25 most dangerous neighborhood have one things in common, care to guess???

I posted a video of witches being burned alive in africa in the 21st century..

Now you go ahead and post one of witches being burned alive in the u.s. in the 21st century.

1) So what?
proving that africa is a backwards continent

2) Why should I?
You can't because it never happened.

What possible difference does ONE event make, except for you to try and save face?
I made a claim and backed it up. I don't need to save face.

I know a girl was stabbed because the attacker believed in Thin Man - does that make Thin Man "practiced" widely in the US?
Why are you trying to change the subject again?
Rota -

Again, nothing justifies your appalling ignorance of Africa, nor your obvious racism.

Spamming the thread with proclamations of victory you know are bullshit don't make you look any smarter.

I do have to laugh though - you attack witchcraft in Africa as proof as to how 'backwards' the place is - and then find out there are 324,000 witches in your own country!!!
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Please post honestly. Really.

You claimed witchcraft is practised in Africa. You found three examples.

There are 324,000 witches in the US.

At this point I don't think a lot more needs to be said about your nonsensical, ignorant claims or your obvious racism.

In Angola, many orphaned children are accused of witchcraft and demonic possession by relatives in order to justify not providing for them. Various methods are employed: starvation, beating, unknown substances rubbed into their eyes or being chained or tied up.[16]

DR Congo
In Congo, it is estimated that there are 25,000 homeless children living on the streets of the capital city. Of these, 60% were expelled from their homes because of allegations of witchcraft. Accusations of witchcraft is the only justifiable reason for the refusal to house a family member, no matter how distant the relation.[17]

Main article: Mingi
In Ethiopia, Mingi is the traditional belief among the Omotic-speaking Karo and Hamar tribes in southern Ethiopia that adults and children with physical abnormalities are ritually impure.[18][19] The latter are believed to exert an evil influence upon others, so disabled infants have traditionally been disposed of without a proper burial.[18] Children are killed by forced permanent separation from the tribe by being left alone in the jungle or by drowning in the river.[20][21][22]

Reasons for being declared impure include birth out of wedlock, the birth of twins, the eruption of teeth in the upper jaw before the lower jaw, and chipping a tooth in childhood.[23][24]

In Gambia, about 1,000 people accused of being witches were locked in detention centers in March 2009. They were forced to drink a dangerous hallucinogenic potion, according to Amnesty International.[25]

In Nigeria, some African Pentecostal pastors have incorporated African witchcraft beliefs into their brand of Christianity resulting in a campaign of violence against young Nigerians. Children and babies branded as evil are being abused, abandoned and even murdered. The preachers make money out of the fear providing costly exorcism services of their parents and their communities.[26]

In the Nigerian states of Akwa Ibom and Cross River about 15,000 children were branded as witches and most of them end up abandoned and abused on the streets.[25] A documentary aired on Channel 4 and BBC, Saving Africa's Witch Children, shows the work of Gary Foxcroft and Stepping Stones Nigeria in addressing these abuses.

Sierra Leone
In Sierra Leone, sick infants tend to have better survival-rates due to witchhunts: "the effect of the witch cleansing probably lasts for years in the sense that mothers are predisposed to tend their babies with more hopefulness and real concern. Therefore many babies who, before the arrival of the witchfinder, might have been saved if the mothers had had the heart and will to stop at nothing to tend their babies, will now survive precisely because they will receive the best attention, as the mothers now believe that the remaining children are free of witchcraft. So there is a reduction in the infant mortality rate in the years immediately following the witchcleansing movement".[27]"
Witchcraft accusations against children in Africa - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Rota -

Nothing justifies your appalling ignorance.

Lying about it doesn't make you look any smarter.

Post #148 will establish who is telling the truth and who is evading. I backed up my claims.
I'm not running in circles any more over the same ground with you.
But for now, since obviously you refuse to keep pace with the discussion or make a meaningful, coherent contribution, perhaps you should just excuse yourself from it.

I appreciate any input you may have, but please read the thread and make an effort to be sensible so we can avoid redundant, mundane repetition of facts that have already been proven many times.

I am not going to continue to talk with somebody who has no logical point to make, and doesn't stand for anything other than the sake of argument.

At this point, it's clear you either do not possess the necessary intellect to post here and should probably go elsewhere or are just being contrary and trolling for attention..either way I'm done with you.
I made my points and backed each one up.
Rota -

Again, nothing justifies your appalling ignorance of Africa, nor your obvious racism.

Spamming the thread with proclamations of victory you know are bullshit don't make you look any smarter.

I do have to laugh though - you attack witchcraft in Africa as proof as to how 'backwards' the place is - and then find out there are 324,000 witches in your own country!!!

I never said there weren't "witches" in "my country"...I said in africa they burn them alive..how many get burned alive in america?
Must be awful to going around in life being so ignorant.

I should explain the situation to you fully but would you listen? Not hardly.

No, no. Go ahead and explain the situation.

The key is what time it is which was midnight. Nobody walks thru bad neighborhoods at that hour unless they're looking for trouble. I'm sure driving thru there during the day is about as safe as St Bethlehem is a mile from my house. Even idiots would know that.

Now I'm sure the synapses are beginning to fire in your brain. "Hey, maybe I was too quick to assume that this person I hate because of politics is a racist!!"

So, once again you've used the race-card and once again you'll deny it I assume?

Listen, thinskin, again I did not mention anything about race.

I have lived and worked in neighborhoods that most people told me would be dangerous. Did I walk through them at midnight? No, that's past my bedtime. Did I walk there after dark? Yes.

Was I murdered or mugged or raped? No.

Do I know you or not. :muahaha:

I think you're full of shit. Try living there. Try marrying someone from there, like I have.

Living where? Or are you just saying live in a dangerous neighborhood?

When I first moved here the neighborhood I lived in was nice, but now it's a shithole. I still own apartments there. Whenever I mow my grass I have to police up all of the liquor bottles first. My apartments have been hit 4 times by drunk drivers plowing their cars into my property. The H.S. a few blocks down the street has a ton of drug use and gang violence. A corpse or two has been found in the parking lot there on several occasions. I wouldn't live there now because I like peace of mind.
Kosher -

Yes, there is some witchcraft here and there in Africa - although nowhere as much as there is in the US, it seems.

There are 51 countries in Africa. You have posted information on incidents in six countries. That's about what I would have expected. It exists here and there.It isn't a major practice in any African country that I know of.

Actually Vodun/Voodoo is bigger, and exists in a similar rang of countries.
No, no. Go ahead and explain the situation.

The key is what time it is which was midnight. Nobody walks thru bad neighborhoods at that hour unless they're looking for trouble. I'm sure driving thru there during the day is about as safe as St Bethlehem is a mile from my house. Even idiots would know that.

Now I'm sure the synapses are beginning to fire in your brain. "Hey, maybe I was too quick to assume that this person I hate because of politics is a racist!!"

So, once again you've used the race-card and once again you'll deny it I assume?

Listen, thinskin, again I did not mention anything about race.

I have lived and worked in neighborhoods that most people told me would be dangerous. Did I walk through them at midnight? No, that's past my bedtime. Did I walk there after dark? Yes.

Was I murdered or mugged or raped? No.

Do I know you or not. :muahaha:

I think you're full of shit. Try living there. Try marrying someone from there, like I have.

Living where? Or are you just saying live in a dangerous neighborhood?

When I first moved here the neighborhood I lived in was nice, but now it's a shithole. I still own apartments there. Whenever I mow my grass I have to police up all of the liquor bottles first. My apartments have been hit 4 times by drunk drivers plowing their cars into my property. The H.S. a few blocks down the street has a ton of drug use and gang violence. A corpse or two has been found in the parking lot there on several occasions. I wouldn't live there now because I like peace of mind.

I lived in a neighborhood that was a block away from what was designated "the most dangerous block in the city." A cab driver got killed, and the body sat there for 12 hours in the car. The church next door - the CHURCH - got firebombed because there was a gang war going on. Six days after I moved into a place, a kid got shot in the head in broad daylight in front of my house.

I know, I know, you don't know me, you can doubt my experiences.

I was still part of the neighborhood. I was the part trying to do the right thing, and combat the image that it was a street that people shouldn't drive down for fear of getting shot. There were more like me than like the gangs and thugs, but somehow, got overlooked. Maybe because we were too busy working and because news stations focus on the "if it bleeds, it leads," philosophy of journalism.
The key is what time it is which was midnight. Nobody walks thru bad neighborhoods at that hour unless they're looking for trouble. I'm sure driving thru there during the day is about as safe as St Bethlehem is a mile from my house. Even idiots would know that.

Now I'm sure the synapses are beginning to fire in your brain. "Hey, maybe I was too quick to assume that this person I hate because of politics is a racist!!"

So, once again you've used the race-card and once again you'll deny it I assume?

Listen, thinskin, again I did not mention anything about race.

I have lived and worked in neighborhoods that most people told me would be dangerous. Did I walk through them at midnight? No, that's past my bedtime. Did I walk there after dark? Yes.

Was I murdered or mugged or raped? No.

Do I know you or not. :muahaha:

I think you're full of shit. Try living there. Try marrying someone from there, like I have.

Living where? Or are you just saying live in a dangerous neighborhood?

When I first moved here the neighborhood I lived in was nice, but now it's a shithole. I still own apartments there. Whenever I mow my grass I have to police up all of the liquor bottles first. My apartments have been hit 4 times by drunk drivers plowing their cars into my property. The H.S. a few blocks down the street has a ton of drug use and gang violence. A corpse or two has been found in the parking lot there on several occasions. I wouldn't live there now because I like peace of mind.

I lived in a neighborhood that was a block away from what was designated "the most dangerous block in the city." A cab driver got killed, and the body sat there for 12 hours in the car. The church next door - the CHURCH - got firebombed because there was a gang war going on. Six days after I moved into a place, a kid got shot in the head in broad daylight in front of my house.

I know, I know, you don't know me, you can doubt my experiences.

I was still part of the neighborhood. I was the part trying to do the right thing, and combat the image that it was a street that people shouldn't drive down for fear of getting shot. There were more like me than like the gangs and thugs, but somehow, got overlooked. Maybe because we were too busy working and because news stations focus on the "if it bleeds, it leads," philosophy of journalism.

They called the intersection 1 mile from my house the murder capital of the US, but nobody recognizes Clarksville TN as being so violent, so by using imagery that is more understandable I got my point across.

My suggestion to you is stop constantly jumping to false conclusions.
They called the intersection 1 mile from my house the murder capital of the US, but nobody recognizes Clarksville TN as being so violent, so by using imagery that is more understandable I got my point across.

My suggestion to you is stop constantly jumping to false conclusions.

I didn't jump to a conclusion, I arrived to one after reading your "dare" to someone to go walk in a certain neighborhood and report back, indicating that they were surely to be injured in the process.

And I stand by my conclusion. It still makes you a pussy. :D
I'm not interested in your excuses.

You can address them here.

You are the only one who supports excuses ...

And if you are only interested in measuring what doesn't work and make excuses for accepting it ... Instead of measuring the potential that does exist and doing what is necessary to enable it ... Then you are the problem and have no excuse.


The only excuse being given here is by you.

I suspect, and I could be wrong, the reason that you don't want to discuss it here is that your motivation is profit.

Secondly, I don't think that you have dealt with these issues hands on before. That's fine.

When you are willing and able to handle the specifics on the board then get back to me.
They called the intersection 1 mile from my house the murder capital of the US, but nobody recognizes Clarksville TN as being so violent, so by using imagery that is more understandable I got my point across.

My suggestion to you is stop constantly jumping to false conclusions.

I didn't jump to a conclusion, I arrived to one after reading your "dare" to someone to go walk in a certain neighborhood and report back, indicating that they were surely to be injured in the process.

And I stand by my conclusion. It still makes you a pussy. :D

Not really. In all honesty what you think doesn't matter.
They called the intersection 1 mile from my house the murder capital of the US, but nobody recognizes Clarksville TN as being so violent, so by using imagery that is more understandable I got my point across.

My suggestion to you is stop constantly jumping to false conclusions.

I didn't jump to a conclusion, I arrived to one after reading your "dare" to someone to go walk in a certain neighborhood and report back, indicating that they were surely to be injured in the process.

And I stand by my conclusion. It still makes you a pussy. :D

Not really. In all honesty what you think doesn't matter.

They called the intersection 1 mile from my house the murder capital of the US, but nobody recognizes Clarksville TN as being so violent, so by using imagery that is more understandable I got my point across.

My suggestion to you is stop constantly jumping to false conclusions.

I didn't jump to a conclusion, I arrived to one after reading your "dare" to someone to go walk in a certain neighborhood and report back, indicating that they were surely to be injured in the process.

And I stand by my conclusion. It still makes you a pussy. :D

Not really. In all honesty what you think doesn't matter.


Internet bad-ass.

A dime a dozen.
The only excuse being given here is by you.

I suspect, and I could be wrong, the reason that you don't want to discuss it here is that your motivation is profit.

Secondly, I don't think that you have dealt with these issues hands on before. That's fine.

When you are willing and able to handle the specifics on the board then get back to me.

You don't have to guess ... I specifically stated my intentions were not entirely altruistic in nature.

If you are not interested in the the actual specifics surrounding the circumstances ... That is your choice ... Otherwise empty accusation are exactly that. I can understand why you would prefer grandiose performance in the forums ... Which is precisely why I required you to address the matters in a different manner.

If you cannot respect the request ... Then I don't owe you crap ... And all you have supplied to the discussion is empty rhetoric and accusations. The reason you fail is the same reason most measures fail in developing poor communities. Your ideas rob of the initiative and potential available in favor of misguided and unsupported speculation ... Unforgivingly tethered to your cowardice in accepting what is necessary to accomplish the goal.

If in any case your are still not interested ... Then shut the fuck up and quit posting responses to me.
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So if I am white - I probably do not suffer from anti white (sic) envy, genius.

I do, though, spend a lot of time in Africa, and have a much, much, much greater knowledge of African cultures and religious practices than you do. Then again, most non-Klan members probably do.
Your African friends might have been a little more honest with you about how much more advanced their early metalworking cultures were than other metalworking cultures in the 17th century.

And about the number of countries currently on the continent. 51? Really?
The only excuse being given here is by you.

I suspect, and I could be wrong, the reason that you don't want to discuss it here is that your motivation is profit.

Secondly, I don't think that you have dealt with these issues hands on before. That's fine.

When you are willing and able to handle the specifics on the board then get back to me.

You don't have to guess ... I specifically stated my intentions were not entirely altruistic in nature.

If you are not interested in the the actual specifics surrounding the circumstances ... That is your choice ... Empty accusation are exactly that. I can understand why you would prefer grandiose performance in the forums ... Which is precisely why I required you to address the matters in a different manner.

If you cannot respect the request ... Then I don't owe you crap ... And all you have supplied to the discussion is empty rhetoric and accusations. The reason you fail is the same reason most measures fail in developing poor communities. Your ideas rob of the initiative and potential available in favor of misguided and unsupported speculation ... And unforgivingly tethered your cowardice in accepting what is necessary to accomplish the goal.


You don't owe me an explanation.I heard you the first time you said that you intended to profit. That supersedes all else.

That said, all you have given me is empty rhetoric, accusations and excuses. This is from the get go.

You don't see.

But, you will.

It's not necessary to make a grandiose performance out of it. Identifying problems and solving them is no more than I ask of any other members in discussions on the board. I do it all the time.

What I have been able to gather from your responses is that you are incapable of differentiating between understanding and excuses.

What this tells me is that you cannot even manage to comprehend (or even identify) all of the elements in any given neighborhood. You are not going to be able to deal with an individual with an IQ of 67 that has eight children and will always work in a low end job or the Godmother that has two children of her own and six others that she has agreed to care for--informally.

You won't be able to recognize an individual that is schizophrenic. Even better, someone who is severely mentally ill but is hidden because a culture may find that expression legitimate in religion.If part of your grand plan isn't bringing back long term mental health facilities then that must be part of the "criminal no excuses" problem to be dropped off at a jail.

You won't be able to deal with the couple that has lived in a house for fifty years that even if they could manage to sell their house won't make enough money to move to someplace else.

You sure as hell cannot comprehend transportation.

You won't recognize the difference between the landlord that refuses to fix plumbing problems and the one that has to constantly evict tenants after not being able to collect rent.

You might be able to recognize the working poor. You might recognize those that are retired and on a limited income or those that are physically disabled. Hell, you won't be able to recognize the retired, physically disabled bed ridden 80 year old with 7 grandchildren.

Let's not forget the homeless squatting in abandoned homes.

Excuses? No, each has a unique set of problems that require a unique set of solutions.

Let me tell you what we don't need. We don't need one more individual that doesn't understand a damn thing but intends to profit off of it. You may play that change your mindset shit with Tea Party Express and up at the National Review but that doesn't work for those of us that do deal with these issues.

So let me give you some parting advice: Get your ass in the game or GTFO.
You don't owe me an explanation.I heard you the first time you said that you intended to profit. That supersedes all else.

That said, all you have given me is empty rhetoric, accusations and excuses. This is from the get go.

You don't see.

But, you will.

It's not necessary to make a grandiose performance out of it. Identifying problems and solving them is no more than I ask of any other members in discussions on the board. I do it all the time.

What I have been able to gather from your responses is that you are incapable of differentiating between understanding and excuses.

What this tells me is that you cannot even manage to comprehend (or even identify) all of the elements in any given neighborhood. You are not going to be able to deal with an individual with an IQ of 67 that has eight children and will always work in a low end job or the Godmother that has two children of her own and six others that she has agreed to care for--informally.

You won't be able to recognize an individual that is schizophrenic. Even better, someone who is severely mentally ill but is hidden because a culture may find that expression legitimate in religion.If part of your grand plan isn't bringing back long term mental health facilities then that must be part of the "criminal no excuses" problem to be dropped off at a jail.

You won't be able to deal with the couple that has lived in a house for fifty years that even if they could manage to sell their house won't make enough money to move to someplace else.

You sure as hell cannot comprehend transportation.

You won't recognize the difference between the landlord that refuses to fix plumbing problems and the one that has to constantly evict tenants after not being able to collect rent.

You might be able to recognize the working poor. You might recognize those that are retired and on a limited income or those that are physically disabled. Hell, you won't be able to recognize the retired, physically disabled bed ridden 80 year old with 7 grandchildren.

Let's not forget the homeless squatting in abandoned homes.

Excuses? No, each has a unique set of problems that require a unique set of solutions.

Let me tell you what we don't need. We don't need one more individual that doesn't understand a damn thing but intends to profit off of it. You may play that change your mindset shit with Tea Party Express and up at the National Review but that doesn't work for those of us that do deal with these issues.

So let me give you some parting advice: Get your ass in the game or GTFO.

Blah-blah-blah ... You are projecting again.

What do you fail to understand about the need to measure potential and identify individual desires in order to engage then facilitate those in need enabling them to secure their own well-being ... Versus the desire measure and assess failure in attempts to assign blame and excuse that failure?

Clue ... You mention individuals who are physically, mentally, intellectually and educationally challenged. The first thing you do is stop looking at them as problems and start identifying potential. They are people ... Everyone has something to contribute ... No excuse.

What do you fail to understand about the concept aggressive assault on crime and aggressive risk in venture capital work better when you have skin in the game as well as provide for security and progressive economic growth?

Clue ... Note that skin in the game is required in both situations. If you personally accept the outright risk of danger fiscally and physically, resident are far more forthcoming with effort and support for your endeavors. You are essentially invested in their success ... Not just trying to help them out.

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You don't owe me an explanation.I heard you the first time you said that you intended to profit. That supersedes all else.

That said, all you have given me is empty rhetoric, accusations and excuses. This is from the get go.

You don't see.

But, you will.

It's not necessary to make a grandiose performance out of it. Identifying problems and solving them is no more than I ask of any other members in discussions on the board. I do it all the time.

What I have been able to gather from your responses is that you are incapable of differentiating between understanding and excuses.

What this tells me is that you cannot even manage to comprehend (or even identify) all of the elements in any given neighborhood. You are not going to be able to deal with an individual with an IQ of 67 that has eight children and will always work in a low end job or the Godmother that has two children of her own and six others that she has agreed to care for--informally.

You won't be able to recognize an individual that is schizophrenic. Even better, someone who is severely mentally ill but is hidden because a culture may find that expression legitimate in religion.If part of your grand plan isn't bringing back long term mental health facilities then that must be part of the "criminal no excuses" problem to be dropped off at a jail.

You won't be able to deal with the couple that has lived in a house for fifty years that even if they could manage to sell their house won't make enough money to move to someplace else.

You sure as hell cannot comprehend transportation.

You won't recognize the difference between the landlord that refuses to fix plumbing problems and the one that has to constantly evict tenants after not being able to collect rent.

You might be able to recognize the working poor. You might recognize those that are retired and on a limited income or those that are physically disabled. Hell, you won't be able to recognize the retired, physically disabled bed ridden 80 year old with 7 grandchildren.

Let's not forget the homeless squatting in abandoned homes.

Excuses? No, each has a unique set of problems that require a unique set of solutions.

Let me tell you what we don't need. We don't need one more individual that doesn't understand a damn thing but intends to profit off of it. You may play that change your mindset shit with Tea Party Express and up at the National Review but that doesn't work for those of us that do deal with these issues.

So let me give you some parting advice: Get your ass in the game or GTFO.

Blah-blah-blah ... You are projecting again.

What do you fail to understand about the need to measure potential and identify individual desires in order to engage then facilitate those in need enabling them to secure their own well-being ... Versus the desire measure and assess failure in attempts to assign blame and excuse that failure?

Clue ... You mention individuals who are physically, mentally, intellectually and educationally challenged. The first thing you do is stop looking at them as problems and start identifying potential. They are people ... Everyone has something to contribute ... No excuse.

What do you fail to understand about the concept aggressive assault on crime and aggressive risk in venture capital work better when you have skin in the game as well as provide for security and progressive economic growth?

Clue ... Note that skin in the game is required in both situations. If you personally accept the outright risk of danger fiscally and physically, resident are far more forthcoming with effort and support for your endeavors. You are essentially invested in their success ... Not just trying to help them out.


I've heard everything that I need to hear from you. You're nothing more than a hustler. Another god damned poverty pimp. We're done.
I've heard everything that I need to hear from you. You're nothing more than a hustler. Another god damned poverty pimp. We're done.

Yeah-yeah ... That's what I thought ... You ran out of crap to pretend had any substance whatsoever. You cannot answer the questions on redirect (even with assistance in areas open for attack) ... So now you say you are done.

Well you should have shut up yesterday ... Don't make the mistake again.

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