22 Months and Still Counting

The first reported death from the new virus outside Asia was in the United States on 6 February 2020. Since that day 753,919 - and still counting - are the number of deaths recorded in the United States; since then
46,427,230 cases have been recorded. See: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/us/covid-cases.html

At this time a minority of people (the vocal minority) continue to believe freedom and liberty is taken away from them by wearing a mask in public and keeping a social distance; a smaller number are the fear mongers who politicize the issue, extremists who promulgate fear of vaccinations and claim that Scientists world wide are profiting from this pandemic.

2 weeks to bend the curve!
I live in liberal la la land and it seems the masses have already long ago said virus be damned, but we are living a normal life.
No one wears masks, family gatherings proceed, the shopping malls are full and most have simply tuned it all out.
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Basically, the number of deaths from COVID have been folded into what we accept as the cost of being alive. We take steps to reduce the threat and go about our everyday lives, knowing that some of us will die, and we may even die. We drive the roads without a thought to the reality that some of us will not come home. We go to work knowing that some of us will get the flu and die, but it doesn't stop us. We get a flue shot and wash our hands, or not. We don't crucify those who don't get a shot, we don't shut entire economies down, we deal with it and move on, again knowing that some of us will die.

The bottom line is, mankind adapts to all kinds of threats, and you cannot maintain mass hysteria for years on end about something like this. I think people have decided to not allow a disease that kills a very small percentage of the people it attacks to shut down their lives.
No, all along from the start, the Democrats would have done x,y and z and they have the answer when in office...........and..........fuck all.

Just like all thing lefty, all talk but deliver fuck all.
Spoken by (actually written by) ^^^ a Trumpanzee.
The first reported death from the new virus outside Asia was in the United States on 6 February 2020.
And after that, it was Pelosi telling people to keep going out to Fisherman's Wharf to keep shopping and dinning anyway while calling Trump a xenophobe and isolationist for trying to limit travel into this country from Covid hot spots.

Since that day 753,919 - and still counting - are the number of deaths recorded in the United States
And 80% of those "recorded deaths" were by CDC's own standards NOT Covid deaths, people who DIED of Covid, instead, merely tested + for it at the time of death and deemed a possible contributing factor.

Actual real Covid deaths of healthy people who otherwise would be alive and healthy if not for Covid, still around 80,000---- about the same as would die any other year from a bad bout with the flu.
At this time a minority of people (the vocal minority) continue to believe freedom and liberty is taken away from them by wearing a mask in public and keeping a social distance; a smaller number are the fear mongers who politicize the issue, extremists who promulgate fear of vaccinations and claim that Scientists world wide are profiting from this pandemic.
Forcing masks and vaccines or having some sort of exclusion from normal society is taking away liberty. We can argue about whether or not doing so is justified, but to sit here and say that it is NOT taking away liberty is about as disingenuous as you can get.

What happened to Gavin Newsom? I'll just let that issue hang in the air for a bit.

Big Pharma is profiting heavily from the vaccines. You can't really deny that either. You know what else is a fact? Big Pharma has 100% liability protection from vaccine injuries. Now, why would our lovely (worthless) Federal Government need to grant Big Pharma 100% liability protection?

Safe and Effective, right?

What's in the vaccine?

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