2021 - America Is Unravelling

Poster Ray asks for a link.

Gladly. And this is in that link, (btw, there are many other links to the "lovefest")

"During the rally near the White House, Trump falsely claimed that the 2020 presidential election was fraudulent and stolen from him, and urged his supporters to march on Capitol Hill, telling them they “have to show strength.”

Rioters then breached police lines and stormed the Capitol as Congress was convened to certify then President-elect Joe Biden’s victory in the Electoral College. They scaled walls, smashed windows and laid siege on the building — forcing lawmakers to evacuate.

The riot results in five deaths, and two Capitol police officers later died by suicide.

Lawmakers from both parties, at least in part, blamed the attack on Trump’s rhetoric surrounding the 2020 election, including at the rally."

(ps...he underlining is by my avatar)
Don't forget not condemning violent riots that destroyed communities and cost tax payers millions and ruined small business in multiple cities across the country.

Encouraging unfair and unsportsman like conduct but encouraging and saying trans athletes need to play the sport in the gender they feel they are.

They encourage racism by awarding black people just for being born with black skin and giving them advantages while taking advantages away from the same people who were only born with white skin like the farmers who get special treatment for being black.

Not caring and showing the country is weak when s foreign power shuts down a major oil refinery big enough to had to call a emergency declaration for 17 states over it, the shrugged his shoulders and did nothing so the company had to pay 5 million to help citizens because he wouldn't do a thing to help.

Showing the American people they should not care about a fair and unbiased jury, infact they should demand the public gets the trial verdict it wants and not by a jury of fair peers when he and other politians took to twitter encouraging a guilty verdict before the trial was even over.

And so on.
Poster Ray asks for a link.

Gladly. And this is in that link, (btw, there are many other links to the "lovefest")

"During the rally near the White House, Trump falsely claimed that the 2020 presidential election was fraudulent and stolen from him, and urged his supporters to march on Capitol Hill, telling them they “have to show strength.”

Rioters then breached police lines and stormed the Capitol as Congress was convened to certify then President-elect Joe Biden’s victory in the Electoral College. They scaled walls, smashed windows and laid siege on the building — forcing lawmakers to evacuate.

The riot results in five deaths, and two Capitol police officers later died by suicide.

Lawmakers from both parties, at least in part, blamed the attack on Trump’s rhetoric surrounding the 2020 election, including at the rally."

(ps...he underlining is by my avatar)

Funny. I see nothing about "lovefest" in your paste.
Undeniable. America is coming apart at the seams in 2021, under the lack of leadership of Joe Biden.

View attachment 488923

1. Economic - we went from record highs in the stock market, record lows in unemployment, and a massively record 33.4% increase in GDP, to a decent GDP of 6.4% 1st quarter of 2021, but nowhere near Trump's 33.4 %, and a disappointment, considering the $1400 stimulus payments having gone out, even to illegal aliens. Dismal economic month of April with 1/4 the job growth as was expected. Also went from 1.1% CPI on election day to an astonishing 4.2% currently, the largest inflation since 2008, at the start of the severe recession. Unemployment rose from 6.0% to 6.1%.

2. Mexican border - went from having the most secure border in 60 years to >> Construction of the wall stopped. Stay in Mexico rule stopped, deportations stopped, legalizations announced. Restrictions on Green cards repealed, reinstated catch & release, and is now just letting people in. Border is now in mass chaos, with drug smugglers and human traffickers having a field day. Smugglers, after using them, are abandoning migrant kids in the desert, a huge problem becoming more evident every day, and may need a massive effort to counter it. Biden officials are proposing to abolish ICE. Illegal migrants are being bused and flown all over the US, and millions are being spent to house them in hotels. How many jobs will Americans lose? How much money will America lose in remittances$$$$ ?How many Americans will die of Covid from unvetted, infected aliens ?

3. Went from opening up ANWR and approved Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines, thereby making America # 1 energy producer in the world (no other president ever did that), to having our pipelines attacked, federal land drilling permits revoked, pipeline construction stopped, thousands of jobs lost, gas prices skyrocketing, and gas lines at the pump.

4. Went from Middle East peace agreements, and stability, to hundreds of rockets being fired at Israel by Hamas, not afraid of weak Biden. War raging once again.

5. Went from no Islamic terrorism, to renewal of terrorist attacks by Muslims. March 22, 2021, a migrant from Syria shot dead 10 patrons at a 'Jewish' supermarket, after swearing allegiance to ISIS. On May 9, Farrakhan Muhammad shot 3 people in New York City’s Times Square neighborhood.

This is only the beginning. Give it another year - then we'll see where we are (it won 't be pretty).......Rome is burning....
America is fine.

Trumpsters are just dramatic crybabies.
Is there a doctor in the house ? Seriously.

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Poster Ray asks for a link.

Gladly. And this is in that link, (btw, there are many other links to the "lovefest")

"During the rally near the White House, Trump falsely claimed that the 2020 presidential election was fraudulent and stolen from him, and urged his supporters to march on Capitol Hill, telling them they “have to show strength.”

Rioters then breached police lines and stormed the Capitol as Congress was convened to certify then President-elect Joe Biden’s victory in the Electoral College. They scaled walls, smashed windows and laid siege on the building — forcing lawmakers to evacuate.

The riot results in five deaths, and two Capitol police officers later died by suicide.

Lawmakers from both parties, at least in part, blamed the attack on Trump’s rhetoric surrounding the 2020 election, including at the rally."

(ps...he underlining is by my avatar)

Funny. I see nothing about "lovefest" in your paste.
The left just make shit up.
America is fine.

Trumpsters are just dramatic crybabies.
Is there a doctor in the house ? Seriously.

You think referencing articles from GatewayPundit, Breitbart, and quoting dramatic Trumpster crybabies somehow refutes what I said? :laugh:
Undeniable. America is coming apart at the seams in 2021, under the lack of leadership of Joe Biden.

I DISAGREE. I don't think it is due to a lack of leadership from Bidden---- the man is no leader, he is a follower. I doubt the guy even has say in what he eats for breakfast. Whereas everything out of Trump's mouth was full bore Donald Trump, what little you can catch Bidden saying is written out for him, when he is permitted to even speak.

That makes Joe a sock puppet.

America is unraveling but not because of Joe's failures in leading, but because of the deliberate design plan of those who run his life, tell him what to say and support, and whom put him in office.
Undeniable. America is coming apart at the seams in 2021, under the lack of leadership of Joe Biden.

View attachment 488923

1. Economic - we went from record highs in the stock market, record lows in unemployment, and a massively record 33.4% increase in GDP, to a decent GDP of 6.4% 1st quarter of 2021, but nowhere near Trump's 33.4 %, and a disappointment, considering the $1400 stimulus payments having gone out, even to illegal aliens. Dismal economic month of April with 1/4 the job growth as was expected. Also went from 1.1% CPI on election day to an astonishing 4.2% currently, the largest inflation since 2008, at the start of the severe recession. Unemployment rose from 6.0% to 6.1%.

2. Mexican border - went from having the most secure border in 60 years to >> Construction of the wall stopped. Stay in Mexico rule stopped, deportations stopped, legalizations announced. Restrictions on Green cards repealed, reinstated catch & release, and is now just letting people in. Border is now in mass chaos, with drug smugglers and human traffickers having a field day. Smugglers, after using them, are abandoning migrant kids in the desert, a huge problem becoming more evident every day, and may need a massive effort to counter it. Biden officials are proposing to abolish ICE. Illegal migrants are being bused and flown all over the US, and millions are being spent to house them in hotels. How many jobs will Americans lose? How much money will America lose in remittances$$$$ ?How many Americans will die of Covid from unvetted, infected aliens ?

3. Went from opening up ANWR and approved Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines, thereby making America # 1 energy producer in the world (no other president ever did that), to having our pipelines attacked, federal land drilling permits revoked, pipeline construction stopped, thousands of jobs lost, gas prices skyrocketing, and gas lines at the pump.

4. Went from Middle East peace agreements, and stability, to hundreds of rockets being fired at Israel by Hamas, not afraid of weak Biden. War raging once again.

5. Went from no Islamic terrorism, to renewal of terrorist attacks by Muslims. March 22, 2021, a migrant from Syria shot dead 10 patrons at a 'Jewish' supermarket, after swearing allegiance to ISIS. On May 9, Farrakhan Muhammad shot 3 people in New York City’s Times Square neighborhood.
The only thing coming apart at the seams is conservatives. First they lost the election, and then they lost their collective minds. What we witnessed on Jan 6 was a conservative temper tantrum, and ever since then it's been one long conservative hissy fit. It's a sad day when conservatives behave more childishly than children.
Dims have been having a infantile tantrum for the last 4 years. I love the way that everything you accuse the right of is exactly what you are the most guilty of.
Poster Ray asks for a link.

Gladly. And this is in that link, (btw, there are many other links to the "lovefest")

"During the rally near the White House, Trump falsely claimed that the 2020 presidential election was fraudulent and stolen from him, and urged his supporters to march on Capitol Hill, telling them they “have to show strength.”

Rioters then breached police lines and stormed the Capitol as Congress was convened to certify then President-elect Joe Biden’s victory in the Electoral College. They scaled walls, smashed windows and laid siege on the building — forcing lawmakers to evacuate.

The riot results in five deaths, and two Capitol police officers later died by suicide.

Lawmakers from both parties, at least in part, blamed the attack on Trump’s rhetoric surrounding the 2020 election, including at the rally."

(ps...he underlining is by my avatar)
Trump told the exact truth. The election was a swindle, no matter how many times douchebags like you claim otherwise.
America is fine.

Trumpsters are just dramatic crybabies.
Is there a doctor in the house ? Seriously.

You think referencing articles from GatewayPundit, Breitbart, and quoting dramatic Trumpster crybabies somehow refutes what I said? :laugh:
"Nuh Uhn!" is the only thing needed to refute your imbecile claims.
America is fine.

Trumpsters are just dramatic crybabies.
Is there a doctor in the house ? Seriously.

You think referencing articles from GatewayPundit, Breitbart, and quoting dramatic Trumpster crybabies somehow refutes what I said? :laugh:
"Nuh Uhn!" is the only thing needed to refute your imbecile claims.
Speaking of dramatic Trumpster crybabies, here’s another one.

What’s the matter, snowflake? Still sad about the last election? :itsok:
The election was a swindle, no matter how many times douchebags like you claim otherwise.
Would you like a tissue, crybaby?

Wow. That's not even an intellectually honest adult response!

Brought to you by the people who spent 39 days with 600 lawyers over a few hanging chad, then spent 45 million dollars and 3 years worried that a few ads on FB cost Hillary the presidency! :auiqs.jpg:

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