$3.35 for gas today! God Bless Biden and Gov Cooper.

Nah the key take away is no matter what....Make no mistake, the national environment looks good for conservatives.
Hold onto that. Judges for the next two years go through the senate and we are gonna start shoehorning in some good ones. You better hope fat unfit and old Clarence doesn’t die. That would be a shame.
Hold onto that. Judges for the next two years go through the senate and we are gonna start shoehorning in some good ones. You better hope fat unfit and old Clarence doesn’t die. That would be a shame.
I am not sure what you are trying to say here.....other then clearly attacking an African-American for some reason
I am not sure what you are trying to say here.....other then clearly attacking an African-American for some reason
The senate lead swung to the democrats. Any scotus goes through them.
Where? Pics or it did not happen.
falling gas (9).png
With reward points, and memberships at places like Costco and Sam's it's possible to get it that low...on avg though it's around $4.66 nationally.

A lot of poor and working class families can't afford those expensive members at places like that.
Nope. You’re wrong by a $1. Why lie on something anyone can find?


Western NC gas price today was $3.35. Sometimes you just have to have faith in leadership. Reduction of gas taxes, strategic reserves, and pro energy leadership by Biden are all making an impact. 8/31 is next release of US oil output for June but May reported 2 weeks ago was the second highest May output ever.

View attachment 685441
Granite Falls, NC on way home from hiking Blowing Rock.
/———/ Ummm. How’s that working out for you, Libtard?
/———/ Ummm. How’s that working out for you, Libtard?
Some kind of fake numbers on this thread? $3.35? I doubt it.

Gas is $3.79 here where I live, regular gas, today. We saw the signs.
Some kind of fake numbers on this thread? $3.35? I doubt it.

Gas is $3.79 here where I live, regular gas, today. We saw the signs.
I took the picture myself and logged the location. It’s verified.
Some kind of fake numbers on this thread? $3.35? I doubt it.

Gas is $3.79 here where I live, regular gas, today. We saw the signs.

Gas today in Newberry SC is at around 3.39. In Columbia (where it's only 35 miles away, but always cheaper) gas is running around 3.19. I'm guessing in a few weeks, we could be seeing gas to be under 3.00/gal.
Gas today in Newberry SC is at around 3.39. In Columbia (where it's only 35 miles away, but always cheaper) gas is running around 3.19. I'm guessing in a few weeks, we could be seeing gas to be under 3.00/gal.
Okay, thanx. I hope so!
Hold onto that. Judges for the next two years go through the senate and we are gonna start shoehorning in some good ones. You better hope fat unfit and old Clarence doesn’t die. That would be a shame.
Nice fat YOUNG ones. :p
Gas today in Newberry SC is at around 3.39. In Columbia (where it's only 35 miles away, but always cheaper) gas is running around 3.19. I'm guessing in a few weeks, we could be seeing gas to be under 3.00/gal.
/——-/ According to Ancestry . Com, part of my family lived in Newberry in the late 19th century. My generation never knew that.
/——-/ According to Ancestry . Com, part of my family lived in Newberry in the late 19th century. My generation never knew that.

Apparently, there's a lot of history around this area. Lots of Civil War battlegrounds and historic places. Not a bad place to live, beats the hell out of Amarillo where it's flat, brown and windy. Here, it's green, rains a fair amount, and there are hills.

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