2020 election prospects

12 months from the election and what are the options for the GOP ?

Will they stick with Trump ?

Do they have time to get behind an alternative ?

What price their credibility if they continue to back Donny ?

I know the cultists on here dont have a problem with anything he does but surely educated Americans realise that something is rotten and will vote accordingly ?

In the UK a delegation of Grandees would meet with the problem and tell them that the game was over. Is that likely,or possible, in the US ?
You’re not an American why do you care? Stupid bot
/——-/ Your premise is absurd. Your feeble attempt to discourage the Trump base with your baseless claims is laughable. But I can play your game too.
Everyone agrees all the democRAT candidates are traitors to the US and want to overthrow our government. So if they are all arrested, who will the Dems run in 2020? Maybe an illegal alien.

Okay, now you are babbling.

Trump will be impeached. No stopping it now. The only question is, will the GOP cut off the gangerous limb.

Here's the thing. In 1974, Nixon showed the better part of valor and resigned, because he cared about the United States and the Republican Party as institutions...

Trump only cares about Trump. If that doesn't scare you, it should.

Not everyone is a moderate thinker like you and even though I disagree with Weather on many issues the fact is Weather is not that bad...

They are like some on the left, well like you ( yeah, do not even comment about that one ) and are fun to converse with.

Just sayin', and dude if I had a dime for every time I was correct about things like cyber terrorism to the picks of Presidential candidates I would have enough to buy us a cup of coffee at Starbucks...

So not everyone is misinformed but many of us use sites we are more comfortable with...
That's all good. I'm just not required to participate in said conversations.

You don't see me in an automotive forum trolling mechanics on how to rebuild a transmission based on what I saw in some magazine. Why not? Because I don't know shit about rebuilding transmissions.

People here can babble and repeat stuff all day long. I just don't have to play along.

Didn't say you had to.

Lighten the fuck up... Someone just claimed I am a leftist AOC voter... So fuck dude Weather is not even that idiotic...
Great, thanks.

Did you have your coffee this morning?

Posters on boards are in three groups nuts, fucking nuts and hey I have splinters up my arse from sitting on this fence.

Now you are moderate like me and a realist like me and I enjoy the fact being called a Cortez voting leftist that slurps down fake news from CSpan...

I know you hate it but it is part of the board life.

I truly believe Trump is done and gone when the Impeachment is kicked to the Senate fro Trial and Removal.

Now Trump voters will educate me their base will not hear of this but again, do I give a damn what they truly think?


So you know nine times out of ten you are correct ( I know you are never wrong ), so laugh at when someone make an ignorant comment about you...

Ya Cortez loving snot!
Which is your fav? "Beginning of the end" moments? "Turning point" moments? "Bombshell" moments? "Tipping point" moments? Or do you prefer "the walls are closing in?" :lol:

3 minutes of hilarity sure to put a smile on your face:

Your proof is an MSNBC talking head? Hilarious.
Wherever I go I see help wanted signs - including manufacturing companies. And that pisses the hell out of you leftists.
We're in a manufacturing recession.

Another example of the arrogant ignorance of Trumpsters, and why discussing this stuff with you is pointless.
So? Next spring manufacturing will be going gangbusters. That’s why Wall Street is shrugging it off. You chicken littles are just laughed at.
I'm just commenting on where we are right now. You Trumpsters have been conned, thinking the economy is great, while the Fed has had to lower interest rates and bond yields have crashed.

Next spring? Great. Here's hoping. Maybe we'll get a good trade deal. Maybe the income increases will kick in more than they have.

You're certainly no source for economic predictions, however. You're just a Trumpster.
I’m making a ton of money in this ‘pathetic’ economy. More please!
/——-/ democRATs murder babies and sell their body parts for fun and profit. Two can play your stupid game.

Fetuses aren't babies...

If you think they are, then you should demand every woman who ever had an abortion be arrested for murder. make that your platform in 2020.
/——-/ As a private citizen I can’t demand that. Stupid reply
/——-/ Your premise is absurd. Your feeble attempt to discourage the Trump base with your baseless claims is laughable. But I can play your game too.
Everyone agrees all the democRAT candidates are traitors to the US and want to overthrow our government. So if they are all arrested, who will the Dems run in 2020? Maybe an illegal alien.

Okay, now you are babbling.

Trump will be impeached. No stopping it now. The only question is, will the GOP cut off the gangerous limb.

Here's the thing. In 1974, Nixon showed the better part of valor and resigned, because he cared about the United States and the Republican Party as institutions...

Trump only cares about Trump. If that doesn't scare you, it should.
Here is the thing. LMAO. He is back using this saying. I do not see 67 Senators agreeing with impeachment.
That's all good. I'm just not required to participate in said conversations.

You don't see me in an automotive forum trolling mechanics on how to rebuild a transmission based on what I saw in some magazine. Why not? Because I don't know shit about rebuilding transmissions.

People here can babble and repeat stuff all day long. I just don't have to play along.

Didn't say you had to.

Lighten the fuck up... Someone just claimed I am a leftist AOC voter... So fuck dude Weather is not even that idiotic...
Great, thanks.

Did you have your coffee this morning?

Posters on boards are in three groups nuts, fucking nuts and hey I have splinters up my arse from sitting on this fence.

Now you are moderate like me and a realist like me and I enjoy the fact being called a Cortez voting leftist that slurps down fake news from CSpan...

I know you hate it but it is part of the board life.

I truly believe Trump is done and gone when the Impeachment is kicked to the Senate fro Trial and Removal.

Now Trump voters will educate me their base will not hear of this but again, do I give a damn what they truly think?


So you know nine times out of ten you are correct ( I know you are never wrong ), so laugh at when someone make an ignorant comment about you...

Ya Cortez loving snot!
Which is your fav? "Beginning of the end" moments? "Turning point" moments? "Bombshell" moments? "Tipping point" moments? Or do you prefer "the walls are closing in?" :lol:

3 minutes of hilarity sure to put a smile on your face:

Your proof is an MSNBC talking head? Hilarious.

Proof of what? That our leftarded media is FOS? Did you open the vid? It's funny as hell.
Wherever I go I see help wanted signs - including manufacturing companies. And that pisses the hell out of you leftists.
We're in a manufacturing recession.

Another example of the arrogant ignorance of Trumpsters, and why discussing this stuff with you is pointless.
So? Next spring manufacturing will be going gangbusters. That’s why Wall Street is shrugging it off. You chicken littles are just laughed at.
I'm just commenting on where we are right now. You Trumpsters have been conned, thinking the economy is great, while the Fed has had to lower interest rates and bond yields have crashed.

Next spring? Great. Here's hoping. Maybe we'll get a good trade deal. Maybe the income increases will kick in more than they have.

You're certainly no source for economic predictions, however. You're just a Trumpster.
I’m making a ton of money in this ‘pathetic’ economy. More please!
Interesting, I wonder who used the word "pathetic" to describe the economy.

Someone must have, for you to use quotation marks.

What's pathetic is the way you guys constantly have to make things up when you try to make a point.

But it's a very good sign, and I appreciate it.
Wherever I go I see help wanted signs - including manufacturing companies. And that pisses the hell out of you leftists.
We're in a manufacturing recession.

Another example of the arrogant ignorance of Trumpsters, and why discussing this stuff with you is pointless.
So? Next spring manufacturing will be going gangbusters. That’s why Wall Street is shrugging it off. You chicken littles are just laughed at.
I'm just commenting on where we are right now. You Trumpsters have been conned, thinking the economy is great, while the Fed has had to lower interest rates and bond yields have crashed.

Next spring? Great. Here's hoping. Maybe we'll get a good trade deal. Maybe the income increases will kick in more than they have.

You're certainly no source for economic predictions, however. You're just a Trumpster.
Now you are being dishonest. Our investment markets are not the same as our economy - which is way more solid than any NeverTrumper can admit - but rather confidence in future earnings and asset growth. The Fed - as St Louis Fed Prez James Bullard noted in January - overdid the tightening last year and simply adjusted accordingly.

You're certainly no source for economic predictions, however. You're just a devout NeverTrumper.

Bullard says December Fed hike may have slightly overdone it

Wherever I go I see help wanted signs - including manufacturing companies. And that pisses the hell out of you leftists.
We're in a manufacturing recession.

Another example of the arrogant ignorance of Trumpsters, and why discussing this stuff with you is pointless.
So? Next spring manufacturing will be going gangbusters. That’s why Wall Street is shrugging it off. You chicken littles are just laughed at.
I'm just commenting on where we are right now. You Trumpsters have been conned, thinking the economy is great, while the Fed has had to lower interest rates and bond yields have crashed.

Next spring? Great. Here's hoping. Maybe we'll get a good trade deal. Maybe the income increases will kick in more than they have.

You're certainly no source for economic predictions, however. You're just a Trumpster.
Now you are being dishonest. Our investment markets are not the same as our economy - which is way more solid than any NeverTrumper can admit - but rather confidence in future earnings and asset growth. The Fed - as St Louis Fed Prez James Bullard noted in January - overdid the tightening last year and simply adjusted accordingly.

You're certainly no source for economic predictions, however. You're just a devout NeverTrumper.

Bullard says December Fed hike may have slightly overdone it
The facts are the facts. GDP has dropped, and his half of what Trump promised. He exploded the deficit in a non-recessionary period, something Keynes himself was against. There is no growth-push inflation. The bond market has reacted accordingly.

And, correct. What's next, I don't know for sure. Since this is my profession, I know not to make ignorant and simplistic economic predictions. I have to take this stuff seriously.

But you Trumpsters are certainly free to parrot talk radio and stay hidden within your ideological bubble. It's what you do.
12 months from the election and what are the options for the GOP ?

Will they stick with Trump ?

Do they have time to get behind an alternative ?

What price their credibility if they continue to back Donny ?

I know the cultists on here dont have a problem with anything he does but surely educated Americans realise that something is rotten and will vote accordingly ?

In the UK a delegation of Grandees would meet with the problem and tell them that the game was over. Is that likely,or possible, in the US ?

Of course they will. He is the incumbent President. Even if he is far from their ideal candidate, I doubt Warren and Biden come any closer to checking their boxes than Trump does. Besides, Trump's populism can land on a lot of people's soft spots is some very meaningful ways for them even if they otherwise detest him.

I really like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. They will most likely be whom I am voting for. I think Elizabeth Warren's Wealth Tax is brilliant. I love Bernies plans: Medicare for All, Housing for All, expanding social security, Pro Union, college for all, all ideas I am for. Both Bernie and Warren are for strengthening Unions and trying to increase wages for all by putting the bargaining power back to the American worker.
Here is the thing. LMAO. He is back using this saying. I do not see 67 Senators agreeing with impeachment.

Here's the thing... at some point, the GOP is going to have to realize that Donald Trump doesn't care about the GOP as an institution... but they do.
Here is the thing over 90% of Republican voters support Trump. Stats don’t care about your feelings. Look at the bright side, you can keep blaming the Jews.
12 months from the election and what are the options for the GOP ?

Will they stick with Trump ?

Do they have time to get behind an alternative ?

What price their credibility if they continue to back Donny ?

I know the cultists on here dont have a problem with anything he does but surely educated Americans realise that something is rotten and will vote accordingly ?

In the UK a delegation of Grandees would meet with the problem and tell them that the game was over. Is that likely,or possible, in the US ?

Of course they will. He is the incumbent President. Even if he is far from their ideal candidate, I doubt Warren and Biden come any closer to checking their boxes than Trump does. Besides, Trump's populism can land on a lot of people's soft spots is some very meaningful ways for them even if they otherwise detest him.

I really like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. They will most likely be whom I am voting for. I think Elizabeth Warren's Wealth Tax is brilliant. I love Bernies plans: Medicare for All, Housing for All, expanding social security, Pro Union, college for all, all ideas I am for. Both Bernie and Warren are for strengthening Unions and trying to increase wages for all by putting the bargaining power back to the American worker.
How will the country pay for all those plans that you love?
12 months from the election and what are the options for the GOP ?

Will they stick with Trump ?

Do they have time to get behind an alternative ?

What price their credibility if they continue to back Donny ?

I know the cultists on here dont have a problem with anything he does but surely educated Americans realise that something is rotten and will vote accordingly ?

In the UK a delegation of Grandees would meet with the problem and tell them that the game was over. Is that likely,or possible, in the US ?

The Republicans have a clear choice in the nomination battle. They can renominate President Trump and have a fighting chance by defending the Trump economy with the tremendous Trump war chest of political contributions.

Or on the alternative, they can tell Trump to get lost, and basically concede the election to the Democrats, accepting the New Green Deal, socialized medicine, much higher tax rates. Make no mistake about it, any of the pathetic losers that have put themselves up for the GOP nomination would be virtually crucified by the D's. And with little campaign money and no charisma, what could any of them say when attacked as Literally Hitler?

Further, once Wall Street traders realize that Trump won't be around in 2021, the markets will tank and the GOP nominee would be blamed for it. Bad news for Kasich or whomever. They could blame Trump, and undoubtably would, but they would still get schlonged by Buttigieg or Beto or one of the other girly-men.
Here is the thing. LMAO. He is back using this saying. I do not see 67 Senators agreeing with impeachment.

Here's the thing... at some point, the GOP is going to have to realize that Donald Trump doesn't care about the GOP as an institution... but they do.

The Republican Party as an institution in 2008 and 2012 were a complete and total Pathetic Failure. You'd be right, Trump doesn't care about that, and doesn't want to be a Loser. If the GOP doesn't want to exercise its political will and implement its policies, nominating Trump is the worst thing they can do. However, if they think their ideas, like Record Low unemployment for minorities, is worth fighting for, they will put Trump up again.
12 months from the election and what are the options for the GOP ?

Will they stick with Trump ?

Do they have time to get behind an alternative ?

What price their credibility if they continue to back Donny ?

I know the cultists on here dont have a problem with anything he does but surely educated Americans realise that something is rotten and will vote accordingly ?

In the UK a delegation of Grandees would meet with the problem and tell them that the game was over. Is that likely,or possible, in the US ?

The Republicans have a clear choice in the nomination battle. They can renominate President Trump and have a fighting chance by defending the Trump economy with the tremendous Trump war chest of political contributions.

Or on the alternative, they can tell Trump to get lost, and basically concede the election to the Democrats, accepting the New Green Deal, socialized medicine, much higher tax rates. Make no mistake about it, any of the pathetic losers that have put themselves up for the GOP nomination would be virtually crucified by the D's. And with little campaign money and no charisma, what could any of them say when attacked as Literally Hitler?

Further, once Wall Street traders realize that Trump won't be around in 2021, the markets will tank and the GOP nominee would be blamed for it. Bad news for Kasich or whomever. They could blame Trump, and undoubtedly would, but they would still get schlonged by Buttigieg or Beto or one of the other girly-men.

Not sure what planet you're from but you have no clue about GOP politics.
1. Trump has a 95% approval rating among Republicans. Trump is the 2020 GOP nominee.
2. 50 senators just supported Lindsay Graham's resolution claiming that the democrat's impeachment inquiry is illegal.
3. Your 2nd paragraph is totally wrong, it makes no sense at all. Trump will win based on peace and prosperity
4. The republicans aren't even having primaries, so Kasich and Weld can pound sand.

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