$3.35 for gas today! God Bless Biden and Gov Cooper.

Western NC gas price today was $3.35. Sometimes you just have to have faith in leadership. Reduction of gas taxes, strategic reserves, and pro energy leadership by Biden are all making an impact. 8/31 is next release of US oil output for June but May reported 2 weeks ago was the second highest May output ever.

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Granite Falls, NC on way home from hiking Blowing Rock.
How desperate can you get? He’s a f’ing puppet and you applaud him for this? He sucks, grow a pair and call it like it is!!
Western NC gas price today was $3.35. Sometimes you just have to have faith in leadership. Reduction of gas taxes, strategic reserves, and pro energy leadership by Biden are all making an impact. 8/31 is next release of US oil output for June but May reported 2 weeks ago was the second highest May output ever.

Granite Falls, NC on way home from hiking Blowing Rock.
So cite the policy or action Biden has performed recently that would be the cause of the slight decrease in gasoline prices?

I get it, people want to blame a president for increasing gas prices, and hen credit him for lowering them, but you need to at least show the cause for the effect. I don't see that Biden has done anything that would give him at least a modicum of credit for lowering gas prices.
So cite the policy or action Biden has performed recently that would be the cause of the slight decrease in gasoline prices?

I get it, people want to blame a president for increasing gas prices, and hen credit him for lowering them, but you need to at least show the cause for the effect. I don't see that Biden has done anything that would give him at least a modicum of credit for lowering gas prices.
Suspended gas tax, released reserves, passed an energy friendly bill…for starters.
How desperate can you get? He’s a f’ing puppet and you applaud him for this? He sucks, grow a pair and call it like it is!!
Fuck your feelings. (I say that right?).

If you want to debate you have to offer something more that that schoolyard shit. Read up on issues… but then you’d likely change your side to Democrat like most educated do.
I've heard of google and I have heard of making shit up.
Doesn’t matter it wasn’t a scientific study just an observation. I talked to 1 CEO and 2 SVPs of Fortune 500 companies and they said theor business picked up over last few weeks as gas dropped. Maybe nothing but I’m sure you hope that’s right. Biden would love the tailwind of a positive GDP quarter.
It was a lot less than it is now. The fact that you think high gas prices and record inflation is a president, doing a good job. Proves how stupid you are.
Should I blame the Gators losing to UGA on Biden? You really are nuts. 100% broken.
Western NC gas price today was $3.35. Sometimes you just have to have faith in leadership. Reduction of gas taxes, strategic reserves, and pro energy leadership by Biden are all making an impact. 8/31 is next release of US oil output for June but May reported 2 weeks ago was the second highest May output ever.

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Granite Falls, NC on way home from hiking Blowing Rock.
Spoon up the shit, son.
Western NC gas price today was $3.35. Sometimes you just have to have faith in leadership. Reduction of gas taxes, strategic reserves, and pro energy leadership by Biden are all making an impact. 8/31 is next release of US oil output for June but May reported 2 weeks ago was the second highest May output ever.

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Granite Falls, NC on way home from hiking Blowing Rock.
With men like this we are in good shape. Blessing by gaia my friends. The living and breathing earth is the god of the globalist brethern. And the brethern are not citizens of a free world but its subjects to be dealt with in any way determined.
Again, we all know which side wants to kill the industry. They know their future is very limited, so naturally they are going to maximize their profits in the time they have left.

Joe Biden:

"No more subsidies for the fossil fuel industry," he said at the CNN debate. "No more drilling on federal lands. No more drilling, including offshore. No ability for the oil industry to continue to drill, period. Ends."
Take your pick – President Biden doesn’t get credit for gas prices going down, no problem.
But if gas prices go up, you can’t blame President Biden.
Conservatives can’t have it both ways.
I could say the same to you moonbats.
Gas prices go down. Biden’s approval goes up.


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