23 shot, 6 of them dead, in Chicago since Friday night


Gold Member
Dec 5, 2011
6 Dead, 17 Wounded In Shootings Since Friday Night « CBS Chicago

SIX dead. Not one. but Six. Imagine six people being named Trayvon instead of just one.

Of course, lets ignore this, and focus on one person being killed and the jury finding the accused not guilty. Lets ignore the wholesale slaughter becaues prancing limp wristed fairy liberals can't score any political points from it.

Go to hell you mother fuckers. You don't care about lives. You care about your fucking political points. You should burn in hell with your AZT.
At this rate I wonder if the population of Chicago is rising or falling...let the animals kill each other off...close the damn thing down ring it with walls 25 feet tall and let them have at it.
Nope!...He's got his sights set on a so called "white" guy to go after.'
Who was arrested,charged,tried and acquitted.
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Some enterprising travel company should get into the business of providing tours into Chicago so the gun nuts can get into some real shootouts.

They'd make a fortune.
You do realize Chicago has the strictest anti 2nd amendment policies in America and the only ones with guns are the criminals...not the law abiding citizens...Make some more dumb comments.
You do realize Chicago has the strictest anti 2nd amendment policies in America and the only ones with guns are the criminals...not the law abiding citizens...Make some more dumb comments.

Some minor details need to be worked out.

Still a potential money maker.
You do realize Chicago has the strictest anti 2nd amendment policies in America and the only ones with guns are the criminals...not the law abiding citizens...Make some more dumb comments.

Some minor details need to be worked out.

Still a potential money maker.

How about we do this. Give everyone wanting to leave Chicago free trip out and then send in all the REAL criminals and wall the place off and let them have at it? Give them a few months they will kill each other off. :)
6 Dead, 17 Wounded In Shootings Since Friday Night « CBS Chicago

SIX dead. Not one. but Six. Imagine six people being named Trayvon instead of just one.

Of course, lets ignore this, and focus on one person being killed and the jury finding the accused not guilty. Lets ignore the wholesale slaughter becaues prancing limp wristed fairy liberals can't score any political points from it.

Go to hell you mother fuckers. You don't care about lives. You care about your fucking political points. You should burn in hell with your AZT.

Everyone who shot someone will be arrested, tried, and in most cases, convicted.

The point was not just "someone died", it was that law enforcement and the judicial system didn't treat it like it was anything that important. This is the point that is lost on you.
You do realize Chicago has the strictest anti 2nd amendment policies in America and the only ones with guns are the criminals...not the law abiding citizens...Make some more dumb comments.

Those laws were struck down years ago.

Also, they were rendered kind of meaningless when towns around Chicago intentionally set up shop right on the border of the city and sold to whoever came in the door.

Actually they are still there...It doesn't matter if gun shops are setting up shop near by. Criminals don't go into a gun store to get a gun they buy them off the street. Its the law abiding citizens that need the guns for protection from thugs and criminals.

Where do you think the guys who sell them "On the street" get them from?

Ummm...Ummmm... Ummmm... that would be that gun shop in Cicero that doesn't really check ID's that close.
6 Dead, 17 Wounded In Shootings Since Friday Night « CBS Chicago

SIX dead. Not one. but Six. Imagine six people being named Trayvon instead of just one.

Of course, lets ignore this, and focus on one person being killed and the jury finding the accused not guilty. Lets ignore the wholesale slaughter becaues prancing limp wristed fairy liberals can't score any political points from it.

Go to hell you mother fuckers. You don't care about lives. You care about your fucking political points. You should burn in hell with your AZT.

How many died at Sandy Hook from a Republican supported white killer?

Remember Gabby? How many died that day from that white shooter?

Republicans sent hundreds of thousands to defend Zimmerman who chased down and murdered a kid three weeks past 16 who Republicans have trashed. Feel so sorry for his parents.
6 Dead, 17 Wounded In Shootings Since Friday Night « CBS Chicago

SIX dead. Not one. but Six. Imagine six people being named Trayvon instead of just one.

Of course, lets ignore this, and focus on one person being killed and the jury finding the accused not guilty. Lets ignore the wholesale slaughter becaues prancing limp wristed fairy liberals can't score any political points from it.

Go to hell you mother fuckers. You don't care about lives. You care about your fucking political points. You should burn in hell with your AZT.

How many died at Sandy Hook from a Republican supported white killer?

Remember Gabby? How many died that day from that white shooter?

Republicans sent hundreds of thousands to defend Zimmerman who chased down and murdered a kid three weeks past 16 who Republicans have trashed. Feel so sorry for his parents.
More blacks have been killed in the us since trayvon then all troops killed in 10 years in Iraq

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