248 House members who've accepted $38 million from Big Oil just voted for a .....


INDEPENDENTly ruthless
May 18, 2011
248 House members who've accepted $38 million from Big Oil just voted for a massive giveaway to the industry

The House of Representatives, which already holds the title of the most anti-environment House ever, today added another mark to the list — the Domestic Energy Production Act, H.R. 4480. The act is specifically designed to increase oil and gas development, with measures that block safeguards from smog and pollution and mandate drilling on public lands. The House Republicans passed this pollution and plunder energy package overrun by oil and gas industry interests, 248 to 163. This breakdown includes 229 Republicans and 19 Democratic members.

A ThinkProgress analysis of Center for Responsive Politics data shows how that oil and gas money overwhelmingly went to the votes for gutting safeguards from air pollution, drilling regulations and public lands protections:

The 248 pro-Big Oil votes received over four times more oil and gas contributions over their careers.
The 248 members — 229 Republicans and 19 Democrats — voted to pass the bill and enrich Big Oil. They received a total of $38.6 million in oil and gas campaign cash — or an average of $156,000 each — for their federal campaigns.
Of the yes votes, 229 Republicans received $36.2 million.
The 163 members who voted no — 158 Democrats and 5 Republicans — voted to protect children and seniors from smog, and ensure that our public lands could be enjoyed by all Americans, not just used for oil production. They received $5.8 million, or $36,000 each.

Members Who Supported Massive Giveaway To Big Oil Have Received $38.6 Million From The Industry | ThinkProgress
248 House members who've accepted $38 million from Big Oil just voted for a massive giveaway to the industry

The House of Representatives, which already holds the title of the most anti-environment House ever, today added another mark to the list — the Domestic Energy Production Act, H.R. 4480. The act is specifically designed to increase oil and gas development, with measures that block safeguards from smog and pollution and mandate drilling on public lands. The House Republicans passed this pollution and plunder energy package overrun by oil and gas industry interests, 248 to 163. This breakdown includes 229 Republicans and 19 Democratic members.

A ThinkProgress analysis of Center for Responsive Politics data shows how that oil and gas money overwhelmingly went to the votes for gutting safeguards from air pollution, drilling regulations and public lands protections:

The 248 pro-Big Oil votes received over four times more oil and gas contributions over their careers.
The 248 members — 229 Republicans and 19 Democrats — voted to pass the bill and enrich Big Oil. They received a total of $38.6 million in oil and gas campaign cash — or an average of $156,000 each — for their federal campaigns.
Of the yes votes, 229 Republicans received $36.2 million.
The 163 members who voted no — 158 Democrats and 5 Republicans — voted to protect children and seniors from smog, and ensure that our public lands could be enjoyed by all Americans, not just used for oil production. They received $5.8 million, or $36,000 each.

Members Who Supported Massive Giveaway To Big Oil Have Received $38.6 Million From The Industry | ThinkProgress

BP was a big contributor to obama back in 2008
good old thinkprogress, so the Gop holds the title of the MOST anti-environment..

this is why thinkprogress should NEVER be taken seriously folks

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That's right lefties. DON'T BE A HYPOCRITE. "Big oil" ain't your enemy. It heats your home and runs your car so you can get to the pot dealer for your fix. Lefties have been whining ever since SCOTUS ruled that corporations can contribute to political campaigns.
good old thinkprogress, so the Gop holds the title of the MOST anti-environment..

this is why thinkprogress should NEVER be taken seriously folks


I wonder if BP wil give obama any money this year?
This legislation will alleviate nonsensical roadblocks to oil and gas development in the U.S.

You make it sound like it's a road to environmental ruin.

Why can't you admit that this industry is one of the few that is successful these days?
Producing much needed energy, reducing foreign imports, and employing Americans.

The legislation includes a much-needed check on the EPA with the creation of an interagency committee that would assess the effect of proposed rules on the economy

BTW- "Big Oil" is a bit player in this country. It is the Independent oil and gas companies that drill over 90% of oil and natural gas wells.
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This just shows that the House of Representatives and the Republicans are the ones who truly care about America. :clap2:
This just shows that the House of Representatives and the Republicans are the ones who truly care about America. :clap2:
You're goddamn right. Putting in check a runaway EPA that enacts rules without process.

This is real energy, real jobs, right now. Not some bullshit Solyndra styled scheme.
This legislation will alleviate nonsensical roadblocks to oil and gas development in the U.S.

You make it sound like it's a road to environmental ruin.

Why can't you admit that this industry is one of the few that is successful these days?
Producing much needed energy, reducing foreign imports, and employing Americans.

The legislation includes a much-needed check on the EPA with the creation of an interagency committee that would assess the effect of proposed rules on the economy

BTW- "Big Oil" is a bit player in this country. It is the Independent oil and gas companies that drill over 90% of oil and natural gas wells.

Even if the bill does contain checks on the EPA's power, if the GOP were serious about checking the EPA's power they wouldn't have included that measure in such a controversial bill that is certain to stir up trouble.

I feel the bill is saying something like, "If you give us this mile to pursue more oil/profits, we'll give you an inch of progress in actual responsible/needed measures."
A little good, lota bad.
Political contirbutions by corporations are really investments and should be taxed accordingly on their return on their investment.
This legislation will alleviate nonsensical roadblocks to oil and gas development in the U.S.

You make it sound like it's a road to environmental ruin.

Why can't you admit that this industry is one of the few that is successful these days?
Producing much needed energy, reducing foreign imports, and employing Americans.

The legislation includes a much-needed check on the EPA with the creation of an interagency committee that would assess the effect of proposed rules on the economy

BTW- "Big Oil" is a bit player in this country. It is the Independent oil and gas companies that drill over 90% of oil and natural gas wells.

Even if the bill does contain checks on the EPA's power, if the GOP were serious about checking the EPA's power they wouldn't have included that measure in such a controversial bill that is certain to stir up trouble.

I feel the bill is saying something like, "If you give us this mile to pursue more oil/profits, we'll give you an inch of progress in actual responsible/needed measures."
A little good, lota bad.

Here's a decent analysis from the Oil and Gas Journal. It quotes both sides' concerns.

House approves sweeping package of energy bills - Oil & Gas Journal

This nation has been steeped in petrophobia since the Carter administration.

The U.S. oil and gas industry is already the most regulated, most taxed sector of the economy. Net profits on investment rank somewhere around 44th of all industries/businesses.

This bill goes a long way towards stemming the witch hunt that has been perpetrated by environmentalists in the name of the green energies agenda.

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