.I.P. GOP

Elephants and asses are screwing the masses, both Democrat and Republican alike are beholden to the rich elite globalists and special interests. Hopefully this will be the beginning third parties winning elections. I'm all for seeing the Libertarian Party, Constitutional Party and Green Party remove the traitors we have now from power.

Fuck the GOP, fuck the DNC
With the Democrats having to defend 23 seats in the Senate and the Republicans only having to defend 10 seats, it should be a good year for Republicans.

Don't be too confident in that belief. When Rush Limbaugh states: "If you're asking yourself, why do I even bother voting for Republicans, it's a real good question"

Statements like that, and Rush completely trashing the GOP today and yesterday, that's not good for the GOP. Rush and most of conservative radio are trashing the GOP worse than the Democrats and the Democrat whores in the media.
Most Republican voters are noot ideologues, so Rush and the other right wing ideologues will not have much influence on how they vote. In recent years I tend to vote Republican but I have rarely listened to Rush's show. The question is not why voters should vote Republican but why they would turn to Rush for advice on how to vote?

Really, who listens to that fat pillhead anyway?
2018.....I am already making tombstones for all of the rats
It's always the same old shit from the GOP. When they're in the minority, they go around screaming for smaller government, spending cuts and fiscal responsibility. Why the GOP tries to pull off the act of being to the right of the John Birch Society...all while knowing they can put these great lies in hopes of fooling their base; for the GOP knows none of it'll happen because they can count on the Democrats to reject their....ahem...uhh...fight for their these causes.

Then when the GOP charge of the house, the senate and presidency try fooling their base with bullshit Obamacare replacements, now this budget bill which not even Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer could've written better for the Democratic side. Nothing in this bill represents what Trump voters wanted. Oh, and then the excuses by the GOP gives as to why hey can't do this or that. Hey, the Democrats have no problems getting things done when they have complete control.

Oh, so the GOP says we'll address this next budget. Hey assholes, we don't believe you, we've seen your smoke and mirrors too many times to fall for this tired old line of horseshit again.

When the GOP is in complete control, their true blue Democratic colors shine a bright neon blue, and they sharpen their knives for the backs of their voting base. The GOP is a lying sack of backstabbing shit.

As a Libertarian, I usually vote Libertarian or other third party, I will never vote or a Democrat, and sometimes vote GOP. Unless a Ron or Rand Paul, or a Dave Brat runs as a Republican, I'm done with sometimes voting Republican. I'm not alone. When visiting the message boards of Breitbart, InfoWars, Daily Caller etc., there's many a post with similar sentiment that I have, which is - fuck the GOP, you aren't fooling us. Which is why 2018 will be R.I.P. GOP

Elephants and asses are screwing the masses, both Democrat and Republican alike are beholden to the rich elite globalists and special interests. Hopefully this will be the beginning third parties winning elections. I'm all for seeing the Libertarian Party, Constitutional Party and Green Party remove the traitors we have now from power.

Fuck the GOP, fuck the DNC

No, it won't. The two main parties have their ups and downs, but they control everything. They don't die, they just lose a little, just a little, then come back later. If you want them to die, properly, you need to change the system of how people vote.

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