23% of Republicans Say they Won't Vote for Gingrich

Even Ann Coulter sees through the charade.

Gingrich [ran] for office only in a small, majority Republican, undoubtedly pro-life congressional district ...

-- As for crony capitalism, Romney made all his money in the private sector by his own diligence and talent -- even giving away all the money he inherited from his parents. He's never lived in Washington or traded on access to government officials.

Meanwhile, without the federal government, Gingrich would be penniless. He has been in Washington since the '70s, first as a congressman, then becoming a rich man on the basis of having been a congressman.

Most egregiously, he took $1.6 million to shill for Freddie Mac, one of the two institutions directly responsible for the housing crash that caused the financial collapse. (Or one of three, if you consider Barney Frank an institution.)

If the tea party stands for anything, it stands in absolute opposition to government insiders shoring up Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac at the very time those institutions were blowing up the economy. ...

For those of you who still think Romneycare is the worst possible sin a Republican candidate could commit -- even worse than taking money from Freddie Mac as it destroyed the economy -- that doesn't help Gingrich: He supported Romneycare.

(While we're on the subject, the nation's leading conservative think tank, The Heritage Foundation, helped draft Romneycare. Indeed, Bob Moffit, Heritage's senior fellow on health care issues, can be seen in the picture of the bill-signing ceremony, standing proudly behind Romney.)

But Gingrich did more than support Romneycare. As former senator Rick Santorum has pointed out, Gingrich supported a FEDERAL individual mandate to purchase health insurance from 1993 until five minutes ago -- i.e., at least until a "Meet the Press" appearance just last May.

Ann Coulter - January 25, 2012 - RE-ELECT OBAMA: VOTE NEWT!

Damn, when you have Ann Coulter leaning against the Southern evangelicals, you might want to think for a minute.
Actually, its Newt 11-0 in Cobb county and Mitt 0-0. Yes, it will be sad when Obama mops the floor with Newt because this election is so winnable.

And I figured that an atheist, anti-capitalist, pro-union, Israel-nonsupporter, über-RINO like yourself would be more comfortable with a moderate, given that you're about as far away from being a conservative as I've ever seen someone who claims to be a Republican.

I'm simply not YOUR kind of Conservatives.

There have always been two Republican parties. The one I'm in- middle class, hard working, blue collar, has traditional values, believes in strong defense and signs up for the military when called. And, yes, a lot of them belonged to unions until the GOP managed to alienate them in their quest to be a permanent minority party.

Then there's the one your in. The ones that see everyone else as a sucker to loot. The ones who see how much crony capitalism and leaving the rest of us holding the bag for your greed. You know, the assholes.

Good GOP candidates (Reagan, the Bushes) have successfully bridged that divide. the bad ones usually side with the assholes and wonder why they lose. This was true with Ford vs. Reagan, Dole vs. Buchanan, McCain vs. Huckabee. Now Romney vs. Newt.

Can you please point out where I am supposed to support Israel? Sorry, man, I'm an American. And until Israel becomes the 51st state or something, I don't care about it. (I also think inevitably, it's doomed, so I don't get worked up about the whole thing.)
Ann Coulter - January 25, 2012 - RE-ELECT OBAMA: VOTE NEWT!

Damn, when you have Ann Coulter leaning against the Southern evangelicals, you might want to think for a minute.

And when you see the RINO's desperately quoting Ann Coulter, you have to wonder.

Actually, Coulter was one of the people who came out against Huckabee four years ago when Huckabee pointed out the central message of Christianity is not "Tax Cuts for Rich Douchebags". She was part of the whole panic brigade (which included Limbaugh) that got behind Romney until they realized he was unelectable... Then they all sheepishly fell in line behind McCain.
Actually, its Newt 11-0 in Cobb county and Mitt 0-0. Yes, it will be sad when Obama mops the floor with Newt because this election is so winnable.

And I figured that an atheist, anti-capitalist, pro-union, Israel-nonsupporter, über-RINO like yourself would be more comfortable with a moderate, given that you're about as far away from being a conservative as I've ever seen someone who claims to be a Republican.

I'm simply not YOUR kind of Conservatives.

There have always been two Republican parties. The one I'm in- middle class, hard working, blue collar, has traditional values, believes in strong defense and signs up for the military when called. And, yes, a lot of them belonged to unions until the GOP managed to alienate them in their quest to be a permanent minority party.

Then there's the one your in. The ones that see everyone else as a sucker to loot. The ones who see how much crony capitalism and leaving the rest of us holding the bag for your greed. You know, the assholes.

Good GOP candidates (Reagan, the Bushes) have successfully bridged that divide. the bad ones usually side with the assholes and wonder why they lose. This was true with Ford vs. Reagan, Dole vs. Buchanan, McCain vs. Huckabee. Now Romney vs. Newt.

Can you please point out where I am supposed to support Israel? Sorry, man, I'm an American. And until Israel becomes the 51st state or something, I don't care about it. (I also think inevitably, it's doomed, so I don't get worked up about the whole thing.)

Dude, I doubt most of the conservatives here believe you're a conservative.
Actually, its Newt 11-0 in Cobb county and Mitt 0-0. Yes, it will be sad when Obama mops the floor with Newt because this election is so winnable.

And I figured that an atheist, anti-capitalist, pro-union, Israel-nonsupporter, über-RINO like yourself would be more comfortable with a moderate, given that you're about as far away from being a conservative as I've ever seen someone who claims to be a Republican.

I'm simply not YOUR kind of Conservatives.

There have always been two Republican parties. The one I'm in- middle class, hard working, blue collar, has traditional values, believes in strong defense and signs up for the military when called. And, yes, a lot of them belonged to unions until the GOP managed to alienate them in their quest to be a permanent minority party.

Then there's the one your in. The ones that see everyone else as a sucker to loot. The ones who see how much crony capitalism and leaving the rest of us holding the bag for your greed. You know, the assholes.

Good GOP candidates (Reagan, the Bushes) have successfully bridged that divide. the bad ones usually side with the assholes and wonder why they lose. This was true with Ford vs. Reagan, Dole vs. Buchanan, McCain vs. Huckabee. Now Romney vs. Newt.

Can you please point out where I am supposed to support Israel? Sorry, man, I'm an American. And until Israel becomes the 51st state or something, I don't care about it. (I also think inevitably, it's doomed, so I don't get worked up about the whole thing.)

Actually, its Newt 11-0 in Cobb county and Mitt 0-0. Yes, it will be sad when Obama mops the floor with Newt because this election is so winnable.

And I figured that an atheist, anti-capitalist, pro-union, Israel-nonsupporter, über-RINO like yourself would be more comfortable with a moderate, given that you're about as far away from being a conservative as I've ever seen someone who claims to be a Republican.

I'm simply not YOUR kind of Conservatives.

There have always been two Republican parties. The one I'm in- middle class, hard working, blue collar, has traditional values, believes in strong defense and signs up for the military when called. And, yes, a lot of them belonged to unions until the GOP managed to alienate them in their quest to be a permanent minority party.

Then there's the one your in. The ones that see everyone else as a sucker to loot. The ones who see how much crony capitalism and leaving the rest of us holding the bag for your greed. You know, the assholes.

Good GOP candidates (Reagan, the Bushes) have successfully bridged that divide. the bad ones usually side with the assholes and wonder why they lose. This was true with Ford vs. Reagan, Dole vs. Buchanan, McCain vs. Huckabee. Now Romney vs. Newt.

Can you please point out where I am supposed to support Israel? Sorry, man, I'm an American. And until Israel becomes the 51st state or something, I don't care about it. (I also think inevitably, it's doomed, so I don't get worked up about the whole thing.)

Dude, I doubt most of the conservatives here believe you're a conservative.

He's Fake Jake Starkey with the an anti-mormon bigotry bonus!
Zander, you are not a responsible Republican, not even a responsible conservative Republican. :lol:

Gingrich will wreck the GOP worse than Goldwater did in 1964. The nice thing is that the Nixons and Fords were able to sweep out the trash for some years after that.

If the same happens in 2012, the responsible Republicans like me will sweep out the poseurs like you.
Some talking head is on the tube saying Gingrich "has to win FL."

I think that's BS. Two weeks ago, we would have laughed at the thought of Gingrich winning FL. He just has to keep it close. If he gets blown out, that's a different story, but if he's within 4-5 points, he's still doing well.
Zander, you are not a responsible Republican, not even a responsible conservative Republican. :lol:

Gingrich will wreck the GOP worse than Goldwater did in 1964. The nice thing is that the Nixons and Fords were able to sweep out the trash for some years after that.

If the same happens in 2012, the responsible Republicans like me will sweep out the poseurs like you.

We've already had this debate son, you were exposed as either a fraud or an escaped mental patient.

Some talking head is on the tube saying Gingrich "has to win FL."

I think that's BS. Two weeks ago, we would have laughed at the thought of Gingrich winning FL. He just has to keep it close. If he gets blown out, that's a different story, but if he's within 4-5 points, he's still doing well.

I think Romney will win Florida, the nomination, and the General Election....
Zander, you are not a responsible Republican, not even a responsible conservative Republican. :lol:

Gingrich will wreck the GOP worse than Goldwater did in 1964. The nice thing is that the Nixons and Fords were able to sweep out the trash for some years after that.

If the same happens in 2012, the responsible Republicans like me will sweep out the poseurs like you.

We've already had this debate son, you were exposed as either a fraud or an escaped mental patient.


Nah, you wack far righties outed yourself as zombie wackos from beyond the horizon. :lol:

Yep, you will be gone, gone, gone with a Gingrich defeat.
Some talking head is on the tube saying Gingrich "has to win FL."

I think that's BS. Two weeks ago, we would have laughed at the thought of Gingrich winning FL. He just has to keep it close. If he gets blown out, that's a different story, but if he's within 4-5 points, he's still doing well.

i agree

drudge seems to have it in for gingrich, so i don't think the newtster is in such good shape. his latest bit of pandering to the hispanic vote isn't going to sit well with the non hispanic base, imo. having said that, i thought he was toast 2 months ago.

go figure
Some talking head is on the tube saying Gingrich "has to win FL."

I think that's BS. Two weeks ago, we would have laughed at the thought of Gingrich winning FL. He just has to keep it close. If he gets blown out, that's a different story, but if he's within 4-5 points, he's still doing well.

I think Romney will win Florida, the nomination, and the General Election....

I hope you are right, because the GOP can win with Romney. We can't with Newt and the Newtemmings.
Dude, I doubt most of the conservatives here believe you're a conservative.

He's Fake Jake Starkey with the an anti-mormon bigotry bonus!

If conservatism has become a defense for plutocracy, it's a failed philosophy, and destined for the scrapheap of history.

But that's exactly what you two bozos want.

You don't care about the social issues or the defense issues or anything like that. You just want to 1) beat Obama because Obama beat you and 2) Get a guy who will let Wall Street have its fun (almost like 2008 never actually happened!)

The level of denial is amazing. A sign of insanity is continuing to do the same thing and expecting a different result.
I hope you are right, because the GOP can win with Romney. We can't with Newt and the Newtemmings.

I'm having a hard time seeing either one of them win.

Which states that Bush won in 2004 that McCain lost in 2008 does Romney take back?

Iowa? Not likely. Too many evangelicals.
New Mexico- Not likely. He's burned his bridges with Hispanics.
Ohio? - Sorry, his actions against working folks ain't gonna play in the Rust Belt.
Virginia & North Carolina?- Again, too many Evangelicals.

Nevada- Maybe. RCP doesn't think so, though, they've got it "leans Obama".
Indiana Probably. That was kind of a fluke, anyway.

And that's the gag. All Obama has to do is win all the states that Kerry one and maybe one or two more.

This is the "electability trap". You try to appeal to the lowest common denominator, and end up exciting no one.
JoeB, you have excited no one with your maunderings on about secret Mormon conspiracies to take over Mars, Earth, and Kolob.
JoeB, you have excited no one with your maunderings on about secret Mormon conspiracies to take over Mars, Earth, and Kolob.

I'm not running for anything...

Although you seem pretty wrapped around the axle about them.
Did the Mormons put out a Memo that said, "We know Acknowledge that Joseph Smith was a Megalomaniac, a fraud etc, and we are purging his teaching from our faith."

Nope, they haven't done that.

You also got few historical facts wrong.

This statement is historically inaccurate. The Federal Government never took action against Smith in Navou, IL. What occured instead was that he got elected Mayor of Navou in what could be considered a reasonably fair election. He then exceeded his power, shutting down a newspaper that exposed his polygamy. COUNTY (not Federal officials) issued a warrent for his arrest, and he put out a call for his private militia to protect him. When they didn't show (after hiding out in the woods for a couple of days) he let himself get arrested, figuring his private army would spring him.

It's unlikely anything he was accused of would have carried the death penalty, but it was an angry mob that took him out.

Nevertheless, they are still a cult for all practical purposes.

Try again, Sparky;

{“ War and extermination is inevitable! Citizens ARISE, ONE and ALL!!!—Can you stand by, and suffer such INFERNAL DEVILS! To ROB men of their property and RIGHTS, without avenging them. We have no time for comment, every man will make his own. LET IT BE MADE WITH POWDER AND BALL!!! (Warsaw Signal, June 12, 1844, p. 2.) ”

Warrants from outside Nauvoo were brought in against Smith and dismissed in Nauvoo courts on a writ of habeas corpus. Smith declared martial law on June 18[6] and called out the Nauvoo Legion, an organized city militia of about 5,000 men,[7] to protect Nauvoo from outside violence.[6]
[edit] Incarceration at Carthage Jail
An etching of the Carthage Jail, c. 1885

Illinois Governor Thomas Ford proposed a trial by a non-Mormon jury in Carthage, the county seat, and guaranteed Smith's safety. Smith originally planned on leaving rather than surrendering but when criticized by some followers is reported to have said, "If my life is of no value to my friends it is of none to myself."[1] Smith reluctantly agreed and submitted to arrest, further quoted as saying "I am going like a lamb to the slaughter; but I am calm as a summer’s morning; I have a conscience void of offense towards God, and towards all men. I shall die innocent, and it shall yet be said of me — he was murdered in cold blood."[8]

On June 25, 1844, Joseph and Hyrum Smith, along with the other fifteen city council members and some friends, surrendered to Carthage constable William Bettisworth on the original charge of riot. During the trip to Carthage, Smith reportedly recounted a dream in which he and his brother Hyrum escaped a burning ship, walked on water, and arrived at a great heavenly city—foreshadowing their death.[9] Upon arrival at Carthage, almost immediately Joseph and Hyrum were charged with treason against the state of Illinois for declaring martial law in Nauvoo, by a warrant founded upon the oaths of A. O. Norton and Augustine Spencer. At a preliminary hearing that afternoon the city council members were released on $500 bonds, pending later trial. The judge ordered Joseph and Hyrum Smith to be held in jail until they could be tried for treason, a capital offense.}

Death of Joseph Smith - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Or they hate Obama because he's black.

Yeah! They "hate" Obama, Biden, Pelosi, and Reid - clearly because they are all black.

If you want proof of that, spend about five minutes reading teh comments on a far right netsite like TownHall.

So the Mainstream media tells them Romney's electable and Newt isn't, and they say, "Okay, let's nominate Romney".

The same media will be telling people how Crazy Mormons actually are in three months.

I doubt you've been off of ThinkProgress long enough to read comments on any other political site.

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