2024 will be a Blue Tsunami

For dopes who dismiss the OP because it's words and not a colorful chart with the FoxNews logo, here ya go:

Yeah. Closed borders ,$2.00 gas , low grocery price ,and no goddam WAR was a real burdon. Now? Inflation , the danger of a nuclear war , Fagism taught in schools , and black thugs destroying our cities. Good Job ,Joe.
I don't hate brown people, so the borders don't bother me. $2.00 gas is what happens when everyone is stuck at home from Dementia Don's covid fuckup. We're not at war.
Sorry, Bozo, just because you and your cult leader wears diapers and has a childhood fetish, don't assume that us normal people do.

But now that you mention it, I bet Joe is sure packing a load-full of turds by this time of night and is really starting to stink, the question is: Who changes him, the First Lady or the short-straw-picking secret service?

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Go change your diaper and get your pacifier, loser.
https://www.npr.org › 2023 › 04 › 25 › 1171660997 › poll-republicans-trump-president-convicted-crime

Most Americans don't want another Trump presidency but Republicans do : NPR

3 days agoRepublicans remain loyal to Trump as general support lags. Paul, 22, of Bergen County, N.J., also a poll respondent, said he, too, would vote for Trump even if found guilty of a crime.
https://www.newsweek.com › poll-that-could-see-republicans-finally-turn-donald-trump-1785515

The poll that could see Republicans finally turn on Donald Trump

Mar 4, 2023When it came to Trump, 35 percent said they would definitely vote for him and 9 percent said they probably would, while a further 9 percent said they weren't sure. The poll found that 32...

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