23% of Republicans Say they Won't Vote for Gingrich

23% of Republicans say they couldn't support Gingrich. 8% say they couldn't support Romney.

True story.

Either number is enough for the GOP to lose. McCain lost 10% of the Republican vote.

And I should point out that whatever Newt's negative are, it's taken them 20 years of constant attacks to develop them.

Romney's rep has deflated in a matter of weeks. Probalby over the minute he said, "I like to be able to fire people".

NOw, if you want to argue that maybe the GOP should get someone else to step up to the plate, that's fine. Arguing over which one of these guys is going to lose less embarrassingly to Obama is kind of pointless. I'd rather lose for who I am than lose for something I despise.

Right, over the minute that conservatives joined the other side in taking his comment out of context.

We're going to have enough trouble with Democrats. What we didn't need was people on our side being dishonest in order to try to take Romney down instead of standing up for what was right. The middle are going to get plenty of disinformation. Gingrich's willingness to help spread it shows why he's not the right man for the job.

I can think of plenty wrong with Obama keeping the presidency. But Newt could still be worse. One of the main mantras of the right has been how Obama's policies have increased uncertainty in the market place. Gingrich would not inspire confidence.

I started to say "will not inspire confidence". I changed it to "would not inspire confidence" because he's not going to even inspire enough confidence to get to the White House to try his hand at economic policy. He's going to be painted as a wild-eyed mad man. And yes, Obama gets it in a landslide.

I don't know if even 10% unemployment going into October would be enough to convince Americans to hand it over to Newt.
it happened between Hillary and Obama camps in the last presidential primary...and it all worked out in the end, (except for us avid Hillary supporters....)
Newt and the far right may drive the center and independents squarely into the Dems pockets on this one, Charles.

The center hates Newt. And 23% of GOP will not vote for him.

You're right. If Romney is on the ticket, I won't vote for Obama (Colbert!). If Newt is on the ticket, I vote for Obama (ugh).
Romney's rep has deflated in a matter of weeks. Probalby over the minute he said, "I like to be able to fire people".


Right, over the minute that conservatives joined the other side in taking his comment out of context.

We're going to have enough trouble with Democrats. What we didn't need was people on our side being dishonest in order to try to take Romney down instead of standing up for what was right. The middle are going to get plenty of disinformation. Gingrich's willingness to help spread it shows why he's not the right man for the job.

First and foremost, I don't think this statement is taken out of context. I think it shows exactly who Romney is, and out of touch rich guy who thinks that having the ability to push people around with his money is acceptable morally. I think it gave us a little window into his soul, and most people just didn't like what they see.

It was also unrealistic. Most of us don't have the option of firing our insurance companies when they cheat us out of the health insurance we pay good money for. We usually are stuck with whatever our employers give us. Or you could be in a situation like I was at my last job, where I ran up $50K in medical bills, and oddly found myself in a job where I was going to be phased out despite excellent reviews and more seniority than anyone else in the office.

I can think of plenty wrong with Obama keeping the presidency. But Newt could still be worse. One of the main mantras of the right has been how Obama's policies have increased uncertainty in the market place. Gingrich would not inspire confidence.

That mantra usually means "We might actually make you act in the public's interest". I'm just not seeing anything wrong with it. Frankly we've tried, "Let you do whatever the hell you want to the working class" and we saw where that got us.

I started to say "will not inspire confidence". I changed it to "would not inspire confidence" because he's not going to even inspire enough confidence to get to the White House to try his hand at economic policy. He's going to be painted as a wild-eyed mad man. And yes, Obama gets it in a landslide.

I don't know if even 10% unemployment going into October would be enough to convince Americans to hand it over to Newt.

I think Newt would have an easier time connecting with working folks than Romney will.

You see, this is what I think you and other Republicans have a hard time grasping. The vast majority of voters are not billionaires, they don't have millions stashed away in the Caymans, and they don't have the option of "firing" anyone on a whim. They are the folks who hope to not get crushed by the giants in the playground.

By the way, Gallups trial heat have both him and Romney within 2 points of Obama. So I don't worry about that so much.
IF you were an atheist all that blather you just posted and a dime wouldn't buy you a cup of coffee :clap2: :lol: Ever read this before? :rolleyes:

The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.

Guy,I see a major difference between a guy who starts a religion because he has serious questions about the faith (let's say, Martin Luther) and a guy who wants to start a religion to scam less smart people out of money or screw little girls (L. Ron Hubbard, David Koresh or Joseph Smith.)

All religions are bullshit, but some are just plain evil.
The thing with this whole 'sorry' business is that one is expected to actually mean it and to do better. That's Gingrich's issue - he says 'sorry' like kids do.... to mean 'I'm sorry I got caught' and continue the same bad behavior. I fail to see why the hordes on the right are falling for this bullshit. Really, I just don't get it. Stupidity seems to be contagious in your party.

He admitted to his affairs, and the last known was what? 13 yrs ago? Since then he says he has turned to God, asked for forgiveness, and has changed. Who's to say he hasn't? Has there been any other accusations of him since then? I admit it's only his word that he has changed...but if God can forgive him, so can i. If you're a Christian, this is what God would expect of you.

The state of his soul is not what qualifies him for being President.

He can be sorry all he wants. That doesn't make up for a lifetime of out of control behavior - out of control in more ways than just sexually. Well, being sorry might get him into heaven. But it doesn't qualify him for being president.

It's great that he has straightened up his personal life. But even if he hasn't cheated on his wife in the past 13 years, he still shows every sign of being dishonest.

Freddie Mac hired him because they needed a historian? What?

When he is on the defensive, he joins the OWS to start attacking Mitt Romney?

He was for a federal healthcare mandate from 1993 to 2009, and only got off that wagon when the Dems decided to have one?

No honor. Not true to his ideals. I see that you don't think his past sex life should keep him out of the presidency, but his current sex life doesn't qualify him for it. The reasons to question Newt are about so many other things than sex.

Find me a totally HONEST politician....you can't!
He never "joined" the OWS, and he was against the dems healthcare because it's a piece of crap and was shoved down our throats!
No, him admitting he was wrong on his sex life doesn't make him eligible for the presidency, but it also doesn't make him ineligible either. At least he admits when he's wrong.
The thing with this whole 'sorry' business is that one is expected to actually mean it and to do better. That's Gingrich's issue - he says 'sorry' like kids do.... to mean 'I'm sorry I got caught' and continue the same bad behavior. I fail to see why the hordes on the right are falling for this bullshit. Really, I just don't get it. Stupidity seems to be contagious in your party.

He admitted to his affairs, and the last known was what? 13 yrs ago? Since then he says he has turned to God, asked for forgiveness, and has changed. Who's to say he hasn't? Has there been any other accusations of him since then? I admit it's only his word that he has changed...but if God can forgive him, so can i. If you're a Christian, this is what God would expect of you.

The last known. That about sums it up.

Forgiveness is for God, not me. His personal crap is between him and God. Personally, I don't give a damn - it's not my business so he owes me no apology and there is nothing that warrants my forgiveness.

And... I'd appreciate it if you mind your own damned business about my relationship with God and don't tell me what He expects of me. Pisses me off when so called Christians speak on His behalf. I know God, and He knows me. Got nothing to do with you.

Newt is an amoral, lying, corrupt, DC insider.... and forgiveness or not... no one should be dumb enough to vote for that kind of person in the White House.

Well if you can come up with another time since then that he's cheated, let me know.....until then, i have no reason not to believe him. No, he's not the perfect candidate, neither side has one of them!

And...i know that you've called yourself Christian. Part of being a Christian is being able to forgive others, but it looks like you have a hard time with that. If you expect God to forgive you then you have to be able to forgive others. I see you're one of those hypocrites that non-believers talk about so often, the reason they want nothing to do with Christianity. But like you said, that's between you and God.

Now you can go ahead and neg me again like you did before (and never responded when i apologized for what i said). God Bless......
The very real possibility if Newt gets the nomination is that the GOP goes into the political wilderness.
Guy,I see a major difference between a guy who starts a religion because he has serious questions about the faith (let's say, Martin Luther) and a guy who wants to start a religion to scam less smart people out of money or screw little girls (L. Ron Hubbard, David Koresh or Joseph Smith.)

All religions are bullshit, but some are just plain evil.

Martin Luther didn't start a religion, moron.

L. Ron Hubbard, David Koresh, and Joseph Smith started cults. The difference in a cult and a religion is that religions survive the founder and become moderate under subsequent leaders. Joseph F. Smith transformed Mormonism from a cult to a more respectable religion.
Rule 22: Whenever you find Fake Jake arguing in favor of your conservative position, it's time to reassess said position.
Well then, CaliforniaGirl, you are an Obamaite according to the wacks of the far right wing nut factions, like Uncensored and Missourian.

Newt as candidate will re-elect Obama as president.
Guy,I see a major difference between a guy who starts a religion because he has serious questions about the faith (let's say, Martin Luther) and a guy who wants to start a religion to scam less smart people out of money or screw little girls (L. Ron Hubbard, David Koresh or Joseph Smith.)

All religions are bullshit, but some are just plain evil.

Martin Luther didn't start a religion, moron.

L. Ron Hubbard, David Koresh, and Joseph Smith started cults. The difference in a cult and a religion is that religions survive the founder and become moderate under subsequent leaders. Joseph F. Smith transformed Mormonism from a cult to a more respectable religion.

Mormonism is still a cult. They've had a great PR Campaign in recent years trying to mainstream themselves, and they traded polygamy for statehood, but no, they are still the same whacks they were 150 years ago. Secret Ceremonies, magic underwear tithing, ostrocizing anyone who has doubts or leaves the faith. That's a cult.

Luther did start a religion. It's called "Lutheranism". Look it up.
Well then, CaliforniaGirl, you are an Obamaite according to the wacks of the far right wing nut factions, like Uncensored and Missourian.

Newt as candidate will re-elect Obama as president.

Again, so will Mittens.

Look, Obama is going to be difficult to beat no matter who the GOP runs. He's an incumbant, and we've only voted out one incumbant whose party has been in for one term. (Carter). Other inbumbants we've voted out (Hoover, Ford, Bush-41) had their party in charge for a good long time, and really didn't have an excuse as to why things were bad.

Obama can honestly say he inherited a mess. In my opinion, he's made that mess worse, not better, but he can point to small progress.

Now, I was watching Mitch Daniels give the rebuttal to the SOTU address, and I just had to ask myself, "Why the hell aren't we running THIS guy?" Successful Governor. Balanced the budget. Advocates conservative positions strongly. He and his wife had a rough patch, but they worked it out.

Oh, no, it's "Mitt Romney's Turn", even though it's pretty clear most Republicans don't want Mitt Romney. The establishment will eat its own and beat up anyone who challenges him. But the rank and file didn't want this clown 4 years ago and the don't want him now.
Rule 22: Whenever you find Fake Jake arguing in favor of your conservative position, it's time to reassess said position.

Jake's not even arguing a "conservative" position.

Jake's entire argument, and that of Toto and CaliGirl, is that Romney is "electable".

Completely ignoring the fact that the man has lost nearly every election he's ever stood in.

Jake has shown his complete contempt for Evangelicals, Tea-Partiers and Neo-Cons (i.e., republicans who believe in strong defense) so I'm really not sure what faction of the GOP he represents and I'm really not willing to take him off ignore often enough to try to work it out.
Rule 22: Whenever you find Fake Jake arguing in favor of your conservative position, it's time to reassess said position.

Jake's not even arguing a "conservative" position.

Jake's entire argument, and that of Toto and CaliGirl, is that Romney is "electable".

Completely ignoring the fact that the man has lost nearly every election he's ever stood in.

Jake has shown his complete contempt for Evangelicals, Tea-Partiers and Neo-Cons (i.e., republicans who believe in strong defense) so I'm really not sure what faction of the GOP he represents and I'm really not willing to take him off ignore often enough to try to work it out.

You're an anti-capitalist, atheist bigot who thinks Israel isn't under threat. What faction of the GOP do you represent? The left of the OWS mob?

And if we are tallying electoral points here, how many nationwide or statewide elections has Newt won?


So thus far, it's Romney 1 Newt 0 on broad electability.
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You're an anti-capitalist, atheist bigot who thinks Israel isn't under threat. What faction of the GOP do you represent? The left of the OWS mob?

1) I've got no problem with Capitalism. It's plutocracy I have a real problem with. Hell, I'm a capitalist. I'm not writing resumes for free, I charge people money for them. I just don't go in with the intent to cheat people.

2) Atheist- Well, pretty much the only thing you got right in your rant.

3) Bigot? - sorry, don't think that silly, evil beliefs become acceptable or inviolate because you call them a "religion". Stupid beliefs are stupid beliefs. Sorry. You don't think Joseph Smith was talking to God any more than I do, but you are willing to treat teh belief that he did as sacred?

4) I don't care if Israel is under threat or not. It just isn't my problem. When you steal people's land in the middle of 200 million people who want to kill you, that's your choice. If Israel gets wiped off the map tomorrow, it just ain't my problem.

I represent the faction the GOP is that is pro-America, not pro-Multinational corporations that prop up repressive enemy regimes.

I represent the one that is blue collar regular working folks who do their jobs, pay their taxes, give to their communities. They ain't rich except in spirit. They say "ain't" instead of "isn't" or "aren't". I represent the part of the GOP that makes America work.

The one that rejects the Democratic notion we should all be on welfare, but if you work, you should get your fair share and not worry about someone trying to cheat you.

And occassionaly, I've had to hold my nose and vote for clueless millionaires who can't tell me how many mansions they own and haven't gotten dirt under their fingernails in their lives.

I just refuse to this time. Not if it's Romney. I wish I had a better alternative than Newt, but you guys fixed that one really good.
You're an anti-capitalist, atheist bigot who thinks Israel isn't under threat. What faction of the GOP do you represent? The left of the OWS mob?

And if we are tallying electoral points here, how many nationwide or statewide elections has Newt won?


So thus far, it's Romney 1 Newt 0 on broad electability.

sorry, guy, an election is an election. Newt's won 11 of them. Including one where the State Legistlature tried to draw his district out of existance. But he won anyway.

Romney lost to Ted Kennedy, he lost to John McCain and Mike Huckabee four years ago. He didn't even show up to the fight against Deval Patrick. He did beat a non-entity named Jan Swift one time with a whopping 49% of the vote. (Only because the Greens and Democrats split the anti-vote did he win.)

So Newt's record 11-0.

Romney's record 1-3. (including one forfeit).
You're an anti-capitalist, atheist bigot who thinks Israel isn't under threat. What faction of the GOP do you represent? The left of the OWS mob?

And if we are tallying electoral points here, how many nationwide or statewide elections has Newt won?


So thus far, it's Romney 1 Newt 0 on broad electability.

sorry, guy, an election is an election. Newt's won 11 of them. Including one where the State Legistlature tried to draw his district out of existance. But he won anyway.

Romney lost to Ted Kennedy, he lost to John McCain and Mike Huckabee four years ago. He didn't even show up to the fight against Deval Patrick. He did beat a non-entity named Jan Swift one time with a whopping 49% of the vote. (Only because the Greens and Democrats split the anti-vote did he win.)

So Newt's record 11-0.

Romney's record 1-3. (including one forfeit).

Well if Newt were running for President of Cobb County, you'd have a point. But he's not so you don't.

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