29-Year-Old Communist Bartender AOC Lectures Navy SEAL on How to Handle Firearms...ROTFLMFAO

White and black,, assimilated before democrats fucked it up with welfare.
Sucking off your commie VA SS Medicare zero college rube?

What in the hell are you talking about? I don't even think that you know what a communist even is. I don't think that you even graduated high school or you would not post this tripe. You post a photo of a dirt boy badmouthing an original settler, too. Why didn't dirt boy "assimilate"?

No, we do not have anything that can be described as "our culture." Again, we have 325 million people here from all racial groups, ethnicities, and religions here.
Lol no we have the natives who are assimilated Americans and then we have immigrants that refuse to assimilate.. we Americans never got that vote to allow them here .. now we are kicking them out whether you like it or not

Who has refused to assimilate? Whom do you have in mind? It was not the natives who refused to assimilate. You've go it backwards. If natives were here, first, why didn't European arrivals assimilate? Shouldn't Texans be Mexicans by now? Who are "we Americans"? Are you some Texan descended from European settlers who refused to assimilate into Mexican culture?

Any person who migrates to the USA and refuses to learn English, and who demands that we allow their religious practices to prevail over our culture. That's who.
White and black,, assimilated before democrats fucked it up with welfare.
Sucking off your commie VA SS Medicare zero college rube?

What in the hell are you talking about? I don't even think that you know what a communist even is. I don't think that you even graduated high school or you would not post this tripe. You post a photo of a dirt boy badmouthing an original settler, too. Why didn't dirt boy "assimilate"?

No, we do not have anything that can be described as "our culture." Again, we have 325 million people here from all racial groups, ethnicities, and religions here.
Lol no we have the natives who are assimilated Americans and then we have immigrants that refuse to assimilate.. we Americans never got that vote to allow them here .. now we are kicking them out whether you like it or not

Who has refused to assimilate? Whom do you have in mind? It was not the natives who refused to assimilate. You've go it backwards. If natives were here, first, why didn't European arrivals assimilate? Shouldn't Texans be Mexicans by now? Who are "we Americans"? Are you some Texan descended from European settlers who refused to assimilate into Mexican culture?
America is what that picture is.. the tribes had no claim to the land.. we took it they signed the treaty..
story over..
what our founding fathers looked like is what America is.. DEAL WITH IT
White and black,, assimilated before democrats fucked it up with welfare.
Sucking off your commie VA SS Medicare zero college rube?

What in the hell are you talking about? I don't even think that you know what a communist even is. I don't think that you even graduated high school or you would not post this tripe. You post a photo of a dirt boy badmouthing an original settler, too. Why didn't dirt boy "assimilate"?

No, we do not have anything that can be described as "our culture." Again, we have 325 million people here from all racial groups, ethnicities, and religions here.
Lol no we have the natives who are assimilated Americans and then we have immigrants that refuse to assimilate.. we Americans never got that vote to allow them here .. now we are kicking them out whether you like it or not

Who has refused to assimilate? Whom do you have in mind? It was not the natives who refused to assimilate. You've go it backwards. If natives were here, first, why didn't European arrivals assimilate? Shouldn't Texans be Mexicans by now? Who are "we Americans"? Are you some Texan descended from European settlers who refused to assimilate into Mexican culture?
The natives were conquered

Mexicans should be texans not the other way around .

being a superior civilization we have the right to demand assimilation but no responsibility to assimilate to others
Sucking off your commie VA SS Medicare zero college rube?

What in the hell are you talking about? I don't even think that you know what a communist even is. I don't think that you even graduated high school or you would not post this tripe. You post a photo of a dirt boy badmouthing an original settler, too. Why didn't dirt boy "assimilate"?

No, we do not have anything that can be described as "our culture." Again, we have 325 million people here from all racial groups, ethnicities, and religions here.
Lol no we have the natives who are assimilated Americans and then we have immigrants that refuse to assimilate.. we Americans never got that vote to allow them here .. now we are kicking them out whether you like it or not

Who has refused to assimilate? Whom do you have in mind? It was not the natives who refused to assimilate. You've go it backwards. If natives were here, first, why didn't European arrivals assimilate? Shouldn't Texans be Mexicans by now? Who are "we Americans"? Are you some Texan descended from European settlers who refused to assimilate into Mexican culture?

Any person who migrates to the USA and refuses to learn English, and who demands that we allow their religious practices to prevail over our culture. That's who.
His point went right over your head

By your logic, Europeans should have assimilated the Indian language and culture

What in the hell are you talking about? I don't even think that you know what a communist even is. I don't think that you even graduated high school or you would not post this tripe. You post a photo of a dirt boy badmouthing an original settler, too. Why didn't dirt boy "assimilate"?

No, we do not have anything that can be described as "our culture." Again, we have 325 million people here from all racial groups, ethnicities, and religions here.
Lol no we have the natives who are assimilated Americans and then we have immigrants that refuse to assimilate.. we Americans never got that vote to allow them here .. now we are kicking them out whether you like it or not

Who has refused to assimilate? Whom do you have in mind? It was not the natives who refused to assimilate. You've go it backwards. If natives were here, first, why didn't European arrivals assimilate? Shouldn't Texans be Mexicans by now? Who are "we Americans"? Are you some Texan descended from European settlers who refused to assimilate into Mexican culture?

Any person who migrates to the USA and refuses to learn English, and who demands that we allow their religious practices to prevail over our culture. That's who.
His point went right over your head

By your logic, Europeans should have assimilated the Indian language and culture
Why would our culture go backwards? They didn’t even have a Wheel lol

What in the hell are you talking about? I don't even think that you know what a communist even is. I don't think that you even graduated high school or you would not post this tripe. You post a photo of a dirt boy badmouthing an original settler, too. Why didn't dirt boy "assimilate"?

No, we do not have anything that can be described as "our culture." Again, we have 325 million people here from all racial groups, ethnicities, and religions here.
Lol no we have the natives who are assimilated Americans and then we have immigrants that refuse to assimilate.. we Americans never got that vote to allow them here .. now we are kicking them out whether you like it or not

Who has refused to assimilate? Whom do you have in mind? It was not the natives who refused to assimilate. You've go it backwards. If natives were here, first, why didn't European arrivals assimilate? Shouldn't Texans be Mexicans by now? Who are "we Americans"? Are you some Texan descended from European settlers who refused to assimilate into Mexican culture?

Any person who migrates to the USA and refuses to learn English, and who demands that we allow their religious practices to prevail over our culture. That's who.
His point went right over your head

By your logic, Europeans should have assimilated the Indian language and culture

Indeed they should have. But they instead conquered my people. Losing a invasion has consequences. So no, looney, nothing went over my head.
Sucking off your commie VA SS Medicare zero college rube?

What in the hell are you talking about? I don't even think that you know what a communist even is. I don't think that you even graduated high school or you would not post this tripe. You post a photo of a dirt boy badmouthing an original settler, too. Why didn't dirt boy "assimilate"?

No, we do not have anything that can be described as "our culture." Again, we have 325 million people here from all racial groups, ethnicities, and religions here.
Lol no we have the natives who are assimilated Americans and then we have immigrants that refuse to assimilate.. we Americans never got that vote to allow them here .. now we are kicking them out whether you like it or not

Who has refused to assimilate? Whom do you have in mind? It was not the natives who refused to assimilate. You've go it backwards. If natives were here, first, why didn't European arrivals assimilate? Shouldn't Texans be Mexicans by now? Who are "we Americans"? Are you some Texan descended from European settlers who refused to assimilate into Mexican culture?
The natives were conquered

Mexicans should be texans not the other way around .

being a superior civilization we have the right to demand assimilation but no responsibility to assimilate to others

Texas was owned by Mexico. It was the Mexican government who allowed non-Mexicans on their land. What "superior civilization" are you in? How is it "superior"?

What in the hell are you talking about? I don't even think that you know what a communist even is. I don't think that you even graduated high school or you would not post this tripe. You post a photo of a dirt boy badmouthing an original settler, too. Why didn't dirt boy "assimilate"?

No, we do not have anything that can be described as "our culture." Again, we have 325 million people here from all racial groups, ethnicities, and religions here.
Lol no we have the natives who are assimilated Americans and then we have immigrants that refuse to assimilate.. we Americans never got that vote to allow them here .. now we are kicking them out whether you like it or not

Who has refused to assimilate? Whom do you have in mind? It was not the natives who refused to assimilate. You've go it backwards. If natives were here, first, why didn't European arrivals assimilate? Shouldn't Texans be Mexicans by now? Who are "we Americans"? Are you some Texan descended from European settlers who refused to assimilate into Mexican culture?
The natives were conquered

Mexicans should be texans not the other way around .

being a superior civilization we have the right to demand assimilation but no responsibility to assimilate to others

Texas was owned by Mexico. It was the Mexican government who allowed non-Mexicans on their land. What "superior civilization" are you in? How is it "superior"?
We (whites) Americans conquered Mexico lol

Mecican’s refuses to speak English they tried to hurt Americans we pushed back and we finally conquered Mexico.. history is repeating its self .. Mexican ls can’t assimilate with us and we are fighting back again

What in the hell are you talking about? I don't even think that you know what a communist even is. I don't think that you even graduated high school or you would not post this tripe. You post a photo of a dirt boy badmouthing an original settler, too. Why didn't dirt boy "assimilate"?

No, we do not have anything that can be described as "our culture." Again, we have 325 million people here from all racial groups, ethnicities, and religions here.
Lol no we have the natives who are assimilated Americans and then we have immigrants that refuse to assimilate.. we Americans never got that vote to allow them here .. now we are kicking them out whether you like it or not

Who has refused to assimilate? Whom do you have in mind? It was not the natives who refused to assimilate. You've go it backwards. If natives were here, first, why didn't European arrivals assimilate? Shouldn't Texans be Mexicans by now? Who are "we Americans"? Are you some Texan descended from European settlers who refused to assimilate into Mexican culture?
The natives were conquered

Mexicans should be texans not the other way around .

being a superior civilization we have the right to demand assimilation but no responsibility to assimilate to others

Texas was owned by Mexico. It was the Mexican government who allowed non-Mexicans on their land. What "superior civilization" are you in? How is it "superior"?
They surrendered texas at the end of the Texas war for independence independence and later the nation of the Texas was voluntarily annexed

Western Civilization which is superior to all others in every measurable way

What in the hell are you talking about? I don't even think that you know what a communist even is. I don't think that you even graduated high school or you would not post this tripe. You post a photo of a dirt boy badmouthing an original settler, too. Why didn't dirt boy "assimilate"?

No, we do not have anything that can be described as "our culture." Again, we have 325 million people here from all racial groups, ethnicities, and religions here.
Lol no we have the natives who are assimilated Americans and then we have immigrants that refuse to assimilate.. we Americans never got that vote to allow them here .. now we are kicking them out whether you like it or not

Who has refused to assimilate? Whom do you have in mind? It was not the natives who refused to assimilate. You've go it backwards. If natives were here, first, why didn't European arrivals assimilate? Shouldn't Texans be Mexicans by now? Who are "we Americans"? Are you some Texan descended from European settlers who refused to assimilate into Mexican culture?
The natives were conquered

Mexicans should be texans not the other way around .

being a superior civilization we have the right to demand assimilation but no responsibility to assimilate to others

Texas was owned by Mexico. It was the Mexican government who allowed non-Mexicans on their land. What "superior civilization" are you in? How is it "superior"?

Yes indeed. And then there was a war fought and Mexico lost that war and the US took the land like all previous conquerors have done.

But then the US did something that had never been done before.

PAID for it in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.
Sucking off your commie VA SS Medicare zero college rube?

What in the hell are you talking about? I don't even think that you know what a communist even is. I don't think that you even graduated high school or you would not post this tripe. You post a photo of a dirt boy badmouthing an original settler, too. Why didn't dirt boy "assimilate"?

No, we do not have anything that can be described as "our culture." Again, we have 325 million people here from all racial groups, ethnicities, and religions here.
Lol no we have the natives who are assimilated Americans and then we have immigrants that refuse to assimilate.. we Americans never got that vote to allow them here .. now we are kicking them out whether you like it or not

Who has refused to assimilate? Whom do you have in mind? It was not the natives who refused to assimilate. You've go it backwards. If natives were here, first, why didn't European arrivals assimilate? Shouldn't Texans be Mexicans by now? Who are "we Americans"? Are you some Texan descended from European settlers who refused to assimilate into Mexican culture?

Any person who migrates to the USA and refuses to learn English, and who demands that we allow their religious practices to prevail over our culture. That's who.

But you & buddy Mike Pence want your religious practices to prevail over others.

What in the hell are you talking about? I don't even think that you know what a communist even is. I don't think that you even graduated high school or you would not post this tripe. You post a photo of a dirt boy badmouthing an original settler, too. Why didn't dirt boy "assimilate"?

No, we do not have anything that can be described as "our culture." Again, we have 325 million people here from all racial groups, ethnicities, and religions here.
Lol no we have the natives who are assimilated Americans and then we have immigrants that refuse to assimilate.. we Americans never got that vote to allow them here .. now we are kicking them out whether you like it or not

Who has refused to assimilate? Whom do you have in mind? It was not the natives who refused to assimilate. You've go it backwards. If natives were here, first, why didn't European arrivals assimilate? Shouldn't Texans be Mexicans by now? Who are "we Americans"? Are you some Texan descended from European settlers who refused to assimilate into Mexican culture?

Any person who migrates to the USA and refuses to learn English, and who demands that we allow their religious practices to prevail over our culture. That's who.

But you & buddy Mike Pence want your religious practices to prevail over others.

I'm agnostic and I have never once heard pence call for a state run religion. You fail again. How is it possible for you to be so stupid.

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