21st Century Emily Posts: Little Girls Scream F-Words for LGBT T-Shirt "Good Cause"

Is this where the LGBT 'permissiveness' with children will stop? Or will the future hold worse?

  • This is as far as they will go. They will stop themselves after this.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • This is just the beginning. Fasten your seatbelts.

    Votes: 12 75.0%
  • Other, see my post

    Votes: 4 25.0%

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This video raises awareness of the issues. Also, $5 from every t-shirt sold goes to one of the women's equality charities.

So exploiting children is OK if it's promoting another good cause. Again.. you're not impressing me. :cool-45:
A group of girls, ages 6-13, have gotten dressed up like beautiful princesses and dropped some real truth and major f-bombs for feminism. ...The video produced by FCKH8.com, has these girls tell society that some of our standards and what we considered fair is still bullsh*t. That society shouldn’t be offended by curse words, but we should be offended women are still getting paid less than men.
FCKH8 is “Asking the question, “What’s more offensive? A little girl saying f*ck or the sexist way society treats girls and women” F-Bombs For Feminism Little Girls Swear For A Good Cause Video

Here's the direct link to "FCKH8" LGBT EQUALITY ndash FCKH8.com

Get used to it. This is what you're normalizing America. Fast forward 30 years and think about where we'll be then. If this happened 30 years ago, parents and producers of this film would be thrown in jail.

It was produced by an LGBT t-shirt company.

I saw it with the word bleeped out on Steve Malzberg news. I didn't hear who produced it but I have never seen such a vile exploitation of young children before in my life - by their parents no less. For what? Filthy lucre? They should be arrested and charged with child abuse. Still! They will have to answer to God for this one. Utterly horrific. I was looking for the article on mass murder at sea. I read it and am horrified anyone would continue to ram a boat with people on it - to sink it and mass murder all the passengers. Unbelievable. I signed on to respond and it disappeared. I've looked over all the forums and can't find it.
How were those children harmed?
Mentally, psychologically.

Do you always ask questions that you already know the answer to? These are formative minds, still plastic and adjusting themselves to how they see adults modeling the world for them.

People unconcerned with basic child psychology have no business around children.
How were those children harmed?
Mentally, psychologically.

Do you always ask questions that you already know the answer to? These are formative minds, still plastic and adjusting themselves to how they see adults modeling the world for them.

People unconcerned with basic child psychology have no business around children.

I understand child psychology. And I also understand that these girls were not harmed by saying these words. To claim that there is some mental or psychological harm from saying words that they may have already used is ridiculous.
I understand child psychology. And I also understand that these girls were not harmed by saying these words. To claim that there is some mental or psychological harm from saying words that they may have already used is ridiculous.

Your layman's view that it isn't harmful doesn't erase an entire field of psychological study by merely saying it's "ridiculous".
I understand child psychology. And I also understand that these girls were not harmed by saying these words. To claim that there is some mental or psychological harm from saying words that they may have already used is ridiculous.

Your layman's view that it isn't harmful doesn't erase an entire field of psychological study by merely saying it's "ridiculous".

My degree in education also removes me from the "layman" category, strictly speaking.
I understand child psychology. And I also understand that these girls were not harmed by saying these words. To claim that there is some mental or psychological harm from saying words that they may have already used is ridiculous.
But you made it clear you were determined to bring your kids up differently. Obviously for the reasons you now claim do not understand.
I understand child psychology. And I also understand that these girls were not harmed by saying these words. To claim that there is some mental or psychological harm from saying words that they may have already used is ridiculous.
But you made it clear you were determined to bring your kids up differently. Obviously for the reasons you now claim do not understand.

I said I raised my children as I (and my wife) saw fit. Unlike you, I do not make that determination for others.
There are certain behaviors that are demonstrably harmful to kids or to others when you let kids do them.

Swearing isn't one of them. Should a parent encourage it? I certainly don't think so. Should you have the vapors when they do it? Absolutely not.

The girls in the video were taught a script, like any actor. I've heard young kids in movies use the same kind of language. That doesn't mean that they are encouraged to act that way at home, any more than they're made to dress up in the princess costumes at home.

Apparently some of the posters here have ZERO training in child psychology and ZERO experience as actual parents or guardians or teachers of children. You do not let the colt buck and then give him grain. "What's one little buck?" is your argument. I am here to tell you, and so will anyone else who wrangles animals or kids [they all learn via conditioning], that if you let this type of behavior incrementally creep along unchecked, or worse, applauded or encouraged by adults, that child will not know boundaries as s/he ages. You are setting their fate when your "no discipline" ilk boots them out the door at 18, wholly unprepared for what boundaries really mean in the adult world: [death, prison, drugs, prostitution].

I've seen horses raised by hippies before. True story. They wanted their mare to have "a beautiful baby". So she did. And their zero-discipline policy they had with their incredibly rude and obnoxious children was extended to the growing foal. I wound up with two of these foals grown to horses. Both of them injured people so badly that they had to be put down. Their complete regard for decorum, distance and respect was zilch. If they felt like kicking, they kicked. If they felt like biting, they bit. If they felt like rearing or striking at their handlers, they did. Two people as a result of these horrible horses got brain injuries from handling them.

You don't want to raise children as if they're already fully formed, because they're not. They rely on cues from their guardians as to what behaviors are acceptable and which are not. If left to their own narcissistic devices [classic stage in homo sapiens from about age 2-4] and not checked in overweeing behaviors, you will have a monster on your hands as this being ages into teens. And that's probably the reason the stupid hippies/uber left kicks them out the minute they can. Kids want discipline. They crave boundaries. They WANT their adults to care. That's why they test...to see how much the community cares to check them up when they go too far.

This ad is just the predictable product of the hippie/rainbow love fest that as yet has not been pulled up short in its overweening ambitions..

Let me start by saying that you are completely wrong about my experience and training.

You act like these little girls were just filmed behaving badly. They were coached and scripted, and they were playing characters.

This video is not about a lack of boundaries, nor about treating children as if they're fully formed. It is about acting.

However, a note about your liking of boundaries.....I like boundaries for children, too. However, I also like that they understand the reasoning behind boundaries, and can adjust their decision-making accordingly. I taught my children not to kick; good rule, right? But I didn't punish them for kicking soccer balls. Nor did I get upset if they pretended that one action-figure was kicking another. And I told them that if anyone tried to take them somewhere against their will, they SHOULD kick that person, and aim for the testicles (bad advice if it was a woman, but it is a moot point at this stage of their lives).
You're right. It is about acting, and this kind of acting is not going to cause trauma or psychological damage. Look at Brook Shields. She has turned out very well, despite her role in Pretty Baby when she was about the same age as these girls in the ad.
I raised my children as I (and my wife) saw fit. Unlike you, I do not make that determination for others.
Unlike you, I recognize the value in others raising their kids in a moral fashion as well and will comment accordingly.
My degree in education also removes me from the "layman" category, strictly speaking.

Did you have someone else take notes for you and do your exams in the child-psychology segment of your teaching credential? Or do you just have a degree in education? We all have a degree in education in that we are always teaching each other things. Did you take the requisite child-psyhchology courses? Because if you did, you'd not be arguing how enticing very young girls to scream profanities for money "isn't harmful to them". To me it seems like "pre-prostitute training".
My degree in education also removes me from the "layman" category, strictly speaking.

Did you have someone else take notes for you and do your exams in the child-psychology segment of your teaching credential? Or do you just have a degree in education? We all have a degree in education in that we are always teaching each other things. Did you take the requisite child-psyhchology courses? Because if you did, you'd not be arguing how enticing very young girls to scream profanities for money "isn't harmful to them". To me it seems like "pre-prostitute training".

Oh look! We have yet another freak claiming to have advanced degrees and expertise in a field......yet demonstrates absolutely no familiarity with said field.

Pre prostitute training? You are something else.
Oh look! We have yet another freak claiming to have advanced degrees and expertise in a field......yet demonstrates absolutely no familiarity with said field.

Pre prostitute training? You are something else.

Hmmm...how to clear up this little sticky wicket. Who is right or wrong? You or me? Hey, why don't you get ahold of the American Psychological Association and get them to make a statement on whether or not it was appropriate for that T-shirt company to do that video with the young children in it.

OK? Get back to me with their official statement. I'm so longing to hear from them about this. Should be quite interesting what they have to say.. :deal:
Has anyone explained how children cursing will help gays?

Has anyone explained how gays are involved in this at all? Apparently Silhouette sees homosexuality every where he looks. I didn't see anything about gays, lesbians, transgenders or anything resembling them mentioned in the video.

Yes, read the OP for the links. It's "FCKH8". Their T-shirt line is almost all LGBT propaganda.

"F-Bombs for Feminism" is also catching flack because of its source. The video was created by Fckh8.com, a for-profit company that produces T-shirts with anti-sexism, anti-racism and LGBT equality messages. Five dollars of each $15-$37 purchase will be donated to "kick-(expletive) charities," according to its website. Feminism for sale Girls drop F-bombs in viral ad

Actually its pro-feminism, anti-racism and anti-homophobic bigotry.

Yes- all Silhouette sees is gay, gay, gay.....
Oh look! We have yet another freak claiming to have advanced degrees and expertise in a field......yet demonstrates absolutely no familiarity with said field.

Pre prostitute training? You are something else.

Hmmm...how to clear up this little sticky wicket. Who is right or wrong? You or me? Hey, why don't you get ahold of the American Psychological Association and get them to make a statement on whether or not it was appropriate for that T-shirt company to do that video with the young children in it.

OK? Get back to me with their official statement. I'm so longing to hear from them about this. Should be quite interesting what they have to say.. :deal:

LOL! Are you actually saying that you would accept the APA's word on this but not on homosexuality?

And are you actually claiming that you are sure that these young girls have never heard or used the words they spoke in the video? How do you know that?
Oh look! We have yet another freak claiming to have advanced degrees and expertise in a field......yet demonstrates absolutely no familiarity with said field.

Pre prostitute training? You are something else.

Hmmm...how to clear up this little sticky wicket. Who is right or wrong? You or me? Hey, why don't you get ahold of the American Psychological Association and get them to make a statement on whether or not it was appropriate for that T-shirt company to do that video with the young children in it.

OK? Get back to me with their official statement. I'm so longing to hear from them about this. Should be quite interesting what they have to say.. :deal:

In the words of some very bright girls...........FUCK THAT!!!
Oh look! We have yet another freak claiming to have advanced degrees and expertise in a field......yet demonstrates absolutely no familiarity with said field.

Pre prostitute training? You are something else.

Hmmm...how to clear up this little sticky wicket. Who is right or wrong? You or me?

I would go with the girls parents being the proper authorities for what is best for their girls here.

Since you cannot establish any harm to them.

And since you feel so strongly about it- SOOOOO strongly....all you do is complain on the internet about it.

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