22 Months and Still Counting

Thanks to the immediate Biden Administration taking measures to get the vaccinations out, and he and his VP getting the shots of vaccines watched by the public; plus members of his administration wearing masks in public, more people overcame the bullshit of the former administration.
Have you ever considered being honest rather than just uber-partisan?
Uh...Trump got the vaccines out; Biden allowed the plan to continue.

I was tempted to say that such basic truths as this escape some people, but I don't think the word "escape" really captures it properly since the dishonesty is really quite intentional.
Uh...Trump got the vaccines out; Biden allowed the plan to continue.

Trump gets some kudos but Operation Warp Speed didn't get the vaccines out.

Trump gets some kudos but Operation Warp Speed didn't get the vaccines out.
Guess why?
There weren't enough vaccines but the plan to distribute them was already in place.
The first reported death from the new virus outside Asia was in the United States on 6 February 2020. Since that day 753,919 - and still counting - are the number of deaths recorded in the United States; since then
46,427,230 cases have been recorded. See: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/us/covid-cases.html

At this time a minority of people (the vocal minority) continue to believe freedom and liberty is taken away from them by wearing a mask in public and keeping a social distance; a smaller number are the fear mongers who politicize the issue, extremists who promulgate fear of vaccinations and claim that Scientists world wide are profiting from this pandemic.

Right-wingers seem incompetent and should be controlled more than women in abortion threads.
Cast your imagination forward a bit. Let's say Trump has won and is in the Oval Office. The FDA/CDC make the demand that you take a vaccine for some other novel viral or bacterial agent and there are rumors flying in the ether that they might harm you or your kids. Many people refuse because they hate and distrust Trump. When he issues an executive decree that you WILL take the jab or you'll have no job, be restricted from air travel and most retail outlets, how would YOU react?

The death/disability numbers are fewer than 2 in 100 and have remained the same for a couple of years. The issue none of you will address is the creeping power of this kind of mindset. When you took the jab, you were told that it would open things back up and the pandemic would be controlled. NOW we are hearing that masks and distancing are to be continued for the foreseeable future and those who took the jab early, now are consider "unvaccinated" unless they keep taking this "vaccine" again, and again. Israelis are now being injected a FOURTH TIME.

I'm curious... where would YOU draw the line and say, no more?
Q. I'm curious... where would YOU draw the line and say, no more?

A. When discrimination of the population by their color, creed or politics, etc. are imposed. No law has yet been promulgated to punish anyone to not war a mask or keep a social distance.
Cast your imagination forward a bit. Let's say Trump has won and is in the Oval Office. The FDA/CDC make the demand that you take a vaccine for some other novel viral or bacterial agent and there are rumors flying in the ether that they might harm you or your kids. Many people refuse because they hate and distrust Trump. When he issues an executive decree that you WILL take the jab or you'll have no job, be restricted from air travel and most retail outlets, how would YOU react?

The death/disability numbers are fewer than 2 in 100 and have remained the same for a couple of years. The issue none of you will address is the creeping power of this kind of mindset. When you took the jab, you were told that it would open things back up and the pandemic would be controlled. NOW we are hearing that masks and distancing are to be continued for the foreseeable future and those who took the jab early, now are consider "unvaccinated" unless they keep taking this "vaccine" again, and again. Israelis are now being injected a FOURTH TIME.

I'm curious... where would YOU draw the line and say, no more?
Can't wait until the fourth vaxxers turn on the second and third vaxxers.
Q. I'm curious... where would YOU draw the line and say, no more?

A. When discrimination of the population by their color, creed or politics, etc. are imposed. No law has yet been promulgated to punish anyone to not war a mask or keep a social distance.
Are you trying to derail your thread again?

This has nothing to do with identity politics.

In your op, you made a patently false claim that the response to covid has not resulted in an erosion of civil rights. It obviously has, and all this diversion of yours does not distract from that fact.
Are you trying to derail your thread again?

This has nothing to do with identity politics.

In your op, you made a patently false claim that the response to covid has not resulted in an erosion of civil rights. It obviously has, and all this diversion of yours does not distract from that fact.
This is an example, and your response maybe too abstract for you to comprehend, or, more likely you don't like me & my opinions and examples but won't or can't write a credible rebuttal.
This is an example, and your response maybe too abstract for you to comprehend, or, more likely you don't like me & my opinions and examples but won't or can't write a credible rebuttal.
I like you just as much as I like my skin cancer or plantar fasciitis, but my opinion of you is not the issue.

The issue is that your post advances an entirely false premise and you are engaging in nothing but obfuscation to try to distract away from the hyper-partisan speciousness of it.
I lived it and my daughter has a PhD in Physical Therapy and my son-in-law's mother worked for Ely Lilly for 35 years and there are at least 100 MDs in my community etc...
The plan was there, the vaccines weren't.
Stop embarrassing yourself.
This was the main reason that NIH’s spokesperson, floundering Fauci, stated to the public at large to hold off on going to the hospitals because they’d run out of PPE when the truth of the matter was Fauci was aware that Moderna needed a few more weeks of rushed testing. IOW- floundering Fauci lied at the get-go.
The first reported death from the new virus outside Asia was in the United States on 6 February 2020. Since that day 753,919 - and still counting - are the number of deaths recorded in the United States; since then
46,427,230 cases have been recorded. See: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/us/covid-cases.html

At this time a minority of people (the vocal minority) continue to believe freedom and liberty is taken away from them by wearing a mask in public and keeping a social distance; a smaller number are the fear mongers who politicize the issue, extremists who promulgate fear of vaccinations and claim that Scientists world wide are profiting from this pandemic.

When Sleepy Joe took over, 414,424 Americans had died from COVID under 4 years of Trump, apparently the Democrats had the solution. Now, 775,176 have died. So that's 360,752 under Sleepy Joe and the Democrats magic answer, in 10 months.

The Left are fucking retards.
When Sleepy Joe took over, 414,424 Americans had died from COVID under 4 years of Trump, apparently the Democrats had the solution. Now, 775,176 have died. So that's 360,752 under Sleepy Joe and the Democrats magic answer, in 10 months.

The Left are fucking retards.
Gee, much as the budget of 2021 was Trump's so was the virus. Did you expect President Biden to fix everything on day one which he was handed down from Trump?

BTW, this is the clean zone, your last sentence was a violation.
And right from the start Trump made it a political issue by suggesting Covid would be gone in 2 weeks. That is the main cause of most of the deaths as it made it politically correct for his supporters to raise objections to all precautions against Covid.

China stands as the example of how well rational decisions on precautions can work!

On a brighter note, it's most likely that Trumpers are only pretending to resist for the most part. The resistance in the US military to precautions evaporated practically overnight when the extremists were faced with the reality of following orders.
Blatant lies in the clean debate zone shows how desperate you are.
The first reported death from the new virus outside Asia was in the United States on 6 February 2020. Since that day 753,919 - and still counting - are the number of deaths recorded in the United States; since then
46,427,230 cases have been recorded. See: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/us/covid-cases.html

At this time a minority of people (the vocal minority) continue to believe freedom and liberty is taken away from them by wearing a mask in public and keeping a social distance; a smaller number are the fear mongers who politicize the issue, extremists who promulgate fear of vaccinations and claim that Scientists world wide are profiting from this pandemic.

The minority of people are wrong – no matter how vocal.

Clearly the unwarranted, wrongheaded opposition to wearing masks, social distancing, and vaccines is politically motivated – an effort to prolong the pandemic and its adverse effects for some perceived political gain, such as realizing control of Congress.

That by prolonging the pandemic thousands of Americans are becoming needlessly sick and dying is of no consequence.

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