23% of Republicans Say they Won't Vote for Gingrich

Not really . . . everybody knew that the far righties would do what they have and which is now culminating with Newt. Almost no decent GOP politician would tolerate that. Romney did because he has a super family to support him, plenty of money to run a campaign, a super field organization, and a hatred that exceeds that of the far right evangelical for him, which they have found out to their regret. Also I believe that Romney took it upon himself to delegitimize and minimize the evangelicals as a base in nation Republican power politics. He is succeeding.
Not really . . . everybody knew that the far righties would do what they have and which is now culminating with Newt. Almost no decent GOP politician would tolerate that. Romney did because he has a super family to support him, plenty of money to run a campaign, a super field organization, and a hatred that exceeds that of the far right evangelical for him, which they have found out to their regret. Also I believe that Romney took it upon himself to delegitimize and minimize the evangelicals as a base in nation Republican power politics. He is succeeding.

NOt really. In face AFTER he loses to Obama, we are never going to hear this "moderate" nonsense again.
Really . . . whether he loses is immaterial. The Christies, the Pawlentys, the Browns, the heart and soul of the GOP, just like in 1964, will drop kick the far right out of sight for a decade or more.
Not really . . . everybody knew that the far righties would do what they have and which is now culminating with Newt. Almost no decent GOP politician would tolerate that. Romney did because he has a super family to support him, plenty of money to run a campaign, a super field organization, and a hatred that exceeds that of the far right evangelical for him, which they have found out to their regret. Also I believe that Romney took it upon himself to delegitimize and minimize the evangelicals as a base in nation Republican power politics. He is succeeding.

but, but...he's a mormon

and ampad and stuff

Not really . . . everybody knew that the far righties would do what they have and which is now culminating with Newt. Almost no decent GOP politician would tolerate that. Romney did because he has a super family to support him, plenty of money to run a campaign, a super field organization, and a hatred that exceeds that of the far right evangelical for him, which they have found out to their regret. Also I believe that Romney took it upon himself to delegitimize and minimize the evangelicals as a base in nation Republican power politics. He is succeeding.

but, but...he's a mormon

and ampad and stuff


and . . . and . . . yeah and stuff :lol:
OTOH, over 50% of Republicans will refuse to vote for Obama-lite (Romney). Of those, 73% say it's because he and his friends taught Obama how to order you to spend your money the way you tell you to. It was called "Romneycare" in Massachusetts before in became "Obamacare" in your face.

Where in hell is the RELATIVELY conservative Ralph Nader when the nation needs him most?
HBH, it's less than 10% when compared to Newt.

GOP votes for Romney or it loses. If it loses, then the sane portion of the party stomps out the far righty wack goofs for good this time, unlike post-1964.
From an ABC poll

Gingrich has considerable vulnerabilities that Romney must exploit to convince voters that Gingrich would lose in the general election. The former speaker is unpopular nationally and with independent voters. He is also unpopular in his own party. In New Hampshire exit polls, more than 60 percent said they would not be happy if he were the nominee. National polls show the same thing. In a recent Washington Post/ABC News poll, 23 percent of Republicans said they would not support him. Only Ron Paul did worse. Women voters, an important swing voting bloc, do not like Gingrich.

Gingrich wins South Carolina: How can Romney recover from his terrible defeat? - Slate Magazine

Well I'm a registered republican and I wont - It's RON PAUL 2012..

I'm a libertarian tho (not that I can register as a libertarian)...
1964's far right whacky goofs are this years rinos in the minds of people like joey from ampad
Really . . . whether he loses is immaterial. The Christies, the Pawlentys, the Browns, the heart and soul of the GOP, just like in 1964, will drop kick the far right out of sight for a decade or more.

Uh, no, guy, here's how it's gonna play out.

Pawlenty will never be heard from again. Might as well put his picture on a milk carton.

Not sure which "Brown" you mean. If it's that idiot from Massachusetts, he's gone after next election.

Christie... right. The unions are just waiting to get another shot at his fat ass.

And are you really trying to say that the GOP going back to Nixon was a "good" thing? He very nearly destroyed the Republican Party. Thankfully, Reagan brought it back.
Um . . . you are dead wrong. The mainstream GOP and middle America is sick of the far right's absolute refusal to accept the 21st century that it is going to stomp the nonsense out.

Neo-corporatist fascism is the enemy of all Americans.

Far right religio-fascisim is the enemy of all Americans.

Neo-conservatism is the enemy of all Americans.

Those fringes need to be eliminated.
Um . . . you are dead wrong. The mainstream GOP and middle America is sick of the far right's absolute refusal to accept the 21st century that it is going to stomp the nonsense out.

Neo-corporatist fascism is the enemy of all Americans.

Far right religio-fascisim is the enemy of all Americans.

Neo-conservatism is the enemy of all Americans.

Those fringes need to be eliminated.

The only Neo-Corporatist fascist I see in this lot is the Weird Mormon Robot.

And most Americans are religious, guy. Sorry. As an atheist, I always find it amusing when you guys squabble at each other over who your sky pixie loves bestest.

Neo-Conservatism.... um, so what do you mean by that exactly, or are you just repeating talking points. I mean, I see that term thrown around a lot, but never really given a clear idea of what the person means. I think it usually means, "conservatives who believe in things I don't like." Somehow, I don't think you want to abandon Israel like Ron Paul does.

Taking you off ignore for a bit, make the best of it.
Romney's main failing is that he is a neo-corporationist, I agree with that.

The far right conservative religionists make up 20% of all American Christians, and they are not mainstream, not even a little bit. So their political power has been diminishing, thank heavens, as their children grow up and abandon those heresies.

You do not know what it means because I remember you calling Romney a neo-conservative. Anything but.
Romney's main failing is that he is a neo-corporationist, I agree with that.

The far right conservative religionists make up 20% of all American Christians, and they are not mainstream, not even a little bit. So their political power has been diminishing, thank heavens, as their children grow up and abandon those heresies.

You do not know what it means because I remember you calling Romney a neo-conservative. Anything but.

I don't remember ever calling Romney a "neo-Conservative". that would imply I actually think he's any flavor of conservative.

"Heresies?" really? You're going there? here's the problem with the Abrahamic religions in general and Christianity in particular. You can pretty much justify anything using it. I frankly don't see anything that the Evagelicals (who are more like half of American Christians) believe in that is really that far out of the mainstream. It's just that some are more inclined to let themselves be cowed by secularists. (Not that this is a bad thing.)
I see libertarians here justifying all sorts of silly stuff, atheists do it too, and you jump on religionists?

You really don't understand logic, do you?

Evangelicals make up no more than 1/2 of 1/2 what you think of as American Christians. You can look it up.

Newt is toast, and so are your arguments, JoeB. :lol:
I see libertarians here justifying all sorts of silly stuff, atheists do it too, and you jump on religionists?

You really don't understand logic, do you?

Evangelicals make up no more than 1/2 of 1/2 what you think of as American Christians. You can look it up.

Newt is toast, and so are your arguments, JoeB. :lol:

Newt will probably drag this out to the convention, but by that point, the Romney Brand will be so tarnished that Obama can do a victory lap after his convention.

The problem with a term like "Evangelical" is that it doesn't actually describe any one church or all of one church.

ABCNEWS.com : Poll: Most Americans Say They're Christian

Eighty-three percent of Americans identify themselves as Christians. Most of the rest, 13 percent, have no religion. That leaves just 4 percent as adherents of all non-Christian religions combined — Jews, Muslims, Buddhists and a smattering of individual mentions.


Thirty-seven percent of all Christians describe themselves as born-again or evangelical; that includes nearly half of all Protestants (47 percent), as well as a small share (14 percent) of Catholics.

Baptists again dominate: Sixty-two percent of Baptists say they're evangelical Christians, compared to 46 percent of all other Protestant denominations combined, and 37 percent of nondenominational Protestants.

Evangelism soars particularly among blacks, and southerners: Two-thirds of blacks describe themselves as evangelical or born-again Christians, double the share of whites who do so. And 55 percent of Christians in the South say they're born-again, compared to 21 percent in the Northeast, 26 percent in the Midwest and 31 percent in the West.

That's a pretty formidable group. HOnestly, I'd be more worried the evagnelicals might ditch the corporatists and build bridges to more liberal evangelicals and make government based on what they agree to.

This is why Huckabee scared the shit out of the Establishment four years ago. A guy who thinks the central message of Christianity is not "Tax cuts for rich people". Shocking.
No, man, I used to post on TH all the time, until the complete lunatics took it over.

If you took over, why don't you post there anymore?

But the point is, the MSM is leading you fools into a trap, and you are happily walking into it. Romney's not likable, and when they start talking about some of the weirder aspects of Mormon history and beliefs, he's going to really creep people out a bit more.

First off, you're a leftist. You don't fool anyone. You support Gingrich purely because you view him as easier to beat by your Messiah®.

Secondly, your tepid bigotry is old and boring. I realize that your shameful party will attack Romney for his religion, you're democrats - demagoguery is the heart of you. But I suspect this will backfire on you.

Most of our presidents have been mainstream protestants. Mormonism is about as outside the mainstream as you are going to get.

On the heels of Barry Obama, he looks pretty mainstream. For most of America, Mormonism is preferable to Marxism.
Um . . . you are dead wrong. The mainstream GOP and middle America is sick of the far right's absolute refusal to accept the 21st century that it is going to stomp the nonsense out.

Neo-corporatist fascism is the enemy of all Americans.

Far right religio-fascisim is the enemy of all Americans.

Neo-conservatism is the enemy of all Americans.

Those fringes need to be eliminated.

It's funny watching two socialists, you and JoeB, argue over who is the better Republican.....

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