23% of Republicans Say they Won't Vote for Gingrich

You're an anti-capitalist, atheist bigot who thinks Israel isn't under threat. What faction of the GOP do you represent? The left of the OWS mob?

1) I've got no problem with Capitalism. It's plutocracy I have a real problem with. Hell, I'm a capitalist. I'm not writing resumes for free, I charge people money for them. I just don't go in with the intent to cheat people.

2) Atheist- Well, pretty much the only thing you got right in your rant.

3) Bigot? - sorry, don't think that silly, evil beliefs become acceptable or inviolate because you call them a "religion". Stupid beliefs are stupid beliefs. Sorry. You don't think Joseph Smith was talking to God any more than I do, but you are willing to treat teh belief that he did as sacred?

4) I don't care if Israel is under threat or not. It just isn't my problem. When you steal people's land in the middle of 200 million people who want to kill you, that's your choice. If Israel gets wiped off the map tomorrow, it just ain't my problem.

I represent the faction the GOP is that is pro-America, not pro-Multinational corporations that prop up repressive enemy regimes.

I represent the one that is blue collar regular working folks who do their jobs, pay their taxes, give to their communities. They ain't rich except in spirit. They say "ain't" instead of "isn't" or "aren't". I represent the part of the GOP that makes America work.

The one that rejects the Democratic notion we should all be on welfare, but if you work, you should get your fair share and not worry about someone trying to cheat you.

And occassionaly, I've had to hold my nose and vote for clueless millionaires who can't tell me how many mansions they own and haven't gotten dirt under their fingernails in their lives.

I just refuse to this time. Not if it's Romney. I wish I had a better alternative than Newt, but you guys fixed that one really good.

You have made repeated statements about capitalism that would make an ardent Leftist blush - The 1% is the enemy, investing is parasitic, outsourcing is treason, business owners rip off workers at every chance, people who lost their jobs should be able to beat the owners who fired them, and so on. That's why it's hilarious - and hypocritical - for you to call out Jake. You are an uber-RINO of the highest order.
Well if Newt were running for President of Cobb County, you'd have a point. But he's not so you don't.

Funny, I thought we were all Americans...

So are you saying that there are "two Americas", John Edwards?
You have made repeated statements about capitalism that would make an ardent Leftist blush - The 1% is the enemy, investing is parasitic, outsourcing is treason, business owners rip off workers at every chance, people who lost their jobs should be able to beat the owners who fired them, and so on. That's why it's hilarious - and hypocritical - for you to call out Jake. You are an uber-RINO of the highest order.

Frankly, I guess that's the divide, then.

As Mike Huckabee said,

I represent the people I work with.

You represent the people who lay them off.

There are two Americas. Thanks for pointing that out.

Of course, the 1% are parasites. They are not doing 50% of the physical labor. They just aren't. If an investor and 99 working guys were dumped on a desert Island, nothing would justify that 1 guy getting 50% of the resources produced in the attempt to stay alive.

You want a system that perpetuates the unfairness. I would say that the fact that the GOP is going for Newt despite the best character assassination attempts on the part of the MSM and GOP shows that even Republicans aren't buying that shit anymore.
You have made repeated statements about capitalism that would make an ardent Leftist blush - The 1% is the enemy, investing is parasitic, outsourcing is treason, business owners rip off workers at every chance, people who lost their jobs should be able to beat the owners who fired them, and so on. That's why it's hilarious - and hypocritical - for you to call out Jake. You are an uber-RINO of the highest order.

Frankly, I guess that's the divide, then.

As Mike Huckabee said,

I represent the people I work with.

You represent the people who lay them off.

There are two Americas. Thanks for pointing that out.

Of course, the 1% are parasites. They are not doing 50% of the physical labor. They just aren't. If an investor and 99 working guys were dumped on a desert Island, nothing would justify that 1 guy getting 50% of the resources produced in the attempt to stay alive.

You want a system that perpetuates the unfairness. I would say that the fact that the GOP is going for Newt despite the best character assassination attempts on the part of the MSM and GOP shows that even Republicans aren't buying that shit anymore.

Thanks. I appreciate you exposing yourself on that.
Well if Newt were running for President of Cobb County, you'd have a point. But he's not so you don't.

Funny, I thought we were all Americans...

So are you saying that there are "two Americas", John Edwards?

A dead badger could get elected as a Republican in GA's 6th district.

When Newt wins an election in a heavy Democrat area - like Romney did - get back to me. Otherwise, you have no case.
JoeB represents wacks and desperate far right wingers who are trying to take us back to the bad old days under Bush. If Newt is nominated, Obama wins hands down.
A dead badger could get elected as a Republican in GA's 6th district.

When Newt wins an election in a heavy Democrat area - like Romney did - get back to me. Otherwise, you have no case.

A dead badger would have a better chance of beating Obama than Mittens does.

A dead badger doesn't have a bunch of AmPad workers ready to cry on cue about how Romney screwed them.

Which is why Romney didn't beat Ted Kennedy,and won't beat Obama, either.
Well if Newt were running for President of Cobb County, you'd have a point. But he's not so you don't.

Funny, I thought we were all Americans...

So are you saying that there are "two Americas", John Edwards?

A dead badger could get elected as a Republican in GA's 6th district.

When Newt wins an election in a heavy Democrat area - like Romney did - get back to me. Otherwise, you have no case.

Barely two years after having been chosen Time magazine's Man of the Year, Gingrich had plummeted in public esteem to where, in a CBS-New York Times poll, just 14 percent of voters had favorable personal feelings toward the speaker.

This prompted an apocryphal Washington exchange between a perplexed Gingrich and Dole. "Why do people take such an instant dislike to me?" asked a perplexed Gingrich, to whom Dole bluntly explained: "Because it saves them time."

Newt Rewrites His Reagan Connection by Mark Shields on Creators.com - A Syndicate Of Talent


if he's the nominee, he'll do worse than dole in '96
JoeB represents wacks and desperate far right wingers who are trying to take us back to the bad old days under Bush. If Newt is nominated, Obama wins hands down.

You're calling yourself a "republican" and denouncing Bush (I assume you mean 43, not 41).

Sorry, man, if I won't vote for Mittens, then a lot of other republicans won't, either.

Incidently, not a fan of Bush, but compared to Mittens, he was awesome.

He actually won most of the elections he was in. By this point in the 2000 process, he had 60% support and had won 3 out of 4 contests.
A dead badger could get elected as a Republican in GA's 6th district.

When Newt wins an election in a heavy Democrat area - like Romney did - get back to me. Otherwise, you have no case.

A dead badger would have a better chance of beating Obama than Mittens does.

A dead badger doesn't have a bunch of AmPad workers ready to cry on cue about how Romney screwed them.

Which is why Romney didn't beat Ted Kennedy,and won't beat Obama, either.

And Romney has a better chance than Newt.

And your "He didn't beat Ted Kennedy" line has to be the most laughable of all your talking points.
Funny, I thought we were all Americans...

So are you saying that there are "two Americas", John Edwards?

A dead badger could get elected as a Republican in GA's 6th district.

When Newt wins an election in a heavy Democrat area - like Romney did - get back to me. Otherwise, you have no case.

Barely two years after having been chosen Time magazine's Man of the Year, Gingrich had plummeted in public esteem to where, in a CBS-New York Times poll, just 14 percent of voters had favorable personal feelings toward the speaker.

This prompted an apocryphal Washington exchange between a perplexed Gingrich and Dole. "Why do people take such an instant dislike to me?" asked a perplexed Gingrich, to whom Dole bluntly explained: "Because it saves them time."

Newt Rewrites His Reagan Connection by Mark Shields on Creators.com - A Syndicate Of Talent


if he's the nominee, he'll do worse than dole in '96

Doesn't "apocryphal" mean "probably not true"?

Anyway, I'd be happy to consider alternatives to Newt who aren't named "Mitt Romney".

So would a lot of other republicans. But the GOP Establishment scared them off, this is what we are stuck with.
A dead badger could get elected as a Republican in GA's 6th district.

When Newt wins an election in a heavy Democrat area - like Romney did - get back to me. Otherwise, you have no case.

A dead badger would have a better chance of beating Obama than Mittens does.

A dead badger doesn't have a bunch of AmPad workers ready to cry on cue about how Romney screwed them.

Which is why Romney didn't beat Ted Kennedy,and won't beat Obama, either.

the reason romney didn't beat fat boy in '94 was fat boy's last name.

the only person on the planet who remembers ampad is you.

apparently, cleaning the toilets there was the zenith of your sorry little life.

tant pis, mon petit chou, tant pis
And Romney has a better chance than Newt.

And your "He didn't beat Ted Kennedy" line has to be the most laughable of all your talking points.

NO, it's telling. YOu can't argue that a Republican couldn't have possibly ever won that seat. A republican is sitting in it now..

And in 1994, Ted was as vulnerable as he was ever going to get. He just had his bloated ass dragged into a court for a rape trial, he was at his lowest populartiy ever, people were happy to retire him at that point.

And then they got to know Mitt Romney.

This is Mitt's real problem. On paper, he looks great. Successful Businessman, nice family.

And then people get to know him.
the reason romney didn't beat fat boy in '94 was fat boy's last name.

the only person on the planet who remembers ampad is you.

apparently, cleaning the toilets there was the zenith of your sorry little life.

tant pis, mon petit chou, tant pis

Ever notice they go into personal attacks when they don't have an argument?

Well, me and all the people who voted for Kennedy, apparently. Romney lost by 17 points. Teddy shelved the worst of his commercials (the ones where Bain took a huge government bailout) because it would have just been piling on at that point.

If Romney couldn't beat Ted Kennedy, a mediocrity which by your own admission only succeeded because of his "name". (Not that I agree with that, but let's go with it), how the hell is he going to beat Obama, arguably one of the most successful politicians of our time?
We'll see! That's the wonderful part about voting (if the democrats don't use too much fraud).

When someone wins elections so decisively it is REALLY hard to keep bobbling about how unpopular he is.

Once again, the Democratic voter fraud that has never been proven.
the reason romney didn't beat fat boy in '94 was fat boy's last name.

the only person on the planet who remembers ampad is you.

apparently, cleaning the toilets there was the zenith of your sorry little life.

tant pis, mon petit chou, tant pis

Ever notice they go into personal attacks when they don't have an argument?

Well, me and all the people who voted for Kennedy, apparently. Romney lost by 17 points. Teddy shelved the worst of his commercials (the ones where Bain took a huge government bailout) because it would have just been piling on at that point.

If Romney couldn't beat Ted Kennedy, a mediocrity which by your own admission only succeeded because of his "name". (Not that I agree with that, but let's go with it), how the hell is he going to beat Obama, arguably one of the most successful politicians of our time?

he has a much better chance of beating obama than the walking mediocrity that is newt.

i'm sorry you were teased by all those mean mormons when you were a kid, but that's the reality.

the problem with being a bigot, which you clearly are, is that you view everything through the distorted lens of your own prejudice. you should at least own up to it, instead of pretending that you, or anyone else, gives a rat's ass about ampad.
And Romney has a better chance than Newt.

And your "He didn't beat Ted Kennedy" line has to be the most laughable of all your talking points.

NO, it's telling. YOu can't argue that a Republican couldn't have possibly ever won that seat. A republican is sitting in it now..

And in 1994, Ted was as vulnerable as he was ever going to get. He just had his bloated ass dragged into a court for a rape trial, he was at his lowest populartiy ever, people were happy to retire him at that point.

And then they got to know Mitt Romney.

This is Mitt's real problem. On paper, he looks great. Successful Businessman, nice family.

And then people get to know him.

It's funny to watch your hate subsume all reason. Name me a Kennedy who lost to a Republican in MA at any level.

Romney won statewide office in a heavily Democratic state. Gingrich won in a small evangelical conservative district. Romney has shown he can win Democrats and independents. Newt has shown he can win evangelical conservatives.

But you keep hating.
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Mormonism is still a cult.

Utter bullshit. Mormonism is no more a cult than Catholicism is.

In the days of Joseph Smith, there was one ruler - Smith. Smith was revered as basically God, declaring himself more important than Jesus Christ (he got that from Muhammad, who he modeled is rule after.) Smith got all the young pussy, even from converts who were married. Smith would dissolve the marriage and add the wives to his own harem.

That's what cult leaders do. Those who tried to leave the Mormons were often murdered. When you were in, you were in for life. That's how cults work.

Smith was a megalomaniac and took over Nauvoo, driving the civil government out. When Federal troops were dispatched to restore the legitimate government, Smith had the chutzpah to send his private army against them. Didn't work out too well. The fool was insane and thought he was Muhammad, and could defeat the infidels as if it were Medina.

Then the bastard was shot before he could be hanged for treason, in a gun battle as his brother tried to break him out.

That's how cults act.

But that isn't Mormonism now, nothing even close. People leave the LDS church all the time, they're in no danger. No one is going to demand that all the women belong to the ruler. Mormons are a solid part of the government, not engaging in treason.

They've had a great PR Campaign in recent years trying to mainstream themselves, and they traded polygamy for statehood, but no, they are still the same whacks they were 150 years ago. Secret Ceremonies, magic underwear tithing, ostrocizing anyone who has doubts or leaves the faith. That's a cult.


Show any evidence of blood oaths or hazing of members? It doesn't happen.

The President of the LDS church is LESS revered by members than the Pope is by Catholics. The Catholics are more cult like than the Mormons now days.

Luther did start a religion. It's called "Lutheranism". Look it up.

No, Luther created a sect of Christianity. The Religion is Christian.

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