23% of Republicans Say they Won't Vote for Gingrich

Newt will destroy this country if he wins the GOP since Obamination would win the election.

It's odds on that Obama will win anyway. I foresee the House and Senate going solidly GOP so we will ahve 4 years of gridlock in any case.

If Obama wants to be remembered as a great president,or even a good one,he will pray for those exact outcomes,learn what compromise is and lead. Clinton was a better president for the same.
The sorcerers at the WH are sacrificing chickens and doves to the idol of elections in the basement, praying fervently for the GOP to nominate Newt.
Okay so Newt is a whackjob who will attract a LOT of angry whackjobs who will vote for anyone that ISN'T Obama.
The only people he'll lose is everyone else.
Or they hate Obama because he's black.

Yeah! They "hate" Obama, Biden, Pelosi, and Reid - clearly because they are all black.

If you want proof of that, spend about five minutes reading teh comments on a far right netsite like TownHall.

So the Mainstream media tells them Romney's electable and Newt isn't, and they say, "Okay, let's nominate Romney".

The same media will be telling people how Crazy Mormons actually are in three months.

I doubt you've been off of ThinkProgress long enough to read comments on any other political site.

No, man, I used to post on TH all the time, until the complete lunatics took it over.

But the point is, the MSM is leading you fools into a trap, and you are happily walking into it. Romney's not likable, and when they start talking about some of the weirder aspects of Mormon history and beliefs, he's going to really creep people out a bit more.

Most of our presidents have been mainstream protestants. Mormonism is about as outside the mainstream as you are going to get.
The sorcerers at the WH are sacrificing chickens and doves to the idol of elections in the basement, praying fervently for the GOP to nominate Newt.

Ummm, then why are they designing their whole campaign around running against the Weird Mormon Robot?

You don't think that Obama emphasizing the "Buffet Tax" in the SOTU and sitting Warren's long suffering secretary next to the first lady on the very day we find out Romney is only paying 13% on millions of dollars made not doing a lick of work is a co-incidence, do you?
The Obammies would rather run against Newt, who can be beat rather easily.

Beating Romney would be much harder, and that is why they are planning for the Real Contender, the Mittens.
The Obammies would rather run against Newt, who can be beat rather easily.

Beating Romney would be much harder, and that is why they are planning for the Real Contender, the Mittens.

I don't think it's going to be. Anti Mittens commercial pretty much write themselves.

MIttens on Tape "I like to be able to fire people"...

Voiceover - In 1994, Mitt Romney closed down the AmPad Plant in Marion INdiana. 250 people with families lost their jobs, and the community was devastated." (Footage of shuttered plant.)

Mittens- "Corporations are people, too, my friend!"

Voiceover- "At GS Steel, 750 people lost their jobs, and the Federal government had to bail out the pension fund for 42 million dollars while Bain paid itself Millions"

The President "I'm Barack Obama and I approve this message!"
I can always vote third party. Or I can do what I always do when I don't like the non-choices. Write in "Jack Ryan"

I did that when I had the exciting choice of Obama and Alan Keyes in 2004.

Worked pretty well then.
From an ABC poll

Gingrich has considerable vulnerabilities that Romney must exploit to convince voters that Gingrich would lose in the general election. The former speaker is unpopular nationally and with independent voters. He is also unpopular in his own party. In New Hampshire exit polls, more than 60 percent said they would not be happy if he were the nominee. National polls show the same thing. In a recent Washington Post/ABC News poll, 23 percent of Republicans said they would not support him. Only Ron Paul did worse. Women voters, an important swing voting bloc, do not like Gingrich.

Gingrich wins South Carolina: How can Romney recover from his terrible defeat? - Slate Magazine

:lol::lol: Well that just means that 77% are saying they won't vote for MITT ROMNEY--:lol::lol: The state of S. Carolina showed the real poll--when women--evangelicals--and INDEPENDENTS overwhelming voted for Newt Gingrich.

As we have seen in these early primary states--Mitt Romney only captures 1/3 of the vote while 2/3's of the conservative base are voting for more conservative candidates.
If you added up those conservative votes into one conservative candidate--Mitt Romney would already be OUT of this race.

And for good reason: Mitt Romney has flip-flopped on every single issue known to politics. One day he says this--the next day he says that--depending on what crowd he is in front of.

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The GOP should be able to win this election hands down, but the hope continues to slip away day by day.
He is the best in a very poor field. Newt, with Perry, is among the bottom feeders of the group.
That is the right question: why such a poor field?

The better candidates refuse to be slimed by the crazies on the far, far right is the reason.
That is the right question: why such a poor field?

The better candidates refuse to be slimed by the crazies on the far, far right is the reason.

Not really. The only "sliming" I've seen go on here is from Mr. Romney and his "Super-Pacs".

I think it was more along the lines of these guys made a political calculation.

Unseating incumbants is hard.

Romney is going to spend a huge amount of money to get this nomination.

Whoever runs against Obama will be tagged as a "racist".

Who needs that shit.

Better to keep your powder dry until 2016, when the usual 8-year cycle is exhausted, and people are more receptive to change.

I think everyone was surprised to see what a weak candidate Romney was, trailing Bachmann, Cain, Perry, Gingrich and even Santorum at various times and places.

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