3.573 TRILLION kWh is needed if 25% of all cars/trucks in USA are EVs. Would any of you EV supporters please refute that FACT?

I CREATED the CHART! And if you were smart enough you could see the sources of the information!
I'm 100% confident though you won't visit AS I DID the below web sites to gather the information.
It took a little time but even you could do it if you had the intelligence and patience!

cost per nuclear plant https://www.cmu.edu/ceic/assets/docs/seminar-files/2006-2007/carl-bozzuto-seminar.pdf
kWh per truck...https://www.osti.gov/pages/servlets/purl/1342660
Electricity generation, capacity, and sales in the United States - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) total power plants in usa Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

View attachment 716646

I was smart enough to smell Shit and flush it/YOU.
YOUR USAtoday Link:

"...By 2023, the U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates the average cost of producing a megawatt hour of electricity will be $40.20 for a large-scale natural gas plants. Solar installations will be $2.60 cheaper and wind turbines will be $3.60 cheaper.

Catastrophic effects ahead unless we make changes​

The world needs to reduce its carbon emissions rapidly – by 50% within the next decade – or face the prospect of a global temperature rise of more than 2.7 degrees within decades, said Michael Mann, a professor of atmospheric sciences at Pennsylvania State University.​
That’s enough warming to kill off the coral reefs, melt large parts of the ice sheets, inundate coastal cities and to yield what Mann calls “nearly perpetual extreme weather events.”..""​

Not included in you chart the obvious and Disastrous and accelerating effects of GHGs/AGW.

how much we would SAVE on Gasoline and Importing it or Drilling for it; Refining it, etc
You left out the Other side of the Balance sheet/Cost.

So we can either use one kind of energy or another that is BOTH Cheaper and Cleaner, not even considering the huge issue of the Safety of the planet.

I am Much Smarter than you. (and Everyone else here who just accepted it)
I smelled shlt immediately for the reasons above.
At best I knew it was Low IQ or Biased Cherry-Picked MAGAtry.

Last edited:
I was smart enough to smell Shit and flush it/YOU.
YOUR USAtoday Link:

"...By 2023, the U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates the average cost of producing a megawatt hour of electricity will be $40.20 for a large-scale natural gas plants. Solar installations will be $2.60 cheaper and wind turbines will be $3.60 cheaper.

Catastrophic effects ahead unless we make changes​

The world needs to reduce its carbon emissions rapidly – by 50% within the next decade – or face the prospect of a global temperature rise of more than 2.7 degrees within decades, said Michael Mann, a professor of atmospheric sciences at Pennsylvania State University.​
That’s enough warming to kill off the coral reefs, melt large parts of the ice sheets, inundate coastal cities and to yield what Mann calls “nearly perpetual extreme weather events.”..""​

Not included in you chart the obvious and Disastrous and accelerating effects of GHGs/AGW.

how much we would SAVE on Gasoline and Importing it or Drilling for it; Refining it, etc
You left out the Other side of the Balance sheet/Cost.

I am Much smarter than you.
I smelled shlt immediately for the reasons above.
At best I knew it was Low IQ or Biased Cherry-Picked MAGAtry.


The world needs to reduce its carbon emissions rapidly – by 50% within the next decade – or face the prospect of a global temperature rise of more than 2.7 degrees within decades,

That's funny. How many new nuke plants should we build in the US?

said Michael Mann, a professor of atmospheric sciences at Pennsylvania State University.

We need to listen to him, he won the Nobel Prize!
I was smart enough to smell Shit and flush it/YOU.
YOUR USAtoday Link:

"...By 2023, the U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates the average cost of producing a megawatt hour of electricity will be $40.20 for a large-scale natural gas plants. Solar installations will be $2.60 cheaper and wind turbines will be $3.60 cheaper.

Catastrophic effects ahead unless we make changes​

The world needs to reduce its carbon emissions rapidly – by 50% within the next decade – or face the prospect of a global temperature rise of more than 2.7 degrees within decades, said Michael Mann, a professor of atmospheric sciences at Pennsylvania State University.​
That’s enough warming to kill off the coral reefs, melt large parts of the ice sheets, inundate coastal cities and to yield what Mann calls “nearly perpetual extreme weather events.”..""​

Not included in you chart the obvious and Disastrous and accelerating effects of GHGs/AGW.

how much we would SAVE on Gasoline and Importing it or Drilling for it; Refining it, etc
You left out the Other side of the Balance sheet/Cost.

I am Much Smarter than you. (and Everyone else here who just accepted it)
I smelled shlt immediately for the reasons above.
At best I knew it was Low IQ or Biased Cherry-Picked MAGAtry.


They might have a cream that can help you.

You've been suffering for so long. Very sad.
You are being taken in by a big number. The amount of energy used in the US is always even more staggering. EVs will lower the amount of energy used to 30% of combustion engines. That sounds like an overall win to me no matter the source of the energy.

Yeah ... we all can't be astronomers ... when ever I see the metric prefix of "giga-" in a scientific discussion, I immediately think "liar" ... maybe that's unfair, but if I convert the number to "scientific" notation, and it turns out to be small ... then the "giga-" prefix was used to perpetrate a falsehood ...

So let's see about 20 Gigawatts ... this is coming through our electric meter and most of us are billed in kilowatt-hours ... so we take 20 gigawatts, which is the same as 20 x 10^9 W, and covert to 20 x 10^6 kW ... divide by population of 40 million we have 0.5 kW per person in California ... about ten cents worth, per person, about half the cost of a typical public school bond ...

I have a 1/4" drill that draw more juice ...

For comparison ... name plate capacity of Three Gorges Dam in China is 22 Gilawatts ... Bonneville's name plate capacity is 17 GW (from all sources), though she averages closer to 10 GW running ...

My understanding is that we're long overdue to install another trunkline into California ... [shrugs shoulders] ... one thing California has a lot of is money, they'll spend it if they think they have to ... right along with the aqueduct from the Columbia River ... [ka'ching] ... NOW is a good time to get into the building trades ...
As a fully qualified and trained carpenter ... I can assure you that installing the roof pyres for solar panels is DIRT CHEAP when you are replacing your roofing ...

I'm sorry ... it's going to be insanely expensive to install these items at any other time ... and my bonding company will NOT insure such work, these points will be leaking rainwater until you re-roof and get these pyres properly flashed ...

Thus ... I agree with a government regulation requiring the PYRES to be installed, this is not financally onerous ... and then leave it to the homeowner whether they want solar or not ...

Oh my God ... a pyre is something we burn things on, notable dead people ...

I mentated piers ... its a spelting thang ...
I was smart enough to smell Shit and flush it/YOU.
YOUR USAtoday Link:

"...By 2023, the U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates the average cost of producing a megawatt hour of electricity will be $40.20 for a large-scale natural gas plants. Solar installations will be $2.60 cheaper and wind turbines will be $3.60 cheaper.

Catastrophic effects ahead unless we make changes​

The world needs to reduce its carbon emissions rapidly – by 50% within the next decade – or face the prospect of a global temperature rise of more than 2.7 degrees within decades, said Michael Mann, a professor of atmospheric sciences at Pennsylvania State University.​
That’s enough warming to kill off the coral reefs, melt large parts of the ice sheets, inundate coastal cities and to yield what Mann calls “nearly perpetual extreme weather events.”..""​

Not included in you chart the obvious and Disastrous and accelerating effects of GHGs/AGW.

how much we would SAVE on Gasoline and Importing it or Drilling for it; Refining it, etc
You left out the Other side of the Balance sheet/Cost.

So we can either use one kind of energy or another that is BOTH Cheaper and Cleaner, not even considering the huge issue of the Safety of the planet.

I am Much Smarter than you. (and Everyone else here who just accepted it)
I smelled shlt immediately for the reasons above.
At best I knew it was Low IQ or Biased Cherry-Picked MAGAtry.

Hey dummy! YOU are comparing apples to oranges, and because you won't understand that the point I'm making and with all the resources was we haven't got the generating plants necessary for EVs!
Your stupid point the oranges that the reason for using EVs was money savings! That was NOT the point DUMMY.
Your orange point is based on electric rates today... BUT read what the electric utilities people that like oil execs and I don't blame either by the way is that ELECTRICITY rates will skyrocket!
Here are the FACTS:
All indicate demand growth, but in the medium and high scenarios for 2050, U.S. electricity consumption increases by 20% and 38%, respectively, compared to business as usual.
Utilities could go from stagnant demand to compound annual growth rates of 1.6%, which would amount to sustained absolute growth of 80 terawatt-hours per year.
Study results should hearten utilities, particularly as the electric vehicle industry has gotten off to a relatively slow start in the United States. But EVs are widely expected to catch on, and there could be 7 million of them on the roads by 2025 — up from 567,000 at the end of 2016, according to estimates from the Edison Electric Institute and the Institute for Electric Innovation.

However, utilities have largely bought into the dream.

“Electric vehicles are the biggest opportunity we see right now,” Energy Impact Partners CEO Hans Kobler told Utility Dive. And the impact could go beyond just higher kilowattt-hour sales.

“When the transportation sector is fully electrified, it will result in around $6 trillion in investment,” Kobler said. “Half of that is on the infrastructure side of the utility.” And the industry can also benefit through ratebasing charging stations and managing the new demand.

One benefit that NREL’s report points to is the possibility of “expanded value streams enabled by electric and/or grid-connected technologies.”

“Many electric utilities are carefully watching the trend toward electrification, as it has the potential to increase sales and revenues that have stagnated or fallen over the past decade,” the report said. “Beyond power system planning, other motivations to study electrification include its potential to impact energy security, emissions, and innovation in electrical end-use technologies and overall efficient system integration.
The impacts of electrification could be far-reaching and have benefits and costs to various stakeholders.”
NOW DUMMY!! You brag about your "I smelled shlt immediately for the reasons above.
At best I knew it was Low IQ or Biased Cherry-Picked MAGAtry."

You make it political... I make it about economics that clearly you never considered!

Think dummy... ( I know that is antithetical which means contrasts.....i.e. you "Thinking" and "Dummy")
but the most people who will be affected is US!

Called "blackouts"!
As stated by NPR, “From the 1950s to the ’80s, significant power outages averaged fewer than five per year.
But that’s changed. In 2007, there were 76, in 2011, more than 300.”
I know being the dummy you are you don't comprehend this but blackouts mean deaths at emergency rooms, stop lights not working. And for truly dumb EVangelistas like you...
You're a MAGA Clown.
Your OP a Giant mega "TRILLION" scare tactic/Fraud.

While all it REALLY means is more Cheaper, Cleaner, RENEWABLE electric power and less Fossil Fuels/Gasoline/GHGs/AGW.

All those twisted cherry picked links/BLARING SCARE stats and the post above too.
Smoke and Mirrors BILLBOARDING and in Colors and big Fonts.
Clown City.
Last edited:
You're a MAGA Clown.
Your OP a Giant mega "TRILLION" scare tactic/Fraud.

While all it REALLY means is more Cheaper, Cleaner, RENEWABLE electric power and less Fossil Fuels/Gasoline/GHGs/AGW.

All those twisted cherry picked links/BLARING SCARE stats and the post above too.
Smoke and Mirrors BILLBOARDING and in Colors and big Fonts.
Clown City.
I agree with you those loud big fonts are not necessary for most people but for you ... the only thing that can get your attention as your span is worse than the average American's of 8.5 seconds.
Blackouts have increased to from 2007, there were 76, in 2011, more than 300.”
AND that's before EVs. Again for your simple brain..
If 75 million cars at .346 kWh/mile traveling 10,000 miles per year and 25 million trucks at 4.3 kWh/m travel 83,000 miles the combined usage of kWh is 10,997,500,000,000 kWh. Figure it out.
75 million cars X 10,000 miles=750 billion miles divided by .346 kWh per mile is total of 2,167,630,057,803 kWh
25 million trucks X 83,000 miles= 2.075 Trillion miles divided by 4.3 kWh/mile is total of 8,922,500,000,000 kWh
A total of 10.997 Trillion kWh... Right now the total kWh generated by all the power plants in USA is 4.5 Trillion kWh!
Right now 11,070 utility-scale electric power plants generate 4.5 Trillion or per power plant 376,244,806 kWh.
So divide 10.997 Trillion kWh by 376,244,806 kWh means we need well I'll let you figure that out!

I agree with you those loud big fonts are not necessary for most people but for you ... the only thing that can get your attention as your span is worse than the average American's of 8.5 seconds.
Blackouts have increased to from 2007, there were 76, in 2011, more than 300.”
AND that's before EVs. Again for your simple brain..
If 75 million cars at .346 kWh/mile traveling 10,000 miles per year and 25 million trucks at 4.3 kWh/m travel 83,000 miles the combined usage of kWh is 10,997,500,000,000 kWh. Figure it out.
75 million cars X 10,000 miles=750 billion miles divided by .346 kWh per mile is total of 2,167,630,057,803 kWh
25 million trucks X 83,000 miles= 2.075 Trillion miles divided by 4.3 kWh/mile is total of 8,922,500,000,000 kWh
A total of 10.997 Trillion kWh... Right now the total kWh generated by all the power plants in USA is 4.5 Trillion kWh!
Right now 11,070 utility-scale electric power plants generate 4.5 Trillion or per power plant 376,244,806 kWh.
So divide 10.997 Trillion kWh by 376,244,806 kWh means we need well I'll let you figure that out!

View attachment 717144
"""While all it REALLY means is more Cheaper, Cleaner, RENEWABLE electric power and less Fossil Fuels/Gasoline/GHGs/AGW."""

That simple.
And like everything else...
Of course there will be many tech advancements in charging, etc, etc, along the way.
What would you have said about a computer in every home in 1985?
"""While all it REALLY means is more Cheaper, Cleaner, RENEWABLE electric power and less Fossil Fuels/Gasoline/GHGs/AGW."""

That simple.
And like everything else...
Of course there will be many tech advancements in charging, etc, etc, along the way.
What would you have said about a computer in every home in 1985?
"You write advancements charging, etc, etc"
Ah yes... dreamers, schemers dream at the 30,000 foot level BUT the rest of us peons have to live with your
uninformed decisions.
You totally ignored the REALITY of today dreaming about what might be...
well THESE are the facts:
Blackouts have increased to from 2007, there were 76, in 2011, more than 300.”
AND that's before EVs.
If 75 million cars at .346 kWh/mile traveling 10,000 miles per year and 25 million trucks at 4.3 kWh/m travel 83,000 miles the combined usage of kWh is 10,997,500,000,000 kWh. Where will that 10 Trillion kWh come from?
75 million cars X 10,000 miles=750 billion miles divided by .346 kWh per mile is total of 2,167,630,057,803 kWh
25 million trucks X 83,000 miles= 2.075 Trillion miles divided by 4.3 kWh/mile is total of 8,922,500,000,000 kWh
A total of 10.997 Trillion kWh...
TODAY not tomorrow reality.
Right now the total kWh generated by all the power plants in USA is 4.5 Trillion kWh!
Right now 11,070 utility-scale electric power plants generate 4.5 Trillion or per power plant --- 376,244,806 kWh.
So divide 10.997 Trillion kWh by 376,244,806 kWh means we need well I'll let you figure that out!
Your simple mind didn't divide 376,244,806 kWh into 10,997,500,000,000 did you.
OK you tell me how between now and when will 29,229 electric power plants be built to provide 10.9 Trillion kWh?
FACTS you seemingly ignore:
Companies that are planning new nuclear units are currently indicating that the total costs (including escalation and financing costs) will be in the range between $6 billion and $9 billion for each 1,100 MW plant.
Do you know where the $233,837,115,218,858 (That's $233 TRILLION...)
to build 29,229 NEW power plants at a cost of $8 Billion each i.e. $233 Trillion will come from?
One nuclear power plant takes on average about 14-1/2 years to build, from the planning phase all the way to operation.
"You write advancements charging, etc, etc"
Ah yes... dreamers, schemers dream at the 30,000 foot level BUT the rest of us peons have to live with your
uninformed decisions.
You totally ignored the REALITY of today dreaming about what might be...
well THESE are the facts:
Blackouts have increased to from 2007, there were 76, in 2011, more than 300.”
AND that's before EVs.
If 75 million cars at .346 kWh/mile traveling 10,000 miles per year and 25 million trucks at 4.3 kWh/m travel 83,000 miles the combined usage of kWh is 10,997,500,000,000 kWh. Where will that 10 Trillion kWh come from?
75 million cars X 10,000 miles=750 billion miles divided by .346 kWh per mile is total of 2,167,630,057,803 kWh
25 million trucks X 83,000 miles= 2.075 Trillion miles divided by 4.3 kWh/mile is total of 8,922,500,000,000 kWh
A total of 10.997 Trillion kWh...
TODAY not tomorrow reality.
Right now the total kWh generated by all the power plants in USA is 4.5 Trillion kWh!
Right now 11,070 utility-scale electric power plants generate 4.5 Trillion or per power plant --- 376,244,806 kWh.
So divide 10.997 Trillion kWh by 376,244,806 kWh means we need well I'll let you figure that out!
Your simple mind didn't divide 376,244,806 kWh into 10,997,500,000,000 did you.
OK you tell me how between now and when will 29,229 electric power plants be built to provide 10.9 Trillion kWh?
FACTS you seemingly ignore:
Companies that are planning new nuclear units are currently indicating that the total costs (including escalation and financing costs) will be in the range between $6 billion and $9 billion for each 1,100 MW plant.
Do you know where the $233,837,115,218,858 (That's $233 TRILLION...)
to build 29,229 NEW power plants at a cost of $8 Billion each i.e. $233 Trillion will come from?
One nuclear power plant takes on average about 14-1/2 years to build, from the planning phase all the way to operation.
You're just a Crackpot thinking you can throw down all these GIGANTIC numbers as some sort of argument.
We are already 20% Renewable and it's costing NOTHING.
Renewables are cheaper and cleaner.

So all New plants, and all retiring Fossil plants (that themselves would cost to Rebuild, and NOT in your wackadoodle numbers) will slowly change to Renewable and we will SAVE money AND the planet.
What a Whack Job you are with your Hundreds of Trillions.
You're just a Crackpot thinking you can throw down all these GIGANTIC numbers as some sort of argument.
We are already 20% Renewable and it's costing NOTHING.
Renewables are cheaper and cleaner.

So all New plants, and all retiring Fossil plants (that themselves would cost to Rebuild, and NOT in your wackadoodle numbers) will slowly change to Renewable and we will SAVE money AND the planet.
What a Whack Job you are with your Hundreds of Trillions.
Who the hell are YOU? Where is your sources, your links, etc.... What kind of stupid person make the statements like you did WHEN it is so easy to point out you are SO WRONG!!!
Blackouts have increased to from 2007, there were 76, in 2011, more than 300.”
Not one shred of proof of you really dumb ass statements.

Now for more proof of how totally ignorant of reality people like you are especially when it comes to practical reality!
Question .... GIVEN:
When do most people with EVs plan to re-charge their cars?
Answer:That means that around 80 percent of EV charging happens at the owner's home, overnight — when the driver doesn't need the car and can leave plenty of time for a charge.
Further question... what time of day does solar power NOT work?
Night... everyone agree? The sun doesn't shine at night.
SO folks.... If NOW Calif generates 17.3% of it's energy by solar power and at night THAT's GONE when the sun goes down... where will the other power come from to charge EV car batteries?
Who the hell are YOU? Where is your sources, your links, etc.... What kind of stupid person make the statements like you did WHEN it is so easy to point out you are SO WRONG!!!
Blackouts have increased to from 2007, there were 76, in 2011, more than 300.”
Not one shred of proof of you really dumb ass statements.

Now for more proof of how totally ignorant of reality people like you are especially when it comes to practical reality!
Question .... GIVEN:
When do most people with EVs plan to re-charge their cars?
Answer:That means that around 80 percent of EV charging happens at the owner's home, overnight — when the driver doesn't need the car and can leave plenty of time for a charge.
Further question... what time of day does solar power NOT work?
Night... everyone agree? The sun doesn't shine at night.
SO folks.... If NOW Calif generates 17.3% of it's energy by solar power and at night THAT's GONE when the sun goes down... where will the other power come from to charge EV car batteries?
I need a "source" to figure it takes less money/energy to produce a solar panel than it will produce in it's 20 year life?

I have posted numerous LINKED thread starts that solar is now the cheapest energy?

The below data has links to support the fact that if 25% of all cars/trucks are EVs the USA will need 3.573 TRILLION MORE
kWh that will be consumed by those EVs.
Please would any of you supporters that tout the EVs please refute these facts?
View attachment 715852
Gotta love the dumb fuck Luddites on this board. By 2030, we could easily have the power for total EV vehicles.

It is estimated it would take 72 square miles of solar panels to power Los Angeles. There are 200 square miles of parking lots in LA;

Gotta love the dumb fuck Luddites on this board. By 2030, we could easily have the power for total EV vehicles.

Gotta laugh my head off at the stupid DUMB idiots like you that don't do one single proof of you comments!
How dumb can you be? NOT one shred of proof. ALL guesses.
NOW for proof!
YOU dummies just are GUESSING. NOT one of you are making any realistic statement.
By 2030 you dummies say we have the power for total EV vehicles.
HEY wake up! Today the 11,070 electric generating plants provide 4.1 Trillion or that's 376,244,806 kWh.
To generate all the electricity that all the cars in the USA Right now there are about 286 MILLION vehicles on the road
FACT: Today there are 37,900,000 Trucks...
SO dummies... EV cars get .346 kWh per mile.
If all 286 million cars were to drive the average today in a year which is 10,330 miles..
That would be 2,954,380,000,000 miles driven or at .346 kWh/mile would use: 1,022,215,480,000 kWh.
Now Dummies if all the trucks drove 84,433 miles that would be 3,200,000,000,000 miles!
Now you dummies don't follow facts but FACT is Trucks average use is 4.3 kWh for every mile
So you dummies: that would be 13,760,000,000,000 kWh.
FACTS dummies:How Many Miles Do Truckers Drive a Year?
AGAIN you idiots... the total kilowatt hours (kW) needed for EV cars & trucks as you idiot stated:
By 2030, we could easily have the power for total EV vehicles.
Total kWh: 18,947,245,480,000 kWh.... NOW for even more totally outrageous proof of you idiots:
Given today's average electric generating plant creates 376,244,806 kWh per year per plant...
YOU dummies you tell me where and who will pay to create 8,635 electric generating plants... in 7 years?
YOU dummies: It takes
Projects can take between 1 and 6 years for completion at a minimum, with some extending considerably further.
COST: 1.2 thousand U.S. dollars per kilowatt of capacity.Sep 22, 2022
Assuming 376,244,806 kWh is the average electric plant production times $1.2 per kW or $451,493,767/plant and
for 8,635 plants to do as you idiots said by 2030 provide for ALL EVs... Cost:$3,900,000,000,000...
But again you dummies have NO concept!
It is estimated it would take 72 square miles of solar panels to power Los Angeles. There are 200 square miles of parking lots in LA;

View attachment 717893
WHO says so that it will take 72 square miles to power LA?
FACT:Calculate how many solar panels you need for your home
Solar panels on average are about 3×5 feet in size and depending on how much energy you need them to produce
1 solar panel generates 1.22kWh/day
Customers in the City of Los Angeles consume electricity at a rate of approximately 22,000 gigawatt hours (gWh) per year (gWh/yr).https://planning.lacity.org/eir/StudioCity_SeniorLiving/DEIR/04-N.1_Utlities-Energy.pdf
So how many solar panels generating 335 kWh in a year to power LA's 22,000 gigawatts: 65,573,770 panels or
983,606,557 square feet or 35 square miles.
Oh by the way those 65,573,770 panels( Expect to pay about $250 per panel, on average, across the United States,) or
Who says there are There are 200 square miles of parking lots in LA;?
In the city of Los Angeles alone, a 2018 study by architectural firm Woods Bagot found, 27 square miles of land is devoted exclusively to surface-level parking lots. That's larger than the neighboring city of Pasadena.Sep 26, 202

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