29 year old woman sentenced to death

An Arizona woman was sentenced to death Monday in the killing of her 10-year-old cousin, who was locked in a trunk as punishment for stealing a popsicle.


Arizona woman, 29, who locked 10-year-old cousin in trunk, sentenced to death

is she getting the easy route an injection of "sleep away"

or is she going to roast to death locked in the trunk of a super heated car

I know you think the constitution is optional but... there are prohibitions against cruel and inhuman treatment. the state isn't supposed to torture people.

you're welcome.
Someone as heinous as this woman will have a bad time in prison. I don't mean any of the fairy tale nonsense about the cons beating her down for what she did, but that she will not be able to live in general population or a death row cell ever. She will be in protective custody in solitary confinement until when and if they execute her. A fate worse than death. locked in a 4x8 room, no tv, nothing except a bunk and a toilet. Only being allowed out once a week for an hour maybe. Stupid bitch. And then if she attempts to hurt herself, it gets worse.
I worked in a supermax prison, and that's about it, but I might add the "bunk" is nothing but a slab of concrete with a 2" thick plastic mattress on it. It's still hard as a rock, and the toilet is a once piece toilet sink outfit, and you only get water at certain times, it's not on 24/7, and there's a camera watching your every move. Really a lovely place...

Which is probably why life in prison is a far worse punishment than execution.
You don't really understand criminals, or you approve of them. Putting a killer in prison for life will not always stop them from killing again.

and how is it you think *you* understand criminals?
Had she been the mother of the deceased the American Left would hail her as a hero in the battle for legalization of EXTREMELY late term abortion. Oh, and demand government provided free trunks on demand.
Someone as heinous as this woman will have a bad time in prison. I don't mean any of the fairy tale nonsense about the cons beating her down for what she did, but that she will not be able to live in general population or a death row cell ever. She will be in protective custody in solitary confinement until when and if they execute her. A fate worse than death. locked in a 4x8 room, no tv, nothing except a bunk and a toilet. Only being allowed out once a week for an hour maybe. Stupid bitch. And then if she attempts to hurt herself, it gets worse.
I worked in a supermax prison, and that's about it, but I might add the "bunk" is nothing but a slab of concrete with a 2" thick plastic mattress on it. It's still hard as a rock, and the toilet is a once piece toilet sink outfit, and you only get water at certain times, it's not on 24/7, and there's a camera watching your every move. Really a lovely place...

Which is probably why life in prison is a far worse punishment than execution.
You don't really understand criminals, or you approve of them. Putting a killer in prison for life will not always stop them from killing again.

and how is it you think *you* understand criminals?
Worked around them for a long time, but don't let that fact deter you from posting your meaningless nonsense.
Multi-generational welfare/criminal family, supported and enabled by child welfare and dhs for decades.

Child welfare has yet to save a single child. They always make things worse.

"The family was, at times, about 20 people living in the Midwest, then Arizona, with as many as six or seven children. When the family lived in Utah, the school district called CPS.

"They were particularly concerned about the state Ame was in," said Deal. "All the kids had lice. All the kids were behind in studies, and none was to date on immunizations. And Amy also had some bruises they were concerned about, yes."

"Allen's husband, John, is also facing first degree murder charges, and is set to stand trail on August 7."

The adults should have been locked up permanently decades ago and the kids farmed out (and in fact, there wouldn't be as many kids if the parents had been behind bars).

Mentally ill, criminal, filthy, stupid, and the state breeds them in this manner for the sake of votes..and so they can place kids with child molesting friends who happen to be foster parents.

Sammantha Allen's mother takes stand for 2nd day, as jurors decide her daughter's fate
An Arizona woman was sentenced to death Monday in the killing of her 10-year-old cousin, who was locked in a trunk as punishment for stealing a popsicle.


Arizona woman, 29, who locked 10-year-old cousin in trunk, sentenced to death

is she getting the easy route an injection of "sleep away"

or is she going to roast to death locked in the trunk of a super heated car

She needs a trip to Death Valley in the summer time...
Put her in the trunk in the cool desert morning and watch the temps slowly rise.
An Arizona woman was sentenced to death Monday in the killing of her 10-year-old cousin, who was locked in a trunk as punishment for stealing a popsicle.


Arizona woman, 29, who locked 10-year-old cousin in trunk, sentenced to death


Well, my thoughts are when I read shit like this...

Put her down, NOW by locking her in the trunk of a car.

Stake her out in the dessert and let the coyotes and vultures gnaw on her.

--- some of us have lost our humanity.

Well, when I see someone do something like this to an INNOCENT person and people like you want to see things go easier on the GUILTY person than the INNOCENT victim, it's clear you've lost your mind.

Izzat right.

I ain't the one advocating that the State should have the power to take a life, am I? So do go on and tell me about "lost minds" as well as lost souls and lost humanity.

If the killer thought it was OK to do this as a form of punishment, why should anyone have a problem is the same type of punishment is used on that KILLER?

--- you're saying this killer --- or any killer --- has the right to take a life then? And that therefore the State has the same right?

Once you crawl down to that level you're just as guilty.
An Arizona woman was sentenced to death Monday in the killing of her 10-year-old cousin, who was locked in a trunk as punishment for stealing a popsicle.


Arizona woman, 29, who locked 10-year-old cousin in trunk, sentenced to death


Well, my thoughts are when I read shit like this...

Put her down, NOW by locking her in the trunk of a car.

Stake her out in the dessert and let the coyotes and vultures gnaw on her.

--- some of us have lost our humanity.
You merely deny the totality of your humanity... Our penchant for revenge, and justice is as old as our species. Only a fool thinks our kind have somehow "elevated" ourselves above such necessities.

Perhaps it's only a fool that throws up his hands and fails to grow out of it.
An Arizona woman was sentenced to death Monday in the killing of her 10-year-old cousin, who was locked in a trunk as punishment for stealing a popsicle.


Arizona woman, 29, who locked 10-year-old cousin in trunk, sentenced to death


Well, my thoughts are when I read shit like this...

Put her down, NOW by locking her in the trunk of a car.

Stake her out in the dessert and let the coyotes and vultures gnaw on her.

--- some of us have lost our humanity.

Well, when I see someone do something like this to an INNOCENT person and people like you want to see things go easier on the GUILTY person than the INNOCENT victim, it's clear you've lost your mind.

Izzat right.

I ain't the one advocating that the State should have the power to take a life, am I? So do go on and tell me about "lost minds" as well as lost souls and lost humanity.

If the killer thought it was OK to do this as a form of punishment, why should anyone have a problem is the same type of punishment is used on that KILLER?

--- you're saying this killer --- or any killer --- has the right to take a life then? And that therefore the State has the same right?

Once you crawl down to that level you're just as guilty.

Only if the terms murder and punishment mean the same thing.

I'm saying that if someone chooses to take the life of an INNOCENT person that didn't earn what they got, the one that did should be treated the same way they thought was OK when they killed that innocent person.
An Arizona woman was sentenced to death Monday in the killing of her 10-year-old cousin, who was locked in a trunk as punishment for stealing a popsicle.


Arizona woman, 29, who locked 10-year-old cousin in trunk, sentenced to death


Well, my thoughts are when I read shit like this...

Put her down, NOW by locking her in the trunk of a car.

Stake her out in the dessert and let the coyotes and vultures gnaw on her.

--- some of us have lost our humanity.
You merely deny the totality of your humanity... Our penchant for revenge, and justice is as old as our species. Only a fool thinks our kind have somehow "elevated" ourselves above such necessities.

My outlook is that if the killer thought such action was OK as a method of punishment, why should she oppose having the same thing done to her. Many of those complaining about the killer not being treated the same way she treated then INNOCENT victim are the ver ones that constantly talk about equal treatment.

Fuck "what she opposes". I have no idea what she opposes and neither do you. That's not relevant to anything.
An Arizona woman was sentenced to death Monday in the killing of her 10-year-old cousin, who was locked in a trunk as punishment for stealing a popsicle.


Arizona woman, 29, who locked 10-year-old cousin in trunk, sentenced to death


Well, my thoughts are when I read shit like this...

Put her down, NOW by locking her in the trunk of a car.

Stake her out in the dessert and let the coyotes and vultures gnaw on her.

--- some of us have lost our humanity.
You merely deny the totality of your humanity... Our penchant for revenge, and justice is as old as our species. Only a fool thinks our kind have somehow "elevated" ourselves above such necessities.

Perhaps it's only a fool that throws up his hands and fails to grow out of it.

Only a fool thinks punishing someone in a manner they thought was OK when the murdered someone is wrong.
An Arizona woman was sentenced to death Monday in the killing of her 10-year-old cousin, who was locked in a trunk as punishment for stealing a popsicle.


Arizona woman, 29, who locked 10-year-old cousin in trunk, sentenced to death


Well, my thoughts are when I read shit like this...

Put her down, NOW by locking her in the trunk of a car.

Stake her out in the dessert and let the coyotes and vultures gnaw on her.

--- some of us have lost our humanity.
You merely deny the totality of your humanity... Our penchant for revenge, and justice is as old as our species. Only a fool thinks our kind have somehow "elevated" ourselves above such necessities.

My outlook is that if the killer thought such action was OK as a method of punishment, why should she oppose having the same thing done to her. Many of those complaining about the killer not being treated the same way she treated then INNOCENT victim are the ver ones that constantly talk about equal treatment.

Fuck "what she opposes". I have no idea what she opposes and neither do you. That's not relevant to anything.

What's relevant is that she should be punished in the same manner she thought it was OK to punish an innocent person.
An Arizona woman was sentenced to death Monday in the killing of her 10-year-old cousin, who was locked in a trunk as punishment for stealing a popsicle.


Arizona woman, 29, who locked 10-year-old cousin in trunk, sentenced to death


Well, my thoughts are when I read shit like this...

Put her down, NOW by locking her in the trunk of a car.

Stake her out in the dessert and let the coyotes and vultures gnaw on her.

--- some of us have lost our humanity.
You merely deny the totality of your humanity... Our penchant for revenge, and justice is as old as our species. Only a fool thinks our kind have somehow "elevated" ourselves above such necessities.

Perhaps it's only a fool that throws up his hands and fails to grow out of it.

Only a fool thinks punishing someone in a manner they thought was OK when the murdered someone is wrong.

Once again, complete failure to see the ball. Nothing has anything to do with a "manner".
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An Arizona woman was sentenced to death Monday in the killing of her 10-year-old cousin, who was locked in a trunk as punishment for stealing a popsicle.


Arizona woman, 29, who locked 10-year-old cousin in trunk, sentenced to death


Well, my thoughts are when I read shit like this...

Put her down, NOW by locking her in the trunk of a car.

Stake her out in the dessert and let the coyotes and vultures gnaw on her.

--- some of us have lost our humanity.
You merely deny the totality of your humanity... Our penchant for revenge, and justice is as old as our species. Only a fool thinks our kind have somehow "elevated" ourselves above such necessities.

Perhaps it's only a fool that throws up his hands and fails to grow out of it.

Only a fool thinks punishing someone in a manner they thought was OK when the murdered someone is wrong.

One again, complete failure to see the ball. Nothing has anything to do with a "manner".

Once again, you have more concern for the killer than the innocent victim.
Liberals don't seem to understand what the hell humanity is!
It IS humane to remove the murdering scuzz from the streets of the populace. It makes them safer.
To argue it's more humane to leave them on the streets is the argument of a fool!

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