2020 The Dumpster Fire.

Spoken like someone who doesn't believe the Democrats are big gerrymanders. :laughing0301:

Did I single out a specific party and make excuses? No.

You must be feeling guilty.
..a shorter version of the OP's "dumpster fire"....

So you consider a bunch of patriots exercising their First Amendment right at a Capitol protest for one day, to be an "insurrection." But you idolize a bunch of radical leftists and antifa Marxists who cover their faces with masks, riot, burn, loot, vandalize, and assault people for a whole year?


Exercising your first amendment rights does not include being armed and attacking police. There’s nothing “free-speech” about being armed and harming police officers.

Very fact that they were armed and wearing body armour showed that they had no intention of exercising first amendment rights. Second amendment rights maybe but definitely not first amendment rights. You don’t need body armament to speak.
..a shorter version of the OP's "dumpster fire"....

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Why are you blaming the worker shortage on Biden? Trump closed the borders for four years and then wonders why there are no workers when there was no immigration and no visas.

The reason you have open borders is because you’re not replacing your population of workers and you need evermore workers. You need immigration to fill those jobs but you refuse to reform immigration.

So much easier to blame Democrats for Republican refusal to deal with immigration issues. Stupid is as stupid does.
Exercising your first amendment rights does not include being armed and attacking police. There’s nothing “free-speech” about being armed and harming police officers.

That kinda depends.

Very fact that they were armed and wearing body armour showed that they had no intention of exercising first amendment rights. Second amendment rights maybe but definitely not first amendment rights. You don’t need body armament to speak.

If you are being denied your rights, First or whichever I believe you have the right to retaliate. Now I understand you are speaking specifically about Jan 6 and I agree that didn't happen there.
So you consider a bunch of patriots exercising their First Amendment right at a Capitol protest for one day, to be an "insurrection." But you idolize a bunch of radical leftists and antifa Marxists who cover their faces with masks, riot, burn, loot, vandalize, and assault people for a whole year?

I didn't know the First Amendment guaranteed the right to overthrow democracy through violent means.
That kinda depends.

If you are being denied your rights, First or whichever I believe you have the right to retaliate. Now I understand you are speaking specifically about Jan 6 and I agree that didn't happen there.

The "right to retaliate" is through the courts, not with an armed insurrection.

Who exactly was being "denied their rights" here? Donald Trump lost the election, fair and square. It was the most honest election in American history, so nobody was denied their right.

Just because Donald Trump lied to the American people, and continues to lie to the American people and claim he won the election, even though he knows he lost - bigly, doesn't mean anyone has been denied their rights.

If you are stupid enough to believe the liar, and to act as if he's telling the truth, then you shouldn't leave the house alone, because you're too stupid to be allowed to run loose.
The "right to retaliate" is through the courts, not with an armed insurrection.

And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson

Who exactly was being "denied their rights" here?

Odd, I'm pretty sure I said it didn't apply to Jan 6.
I didn't know the First Amendment guaranteed the right to overthrow democracy through violent means.

If someone is going to overthrow a government, weapons are a must.

Now tell me how many people were arrested carrying weapons at that little unsupervised Capitol tour?

I can answer that for you: Not a single one.
I suppose I don't really expect many to take the time to watch this movie as I don't watch long video's people post but it's quite entertaining if you decide to.

2020: The Dumpster Fire (2021)

Which dumpster fire are you referring to?

- Democrats riot and loot cities across the country
- Hillary makes up that Trump is owned by the Russians and Democrats and the media pound the lie into the ground
- Democrats use "masks" and "vaccines" as political cudgels

LOL, another partisan thread by the "girl" who isn't a Democrat, but does nothing but pumps Democrats
Which dumpster fire are you referring to?

- Democrats riot and loot cities across the country
- Hillary makes up that Trump is owned by the Russians and Democrats and the media pound the lie into the ground
- Democrats use "masks" and "vaccines" as political cudgels

LOL, another partisan thread by the "girl" who isn't a Democrat, but does nothing but pumps Democrats

The movie explains your question. If you watched the movie you would know it in no way supports the Democrats.
Watched two minutes of it that was two minutes of my life I will never get back. I don't watch this kind of silly partisan shit I don't care which side it's coming from.

It may be partisan but it's not (D) or (R) partisan.
The January 6 protesters were protesting to have a free and fair election: To have every legal vote counted, and to discard fraudulent votes. You may not believe it, but there were a lot of shenanigans happening during the 2020 election: Illegal drop boxes, legitimate votes being discarded, and a bunch of other underhanded shit.

It's not a matter of who won, as long as the tally can be proven to be accurate.

The DOJ wasn't really interested. They admitted as much in the 1/6 hearing.
Why are you blaming the worker shortage on Biden? Trump closed the borders for four years and then wonders why there are no workers when there was no immigration and no visas.
The reason you have open borders is because you’re not replacing your population of workers and you need evermore workers. You need immigration to fill those jobs but you refuse to reform immigration.
So much easier to blame Democrats for Republican refusal to deal with immigration issues. Stupid is as stupid does.
1. I'm blaming Biden because the worker shortage is his fault. Trump had a 65% participation rate, Biden is stuck at 62%. Biden payed people to stay home, so they stay home. Biden also shutdown the energy sector with his stupid "war on energy" and EOs, like the one that shutdown the KeystoneXL pipeline.


2. Obama was the "deporter-in-chief". He protected workers from cheap foreign labor. Biden and the democrats opened the flood gates to cheap labor, so who is not going to find work when the economy tanks as we head into a recession? DUH.
1. I'm blaming Biden because the worker shortage is his fault. Trump had a 65% participation rate, Biden is stuck at 62%. Biden payed people to stay home, so they stay home. Biden also shutdown the energy sector with his stupid "war on energy" and EOs, like the one that shutdown the KeystoneXL pipeline.

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2. Obama was the "deporter-in-chief". He protected workers from cheap foreign labor. Biden and the democrats opened the flood gates to cheap labor, so who is not going to find work when the economy tanks as we head into a recession? DUH.

The checks also came under Trump. Remember, Trump sided with Nancy wanting even bigger ones.
The checks also came under Trump. Remember, Trump sided with Nancy wanting even bigger ones.
True, but then Trump wanted to open the economy back up and the democrats went nuts, wanting to keep closed and throw money from helicopters. GOP states opened up first, and democrat states stayed closed.
I agreed with the 1st checks, but not staying closed.
True, but then Trump wanted to open the economy back up and the democrats went nuts, wanting to keep closed and throw money from helicopters. GOP states opened up first, and democrat states stayed closed.
I agreed with the 1st checks, but not staying closed.

Of course you agreed with anything Trump did. Myself? I'm on record of not supporting closing.

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