2020 election prospects

Of course they will. He is the incumbent President. Even if he is far from their ideal candidate, I doubt Warren and Biden come any closer to checking their boxes than Trump does. Besides, Trump's populism can land on a lot of people's soft spots is some very meaningful ways for them even if they otherwise detest him.
It's looking more and more like the Dems will be running a pretty hardcore lefty, and that just solidifies Trump's position with the GOP -- as if that were even needed.

The ideological chasm of this election will be a few zillion miles wide.
Indeed. From one perspective it's the Democrats vs the Nazis and from the other it's the Repubs vs the socialists. In fact, our elections will likely be framed as such for some time. Grab your popcorn and beer … the show has already begun.
The nihilist in me is enjoying the circus, I have to admit.

The rest of me, not so much.


Please remember 2016, in case you forgot, it looked a lot like now, where Trump had no way to win, none, no way to 270 EC votes

Yes, circus. One big, ongoing, embarrassing circus. Daily.

Yes, circus. One big, ongoing, embarrassing circus. Daily.

A circus created by partisan hacks like you who attack this economy and think it evil unemployment is at the theoretical minimum and wages are finally rising.
He exploded the deficit, adding to what hard working Americans, their children and their progeny will owe in the future.

His trade war has thrown us into a manufacturing recession.

He has failed to produce even half of the ongoing GDP he promised.

He has failed to produce the health care plan that HE PROMISED would "take care of everybody" and that "we'd all love".

He has contributed to the toxicity in DC with his childish personal insults and name-calling, making it even less likely that initiatives that would help hard-working Americans directly or indirectly will come to fruition.

I know. Fake news. None of those are good examples. I know the game with nutters.
/—-/ Still waiting for the democRATs balanced budget so Trump can sign it. Any day now, any day...
His economy. His promises.

You nutters sure love to take credit for anything good and lay blame for anything bad.

Do you all get trained at the same place?
You’re actually attacking this economy? You’re dumber than a brick.
I'm not attacking the economy. But since this is my profession, and since I don't get my data and opinions from talk radio, I know what's actually happening.

Therefore, your opinion of it, or me, is of zero interest to me.
I'm not attacking the economy.

liar. Your attack on the economy is right here in this thread.
The economy isn't as good as you've been told it is.

That's not an attack. That's merely a fact.

I'd offer to have full, adult, reasonable, informed conversation on the economy with you, but you don't appear to possess the capacity to do so.
2020 election prospects
As usual, Tommy's brain is clogged with green snot from the BBC.

Trump ---- 85% chance he wins.
The Other ---- 15% chance they win, if Trump falls off a cliff, bows out, or gets hit by a low flying helicopter carrying Nancy Pelousi.
Before you dare talk about credibility or education, Tommy, you need to first go out and get some.
/—-/ Still waiting for the democRATs balanced budget so Trump can sign it. Any day now, any day...
His economy. His promises.

You nutters sure love to take credit for anything good and lay blame for anything bad.

Do you all get trained at the same place?
You’re actually attacking this economy? You’re dumber than a brick.
I'm not attacking the economy. But since this is my profession, and since I don't get my data and opinions from talk radio, I know what's actually happening.

Therefore, your opinion of it, or me, is of zero interest to me.
I'm not attacking the economy.

liar. Your attack on the economy is right here in this thread.
The economy isn't as good as you've been told it is.

That's not an attack. That's merely a fact.

I'd offer to have full, adult, reasonable, informed conversation on the economy with you, but you don't appear to possess the capacity to do so.
The economy is solid. Yes, there will be a dip, all healthy economies take a dip.

Wherever I go I see help wanted signs - including manufacturing companies. And that pisses the hell out of you leftists.
Wherever I go I see help wanted signs - including manufacturing companies. And that pisses the hell out of you leftists.
We're in a manufacturing recession.

Another example of the arrogant ignorance of Trumpsters, and why discussing this stuff with you is pointless.

Yep, a manufacturing recession, where you loons make up some shit and call it manufacturing.
Wherever I go I see help wanted signs - including manufacturing companies. And that pisses the hell out of you leftists.
We're in a manufacturing recession.

Another example of the arrogant ignorance of Trumpsters, and why discussing this stuff with you is pointless.

Yep, a manufacturing recession, where you loons make up some shit and call it manufacturing.
If that's what you're told to believe, great.
And the Party of INFANTICIDES 2020 candidate...

Wherever I go I see help wanted signs - including manufacturing companies. And that pisses the hell out of you leftists.
We're in a manufacturing recession.

Another example of the arrogant ignorance of Trumpsters, and why discussing this stuff with you is pointless.
So? Next spring manufacturing will be going gangbusters. That’s why Wall Street is shrugging it off. You chicken littles are just laughed at.
Wherever I go I see help wanted signs - including manufacturing companies. And that pisses the hell out of you leftists.
We're in a manufacturing recession.

Another example of the arrogant ignorance of Trumpsters, and why discussing this stuff with you is pointless.
So? Next spring manufacturing will be going gangbusters. That’s why Wall Street is shrugging it off. You chicken littles are just laughed at.
I'm just commenting on where we are right now. You Trumpsters have been conned, thinking the economy is great, while the Fed has had to lower interest rates and bond yields have crashed.

Next spring? Great. Here's hoping. Maybe we'll get a good trade deal. Maybe the income increases will kick in more than they have.

You're certainly no source for economic predictions, however. You're just a Trumpster.
/—-/ Still waiting for the democRATs balanced budget so Trump can sign it. Any day now, any day...
His economy. His promises.

You nutters sure love to take credit for anything good and lay blame for anything bad.

Do you all get trained at the same place?
You’re actually attacking this economy? You’re dumber than a brick.
I'm not attacking the economy. But since this is my profession, and since I don't get my data and opinions from talk radio, I know what's actually happening.

Therefore, your opinion of it, or me, is of zero interest to me.
I'm not attacking the economy.

liar. Your attack on the economy is right here in this thread.
The economy isn't as good as you've been told it is.

That's not an attack. That's merely a fact.

I'd offer to have full, adult, reasonable, informed conversation on the economy with you, but you don't appear to possess the capacity to do so.
There is something wrong with you, isn't there?
His economy. His promises.

You nutters sure love to take credit for anything good and lay blame for anything bad.

Do you all get trained at the same place?
You’re actually attacking this economy? You’re dumber than a brick.
I'm not attacking the economy. But since this is my profession, and since I don't get my data and opinions from talk radio, I know what's actually happening.

Therefore, your opinion of it, or me, is of zero interest to me.
I'm not attacking the economy.

liar. Your attack on the economy is right here in this thread.
The economy isn't as good as you've been told it is.

That's not an attack. That's merely a fact.

I'd offer to have full, adult, reasonable, informed conversation on the economy with you, but you don't appear to possess the capacity to do so.
There is something wrong with you, isn't there?
From your perspective, no doubt.
The GOP is Trump's party. He is King of the Talk Radio Nutters. Anyone who bucks him is labeled a commie and banished.

The Democrats have completely lost their shit and are trying to out-promise, out-spend, out-Identity Politics and out-PC each other.

What a horrible, horrible choice we face in 2020.

well, the blob is overspending by a trillion a year...right?

what have we gotten?

tax breaks for the ultra wealthy.

if the DEMS are “losing their shit” by promising college loan debt forgiveness to the middle class and health care to the millions who can’t afford insurance...that is pretty sane by comparison

Dem candidates have promised:

free college and free healthcare for everyone (including illegal immigrants) meanwhile they avoid any tough questions like how we're going to pay for it...

Gun confiscation. Constant repetition of the mantra "I have confidence Americans will follow the law" when asked how specifically do you plan to take guns from people who don't want to give them up...

Transgender illegal immigrants released into the country immediately ahead of everyone else.

Constant, unrelenting waves of immigration.

Abolish ICE

Abolish PRISON

...and a lot more. Sorry but tax breaks for the wealthy seems quaint in comparison to that boat load of crazy.
Extra triggered.

Who, me? Nah. I'm not going to argue about the economy. Probably are in for some tough times because of the tariffs causing prices to go up. That's what we get for selling our souls to China.
I still support the removal of Saddam and his crazy sons. Trump has his view.
We're not "manipulated", as Obama said, we "cling" to our beliefs, they do not change.
Rush and Hannity are truth tellers, compared to the "fake news" outlets.
We're not lemmings like you leftists....who keep following AOC and the squad.
The "swing voters" know prosperity when they see it, not just swing voters, but union folks who want good jobs here in the US.
They also know that the democrat's policies are crazy.
I'm very comfortable that Trump will win in 2020, impeached or not. Voters see how the MSM has been 95% negative on Trump from day one. Voters also see Trump's many accomplishments. The one word that describes Trump is "populist". That includes swing voters, just look at 2016, and Trump is gaining voters, not losing voters.

Got to love it when someone Proclaims I am a leftist and AOC supporter just because I am a realist...

You keep on writing about your base and believe talk radio and oh please show where I use fake news to support my opinion because damn I love it when someone outs me as a Cortez supporter.

Sure, I would bang the whole night between he legs but she is a fucking idiot like most Trump voters...

Again, the fact is swing voters are the telling sign and you keep on screaming about your base that is forty percent of the vote and let be clear swing voters can bot truly stand either political party and note I have stated Pence would most likely win in 2020 and why?

The left is nuts but Trump has many enemies in the Senate and GOP to survive even of the base is behind him...

Mark it and he will be convicted and removed...

If you're not a Trump supporter you're most likely a leftist, and not a realist. We believe that we are the realists and the progs are the ones in La-La Land. Here are a list of policies that most democrat candidates support. Please tell me you support these.
1. Open borders, tear down the southern border fence/wall
2. Sanctuary cities & states
3. Free college
4. "Medicare for all", aka rationed healthcare, i.e. "Lois Lerner" in charge of your access to healthcare
5. Eliminate ICE and DHS, turn the US into the EU, with Muslim "no go zones" and Sharia Law
6. Promote Globalism, whatever Wall Street wants Wall Street gets, see K-Street Cash
7. Paris Climate Change Treaty where the US pays $trillions to poor countries
8. Stupid trade agreements, e.g tax breaks to move factories overseas
9. Let China run roughshod over the US for trade and intellectual property theft
10. Let NK develop nukes and ICBM delivery systems, have no one capable of dealing with NK
11. Raise taxes to 70% on the wealthy, especially on corporations so they relocate overseas
12. Opioid problem running rampant across the US
13. Gangs like MS-13 running rampant across the US
14. No steel or mining industries due to foreign "dumping" of subsidized products
15. No new pipelines
16. No offshore drilling
17. The dems' "Central Committee" appoints super-delegates to subvert real voters in primaries
18. Pack the US Supreme Court to promote liberal policies
19. Impeach anyone they deem not liberal enough, like Kavanaugh
20. Use the Federal Government to punish conservatives, like the IRS and Lois Lerner hounded conservatives
21. Use the Intel community to spy on the opposition party, like Hillary, FusionGPS, and the FBI/DOJ spied on Trump
22. Block voter ID laws to ensure fraud, and promote "vote harvesting" to steal elections
23. Refuse to provide funding for border walls/security, which DHS says is desperately needed.
24. Give $Trillions to Mexico and Central America for a Marshal Plan, but not help US citizens living in tent cities
25. Impose gun control, outlaw private gun sales, outlaw AR style rifles, restrict sales of bullets, etc.
26. "Green New Deal" Impose a "carbon tax" to punish anyone who works, heats their home, flies, or has a car
27. Anti-business democrat socialists caused Amazon to flee NYC taking 25,000 good paying jobs to VA
28. REPARATIONS to blacks to pay for slavery, $trillions owed by US voters
29. Excuse the murder of unwanted newborns, i.e. "infanticide"
30. Change the Electoral College to popular vote
31. All prisoners get to vote, even the Boston Marathon Bomber, so says Bernie
32. LGBTQ rights, trannys in military
33. Hunt down suspected white supremacists, increase domestic surveillance
34. Add Senators and congressmen for DC and Puerto Rico
35. Be sure that any "red flag" laws exclude gang members (only get those rural guns)
36. Full welfare and free healthcare for illegal immigrants

Agree on the all night AOC event, and that she is an idiot, however, you do not appreciate the "stealth" Trump swing voter. Either they lie to pollsters, or come out of the woodwork, like in 2016, but Trump has a lock on 2020, book it.

Trump might be impeached, but he will not be removed, and he will win again in 2020.

Oh, I never said Trump would lose in 2020 if he is not convicted and removed.

In fact he will win seeing Warren is the darling of the left Party...

I am saying Trump has enemies in his camp and Government that Conviction and Removal is very possible...

Learn the difference...

Also I stopped reading your list because I am very Libertarian on most issues and see most shit is a State to State issue and not the damn Federal Government job...

So, I am neither side and just a damn realist as I wrote!
Agree that Trump has enemies in the government, and in the GOP, so did all other GOP presidents
Don't be a goddamn loser, aka "realist". Like I argue with folks from the Constitution Party, or the

Conservative Alternatives to the GOP
America First party, etc. They are voting democrat admit it or not.
If you are not a Trump voter, you are by default a democrat voter.

And the left proclaims if you do not vote for Clinton or their Democrat whore of the hour you must be a Trumpster...

Fact is I am neither Democrat or Republican...

Point being that if you don't vote for either a Republican or a Democrat then you are an irrelevant "realist".
Most voters hold their nose and vote for one party or the other as a case of the "lesser of the evils".
I don't like Trump's $1T deficit, but that pales in comparison to what the dems would do with their crazy policies.
The GOP is Trump's party. He is King of the Talk Radio Nutters. Anyone who bucks him is labeled a commie and banished.

The Democrats have completely lost their shit and are trying to out-promise, out-spend, out-Identity Politics and out-PC each other.

What a horrible, horrible choice we face in 2020.

well, the blob is overspending by a trillion a year...right?

what have we gotten?

tax breaks for the ultra wealthy.

if the DEMS are “losing their shit” by promising college loan debt forgiveness to the middle class and health care to the millions who can’t afford insurance...that is pretty sane by comparison

Dem candidates have promised:

free college and free healthcare for everyone (including illegal immigrants) meanwhile they avoid any tough questions like how we're going to pay for it...

Gun confiscation. Constant repetition of the mantra "I have confidence Americans will follow the law" when asked how specifically do you plan to take guns from people who don't want to give them up...

Transgender illegal immigrants released into the country immediately ahead of everyone else.

Constant, unrelenting waves of immigration.

Abolish ICE

Abolish PRISON

...and a lot more. Sorry but tax breaks for the wealthy seems quaint in comparison to that boat load of crazy.

well the abolitions would pay for some of it....if they had only really suggested abolishing everything you imagined

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