$3.70+/gallon gas. Where's the same media outrage when gas was $1.89 under Bush?

It was almost $5 a gallon until the economy crashed under Bush
Bullshit. It peaked a little over $4 under Bush for a week or two, then it fell back down to under $2. After Obama took over, it rose steadily and hasn't been under $3 a gallon since. Right now, in So. Cal. it is almost $4 a gallon and rising.

Bush spent more than two weeks on his knees begging the Saudis to increase oil output.
How does the Keystone XL pipeline reduce gas prices for America if it ships Canadian oil to China?

They will be shipping finished petroleum products which create American jobs and increases the world supply of gas, supply goes up, price goes down. Econ 101.

LOL keep telling yourself that. OPEC controls the prices and they keep them at one place, sky high. Why would they do something that would directly lower their profits? Econ 101.
$3.70+/gallon gas. Where's the same media outrage when gas was $1.89 under Bush?

Gas was $1.89 under Bush? When?

The day Clinton left office, gas was $1.09 here and $0.99 30 miles away in another state. Along the way to Bush's $4.00+ gas in 2007 it obviously passed the $1.89 mark. Is that what you mean? And were the media outraged over that? :dunno:
Could anyone explain to me why such a useful and valuable commodity should be cheap as dirt?

Our economy moves on it, the higher fuel is the slower the economy moves, the mulatto messiah has yet to recognize that fact.

Thanks for sharing your ignorance with the group.


The issue of gas prices has not only been misunderstood but thoroughly distorted by relentless ideological spin from industry and its political allies, mainly Republican. Hardly a day goes by that some industry cheerleader somewhere — be it Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana or Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma — does not flay President Obama for driving up oil prices by denying the industry access to oil and gas deposits and imposing ruinous environmental rules. Senator John Barrasso, a Wyoming Republican, said last week that Mr. Obama should be held “fully responsible for what the American public is paying for gasoline....”

...But the fundamental truth is that those prices are tied to the price of oil, set by world markets....

...Because oil is a global commodity, increasing domestic production will do very little to bring down retail prices, although it does help narrow the trade deficit as America spends less on imports. On this score, America is doing much better than the Republicans will admit. In 2005, oil imports accounted for nearly 60 percent of America’s daily consumption. In 2010, for the first time in recent memory, imports were less than half of consumption, and last year, imports were only 45 percent — 8.6 million barrels a day of the 19 million consumed...
Because all the easy reserves of oil are disappearing, the oil that is left is costing more to find and extract, and at the same time demand is increasing dramatically due to millions of new drivers in China and India, but most of you believe the price should be coming down. It shows just how little you understand about anything.
The price of gasoline is determined by supply & demand.

Americans drive overly large cars, drive too much, and use mass transport too little.

So the next time you drive a couple of miles in order to idle for 15 minutes in a Micky Ds drive-thru, waiting on your cheap-o, carb-heavy breakfast, in your gas guzzling pickup truck , take a moment to blame yourself for the price of gas.

No, it's driven by manipulation, much like the QE of the stock market! We're using less gas, and even EXPORTING it, the price should have dropped....can you, with that 2 digit IQ, tell us why?

futures market......secure location of area under production and possible disruptions, production quantity of crude(Sweet or light) per month, production quantity of refined products, estimated sales and level of surplus..quarter reports of health of economy announced by fed and reactions on Wall Street to reports..

No, that's democrat bullshit. Manipulators wouldn't fix things so the price drops 70%.
It's about supply (including potential supply) and demand. India and China increased demand at the same time the green agenda was working to stifle supply. And they still do, thanks obama the hack.
No, it's driven by manipulation, much like the QE of the stock market! We're using less gas, and even EXPORTING it, the price should have dropped....can you, with that 2 digit IQ, tell us why?

futures market......secure location of area under production and possible disruptions, production quantity of crude(Sweet or light) per month, production quantity of refined products, estimated sales and level of surplus..quarter reports of health of economy announced by fed and reactions on Wall Street to reports..

No, that's democrat bullshit. Manipulators wouldn't fix things so the price drops 70%.
It's about supply (including potential supply) and demand. India and China increased demand at the same time the green agenda was working to stifle supply. And they still do, thanks obama the hack.

You are a complete moron. OPEC keeps the supply going just enough to keep the prices sky high. Obama proved that he has no control over the oil prices when he dumped the oil reserves into the market a little while back. Crude prices plunged, so to counter big oil shut off the spigots to keep the prices up.

There is nothing that will bring prices down besides breaking up OPEC or becoming energy independent, not at the mercy of hostile nations and lunatics like the Koch's.
futures market......secure location of area under production and possible disruptions, production quantity of crude(Sweet or light) per month, production quantity of refined products, estimated sales and level of surplus..quarter reports of health of economy announced by fed and reactions on Wall Street to reports..

No, that's democrat bullshit. Manipulators wouldn't fix things so the price drops 70%.
It's about supply (including potential supply) and demand. India and China increased demand at the same time the green agenda was working to stifle supply. And they still do, thanks obama the hack.

You are a complete moron. OPEC keeps the supply going just enough to keep the prices sky high. Obama proved that he has no control over the oil prices when he dumped the oil reserves into the market a little while back. Crude prices plunged, so to counter big oil shut off the spigots to keep the prices up.

There is nothing that will bring prices down besides breaking up OPEC or becoming energy independent, not at the mercy of hostile nations and lunatics like the Koch's.

Wrong. Domestic extraction and even the potential for enhanced extraction will affect the global market and thereby the price will drop just like it did in July 2008 and even more so after the comprehensive offshore moratorium expired at the end of Sept 2008. The price dropped to less than $50/barrel at that point but in steps the hack president and his pledge to reinstate the moratorium in addition to restricting new leases and leases on fed land and, voila, high prices were back.
Obama's energy policy has kept this economy in the hole.
How does the Keystone XL pipeline reduce gas prices for America if it ships Canadian oil to China?

They will be shipping finished petroleum products which create American jobs and increases the world supply of gas, supply goes up, price goes down. Econ 101.

LOL keep telling yourself that. OPEC controls the prices and they keep them at one place, sky high. Why would they do something that would directly lower their profits? Econ 101.

STILL an idiot, I see.
It was pleasant around here for a while.

Historical Gas Price Charts - GasBuddy.com
Oil man Obama spiking prices to get kick backs from the Gas companies.................

Nope, you don't hear them saying jack squat about Obama.............because they only care about Party and NOT COUNTRY.
You people are nut balls. A couple of months ago gas was around $3 per gallon. Did we hear any praise? Did we hear "Thank you Obama?" The only time we hear from you fruit cakes is when you want to bitch. Kiss my brown spot.
I doubt anyone wants to kiss you on your mouth but Obama has not been a friend to the petroleum industry, gas almost always goes down in winter and up in summer with demand. We need to be more independant so we can have a greater influence over pricing.

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