23 shot, 6 of them dead, in Chicago since Friday night

I don't see why the routine massacres in Chicago are a problem: I think it's to the advantage of the civilized part of the USA.

In the first place, the bad guys kill each other. This is excellent: the fewer, the better.

In the second place, it keeps the country focused on how primitive and violent and dangerous these type of blacks are, and that's just as well, so the more sensible people who judge by evidence don't get fooled by the deniers and excuse-makers. It is what it is and it's just as well we know what that is so we can stay well away from them.
What are the numbers again? Nearly 11k dead blacks in the 503 days between Martin's death and Zimmerman's acquittal. And during the approx. 3 weeks of the trial 61 killed in Chicago alone.

Black on black genocide and none of the usual race pimps and hustlers talk about it and the lamestream media dummies up right along with them.

It's sooo much easier to blame whitey or anything else.

Rest in peace all you blacks who will be murdered by your brothers the rest of this year.
They are dying like flies in Obama's adopted home town and he compares himself to a victim of a tragedy in Florida and then goes to Hollywood to hobnob with the stars. No surprise.
You do realize Chicago has the strictest anti 2nd amendment policies in America and the only ones with guns are the criminals...not the law abiding citizens...Make some more dumb comments.

Some minor details need to be worked out.

Still a potential money maker.

How about we do this. Give everyone wanting to leave Chicago free trip out and then send in all the REAL criminals and wall the place off and let them have at it? Give them a few months they will kill each other off. :)

Ever been to Chicago? Most of it is actually quite nice. I'd say about 2-3% of the land area accounts for maybe about 99% of the violence.

It's a mess in those neighborhoods, and sad. Schools are failing the kids, parents are failing the kids, and our Mayor is doing diddly squat to help remedy the situation (as he seems more concerned about building a $300 million megadome for DePaul).

But in the meantime, just avoid a few neighborhoods and Chicago is a very safe place to live. No need to say "everything" needs to be flushed out.

They are dying like flies in Obama's adopted home town and he compares himself to a victim of a tragedy in Florida and then goes to Hollywood to hobnob with the stars. No surprise.

There are many more political talking points he can ride on with regards to the half-white/black murder (Treyvon case), and very few with black/black murders. The gift this man has for dividing our country is unparalleled.

Not a good President.

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