$3.70+/gallon gas. Where's the same media outrage when gas was $1.89 under Bush?

It was almost $5 a gallon until the economy crashed under Bush

For a very short period of time. Gas has been expensive since early 2010.
Quite frankly, Obama's presence in the White House has very little to do with the spot market for gas and oil.
Where we can lay blame for higher energy prices is on policy.
Obama has two strikes against him...Keystone XL and his unleashing of the EPA on this country.
It was almost $5 a gallon until the economy crashed under Bush

For a very short period of time. Gas has been expensive since early 2010.
Quite frankly, Obama's presence in the White House has very little to do with the spot market for gas and oil.
Where we can lay blame for higher energy prices is on policy.
Obama has two strikes against him...Keystone XL and his unleashing of the EPA on this country.

Where we can lay blame for higher energy prices is on policy.

Even though we saw record low natural gas prices.

Obama has two strikes against him...Keystone XL and his unleashing of the EPA on this country.

The Koch pipeline is nothing more than a conduit for Canada to sell to China. B.C. told the centrals to fuck themselves when they tried to go west, so south it is. Pushed by still a Canadian Cruz, and his buddies Koch who kidnap people to hide their secrets.

Chevron refinery explosion, PG&E explosion, Koch pipeline explosion, now Washington State. Seems the EPA needs to kick some ASS.
Don't ask why the price of gas is so high or who is making all of that money off of the backs of the struggling poor. Just know that it's all Obama's fault.

You mean the rising prices due to the instability of the middle east cause by crappy foreign policy and a relunctance to get our own energy?

"Our own energy" is earmarked to pay down our debt to China.

Haven't you heard that the US is harvesting more domestic energy sources than ever before?

And yet gas prices are still going up?

So how does producing more domestic energy reduce oil prices? Wouldn't that have happened by now?
Not oil...Most of the domestic production is natural gas.
Plus, the harvested product has to be refined. And all during the process from well to market, prices are fluctuating on the global energy markets. Also, the US producers are being judicious in the production levels. Over production would lead to lower trade prices which would translate to lower profits. Lower profits mean leas production. That shuts down wells and loses jobs.
Who wouldn't like to see gas fall back under $2? But that is simply not practical. Perhaps if we were off foreign oil 100%, prices here would fall to round $70 per barrel. A price that many analysts believe it should be right now. For each $10 in the price of oil the equivalent is about 20 to 30 cents per gallon at the pump.
For now, oil and gasoline prices are subject to geopolitical pressures.
There is one other wrinkle...
Oil is the new 'hard currency' of the markets.
In the past, investors would run to the US Dollar as safe investment while other markets were less stable or losing value. Now, crude oil is the place to be.
Back in 2006 or so, a commodities analyst I saw on CNBC stated that as late as the 1990's there was about $15 billion invested by pension funds and other funds in the oil market. The rest of the money was speculative, day trading....By the mid 2000's there was over $300 billion in the oil markets. Same thing....Pension funds etc.
That kind of trading volume makes markets much more reactionary.
A lot of it has to do with geopolitical issues. MOst prevalent, unstable countries or those unfriendly( Russia) or hostile( most of the Middle East and Venezuela) driving the prices.
If we in the US were to harvest and sell to ourselves and our friends, prices would be much less valotile. Most likely we'd not see these 20 to 30 cent in a week price spikes.
It was almost $5 a gallon until the economy crashed under Bush
Bullshit. It peaked a little over $4 under Bush for a week or two, then it fell back down to under $2. After Obama took over, it rose steadily and hasn't been under $3 a gallon since. Right now, in So. Cal. it is almost $4 a gallon and rising.

Bush spent more than two weeks on his knees begging the Saudis to increase oil output.

And yet liberals from coast to coast bow to extreme environmentalist cocksuckers and parrot their ramblings about why we shouldn't drill for our own oil. Assuming your tripe is correct for one flashing moment... Would this NOT HAVE HAPPENED if we produced the vast majority of our own oil?
Bullshit. It peaked a little over $4 under Bush for a week or two, then it fell back down to under $2. After Obama took over, it rose steadily and hasn't been under $3 a gallon since. Right now, in So. Cal. it is almost $4 a gallon and rising.

Bush spent more than two weeks on his knees begging the Saudis to increase oil output.

And yet liberals from coast to coast bow to extreme environmentalist cocksuckers and parrot their ramblings about why we shouldn't drill for our own oil. Assuming your tripe is correct for one flashing moment... Would this NOT HAVE HAPPENED if we produced the vast majority of our own oil?
Regardless of how much oil is produced in the US, it will be sold based on the world oil price to highest bidder. Any attempt in the US to flood the market with oil and bring prices down would be met by production cuts in Arab oil production to stabilize price. Producing more oil in the US puts more revenue in the hands of US producer with little impact on the public other than any associated damage to the environment due to increase production.
$3.70+/gallon gas. Where's the same media outrage when gas was $1.89 under Bush? https://youtube.com/watch?v=Re72di5phM0
Why are you paying so much for gas?!?

It's beyond my control, I hope you realize I was using lower gas prices in my title. However, since you are obviously prodding with this reply, just for your info, on Columbus Ave and Mass Ave, it is currently $4.39 a gallon at Shell. Just thought I'd share that with you, and it also shows my fairness to Obama and Democrats by using the lowest price available instead of the highest price.

Syntaholic said:
Gas was $1.89 under Bush? When?

It was around November of 2008 when it was drastically lower than the summer of 2008. In spite of gas dropping from around $4.10/gallon in the summer of 08 to $1.89 around November of 08, the Democrat party's propaganda machine, the media still cried about how high gas prices were.

The day Clinton left office, gas was $1.09 here and $0.99 30 miles away in another state.

Gas was $1.09 when Clinton left office??? That's most interesting since your numbers conflict with eig.gov (U.S. Energy Information Administration)


Gas was over $1.40 when Clinton left office.

Along the way to Bush's $4.00+ gas in 2007 it obviously passed the $1.89 mark.

Gas was not as high as you stated in 2007. It peaked at around $3.20 in late spring headed into summer. How interesting you grossly understate the price under Bill Clinton, yet grossly exaggerate the prices under Bush. For your information, gas prices peaked at around $4.15 in the summer of 2008.

Furthermore; I noticed you chose the peak of Bush's gas prices at their highest cost. If you are going to compare prices by your standard: which is when Clinton left office, then you must compare it to when Bush left office. When Clinton left office....well, you saw the chart I posted, over $1.40 a gallon. When Bush left office, the national average was slightly above $1.60 a gallon.


Since Clinton and Bush have left office, from the price of gas after they left office, the cost of gas has been nowhere near what it was, it has been drastically higher. Under the village idiot, Obama, $3.50 is the new $1.40 - $1.60.
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Don't ask why the price of gas is so high or who is making all of that money off of the backs of the struggling poor. Just know that it's all Obama's fault.

yewh opec , russia and venezuela... we could do the keystone pipeline and have more and cheaper gas, but liberals want high gas prices so we can all be forced to take the bus, thanks libtards.
It was around November of 2008 when it was drastically lower than the summer of 2008. In spite of gas dropping from around $4.10/gallon in the summer of 08 to $1.89 around November of 08
It was $1.89 for such a short time in 2008 that the yearly average for 2008 was $3.26

Did you see the price for oil under Bush or did you just quote the lowest price Bush had in his term. And you do understand that Bush was a Big Oil Representative......(R)ight?


Bush had record high gas prices. But in order to look like a good gas President he used his business, big oil, to drop gas prices temporarily!

The argument that Bush caused the low gas prices is absolutely ignorance.

After we went to war with Iraq for no reason, they burned the oil fields.

The MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX wins. The American people lose.

Gas is traded by the USD today. It's called the Petrol Dollar. It's why the Federal Reserve can print so much money, we aren't working for it.

Basic politics
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Bush spent more than two weeks on his knees begging the Saudis to increase oil output.

And yet liberals from coast to coast bow to extreme environmentalist cocksuckers and parrot their ramblings about why we shouldn't drill for our own oil. Assuming your tripe is correct for one flashing moment... Would this NOT HAVE HAPPENED if we produced the vast majority of our own oil?
Regardless of how much oil is produced in the US, it will be sold based on the world oil price to highest bidder. Any attempt in the US to flood the market with oil and bring prices down would be met by production cuts in Arab oil production to stabilize price. Producing more oil in the US puts more revenue in the hands of US producer with little impact on the public other than any associated damage to the environment due to increase production.
If we extract as much as is possible, OPEC production cuts would only hurt themselves more than it would impact the global supply and price.
It was around November of 2008 when it was drastically lower than the summer of 2008. In spite of gas dropping from around $4.10/gallon in the summer of 08 to $1.89 around November of 08
It was $1.89 for such a short time in 2008 that the yearly average for 2008 was $3.26

The $1.89 figure is actually the skewed number. That was the average on Inauguration Day and that included inflated and tax-inflated prices in whacked out places like California, New York and Chevy Chase, MD.
Truth is the price dropped to the mid $1.30's through much of the middle of the country between Christmas and Jan 11. I drove cross country the week of Jan 11 and had to determine and gauge prices to fit my budget. The day I left the prices were in the $1.30's and $1.39 here in College Park, MD, in spite of ridiculous MD taxes. By the time I returned home three days after inauguration, the price was already $1.80. And it kept going up.
Obama and the green agenda have kept our economy in the hole and busted my budget.

Did you see the price for oil under Bush or did you just quote the lowest price Bush had in his term. And you do understand that Bush was a Big Oil Representative......(R)ight?


Bush had record high gas prices. But in order to look like a good gas President he used his business, big oil, to drop gas prices temporarily!

The argument that Bush caused the low gas prices is absolutely ignorance.


After we went to war with Iraq for no reason, they burned the oil fields.

The MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX wins. The American people lose.

Gas is traded by the USD today. It's called the Petrol Dollar. It's why the Federal Reserve can print so much money, we aren't working for it.

Basic politics

You mean Bush made gas prices go up so democrats could win the congress in 2006? You sound like an Obama sheeple.
Prices dropped because two major drilling moratoriums were lifted. One was an exec order Bush had the authority to invoke and the other more comprehensive ban was allowed to expire by congress at the end of Sept 2008.
Obama's pledges and actions to reinstate those moratoriums as well as increasing restrictions on fed land and denying new leases caused the price to spike and remain high. Obama and the green agenda are the politics causing the problem. That and morons who parrot bullshit that lefties tell them.

Did you see the price for oil under Bush or did you just quote the lowest price Bush had in his term. And you do understand that Bush was a Big Oil Representative......(R)ight?


Bush had record high gas prices. But in order to look like a good gas President he used his business, big oil, to drop gas prices temporarily!

The argument that Bush caused the low gas prices is absolutely ignorance.


After we went to war with Iraq for no reason, they burned the oil fields.

Bush was CLEARLY trying to show that he was the President of Low Gas prices. Gas Prices have NOTHING to do with being a President. Yet a certain few keep stating "want low gas prices, vote for the Bush priced gasoline"

Absolute ignorance of politics. Bush caused the rise in the cost of gas to begin with! Directed by the Federal Reserve and all the top Corporations

The MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX wins. The American people lose.

Gas is traded by the USD today. It's called the Petrol Dollar. It's why the Federal Reserve can print so much money, we aren't working for it.

Basic politics

You mean Bush made gas prices go up so democrats could win the congress in 2006? You sound like an Obama sheeple.
Prices dropped because two major drilling moratoriums were lifted. One was an exec order Bush had the authority to invoke and the other more comprehensive ban was allowed to expire by congress at the end of Sept 2008.
Obama's pledges and actions to reinstate those moratoriums as well as increasing restrictions on fed land and denying new leases caused the price to spike and remain high. Obama and the green agenda are the politics causing the problem. That and morons who parrot bullshit that lefties tell them.

If you are too bais to see the average margin in the gas price and call me the bias one you are clearly the sheep, not me.

I guess you think that Bush caused record high gas prices then had a record low dive just before election. But then it averaged out to what it was possibly going to, to begin with.

Learn charts.

(I even posted the chart and the small brains didn't see it! OMG! This doesn't mean I'm bias, it means I'm a learner! It doesn't mean OBAMA IS GOOD idiots!)
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Did you see the price for oil under Bush or did you just quote the lowest price Bush had in his term. And you do understand that Bush was a Big Oil Representative......(R)ight?


Bush had record high gas prices. But in order to look like a good gas President he used his business, big oil, to drop gas prices temporarily!

The argument that Bush caused the low gas prices is absolutely ignorance.


After we went to war with Iraq for no reason, they burned the oil fields.

The MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX wins. The American people lose.

Gas is traded by the USD today. It's called the Petrol Dollar. It's why the Federal Reserve can print so much money, we aren't working for it.

Basic politics

You mean Bush made gas prices go up so democrats could win the congress in 2006? You sound like an Obama sheeple.
Prices dropped because two major drilling moratoriums were lifted. One was an exec order Bush had the authority to invoke and the other more comprehensive ban was allowed to expire by congress at the end of Sept 2008.
Obama's pledges and actions to reinstate those moratoriums as well as increasing restrictions on fed land and denying new leases caused the price to spike and remain high. Obama and the green agenda are the politics causing the problem. That and morons who parrot bullshit that lefties tell them.

If you are too bais to see the average margin in the gas price and call me the bias one you are clearly the sheep, not me.

I guess you think that Bush caused record high gas prices then had a record low dive just before election. But then it averaged out to what it was possibly going to, to begin with.

Learn charts.

(I even posted the chart and the small brains didn't see it! OMG! This doesn't mean I'm bias, it means I'm a learner! It doesn't mean OBAMA IS GOOD idiots!)
Republicans lost the congress in 2006 in part due to rising gas prices. That blows your biased theory.
Now deal with the facts I presented as far as drilling restrictions, their alleviation under Bush and their reinstatement under Obama.
The green agenda is a political scam and has kept our economy in the hole.
You mean Bush made gas prices go up so democrats could win the congress in 2006? You sound like an Obama sheeple.
Prices dropped because two major drilling moratoriums were lifted. One was an exec order Bush had the authority to invoke and the other more comprehensive ban was allowed to expire by congress at the end of Sept 2008.
Obama's pledges and actions to reinstate those moratoriums as well as increasing restrictions on fed land and denying new leases caused the price to spike and remain high. Obama and the green agenda are the politics causing the problem. That and morons who parrot bullshit that lefties tell them.

If you are too bais to see the average margin in the gas price and call me the bias one you are clearly the sheep, not me.

I guess you think that Bush caused record high gas prices then had a record low dive just before election. But then it averaged out to what it was possibly going to, to begin with.

Learn charts.

(I even posted the chart and the small brains didn't see it! OMG! This doesn't mean I'm bias, it means I'm a learner! It doesn't mean OBAMA IS GOOD idiots!)
Republicans lost the congress in 2006 in part due to rising gas prices. That blows your biased theory.
Now deal with the facts I presented as far as drilling restrictions, their alleviation under Bush and their reinstatement under Obama.
The green agenda is a political scam and has kept our economy in the hole.

Holy crap this newbie didn't see the graph.......if they don't try, how can you even talk to them?
You mean Bush made gas prices go up so democrats could win the congress in 2006? You sound like an Obama sheeple.
Prices dropped because two major drilling moratoriums were lifted. One was an exec order Bush had the authority to invoke and the other more comprehensive ban was allowed to expire by congress at the end of Sept 2008.
Obama's pledges and actions to reinstate those moratoriums as well as increasing restrictions on fed land and denying new leases caused the price to spike and remain high. Obama and the green agenda are the politics causing the problem. That and morons who parrot bullshit that lefties tell them.

If you are too bais to see the average margin in the gas price and call me the bias one you are clearly the sheep, not me.

I guess you think that Bush caused record high gas prices then had a record low dive just before election. But then it averaged out to what it was possibly going to, to begin with.

Learn charts.

(I even posted the chart and the small brains didn't see it! OMG! This doesn't mean I'm bias, it means I'm a learner! It doesn't mean OBAMA IS GOOD idiots!)
Republicans lost the congress in 2006 in part due to rising gas prices. That blows your biased theory.
Now deal with the facts I presented as far as drilling restrictions, their alleviation under Bush and their reinstatement under Obama.
The green agenda is a political scam and has kept our economy in the hole.

Look at the gas prices graph..........................

Stop listening to Fox news and verify some facts for once PLEASE.

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