2020 election prospects

12 months from the election and what are the options for the GOP ?

Will they stick with Trump ?

Do they have time to get behind an alternative ?

What price their credibility if they continue to back Donny ?

I know the cultists on here dont have a problem with anything he does but surely educated Americans realise that something is rotten and will vote accordingly ?

In the UK a delegation of Grandees would meet with the problem and tell them that the game was over. Is that likely,or possible, in the US ?

Why would we be like Britain? We kicked you loons out a couple of centuries ago...for good reasons
Wherever I go I see help wanted signs - including manufacturing companies. And that pisses the hell out of you leftists.
We're in a manufacturing recession.

Another example of the arrogant ignorance of Trumpsters, and why discussing this stuff with you is pointless.
So? Next spring manufacturing will be going gangbusters. That’s why Wall Street is shrugging it off. You chicken littles are just laughed at.
I'm just commenting on where we are right now. You Trumpsters have been conned, thinking the economy is great, while the Fed has had to lower interest rates and bond yields have crashed.

Next spring? Great. Here's hoping. Maybe we'll get a good trade deal. Maybe the income increases will kick in more than they have.

You're certainly no source for economic predictions, however. You're just a Trumpster.
Now you are being dishonest. Our investment markets are not the same as our economy - which is way more solid than any NeverTrumper can admit - but rather confidence in future earnings and asset growth. The Fed - as St Louis Fed Prez James Bullard noted in January - overdid the tightening last year and simply adjusted accordingly.

You're certainly no source for economic predictions, however. You're just a devout NeverTrumper.

Bullard says December Fed hike may have slightly overdone it
The facts are the facts. GDP has dropped, and his half of what Trump promised. He exploded the deficit in a non-recessionary period, something Keynes himself was against. There is no growth-push inflation. The bond market has reacted accordingly.

And, correct. What's next, I don't know for sure. Since this is my profession, I know not to make ignorant and simplistic economic predictions. I have to take this stuff seriously.

But you Trumpsters are certainly free to parrot talk radio and stay hidden within your ideological bubble. It's what you do.
You know zip. You don’t even know the President does not create the budget.
The GOP is Trump's party. He is King of the Talk Radio Nutters. Anyone who bucks him is labeled a commie and banished.

The Democrats have completely lost their shit and are trying to out-promise, out-spend, out-Identity Politics and out-PC each other.

What a horrible, horrible choice we face in 2020.

Why not get the Democrats to nominate a Moderate then? Someone who doesn't want Socialized Medicine, opposes gun confiscation, opposes Homosexual Marriage?

Basic tenets of moderation?
12 months from the election and what are the options for the GOP ?

Will they stick with Trump ?

Do they have time to get behind an alternative ?

What price their credibility if they continue to back Donny ?

I know the cultists on here dont have a problem with anything he does but surely educated Americans realise that something is rotten and will vote accordingly ?

In the UK a delegation of Grandees would meet with the problem and tell them that the game was over. Is that likely,or possible, in the US ?

Are we supposed to care what you think over there in Wales

Cause I sure don't
Love it when you show your true colors. And you are awarded for it.

The GOP is Trump's party. He is King of the Talk Radio Nutters. Anyone who bucks him is labeled a commie and banished.

The Democrats have completely lost their shit and are trying to out-promise, out-spend, out-Identity Politics and out-PC each other.

What a horrible, horrible choice we face in 2020.

Why not get the Democrats to nominate a Moderate then? Someone who doesn't want Socialized Medicine, opposes gun confiscation, opposes Homosexual Marriage?

Basic tenets of moderation?
I'd love to see that. But just as Trumpsters have taken over the GOP, the nutters have taken over the Democratic party.

Moderation is not terribly popular in either screwed up party.
12 months from the election and what are the options for the GOP ?

Will they stick with Trump ?

Do they have time to get behind an alternative ?

What price their credibility if they continue to back Donny ?

I know the cultists on here dont have a problem with anything he does but surely educated Americans realise that something is rotten and will vote accordingly ?

In the UK a delegation of Grandees would meet with the problem and tell them that the game was over. Is that likely,or possible, in the US ?

Of course they will. He is the incumbent President. Even if he is far from their ideal candidate, I doubt Warren and Biden come any closer to checking their boxes than Trump does. Besides, Trump's populism can land on a lot of people's soft spots is some very meaningful ways for them even if they otherwise detest him.

I really like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. They will most likely be whom I am voting for. I think Elizabeth Warren's Wealth Tax is brilliant. I love Bernies plans: Medicare for All, Housing for All, expanding social security, Pro Union, college for all, all ideas I am for. Both Bernie and Warren are for strengthening Unions and trying to increase wages for all by putting the bargaining power back to the American worker.

Since none of it will happen, why bother....
12 months from the election and what are the options for the GOP ?

Will they stick with Trump ?

Do they have time to get behind an alternative ?

What price their credibility if they continue to back Donny ?

I know the cultists on here dont have a problem with anything he does but surely educated Americans realise that something is rotten and will vote accordingly ?

In the UK a delegation of Grandees would meet with the problem and tell them that the game was over. Is that likely,or possible, in the US ?

Of course they will. He is the incumbent President. Even if he is far from their ideal candidate, I doubt Warren and Biden come any closer to checking their boxes than Trump does. Besides, Trump's populism can land on a lot of people's soft spots is some very meaningful ways for them even if they otherwise detest him.

I really like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. They will most likely be whom I am voting for. I think Elizabeth Warren's Wealth Tax is brilliant. I love Bernies plans: Medicare for All, Housing for All, expanding social security, Pro Union, college for all, all ideas I am for. Both Bernie and Warren are for strengthening Unions and trying to increase wages for all by putting the bargaining power back to the American worker.
How will the country pay for all those plans that you love?

Tax oxycontine :04:
The GOP is Trump's party. He is King of the Talk Radio Nutters. Anyone who bucks him is labeled a commie and banished.

The Democrats have completely lost their shit and are trying to out-promise, out-spend, out-Identity Politics and out-PC each other.

What a horrible, horrible choice we face in 2020.

Why not get the Democrats to nominate a Moderate then? Someone who doesn't want Socialized Medicine, opposes gun confiscation, opposes Homosexual Marriage?

Basic tenets of moderation?
I'd love to see that. But just as Trumpsters have taken over the GOP, the nutters have taken over the Democratic party.

Moderation is not terribly popular in either screwed up party.
Trump is the definition of moderate.
Here is the thing over 90% of Republican voters support Trump. Stats don’t care about your feelings. Look at the bright side, you can keep blaming the Jews.

Guy, Romney got 90% of the Republican vote. He still lost. McCain got 88% of the Republican vote. He still lost.

Here's the thing. Trump didn't win the popular vote last time, even with an awful opponent.

Independents will take a long look and say, "We don't want 4 more years of this insanity."
The Republican Party as an institution in 2008 and 2012 were a complete and total Pathetic Failure. You'd be right, Trump doesn't care about that, and doesn't want to be a Loser. If the GOP doesn't want to exercise its political will and implement its policies, nominating Trump is the worst thing they can do. However, if they think their ideas, like Record Low unemployment for minorities, is worth fighting for, they will put Trump up again.

Right, now, those Republicans are all looking at the polls, seeing at what point they can support impeachment and keep their jobs.
Here is the thing over 90% of Republican voters support Trump. Stats don’t care about your feelings. Look at the bright side, you can keep blaming the Jews.

Guy, Romney got 90% of the Republican vote. He still lost. McCain got 88% of the Republican vote. He still lost.

Here's the thing. Trump didn't win the popular vote last time, even with an awful opponent.

Independents will take a long look and say, "We don't want 4 more years of this insanity."

Hillary Clinton was an "awful" candidate?

Not really, unless you are saying that President B. Hussein O is a dam liar.

Obama testified that Mrs. C was superb, better than him, better than her husband. And considering the fact that she had the largest campaign war chest in world history, she was more than capable of getting the word out.

"I can say with confidence there has never been a man or a woman more qualified than Hillary Clinton to serve as president of the United States of America."

Your TDS is melting your cranium.

The Republican Party as an institution in 2008 and 2012 were a complete and total Pathetic Failure. You'd be right, Trump doesn't care about that, and doesn't want to be a Loser. If the GOP doesn't want to exercise its political will and implement its policies, nominating Trump is the worst thing they can do. However, if they think their ideas, like Record Low unemployment for minorities, is worth fighting for, they will put Trump up again.

Right, now, those Republicans are all looking at the polls, seeing at what point they can support impeachment and keep their jobs.

If President Trump were removed from office, no other Republican would stand a chance of a Snowball in you know where of winning. Kasich, Weld, Sanford, Walsh, Romney- loser x5. Who would contribute 5 cents or volunteer to work for 5 minutes for any of those folks? And a Zero at the top of the ticket, drags every one else down. Further, suppose Sen. Toomey were to vote for impeachment, what could he say during a reelection campaign? He could talk until he is blue in the face about restoring the economy or anything else, but no one would think its possible. Might as well make a proposal to have the sun rise in the west.
Here is the thing over 90% of Republican voters support Trump. Stats don’t care about your feelings. Look at the bright side, you can keep blaming the Jews.

Guy, Romney got 90% of the Republican vote. He still lost. McCain got 88% of the Republican vote. He still lost.

Here's the thing. Trump didn't win the popular vote last time, even with an awful opponent.

Independents will take a long look and say, "We don't want 4 more years of this insanity."
Here is the thing, guy. You moved the goal posts. We were discussing impeachment not the election. I have told you before. I am unenrolled. Give me a better candidate than HRC in 2016 or Warren in 2020 and I may vote for them.
If President Trump were removed from office, no other Republican would stand a chance of a Snowball in you know where of winning. Kasich, Weld, Sanford, Walsh, Romney- loser x5. Who would contribute 5 cents or volunteer to work for 5 minutes for any of those folks? And a Zero at the top of the ticket, drags every one else down. Further, suppose Sen. Toomey were to vote for impeachment, what could he say during a reelection campaign? He could talk until he is blue in the face about restoring the economy or anything else, but no one would think its possible. Might as well make a proposal to have the sun rise in the west.

Funny thing. People said the same thing after they forced Nixon to resign...

Then Jerry FOrd came within a hair's bredth of winning re-election. IN 1980, Ronald Reagan won back the White House.

Yes, I know this is hard for you to grasp. Cleansing your party of a sickness is actually healthy for the long run.
Here is the thing, guy. You moved the goal posts. We were discussing impeachment not the election. I have told you before. I am unenrolled. Give me a better candidate than HRC in 2016 or Warren in 2020 and I may vote for them.

Here's the thing.. Hillary was a better candidate than Trump. You voted for hate.
She was? Not in my opinion. Hate? You’re the one who blames the Jews for all the worlds ills. Here is the thing, we live in a free country.
Here's the thing.. Hillary was a better candidate than Trump. You voted for hate.
Best candidate?
Twice the money.
MSM in her pocket.
Obama spied on Trump's campaign.

Clearly you're either dishonest or ignorant.

Trump campaigned on MAGA. It's you that hates anything good for America.

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