28 Republican Men Threaten Government Shutdown Over Planned Parenthood

There is a need for fetal tissue for research. Planned Parenthood, with consent from the woman is allowed to provide that tissue

Shipping it requires careful packaging to ensure it is still viable when it is recieved at the lab. Planned Parenthood is allowed to be reimbursed for that effort

That is why Republicans want to shut down government
Republicans don't seem to interested in the benefits of fetal tissue research.
Scientists have long used human fetal tissue for research; stem cells haven't replaced it yet
Fetal Tissue Research Has Led to these Discoveries
There is a need for fetal tissue for research. Planned Parenthood, with consent from the woman is allowed to provide that tissue

Shipping it requires careful packaging to ensure it is still viable when it is recieved at the lab. Planned Parenthood is allowed to be reimbursed for that effort

That is why Republicans want to shut down government
Republicans don't seem to interested in the benefits of fetal tissue research.
Scientists have long used human fetal tissue for research; stem cells haven't replaced it yet
Fetal Tissue Research Has Led to these Discoveries
It is what Republicans call "Baby Carcases"
They refuse to allow anything to be done with them that may someday save lives

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The Republican party is filled with children who have given up on American democracy because it doesn't work for them anymore. America was founded on the principle of forced compromise. Republicans want to rule by decree with no compromise.

They are diametrically opposed to the Constitutional framework set down by the founders.

No, you idiot, we want YOUR KIND to stop killing! Because a fucked up band of 9 in black said you could, does not make it right!

'Your kind'? So you attach the actions of some to vast stretches of the population? Which would mean you are guilty of murder as you support the movement that spawned abortion clinic bombers and murderers. Rather slippery that slope eh.

20,000 children die every day, 1 every 4 seconds that you COULD save, but you don't.

You alos make a choice, every 4 seconds, that costs a child its life. Day in and day out, year in and year out. More than 200 million in just the last 20 years.

Yet you would claim some moral high ground?

Laughable to an infinite degree. You use abortion as a political tool, period.

I don't kill SUPPOSED babies...you condone the real thing...simple for a 3 digit IQ's person to understand...you, you're lost!
There is a need for fetal tissue for research. Planned Parenthood, with consent from the woman is allowed to provide that tissue

Shipping it requires careful packaging to ensure it is still viable when it is recieved at the lab. Planned Parenthood is allowed to be reimbursed for that effort

That is why Republicans want to shut down government
Republicans don't seem to interested in the benefits of fetal tissue research.
Scientists have long used human fetal tissue for research; stem cells haven't replaced it yet
Fetal Tissue Research Has Led to these Discoveries
It is what Republicans call "Baby Carcases"
They refuse to allow anything to be done with them that may someday save lives


But don't you liberals complain about TOO MANY people in this world... why then try to save lives? Let's kill special needs children, let's kill the old, let's kill blacks, their WEEDS!

I don't know, maybe you should ask your dear leader, he's threatening a shutdown for more deficit spending, want to renege on his budget deal.
White House threatens veto of defense spending bill

Obama has said he wants Congress to increase both defense and non-defense spending, and will veto any bills that keep the sequestration framework in place.

White House threatens veto of defense spending bill
I love your naiveté. The GOP has you completely snookered into bleeving they aren't big spenders, too. Despite their ten mile high track record. :laugh:

The fight over the deficit ceiling is theater for rubes like you.

Your dear leader, just like wild willie, has been dragged kicking and screaming to lower deficits by republican congresses and now both try to claim credit for them, and rubes like you by into their BS.

Our Messiah pledged to cut the deficit in half. Republicans mocked him for it

He has cut the deficit by two thirds

All praise be unto Obama

Right, all the while your dear leader is on pace to increase our debt 150% of what is was when he took office, A real saver, LMAO.

Oh....You want to talk about "debt" now?
Everyone knows you have to raise taxes to tackle debt

By the way, your 150% claim is totally bogus....please post the real number

Debt a bit over 8 Trillion when he took office, projected to exceed 20 Trillion by the time he leaves. Difference 12 Trillion. in other words, he alone will raise the debt 150% over and above all preceding presidents combined.
Why do men get to determine women's reproductive rights and where such services are provided?

Because your asking us to pay the bills, you want to pay to go where ever the hell you want, be my guest.
That's a damn lie, they admitted the audio was not manipulated. You lying POS

No, you LIE. It's what you do best on these boards. As I've proven before - here's the actual report:

Analysis of Center for Medical Progress Videos

You're too fucking stupid to even read your own link. Fusion openly admitted the audio was not manipulated, go drink some more firewater, moron

The forensic analysis report says the "conversations" were manipulated - which is "audio"...

YOUR forensics LIE... just like an OLD, WRINKLED DRUNK, SQUAW does! ... The same shit YOU said for the forensics about the ALTERED, PHONY Obuma Birth Certificate!

You can call it a lie all you want - but Fusion's forensic analysis report speaks for itself. The audio and video were severely manipulated.

No, they weren't...... You and that company LIE, simple truth, and here's the 2 PLUS hour full video...

Want the full unedited other 8 video's to watch? You piece of fecal matter!

Stop lying. Just read and learn...

'Sting' Videos Of Planned Parenthood Are Totally Manipulated, Forensic Analysis Finds

REPORT: Analysis of Center for Medical Progress Videos

A REDIRECT TO THE HUFFIGTON POST!!!!! That's like me giving you a FOX NEWS or WMD website, You'd go crazy...What an :ahole-1: Can we all say BIASED????

I also gave you the direct link to the forensic analysis REPORT.

Bought and paid for by PP... how transparent can you get! :ahole-1::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

God told me that Jesus confirmed the Fusion GPS forensic analysis report as factual. That's good enough for me.

That was more of your drunken hallucinations
1) Where is the black community regarding the ethnic cleansing that PP offers?
And 24% are done by blacks that means each year blacks are killing nearly 250,000 future members of their ethnic background!
With the blessing Planned Parenthood and liberals/progressives the honest truth is 1 of every 5 abortions is a black future citizen!
The CDC reports that during the 1970's, roughly 24% of all U.S. abortions were performed on black women.

Abortion and Race

2) Does PP NOT educate these women OR are they just looking for baby parts???
Now with the FACTS that of the 333,964 abortions planned parenthood was involved in..
36.6% were performed on women with one or two prior abortions, and
8.1% [were performed on women with three or more prior abortions (CDC).
44.7% or nearly half by women having abortions have one or more previously.

U.S. Abortion Statistics

So given the PP charter background i.e. killing black babies and needing money by selling body parts, I'm not happy that my tax dollars are going
to fund eradicating blacks and crass money making off the deaths of black babies.
The last Government shutdown cost taxpayers $26 billion.

Republicans want to spend $26 billion to defund an organization that gets $500 million in federal support

Yet Democrats shut down Government 7 times to get abortion.
They do it 7 times fine and well worth it.
Repubs do it and it becomes all about the cost to the taxpayers.
Planned parenthood is old and outdated and needs to be shut down.
We have many other health care clinics and more of them that includes children and men as well as women's health issues that does abortions and mammograms- planned parenthood does not do.

There are 21 community health care clinics to every one planed parenthood and they do a much better job.

I love your naiveté. The GOP has you completely snookered into bleeving they aren't big spenders, too. Despite their ten mile high track record. :laugh:

The fight over the deficit ceiling is theater for rubes like you.

Your dear leader, just like wild willie, has been dragged kicking and screaming to lower deficits by republican congresses and now both try to claim credit for them, and rubes like you by into their BS.

Our Messiah pledged to cut the deficit in half. Republicans mocked him for it

He has cut the deficit by two thirds

All praise be unto Obama

Right, all the while your dear leader is on pace to increase our debt 150% of what is was when he took office, A real saver, LMAO.

Oh....You want to talk about "debt" now?
Everyone knows you have to raise taxes to tackle debt

By the way, your 150% claim is totally bogus....please post the real number

Debt a bit over 8 Trillion when he took office, projected to exceed 20 Trillion by the time he leaves. Difference 12 Trillion. in other words, he alone will raise the debt 150% over and above all preceding presidents combined.

Sorry...you really need to go back and check your numbers
The ones you use are just made up

Debt was just under 12 trillion when Obama took office and will not exceed 20 trillion by next year
Your dear leader, just like wild willie, has been dragged kicking and screaming to lower deficits by republican congresses and now both try to claim credit for them, and rubes like you by into their BS.

Our Messiah pledged to cut the deficit in half. Republicans mocked him for it

He has cut the deficit by two thirds

All praise be unto Obama

Right, all the while your dear leader is on pace to increase our debt 150% of what is was when he took office, A real saver, LMAO.

Oh....You want to talk about "debt" now?
Everyone knows you have to raise taxes to tackle debt

By the way, your 150% claim is totally bogus....please post the real number

Debt a bit over 8 Trillion when he took office, projected to exceed 20 Trillion by the time he leaves. Difference 12 Trillion. in other words, he alone will raise the debt 150% over and above all preceding presidents combined.

Sorry...you really need to go back and check your numbers
The ones you use are just made up

Debt was just under 12 trillion when Obama took office and will not exceed 20 trillion by next year

Both of you are wrong.
Debt was 10.6 Trillion when Obama took office.
Debt now is over 18.3 Trillion and will be around 20 to 21 Trillion when he leaves office.
Our Messiah pledged to cut the deficit in half. Republicans mocked him for it

He has cut the deficit by two thirds

All praise be unto Obama

Right, all the while your dear leader is on pace to increase our debt 150% of what is was when he took office, A real saver, LMAO.

Oh....You want to talk about "debt" now?
Everyone knows you have to raise taxes to tackle debt

By the way, your 150% claim is totally bogus....please post the real number

Debt a bit over 8 Trillion when he took office, projected to exceed 20 Trillion by the time he leaves. Difference 12 Trillion. in other words, he alone will raise the debt 150% over and above all preceding presidents combined.

Sorry...you really need to go back and check your numbers
The ones you use are just made up

Debt was just under 12 trillion when Obama took office and will not exceed 20 trillion by next year

Both of you are wrong.
Debt was 10.6 Trillion when Obama took office.
Debt now is over 18.3 Trillion and will be around 20 to 21 Trillion when he leaves office.

Show your math
Given the deficit is under $500 billion a year, how do you get over $20 trillion in a year and four months?

You are right, the debt was 10.6 when Obama took office
The last Government shutdown cost taxpayers $26 billion.

Republicans want to spend $26 billion to defund an organization that gets $500 million in federal support

Yet Democrats shut down Government 7 times to get abortion.
They do it 7 times fine and well worth it.
Repubs do it and it becomes all about the cost to the taxpayers.
Planned parenthood is old and outdated and needs to be shut down.
We have many other health care clinics and more of them that includes children and men as well as women's health issues that does abortions and mammograms- planned parenthood does not do.

There are 21 community health care clinics to every one planed parenthood and they do a much better job.

Democrats fought for government funding of abortions in cases where the mothers life was in jeopardy, rape or incest

Planned Parenthood has provided family planning services for a century. If you don't like them, don't use them
Do you really think Planned Parenthood is the only entity providing fetal tissue for research?
The last Government shutdown cost taxpayers $26 billion.

Republicans want to spend $26 billion to defund an organization that gets $500 million in federal support

Yet Democrats shut down Government 7 times to get abortion.
They do it 7 times fine and well worth it.
Repubs do it and it becomes all about the cost to the taxpayers.
Planned parenthood is old and outdated and needs to be shut down.
We have many other health care clinics and more of them that includes children and men as well as women's health issues that does abortions and mammograms- planned parenthood does not do.

There are 21 community health care clinics to every one planed parenthood and they do a much better job.

Democrats fought for government funding of abortions in cases where the mothers life was in jeopardy, rape or incest

Planned Parenthood has provided family planning services for a century. If you don't like them, don't use them
Do you really think Planned Parenthood is the only entity providing fetal tissue for research?

A little memory problem?
It was over taxpayer money to pay for abortions under Medicaid.
When Tip Did It | National Review Online
when Democrats also controlled the Senate under Senate majority leader Robert Byrd (D., W.Va.), were the result of disagreements over abortion policy, and lasted more than ten days on average. In several instances between 1977 and 1979, the Democratic House resisted the Democratic Senate’s efforts to expand the number of cases for which federal funds, via Medicaid, could be used to pay for abortion. The government partially shut down three times for a total of 28 days between September and December 1977 as lawmakers negotiated a compromise on the issue, although it would be revisited several times during subsequent shutdowns.

Like you said it has been around for a century and is old and outdated.
There are better clinics and they outnumber planned parenthood 21 to 1.
The last Government shutdown cost taxpayers $26 billion.

Republicans want to spend $26 billion to defund an organization that gets $500 million in federal support

Yet Democrats shut down Government 7 times to get abortion.
They do it 7 times fine and well worth it.
Repubs do it and it becomes all about the cost to the taxpayers.
Planned parenthood is old and outdated and needs to be shut down.
We have many other health care clinics and more of them that includes children and men as well as women's health issues that does abortions and mammograms- planned parenthood does not do.

There are 21 community health care clinics to every one planed parenthood and they do a much better job.

Democrats fought for government funding of abortions in cases where the mothers life was in jeopardy, rape or incest

Planned Parenthood has provided family planning services for a century. If you don't like them, don't use them
Do you really think Planned Parenthood is the only entity providing fetal tissue for research?

A little memory problem?
It was over taxpayer money to pay for abortions under Medicaid.
When Tip Did It | National Review Online
when Democrats also controlled the Senate under Senate majority leader Robert Byrd (D., W.Va.), were the result of disagreements over abortion policy, and lasted more than ten days on average. In several instances between 1977 and 1979, the Democratic House resisted the Democratic Senate’s efforts to expand the number of cases for which federal funds, via Medicaid, could be used to pay for abortion. The government partially shut down three times for a total of 28 days between September and December 1977 as lawmakers negotiated a compromise on the issue, although it would be revisited several times during subsequent shutdowns.

Like you said it has been around for a century and is old and outdated.
There are better clinics and they outnumber planned parenthood 21 to 1.

If you want to go somewhere other than Planned Parenthood you are free to do so. Why deny the same choice to other women who prefer Planned Parenthood?

Like it or not, abortion is legal. There are womens clinics who provide these services. Trumping up bogus charges to shut them down does not cut it

Fetal Tissue research is a valuable medical tool and is perfectly legal. Making up stories about selling "baby organs" does not change things
The last Government shutdown cost taxpayers $26 billion.

Republicans want to spend $26 billion to defund an organization that gets $500 million in federal support

Yet Democrats shut down Government 7 times to get abortion.
They do it 7 times fine and well worth it.
Repubs do it and it becomes all about the cost to the taxpayers.
Planned parenthood is old and outdated and needs to be shut down.
We have many other health care clinics and more of them that includes children and men as well as women's health issues that does abortions and mammograms- planned parenthood does not do.

There are 21 community health care clinics to every one planed parenthood and they do a much better job.

Democrats fought for government funding of abortions in cases where the mothers life was in jeopardy, rape or incest

Planned Parenthood has provided family planning services for a century. If you don't like them, don't use them
Do you really think Planned Parenthood is the only entity providing fetal tissue for research?

A little memory problem?
It was over taxpayer money to pay for abortions under Medicaid.
When Tip Did It | National Review Online
when Democrats also controlled the Senate under Senate majority leader Robert Byrd (D., W.Va.), were the result of disagreements over abortion policy, and lasted more than ten days on average. In several instances between 1977 and 1979, the Democratic House resisted the Democratic Senate’s efforts to expand the number of cases for which federal funds, via Medicaid, could be used to pay for abortion. The government partially shut down three times for a total of 28 days between September and December 1977 as lawmakers negotiated a compromise on the issue, although it would be revisited several times during subsequent shutdowns.

Like you said it has been around for a century and is old and outdated.
There are better clinics and they outnumber planned parenthood 21 to 1.

If you want to go somewhere other than Planned Parenthood you are free to do so. Why deny the same choice to other women who prefer Planned Parenthood?

Like it or not, abortion is legal. There are womens clinics who provide these services. Trumping up bogus charges to shut them down does not cut it

Fetal Tissue research is a valuable medical tool and is perfectly legal. Making up stories about selling "baby organs" does not change things

Why continue to pay for planned parenthood when there are better and more clinics for women that includes mammograms as well as abortions?
They also do fetal tissue research.
We need to start shutting down duplicate and multiple government programs spending and start to spend our money more wisely.
When there are 21 community health care clinics to one planed parenthood in each area. The old outdated one needs to go.
The last Government shutdown cost taxpayers $26 billion.

Republicans want to spend $26 billion to defund an organization that gets $500 million in federal support

Yet Democrats shut down Government 7 times to get abortion.
They do it 7 times fine and well worth it.
Repubs do it and it becomes all about the cost to the taxpayers.
Planned parenthood is old and outdated and needs to be shut down.
We have many other health care clinics and more of them that includes children and men as well as women's health issues that does abortions and mammograms- planned parenthood does not do.

There are 21 community health care clinics to every one planed parenthood and they do a much better job.

Democrats fought for government funding of abortions in cases where the mothers life was in jeopardy, rape or incest

Planned Parenthood has provided family planning services for a century. If you don't like them, don't use them
Do you really think Planned Parenthood is the only entity providing fetal tissue for research?

Can you tell me with 100% confidence that of the $528.4 million (46% of PP revenue) not one dime is spent performing abortions?

You can't because the abortions are performed in the same clinics non-abortion services are performed. So the lights, the rent, etc. operating costs,etc.
are all combined. The doctors performing abortions are paid from the co-mingled revenue.

that of the During the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2014, the most recent for which data is available, Planned Parenthood affiliates around the country received $528.4 million in government funds (a combination of state, federal and sometimes local government dollars), according to the organization's own annual report and information it's required to share with the IRS.

Those federal dollars were the single largest source of money coming into the organization and its local affiliates, by far.
Another $305.3 million came from nongovernment sources,
about $257.4 million reached the organization after private donors and foundations made contributions and bequests.
The organization also raised another $54.7 million in fees charged for its services.
So, government funding — with federal dollars comprising the biggest portion of this part of the organization's budget —
are absolutely critical to Planned Parenthood's total operation.
How Planned Parenthood actually uses its federal funding

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