216 miles of Border Wall System already in place.

Let's gets this straight...
A minority of the US wants to destroy all statues and stores...that's America.
Way more people, even if a minority, want a wall...that's not America.

Is that supposed to make sense according to your statement that the number of people count for an action?
Whenever you are ready to have a sane, reality based discussion, get back to me.
In other words, my question is too uncomfortable for you to answer.
Only 14 miles of that 216 miles is new. The rest is just replacement, which is already being cut through with power tools available at Home Depot.
The new border wall is working, along with Mexico's help keeping migrants away from the border.


The new border wall is working well. Look at how low the 2020 apprehensions are compared to prior years.

Mexico can pay for the wall and ICE if Congress gets off its ass and passes a "remittance tax" on money sent out of the USA.
Only 14 miles of that 216 miles is new. The rest is just replacement, which is already being cut through with power tools available at Home Depot.
The 216 miles of new wall has many sensors and cameras that get the CBP to the areas where the migrants are trying to breach the wall.
The 216 miles of new wall is working just fine thank you, way better than the old ineffective wall it replaced.
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Only another 1800 miles to go!
It is 1954 miles long , much of which has a natural barrier such as mountainous areas and desert not easily accessible. The areas where the wall is needed has massive population on both sides of the wall, allowing illegals to disappear.
Blue cities. Philly, Camden, Newark, Atlantic City that blew billions and billions of dollars and free money. Just some.
Say, tell me something bub why does New Jersey stink so much?

You know when you're in NJ because the stench assaults your nostrils like something not of this earth.
Isn't the border like 2,000 miles long?
Yeah, so?

There was never a plan for a 2000 mile wall.

How about the rest of the "plan"? Got that check from Mexico yet?
$3.5 billion of that would come from counter-drug operations

Only about “three miles of new border wall system [have been] constructed in locations where no barriers previously existed,” according to Homeland Security’s June 19 status report on the wall.

Another promise MAGAt has not kept but its exactly as we all knew it would be.
Hey.... How's your health insurance premium? Did you get a $2,500 savings from Obamacare?
" I pledge we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year….. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States. If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too."

I mean this is as hard a promise directly to American families for $2,500 each family in savings! Where was it?
Only 14 miles of that 216 miles is new. The rest is just replacement, which is already being cut through with power tools available at Home Depot.
The 216 miles of new wall has many sensors and cameras that get the CBP to the areas where the migrants are trying to breach the wall.
The 216 miles of new wall is working just fine thank you, way better than the old ineffective wall it replaced.

We had to build a new wall so we could hang sensors on it?

But, nevertheless, I live 35 miles from Nogales, and hundreds to thousands cross at that border point everyday, and nobody checks to see if they go home. But, if ruining the environment with a useless wall is your thing, go ahead. we'll tear it down in 2021.
Only 14 miles of that 216 miles is new. The rest is just replacement, which is already being cut through with power tools available at Home Depot.
The 216 miles of new wall has many sensors and cameras that get the CBP to the areas where the migrants are trying to breach the wall.
The 216 miles of new wall is working just fine thank you, way better than the old ineffective wall it replaced.

We had to build a new wall so we could hang sensors on it?

But, nevertheless, I live 35 miles from Nogales, and hundreds to thousands cross at that border point everyday, and nobody checks to see if they go home. But, if ruining the environment with a useless wall is your thing, go ahead. we'll tear it down in 2021.

If tweakers havn't cut it up and walked off with it by then :)
Only 14 miles of that 216 miles is new. The rest is just replacement, which is already being cut through with power tools available at Home Depot.
The 216 miles of new wall has many sensors and cameras that get the CBP to the areas where the migrants are trying to breach the wall.
The 216 miles of new wall is working just fine thank you, way better than the old ineffective wall it replaced.

We had to build a new wall so we could hang sensors on it?

But, nevertheless, I live 35 miles from Nogales, and hundreds to thousands cross at that border point everyday, and nobody checks to see if they go home. But, if ruining the environment with a useless wall is your thing, go ahead. we'll tear it down in 2021.

If tweakers havn't cut it up and walked off with it by then :)

I hear the junk dealers pay good prices for parts of the wall.

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