$3.35 for gas today! God Bless Biden and Gov Cooper.

Not true. Oil output is up under Biden. You get that right?? It’s up! It was passed over at one level and has gone up to a higher level. Refineries are at 97%. There is no more gas we can produce. If we output more oil it will be exported overseas.

You have no specifics. You just type bad policy and horrible. Give me a specific I can shove down your throat. The facts are the facts. Your team cheering for a fucking criminal is bullshit. Biden has zero impact over oil production anyway. Neither did Trump. Regardless. You can’t show me any negative policies. Zero. None.

Facts are facts, and gasoline, heating oil, diesel, and propane are still about twice what the were under Trump. As well as just about every fucking thing else is higher than it was in 2019. Your idiotic "president" is an utter and dismal failure, no matter how you look at him. And you morons are going to have your asses handed to you in November and 2024.

Choke on that.
Facts are facts, and gasoline, heating oil, diesel, and propane are still about twice what the were under Trump. As well as just about every fucking thing else is higher than it was in 2019. Your idiotic "president" is an utter and dismal failure, no matter how you look at him. And you morons are going to have your asses handed to you in November and 2024.

Choke on that.
You’re also a year older. Fucking Biden.
Dumbass. That’s not where it was when Trump passed it over. Look at oil rigs during Trump. It plummeted when he turned over to Biden.

It went from 1,065 Jan 2019 all the way down to 791 Jan 2020 and when it was passed to Biden it was 374. Donald passed over 700 fewer oil rigs. Biden has it back up to 738. That’s right bitch. Don’t you feel stupid now?

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/——-/ My chart is oil production which was the topic of your post. Your chart is the number of oil rigs which is something different. You seem to think oil rigs all run 24/7 and produce an equal number of barrels of the same type of oil. So, no I don’t feel stupid.
/——-/ My chart is oil production which was the topic of your post. Your chart is the number of oil rigs which is something different. You seem to think oil rigs all run 24/7 and produce an equal number of barrels of the same type of oil. So, no I don’t feel stupid.
Oil production went up. No matter how you look at it with rigs going up too. You don’t shit the bed like Trump did and complain about the smell the next guy inherited.
Oil production went up. No matter how you look at it with rigs going up too. You don’t shit the bed like Trump did and complain about the smell the next guy inherited.
/——/ President Trump made us energy independent for the first time in 50 years, Banana Republic Joe declared war on fossil fuels and ended it. We’re back to begging Saudi Arabia for oil. What a cluster fuck.
Western NC gas price today was $3.35. Sometimes you just have to have faith in leadership. Reduction of gas taxes, strategic reserves, and pro energy leadership by Biden are all making an impact. 8/31 is next release of US oil output for June but May reported 2 weeks ago was the second highest May output ever.

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Granite Falls, NC on way home from hiking Blowing Rock.
I remember paying $1.87 in the Trump era, with the gas tax and a full gas reserve, which at the time didn't matter, because we had no threats of war, but now it sure would be nice to have a full gas reserve in times of threats of wars.
Avg price in 2017 was $2.494. If prices rose at 4% a year they would be $3.05. We are within spitting distance. Still has room to come down. It’s not totally back but it’ll get there.

And what of all of those months when we were spending over $4.50 a gallon?

As I said, only a complete fool would praise Biden for our current gas prices...
/——/ President Trump made us energy independent for the first time in 50 years, Banana Republic Joe declared war on fossil fuels and ended it. We’re back to begging Saudi Arabia for oil. What a cluster fuck. View attachment 685571
Resorting to inaccurate memes again you’re like a horse on a carousel going around in circles. We’ve always imported oil and in fact we’re importing the same now as last year.

Gasoline was rising in price from the first day Biden assumed office. We could flood the market with oil and bring the cost back down to pre-Covid levels if the US would allow it.
Only an idiot would disagree with that both are facts.
Not true. Oil output is up under Biden. You get that right?? It’s up! It was passed over at one level and has gone up to a higher level. Refineries are at 97%. There is no more gas we can produce. If we output more oil it will be exported overseas.

You have no specifics. You just type bad policy and horrible. Give me a specific I can shove down your throat. The facts are the facts. Your team cheering for a fucking criminal is bullshit. Biden has zero impact over oil production anyway. Neither did Trump. Regardless. You can’t show me any negative policies. Zero. None.
Define "oil output", okay?
Under Trump he had oil production humming higher than Obama and Biden. Then came the economy closure.
Oil production went up. No matter how you look at it with rigs going up too. You don’t shit the bed like Trump did and complain about the smell the next guy inherited.
You mean despite Biden trying to put oil out of business, which was one of his campaign promises?

By the way, a court just put an injection on his stupid ban on oil leases.

Yep. Cost of gas is real important but human lives are more valuable. Trump's do or die day at the Capitol on January 6 so he could remain as president cost several policemen's lives and dozens more injured.
Not buying into that for one second, go peddle that to your choir.
Define "oil output", okay?
Under Trump he had oil production humming higher than Obama and Biden. Then came the economy closure.
And that is what was passed to Biden. A sick economy with sick oil production. Now they are both improving. Don’t be disingenuous and compare a pre covid economy to a post Covid economy.
And that is what was passed to Biden. A sick economy with sick oil production. Now they are both improving. Don’t be disingenuous and compare a pre covid economy to a post Covid economy.
I'm not being disingenuous. Why is Biden creating stifling policies for the oil industries?
You mean despite Biden trying to put oil out of business, which was one of his campaign promises?

By the way, a court just put an injection on his stupid ban on oil leases.

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That’s not what happened. Your report there is junk. 2 things:

1. Biden raised the climate cost back to pre Trump levels which was within his right and GOP judges are overstepping their authority to block it. Each time it is heard by a court Biden wins and another GOP judge suspends. That is GOP courts not Biden with the pause.

2. The Inflation Reduction Act, which the president signed earlier this week, includes an expansion of lease sales off the coast of Alaska and in the Gulf of Mexico.

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