$3.70+/gallon gas. Where's the same media outrage when gas was $1.89 under Bush?

Did anyone look at the chart of historic prices? Seems pretty linear to me, more like inflation is at fault.
It was almost $5 a gallon until the economy crashed under Bush
Bullshit. It peaked a little over $4 under Bush for a week or two, then it fell back down to under $2. After Obama took over, it rose steadily and hasn't been under $3 a gallon since. Right now, in So. Cal. it is almost $4 a gallon and rising.

It steadily rose during the Bush years, until the crash. Then after a short time with Obama in office it came right back up.

Here are some easy to read charts

Gasoline Price History
Here's a challenge... analyze the politics and economics of 1995 America and make the argument for a return to $1.00/gallon gasoline.

You only need to return to 2001 to see gas prices near $1. With expanded trade with Indian and China and their expanding economies buying up oil and putting the squeeze on supply the price went up. We didn't keep pace with the demand and here we are.

So the average price of gas more than tripled during the Bush presidency. He was a failure as a President as well as an Oil man.
It was almost $5 a gallon until the economy crashed under Bush

Where are your facts?
Here look at the REAL statistics OK???

$Screen Shot 2014-04-04 at 10.25.05 AM.png

Historical Gas Price Charts - GasBuddy.com

WHERE was it EVER "Almost $5 a gallon"?

Plus NOT ONE TIME EVER did GWB say...
Obama has Obama says..I'd like higher gas prices, just not so quickly" LiveLeak.com - Obama: Id like higher gas prices, just not so quickly
Or why did Obama hire this idiot...his Energy secretary Chu, who said in 2008
“Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”
Now you have to be honest... WHICH president seemed intent on raising gas prices and hired people who also wanted higher gas prices?

And don't give the excuse well we have fight global warming... crap!
The truth is Obama wants higher gas prices!
No, that's democrat bullshit. Manipulators wouldn't fix things so the price drops 70%.
It's about supply (including potential supply) and demand. India and China increased demand at the same time the green agenda was working to stifle supply. And they still do, thanks obama the hack.

You are a complete moron. OPEC keeps the supply going just enough to keep the prices sky high. Obama proved that he has no control over the oil prices when he dumped the oil reserves into the market a little while back. Crude prices plunged, so to counter big oil shut off the spigots to keep the prices up.

There is nothing that will bring prices down besides breaking up OPEC or becoming energy independent, not at the mercy of hostile nations and lunatics like the Koch's.

Wrong. Domestic extraction and even the potential for enhanced extraction will affect the global market and thereby the price will drop just like it did in July 2008 and even more so after the comprehensive offshore moratorium expired at the end of Sept 2008. The price dropped to less than $50/barrel at that point but in steps the hack president and his pledge to reinstate the moratorium in addition to restricting new leases and leases on fed land and, voila, high prices were back.
Obama's energy policy has kept this economy in the hole.

The price didn't drop dramatically until after October. It was because of the near collapse of the global economy. Refineries had a glut and were buying half a much crude. Demand effected supply and the prices dropped.
You are a complete moron. OPEC keeps the supply going just enough to keep the prices sky high. Obama proved that he has no control over the oil prices when he dumped the oil reserves into the market a little while back. Crude prices plunged, so to counter big oil shut off the spigots to keep the prices up.

There is nothing that will bring prices down besides breaking up OPEC or becoming energy independent, not at the mercy of hostile nations and lunatics like the Koch's.

Wrong. Domestic extraction and even the potential for enhanced extraction will affect the global market and thereby the price will drop just like it did in July 2008 and even more so after the comprehensive offshore moratorium expired at the end of Sept 2008. The price dropped to less than $50/barrel at that point but in steps the hack president and his pledge to reinstate the moratorium in addition to restricting new leases and leases on fed land and, voila, high prices were back.
Obama's energy policy has kept this economy in the hole.

The price didn't drop dramatically until after October. It was because of the near collapse of the global economy. Refineries had a glut and were buying half a much crude. Demand effected supply and the prices dropped.

NO ONE seems to recognize the event that occurred 9/18/2008...
On Thursday (Sept 18), at 11am the Federal Reserve noticed a tremendous draw-down of money market accounts in the U.S., to the tune of $550 billion was being drawn out in the matter of an hour or two. The Treasury opened up its window to help and pumped a $105 billion in the system and quickly realized that they could not stem the tide. We were having an electronic run on the banks. They decided to close the operation, close down the money accounts and announce a guarantee of $250,000 per account so there wouldn't be further panic out there.

If they had not done that, their estimation is that by 2pm that afternoon, $5.5 trillion would have been drawn out of the money market system of the U.S., would have collapsed the entire economy of the U.S., and within 24 hours the world economy would have collapsed. It would have been the end of our economic system and our political system as we know it.
Zero Hedge: How The World Almost Came To An End At 2PM On September 18
It was almost $5 a gallon until the economy crashed under Bush

Another democrat dupe.
Gas peaked at $4.14 and then dropped immediately upon Bush's reversal of an exec order drilling ban put in place by his old man in 1991 and renewed by Clinton in 1999. After that reversal the price dropped $.40/gallon in July and August at the peak of demand. After congress agreed to allow the more comprehensive drilling ban to expire in September with a postponement of renewal until the following spring, the price dropped to the mid $1.30's in the middle of the country. That was a week before obama's inauguration. Within a year, the price under Obama had more than doubled with no complaint from media.
Everyone has thrown away an average of $2 for every gallon of gas purchased under this admin. Factor in increased utility costs and consumer goods price increases all due to obama energy policy forcing energy prices up and the average US household has lost $8000 annually. That's $1.2 trillion our economy loses every year under Obama.
Another mindless Wing-nut dupe.
Bush's token repeal of the drilling ban was completely meaningless because the Congressional ban was not lifted, so nothing changed, drilling was STILL banned.

The price was driven up by speculators expecting war between Israel and Iran. If you remember, that was when Iran was testing missiles capable of reaching Israel after Israel conducted provocative military exercises. When the saber-rattling stopped the price came down. Bush was nothing more than a bystander!

Iran Test-Fires Missiles in Response to Israeli, U.S. 'Threats' | Fox News

Published July 09, 2008

TEHRAN, Iran – Iran test-fired nine long- and medium-range missiles Wednesday during war games to "demonstrate our resolve and might against enemies who in recent weeks have threatened Iran with harsh language," a top Iranian general said of perceived U.S. and Israeli threats.
"Our hands are always on the trigger and our missiles are ready for launch," the official IRNA news agency quoted Gen. Hossein Salami, the air force commander of Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards.

Officials told FOX News on Wednesday the missile test is a "clear response" to recent Israeli military exercises and they are investigating whether the missiles can, in fact, reach Israeli and other targets in the region, as Tehran claims.
It was almost $5 a gallon until the economy crashed under Bush
WHERE was it EVER "Almost $5 a gallon"?

CA Station Sells Gas For $5 A Gallon


Gas prices in California are at an all-time high. The statewide average price for a gallon of regular is now 58 cents more per gallon, than the same time last year.
But, there is one place on the Central Coast where you can expect to pay more than $5 a gallon. The Americo gas station in the tiny coastal town of Gorda, about 40 miles south of Big Sur, is selling gasoline for $5.19 a gallon for regular, and $5.39 for premium.
Bullshit. It peaked a little over $4 under Bush for a week or two, then it fell back down to under $2. After Obama took over, it rose steadily and hasn't been under $3 a gallon since. Right now, in So. Cal. it is almost $4 a gallon and rising.

Yeah. I remember that. The economy was in such a nose dive that nobody was spending money or going anywhere and the it did cause the price of gasoline to go down for a while. Those were some great times.

Wrong. The price dropped because of the expiration of the offshore moratorium.
Please explain how that could be since the moratorium was never lifted by Congress. Bush's token EO was meaningless, and you know it!

Again, speculators drove the price up based on the threat of war between Israel and Iran. When the threat lessened the price came down.
$3.70+/gallon gas. Where's the same media outrage when gas was $1.89 under Bush?

Gas was $1.89 under Bush? When?

The day Clinton left office, gas was $1.09 here and $0.99 30 miles away in another state. Along the way to Bush's $4.00+ gas in 2007 it obviously passed the $1.89 mark. Is that what you mean? And were the media outraged over that? :dunno:
The average yearly price for gas was $1.85 in 2004. In Bush's last year the yearly average price for gas was $3.26 in 2008. What the Right does is take the price after Bush crashed the world economy and pretends gas was that price for the entire Bush Regime. The yearly average price of gas rose throughout most of the Bush years.

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The main question is the consumption of gasoline in USA has gone up or down ??
No, that's democrat bullshit. Manipulators wouldn't fix things so the price drops 70%.
It's about supply (including potential supply) and demand. India and China increased demand at the same time the green agenda was working to stifle supply. And they still do, thanks obama the hack.

You are a complete moron. OPEC keeps the supply going just enough to keep the prices sky high. Obama proved that he has no control over the oil prices when he dumped the oil reserves into the market a little while back. Crude prices plunged, so to counter big oil shut off the spigots to keep the prices up.

There is nothing that will bring prices down besides breaking up OPEC or becoming energy independent, not at the mercy of hostile nations and lunatics like the Koch's.

Wrong. Domestic extraction and even the potential for enhanced extraction will affect the global market and thereby the price will drop just like it did in July 2008 and even more so after the comprehensive offshore moratorium expired at the end of Sept 2008. The price dropped to less than $50/barrel at that point but in steps the hack president and his pledge to reinstate the moratorium in addition to restricting new leases and leases on fed land and, voila, high prices were back.
Obama's energy policy has kept this economy in the hole.

What in the world makes you believe that any oil company wants to see prices drop? It doesn't matter if it's the countries that have the oil reserves or the oil companies themselves, none of them want to see cheap oil prices. The things some of you believe are just bewildering, yet you will continue to blame Obama for high gas prices. :cuckoo:
You are a complete moron. OPEC keeps the supply going just enough to keep the prices sky high. Obama proved that he has no control over the oil prices when he dumped the oil reserves into the market a little while back. Crude prices plunged, so to counter big oil shut off the spigots to keep the prices up.

There is nothing that will bring prices down besides breaking up OPEC or becoming energy independent, not at the mercy of hostile nations and lunatics like the Koch's.

Wrong. Domestic extraction and even the potential for enhanced extraction will affect the global market and thereby the price will drop just like it did in July 2008 and even more so after the comprehensive offshore moratorium expired at the end of Sept 2008. The price dropped to less than $50/barrel at that point but in steps the hack president and his pledge to reinstate the moratorium in addition to restricting new leases and leases on fed land and, voila, high prices were back.
Obama's energy policy has kept this economy in the hole.

What in the world makes you believe that any oil company wants to see prices drop? It doesn't matter if it's the countries that have the oil reserves or the oil companies themselves, none of them want to see cheap oil prices. The things some of you believe are just bewildering, yet you will continue to blame Obama for high gas prices. :cuckoo:

Yep. We start pumping more oil out of the ground here and the Saudis start pumping less to keep the price where it is.
$3.70+/gallon gas. Where's the same media outrage when gas was $1.89 under Bush?

Gas was $1.89 under Bush? When?

The day Clinton left office, gas was $1.09 here and $0.99 30 miles away in another state. Along the way to Bush's $4.00+ gas in 2007 it obviously passed the $1.89 mark. Is that what you mean? And were the media outraged over that? :dunno:
The average yearly price for gas was $1.85 in 2004. In Bush's last year the yearly average price for gas was $3.26 in 200. What the Right does is take the price after Bush crashed the world economy and pretends gas was that price for the entire Bush Regime. The yearly average price of gas rose throughout most of the Bush years.


Oh Christ, you are killing us with facts and rationale. Please stop it. We only want 30 second sound bites.
I have been paying $4.00 or more forever now.
And not one word from the Obama ball lickers on this site being critical
of this administration.But when Bush was in office the Democrats
cried and pissed and moaned when the price at the pump went up a nickel.

What a bunch of hypocrites.
It was almost $5 a gallon until the economy crashed under Bush
Bullshit. It peaked a little over $4 under Bush for a week or two, then it fell back down to under $2. After Obama took over, it rose steadily and hasn't been under $3 a gallon since. Right now, in So. Cal. it is almost $4 a gallon and rising.

It steadily rose during the Bush years, until the crash. Then after a short time with Obama in office it came right back up.

Here are some easy to read charts

Gasoline Price History
And the trend has been down since the summer of 2012


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